Exciting Catch | By : GabrielC Category: Transformers > Transformers: Animated > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 3313 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers and make no profit from writing this. |
A/N: Drug use and abuse. Abuse mental and physical, noncon and violence all appear in this chapter as well as a healthy dose of angst
Byte: Stimulant highly addictive and dangerous
RAM: Aphrodisiac
A Dish Best Served
Lockdown took one last look at the directions Blackarachnia had given him. This was the place. His red optics scanned the scrap metal plant and abandoned warehouse with suspicion, didn't look like much but then a lowlife like Oilslick would always choose to maintain a low profile, especially given his business practices. Lockdown let out a low growl, the mech probably made Byte right here and shipped it out under the guise of scrap metal recycling.
Lockdown was no fool; Oilslick was also a careful mech. There was no way he would be able to walk in the front door. The green mech grinned darkly as he scaled the back wall of the warehouse using all the ninja training his memory files would allow. When he was a student of Yoketron, Lockdown had been one of the best at using the shadows and unnatural darkness of enclosed spaces, there was no mech better at sneaking in. It had proven very worthwhile in his exploits as a bounty hunter and Lockdown had every intention of using it to his advantage now.
He slid into the upper vent on the roof and dropped lightly onto the dusty floor. Despite his large frame, Lockdown made no sound and immediately followed the shape of the room, keeping himself invisible from the red light of the cameras, blinking at him from all four corners of the warehouse. Mistake number one Oilslick, he thought to himself. Why would there be any cameras focused on the interior of an abandoned warehouse?
"Lesson one, never advertise your position." Lockdown muttered to himself, his mind drifting back to Yoketron's teachings. A pang of guilt washed over him as he thought of his old sensei, that was something else that Prowl held over his head. "One thing at a time Lockdown, one thing at a time." He told himself, returning his focus to the current problem he was handling.
Using the dark shadowy corners Lockdown spied what he was looking for. Glancing around, Lockdown gently tugged the latch and lifted the large metal sheet from the floor. Shining down a light, he smiled at the staircase leading into the floor. Taking another look around, Lockdown headed down the steps, lowering the metal sheet over his head.
He headed into the darkness, switching to night vision he could make out a neat room with a single energy signature. "Just as Trixie said." Lockdown smirked and switched off the scanner mod on his arm. Switching on his headlights he worked the small console and a shining blue orb burst into life. "Well, well, well a compact space bridge. Oilslick ya've been a sneaky mech. No doubt from the double crosser Swindle." He mused to himself, making a mental note to deal with his wayward business partner later.
He programmed the console to shut off after one jump and stepped into the vortex. His optics adjusted quickly when he materialised in a bright, clinical looking laboratory. Now this was more like it. Lockdown peeked out of the large shaded window. The streets of Kaon bustled right outside the mirrored window, nobody could see in, probably had no idea a Byte manufacturing facility was even there, right under their noses.
Lockdown cracked the joints of his hand and took a seat. All he had to do now was wait, more than enough time to focus on the absolute rage burning in his spark. Now he had nothing else to focus on, Lockdown passed the time by counting the many different ways he knew of how to dismember a mech and intended on using at least half of them.
Inamorato was busy, it was always the case on match days. The gladitorial arena was proving popular and with it came increased business. For this Prowl was grateful. Work kept him busy and the busier he was the less chance he would have to dwell on his troubled thoughts. Even meditation wasn't helping him, his mind too cluttered with thoughts of the past, of the present and Lockdown.
Prowl tensed at the thought of the bounty hunter. He'd never seen Lockdown get so worked up as he was the night Prowl let slip a little truth about his affiliation with Oilslick. In truth Prowl was mortified that Oilslick had insinuated anything, once again opening doors to the past, just as he promised he would. He always found him, he was always there in the background lurking. It was only since dying, twice, that Prowl had truly come to appreciate his life and that had meant reintegrating that darker part of himself that he'd hidden and buried for so long.
He had done many things for Oilslick and had suffered at the mech's cruel form of appreciation too. He was scarred and he knew it, he wasn't really sure he could let a mech like Lockdown get close. He was so similar to Oilslick in so many ways, but there was something else about Lockdown, something that Prowl felt drawn to. A deeper sense of honour resided within the spike armoured mech, a certain degree of morality, but then he was still a killer, a bounty hunter. Prowl fought hard to keep that cold truth at the fore front of his processor. No matter what he may or may not be feeling towards the gruff mech, that truth couldn't ever be erased. Prowl knew this from personal experience, he knew it very well.
At this point Prowl wasn't certain that he ever wanted to see Lockdown again, if only to give him a little bit of peace of mind that he wasn't the cause of Lockdown's obvious emotional confusion. If they didn't see each other then feelings would fade right? That's how it was supposed to work.
Prowl glanced towards the door, Blackout was laughing heartily with a customer while still maintaining a wary vigil. He noticed Barricade sat not so far away, he was well aware they were in a relationship and the smaller mech was fiercely protective of Blackout. He sat close enough to the 'copter to be in his presence, his head buried in a datapad, but not close enough that he was intruding or interfering with Blackout's job as a bouncer.
Prowl frowned, Blackout had been asked to cover the door for Lugnut this evening, they really were that short staffed. Soon he would be teaming up with Lockdown who had gotten the vacant bouncer position. Prowl's tanks lurched, he would be this close to the green mech every evening. He suddenly felt a need to be somewhere else, to escape the pressure that the very building seemed to be exuding upon him. Prowl gritted his denta and turned away from the door to focus on organising the drinks. He needed to regain some control, some perspective. He needed to get away.
Prowl's face twisted into a scowl when his thoughts were rudely interrupted by a cheerful voice demanding his attention.
“Prowl ya need a break, I can feel the tension from over here.”
“I’m perfectly fine thankyou.” Prowl responded tartly.
Jazz shot Optimus a look and the larger mech shrugged. “Come on, we know there’s somethin’ on yer processor. We just don’t want ya to bottle it up and hide away from us. We’re yer friends Prowl.” The white ninja drummed his fingers impatiently on the bar counter, prompting a stern glare from Prowl.
“We only want to help.” Optimus added somewhat nervously.
Prowl sighed and turned to face his two friends. “Did Arcee send you?”
Optimus rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly before Jazz jumped in. “Nah, she just said ya’ve been workin’ too hard and she was a bit worried about ya.”
Prowl’s small mouth pursed in disapproval. Jazz noticed his hands were forever cleaning something or rearranging the drinks’ containers. “She shouldn’t have called you.”
“Is this about Lockdown?” Jazz asked darkly, his optics narrowing behind his visor when Prowl froze.
“Jazz!” Optimus hissed, quickly taking a seat beside the tactless ninja.
“What? Mech’s bad news.” He turned back to Prowl and frowned at the rigid posture of his fellow ninja. “She told us he’d got a job here and that ya might not be feelin’ too hot about it. Apparently ya’ve been pretty sour with everyone since he…”
“It’s got nothing to do with Lockdown!” Prowl snapped, averting his optics from the startled looks of his now worried friends. “It’s just… I don’t want to talk about it.” He finished quietly.
“I can dig it.” Jazz held up his hands. “But ya still owe us some time, we came all this way. How about indulgin’ us with some mid-grade and sharin’ it on yer break?”
Prowl opened his mouth to protest but guilt formed, at Jazz’s warm smile and Optimus’s hopeful optics, won out. They had come all that way just for him after all, it would be rude now to just turn them away and he suddenly felt the need for a break. Since Lockdown had left three solar cycles previous, he’d worked every shift and more, just to distract himself. He’d barely recharged and right now he was burnt out.
“Why don’t you gentlemechs enjoy the rest of the evening?” Arcee’s sweet voice piped up from across the room, her sugar pink frame heading towards them demurely. She never failed to attract the optics of many a guest as she past, Jazz and Optimus included. She smiled up at Prowl and placed an understanding hand on his arm. “You’re stressed.”
“I’m fine.” Prowl began to insist.
Arcee laughed. “Even Chromia’s avoiding you.”
Prowl quirked an orbital ridge. “That’s no bad thing.” He mumbled.
“I’m sure it isn’t, but I don’t want to be responsible for my staff overworking themselves. Take the rest of the evening. Just clean up when you’re done. Ok sweetie?”
“I insist.” She whipped off the red satin apron with a sharp flick of her wrist, ignoring the indignant squeak from the black and gold ninja. “Now get.”
Prowl managed a half-hearted scowl as the small femme bodily pushed him from behind the bar. Jazz grinned and grabbed his arm. He led him to a quiet booth that Optimus has already reserved and handed him one of three waiting cubes of energon. “Drink up Prowl, we’re not leaving until we get ya to unwind for at least a cycle.”
The darker ninja took the offered seat beside Optimus and heaved a sigh. “I really should stop telling my friends where I work.” He sipped the mid-grade. “They’re a bad influence.”
Jazz’s grin widened at Prowl’s tiny amused smirk. He raised his cube. “That we are mech, that we are. Cheers.”
Oilslick entered his lab feeling rather pleased with himself. Blackarachnia had told him the deed was done and in return, he’d told her what he knew of Starscream, which in a pure twist of irony he’d actually found out from Lockdown, before their business relationship had soured.
He curled his upper lip in disdain. Once again that young Autobot had come between him and the success of his business. Oilslick in his error hadn’t realised the extent of Lockdown’s feelings for the elusive ninjabot and in telling him of his past affiliation with Prowl, he had inadvertently ruined the chances of a profitable collaboration.
He flexed his long fingers and clenched them into fists in frustration. Lockdown had no idea what he’d passed up. The profits from trading Byte would have given the foolish mech enough credits to pay off his debts and get the Death’s Head repaired and space worthy again.
Oilslick shook his head, closing the hidden door neatly behind him. The fool had instead chosen to listen to his spark rather than his processor and that had cost Oilslick a great deal of credit. When Lockdown refused his generous offer, he’d had to search out another means to export Byte, which had taken both time and money and all because of that fraggin’ ninjabot. A soft growl rattled through Oilslick’s chest as he entered the brightly lit lab. He couldn’t wait to get Prowl back in his clutches, the Autobot had made a deal with him a long time ago and Oilslick never forgot his contracts and nor did he ever break them. Prowl owed him a lot and Oilslick had every intention of collecting.
His processor still firmly locked in thoughts of reclaiming his lost, wayward property; Oilslick did not notice his visitor.
“Nice den ya got.”
Oilslick froze to the spot at the sound of that familiar drawl, tinged with something else, something darker.
“Things I could do with a set up like this.” Lockdown mused. His red optics focused on Oilslick and a sneer spread across his mouth. “Did ya learn nothing from ya time with ol’ Yoketron Oilslick?” He pushed himself to his feet and took a step forward.
Oilslick instinctively took a step back, his hands scrabbling behind him for the door handle.
“Mistake number two. Never enter a room without checkin’ out yer surroundings first.”
Oilslick had no time to react as Lockdown snarled and lunged for him with surprising speed. Oilslick choked and his vocaliser emitted a burst of static as he was slammed into the door a strong hand gripping his throat.
“What have ya got against me huh?!” Lockdown growled. “And what the fuck did ya do to Prowl?!” Oilslick squirmed and gagged as Lockdown squeezed.
“Gaacckk…you’re… accckk… a means to an… end” He managed to choke out, red optics meeting Lockdown’s. “Not interested… guuhh… in spark led fools…”
Lockdown snarled and flipped Oilslick onto a workbench, his back landed with a satisfying crack, glassware and chemicals spraying across the immaculate floor. “What end?!”
Oilslick’s chest heaved, his processor frantically trying to recall any of his training that he had sorely neglected and Lockdown clearly hadn’t. First rule: wait. Let your opponent show his weakness.
“Prowl.” He stuttered, the vice like hold not once releasing its crushing hold of his vocaliser.
Lockdown frowned and heaved Oilslick up to meet his furious glare. “What the fuck do ya want with him, haven’t ya done enough?!” His voice was low, dangerous.
Bingo. Oilslick played it cool, well as cool as one could while being kept in a strangle hold. Prowl was Lockdown’s weakness, he should have known. Second rule: press the advantage.
“Owes me…” He gasped weakly; the tight grip around his throat restricted energon to his cortex and was beginning to affect his vision. He had to stay online, there was a very strong possibility that if he didn’t handle Lockdown - in the emotional state he was in - correctly, he would end up dead. Dead was not conducive to Oilslick’s business plans. Dead was the last thing he wanted to be.
“He doesn’t owe ya shit! Not after what ya did to him!” Lockdown drew back, his processor struggling to come up with any reason why Prowl would owe Oilslick. “I should just slag ya right here. Don’t think anyone would miss ya all that much and it will get ya off Prowl’s back.”
Oilslick winced as cabling in his neck snapped. “I… have… friends.”
“Yeah? Well so do I.” He held up his sharpened hook. “Comes with me everywhere, now which optic should he take out first?”
Oilslick shrank back into the bench. Press the advantage. He met Lockdowns intense red optics. “You don’t… know him… like I do.” He snarled
He snarled and twisted his slender frame sharply. Mustering all of his strength Oilslick lifted his knee and felt his armour crunch against Lockdown's less protected side. The green mech grunted and flinched in pain momentarily relaxing his grip on Oilslick's narrow throat.
A moment was all Oilslick needed, lifting both knees and digging his heels into Lockdown's mid section the lithe mech grabbed Lockdown's collar fairing and rolled backwards sending the unbalanced mech toppling over his head. Lockdown let out a roar of frustration and spun round, lowered into a ready crouch he eyed Oilslick with narrow optics.
"I don't want to know him like you do." Lockdown growled with menace, drawing a blade from his armour and readying himself another strike.
Oilslick stood ready, his stance strong. "Oh? I thought you'd appreciate the uses of a pleasure bot." He sneered at the angry threatening glare on the white face and pushed further. "You have no idea what you're missing."
"Ya better watch ya fraggin’ mouth." Lockdown hissed, gripping his blade tighter.
Oilslick's mouth widened into a leer. "He's quite the whore of a 'bot." He bit his lower lip suggestively. "Just needs a little push... now and then." He grinned darkly and tensed.
Lockdown shook with rage, just the thought of Oilslick with... it didn't bare thinking about. "GaaaAAHH!!" He sprang forward clashing violently with the thinner mech. Their hands and legs were a flurry of movement. They struck and parried move after move, one countering the other with a skill that only came with years of specialised training.
"Ya forced him ya worthless piece of scrap!" Lockdown roared sending a solid punch into Oilslick's helm. The narrow visage snapped back with a loud crack and Oilslick was sent careening across one of his benches. Mixtures of raw and processed Byte splattered onto the floor staining Oilslick's dark frame with bright blue.
He grasped a slender metal vial and with surprising grace flipped himself up and over the bench, landing a kick squarely in Lockdown's chest. Armour around the impact splintered and cracked under the force and Lockdown flew into the adjacent wall. "You're a fool if you think Prowl is the poor innocent mech he lets you believe."
Lockdown cried out as he slammed into the wall, Oilslick snarled and pinned the bounty hunter by holding a needle of raw unprocessed Byte to the throat. "That 'bot has a dark streak that would send a chill down even your back struts." He hissed, pressing all of his weight into Lockdown's injured chest.
"Still... doesn't excuse what ya did to him." Lockdown rasped painfully.
Oilslick smirked. "Oh Primus bless your naïveté." He rolled his optics, his voice taking on a decidedly darker tone. "It's not rape if he doesn't say no."
"Yer a filthy...ya drugged him!!" Lockdown squirmed only to gasp in pain when Oilslick pressed harder into his chest, the point of the needle scraping through his armour plating.
"Let me make one thing perfectly clear..."
"Where have you been?" Oilslick didn't even look at Prowl when he entered the room.
"Fixing the deal, like you asked me to." The slim 'bot poured himself some energon, his back to Oilslick.
"Why is it then that my client called me personally to confirm, after you had left him?"
Prowl turned to face him and shrugged. "Courtesy?"
Oilslick's optics narrowed as Prowl turned and walked away from him. "So, why was that over two cycles ago?"
Prowl glanced over his shoulder. "I was busy."
"You were... busy?" Oilslick stood and took a few steps towards the now seated mech. "Doing?"
A smug smirk settled on Prowl's faceplates. "Oh just someone... nobody important." He sipped the energon from his cube, picking up a datapad.
The cheek of that insolent Autobot. Oilslick fumed silently. In seconds he'd cleared the distance between them and smacked the cube out of Prowl's hand. It landed with a loud clatter sending its contents spilling across the floor. Hauling Prowl up by his wrist Oilslick seethed. "Do you deliberately try my patience?"
Prowl sneered in his face, he'd lived with Oilslick long enough to predict his moods and sometimes went out of his way to make a point to the older mech that he was nobody's property and would interface with who he damn well pleased. RAM gave him this new found confidence, Oilslick always provided the drug when he needed Prowl to do a job or fix a deal for him and Prowl had found that simply finishing the job was no longer enough to satisfy the cravings and urges that the drug awakened in him. He wanted; no he needed more and sought it out when ever he could.
Oilslick always got angry about it. He was possessive, controlling and paranoid. Prowl understood this, he was always discreet; he wasn't out to sabotage Oilslick's business, not when he provided everything Prowl currently desired.
Prowl yelled sharply when Oilslick's hand backhanded across his jaw. Staring at him with wide, surprised optics, Prowl simply stood and watched the fist approaching his helm. The force jarred his audio and optics and sent him skating across the floor.
This was different.
He spat out energon that seeped from ruptured energon lines in his face and glared at the approaching mech. "What the frag was that for!?"
"You disgust me, parading yourself about like you do, like a pleasurebot."
"I do not..!"
Oilslick clenched his fist once more and struck Prowl's face hard. "DON'T!! Dare argue with me. I know what you've been doing!"
Prowl gasped through the white stars of pain dotting his vision. "I am a free... free mech..."
Oilslick pulled him closer. "You are nothing but a worthless whore." He held up a disc of RAM and waved in front of Prowl's optics. "Maybe I should withhold this?" He leered down at the bruised and bleeding Autobot. "No... maybe I'll withhold this." He swapped the disc for a vial of blue liquid. Prowl's optics dimmed at the Byte in Oilslick's fingers.
"You wouldn't" He whispered.
"Wouldn't I?" Oilslick growled. "Let me make one thing perfectly clear to you Prowl. You belong to me and I can do whatever I want while you live under my roof."
"Maybe I don't want to live under your roof anymore!" Prowl hollered back, his defiance fueled by his fear. Fear that his only escape from the sordid nightmare he was trapped in would be taken away.
Oilslick grabbed the back of Prowl's neck and half dragged, half lifted the smaller mech to the front door and thrust him outside. Prowl hissed and cried out as he was thrown to the wet floor. Acid rain poured from the sky, dark murderous clouds raced overhead. A storm was coming in fast. Prowl winced as the acid hissed through his armour.
"YOU THINK YOU CAN DO BETTER?!" Oilslick roared over the storm. "Go ahead... get out of my sight!" He hissed.
Prowl cowered on the ground, the acid seeping into his injured face. "Please... Oilslick..." He whispered, shame and self-loathing shredding any dignity he had left.
Oilslick snarled and grabbed Prowl's arm. "And why can't you leave?"
"I--I have no where else to go..." Prowl hung his head.
Smirking in victory Oilslick ran a finger down Prowl's face. "That's right." Dragging the mech inside he flung the pitiful 'bot to the floor and mounted his frame. "You will learn once and for all your place in MY house Prowl." He snarled, his fingers ripping into Prowl's interface panel tearing it from his frame.
Hollering Prowl scrabbled at Oilslick's armour desperately trying to find purchase to shove him away. He had had enough of Oilslick taking what he wanted, controlling his entire life, using him. Byte was his only reprieve from the shame and anger. It sent him into a realm of blissful waking pleasure he'd never experienced before. If it wasn't for that one crutch Prowl knew he would have fled Oilslick's clutches but as time had worn on and Prowl found himself sucked deeper into Oilslick's world, it had become too late for him to simply flee. Too many mechs, business partners of Oilslick knew his face, knew him and shared a berth with him. All in the name of furthering Oilslick's business. Prowl had been too young and foolish to say no to the charming, suave mech and once he'd seen Oilslick's true colours he was in too deep to get himself out.
"NO!!" He shrieked as Oilslick's long fingers penetrated his valve just like countless times before. "Not this... please." He stared up into Oilslick's wild optics.
The older mech snarled and tore his optics away from Prowl's desperate anguish. "This is your lesson Prowl. You. Are. Mine."
"I know, I'm sorry... I'll do anything you ask just please don't do this... don't do this to me."
Oilslick's lip components stretched and spread into an ominous grin. "Yes you will, you'll do everything I ask. Open your mouth."
Prowl's optics widened and his mouth clamped shut as Oilslick lifted the disc of RAM to his lips. He shook his head, his last stand of defiance. Oilslick cried out in frustration and slapped Prowl's face hard before grabbing him roughly and forcing his mouth open. Slipping the disc onto Prowl's glossa he jammed it shut forcing Prowl to swallow. The black and gold mech thrashed under his weight before the drug took effect.
Oilslick felt Prowl's spike push against him, lubricant oozing from the head. Releasing his own spike, he hissed in pleasure, his fingers coaxing fluid from the slit. He smeared his lubricant along Prowl's cheek and the 'bot arched into him with want. The aphrodisiac was wreaking havoc with Prowl's systems; with that dose, topping off the earlier dose of RAM; Prowl would not be able to control his urges for interfacing.
Prowl whimpered as Oilslick's hand closed around his throat.
"You want me?" Oilslick purred.
Prowl shook his head, frantically trying to suppress the growing heat and arousal cycling through his circuitry. No! He didn't want him, he wanted none of this. He wanted to run, never come back, start a new life free of Oilslick. A choked sob escaped Prowl's vocaliser as he heard his own voice whispering yes.
"What was that?" Oilslick grinned. "I couldn't quite hear you."
"YES!... I want it... please..."
Oilslick snarled with barely restrained arousal and positioned himself over Prowl, taking one last look at the slender 'bot, he gasped sharply as his spike stabbed into Prowl's valve, pushing all the way in to the hilt of his interface components. Prowl howled beneath him as he was filled suddenly and roughly. His valve struggled to stretch in time to accommodate the relentless thrusting of Oilslick's spike.
Prowl overloaded quickly and suddenly, his whole frame arching off the floor as spasms racked his body. Oilslick grunted into Prowl's shoulder feeling transfluid bursting from his throbbing spike in a rush of hot, tingling release. He shuddered and locked, pleasure bleeding into every sensor node. Primus fraggin' the young 'bot was just too damn addictive to give up.
Oilslick lifted himself up and yanked his spike from the quivering valve in one harsh movement. Cleaning himself and replacing his interface cover, he cast a look of disdain at the 'bot lying on his floor, curling in on himself as if he'd been kicked.
"Gaahh..." Oilslick scoffed and placed the vial of Byte into Prowl's shaking palm. Lifting Prowl's chin with a single finger he smirked. "You're pathetic you know that?"
Prowl averted his optics.
"Remember to whom you belong to Prowl." Oilslick stroked Prowl's helm. "Pleasing me will reap benefits." He closed Prowl's hand around the vial of Byte and chuckled darkly. "Now get out of my sight. You've wasted enough of my time. You have what you want."
Oilslick stood and left Prowl on the floor to clean up his own mess. He never gave the mech enough Byte to off line him, just enough to keep him wanting, keep him hooked. Oilslick hummed to himself, returning to his data pads filled with accounting details. He knew Prowl would take the drug, just as he always did. He was an Autobot, he was weak. Oilslick glanced up to see the door to Prowl's room shut. He huffed, it wasn't like he forced him to take Byte, but he never discouraged it either. Prowl had made his choices and Oilslick simply felt it his duty to remind the impudent young mech of what those choices entailed.
Prowl belonged to him, by choice and by contract and he would never let him forget it.
*End Flashback*
Lockdown could only stare in shocked, deathly silence as Oilslick re-told the key points of the nature of his and Prowl's twisted relationship. A white-hot fury bubbled up in his spark. To take such advantage of a young 'bot, adult or no, it was depraved and Lockdown had heard enough, his rage screamed inside him and all it could see was Oilslick's face.
"Prowl made his choices and he belongs to me. He owes me more than your small cortex can comprehend. He. Is. Mine."
"S'what you think." Lockdown's deep voice rasped with venom and Oilslick's optics widened as the slightly larger green mech sneered at him before drawing back sharply.
Oilslick cried out as a rush of white faceplates followed by white-hot agony pierced his processor. His nose shattered as it impacted the top of Lockdown's helm. His arms flew out to stabilize himself as he staggered backwards, his optics spiraling in and out as he tried to focus.
Lockdown wiped away the dribble of energon seeping down the middle of his face because of his head butt; he snatched the needle from his neck and cast it aside. His chest rattled with a primal roar and he launched himself at the dazed mech sending both of them crashing through the window onto the streets of Kaon.
Prowl was feeling, finally pleasantly relaxed. Jazz and Optimus had done wonders lightening his mood. Optimus was still chuckling from Jazz's last joke. Prowl could feel the now high grade working its way through his systems. Optimus was obviously tipsy and sidled up to Prowl in a smooth motion when Jazz stepped up to get the next round.
"I always... admired you... you know that right?" Optimus's words weren't yet slurred but Prowl could tell he was close to overcharged.
"There's no need." He replied softly, ducking away from Optimus's warm smile. He felt the heat of a blush rushing to his faceplates.
Optimus drew closer. "No, there's every need Prowl... I have a lot of respect for you and to think I...I nearly lost you without... saying how I..."
Prowl flinched and met Optimus's gaze. "Please don't say anything more... I just do--mmmppff." Prowl's optics snapped wide open as Optimus's mouth pressed without warning against his own. The larger mech's hand cupped the back of his helm drawing him closer.
It felt.... good.
Prowl's processor raced, he couldn't, didn't want this did he? Still stunned Prowl caught sight of Jazz over Optimus's shoulder. The white ninja stood at the bar staring straight back at them. A flash of hurt, followed by something else Prowl didn't recognize crossed Jazz's face. His visor dimmed and he turned back to the bar.
Prowl pushed Optimus away. Breaking the kiss with a gasp. "Optimus I..."
"I like you Prowl." Optimus interrupted him. "I more than like you... I...don't know what I feel but I know I can't lose you again." He clutched Prowl's arm, his optics studying Prowl's face intently for a sign, an inclination that his feelings were returned. His spark fluttered when Prowl looked away and shook his head.
At that moment, the doors to The Inamorato burst open and a mech hollered into the bar. "There's a major brawl in the street! Someone call the Guard!!"
With that he was gone, followed by a flurry of activity as curiosity got the better of most of the mechs and femmes in the vicinity. Prowl and Optimus met Jazz's questioning shrug across the room and all three raced out to see if they could help break up the fight and restore a bit of order.
A large crowd had formed and the sound of scraping metal on metal could be heard whining in protest as two mechs pounded into each other violently while the eager audience encouraged them noisily.
"My money's on the big spikey one." One overcharged mech called out to his friend.
Prowl frowned and with Optimus and Jazz pushed his way through the crowd. His two companions rushed forward to break up the fight. Prowl stopped dead in his tracks. His optics stared at Lockdown who landed a vicious uppercut into Oilslick's jaw, slamming him into the ground with jarring force.
"Break it up." Jazz shouted getting between Lockdown and Oilslick, while Optimus pulled Lockdown back.
"What are you thinking Lockdown?!"
"None o' yer fraggin' business." He twisted sharply out of Optimus's grasp, his chest heaving in exertion, energon splattered over his green armour, which was now covered with dents and scratches. He stopped and stared as his optics met the shocked, mortified optics of Prowl.
His spark jumped at the sight of the black and gold ninja. "Prowl? I..." He took a step towards the ninjabot, his hand twitching to reach out to him.
Prowl took a step back, his face twisting into anger. He shook his helm. "How could you...?" He sneered in disgust, turned on his heel and shoved his way through the crowd, transforming and accelerating away as soon as he was clear.
Lockdown felt a tug pulling him back as he made to chase after him. He snarled at Optimus who met his glare with equal ire.
"Haven't you done enough?" Optimus pulled him back harder. "Stay away from Prowl."
Lockdown stared open-mouthed at the un-spoken threat in the Autobot's words. Optimus quickly transformed and raced after his friend leaving Lockdown to the Elite Guard that had shown up to take control of the situation.
He snarled. No Autobot threatened him. He found himself stopped once more, this time by the slight form of Jazz. "Let it go mech." The white ninja spoke softly, sympathetically and headed off after Optimus.
No, he wasn't going to just let it go. Lockdown clenched his fists. Prowl needed to understand why, he needed to tell him, before he lost his chance.
Prowl placed the datapad on Arcee's desk, the bar was still empty of customers due to the brawl. Turning he gasped to see Optimus watching him with worry in his optics.
"You don't need to tell me anything." Optimus cast him a wane smile. "What can I do to help?"
Prowl stared at the floor for a moment. Optimus waited patiently for him to respond. Taking an uncertain step forward, Prowl looked up at his friend. "I need to get away. Far away. Just for a while."
Optimus's smile widened. "I hear Sari has been asking after you."
Prowl's lips curved into a soft smile. "Perfect."
Optimus gave him a small nod and taking hold of his hand, he led him out the door. They slipped out just before the rush of customers once again filled the bar. Their exit watched only by a pair of blue optics hidden behind a dim visor.
"Too late mech." Jazz stated softly from his booth at Lockdown who had marched into The Inamorato and headed straight for Arcee's office.
"I know he's here."
Jazz shrugged and took another mouthful of high grade.
"Who?" Arcee frowned up at the blustering mech.
"Fraggin' Prowl."
Arcee's optics widened. "Oh." She dropped her gaze and picked up a datapad. "I think you better read this sweet."
Jazz listened as a heavy silence fell in the office before Lockdown could be heard bellowing loudly.
"He can't do this!"
"I'm afraid he has and his point is perfectly valid. He is no longer contract bound as you can now pay off your own debt." The femme touched Lockdown's arm gently. "I'm sorry darlin' I can't stop him."
Lockdown left the office slowly still clutching the datapad.
"Quit huh?" Jazz asked, leaning back into his chair.
Lockdown slid into the seat opposite and shook his head. "I thought I'd have a chance to explain... somethin'. I don't know." He slapped the datapad on the table with a snarl. "The slagger thinks he can just run and his problems will stop chasin' him? Primus that kid has some glitches in his processor."
Jazz chortled into his drink.
Lockdown shot him a dark glare. "I don't see what's so Primus damned funny 'bout this."
"Cool it mech. If I didn't know better Id say you got a soft spark for him." He pushed another cube of high grade toward the disheartened mech.
Lockdown took the cube and downed its contents in one gulp. "What's it to ya?"
Jazz smirked. "I know where he's gone but ya need to cool off before I can let ya go gallivantin' after him. Prowl's a complicated mech, ya gotta give him time."
Frowning Lockdown stared at the smirking ninja. "Why the slag would ya tell me this? Why help me?"
Jazz stood. "Prowl's my friend." He turned and started towards the bar. "Besides I got invested interests in the company he's currently keepin'" He shot Lockdown a wink. "Another round?" His smirk widened. "On me."
Lockdown groaned his processor ached. "Primus what transport flight hit me last night?" He pushed himself up. Jazz was sprawled across the other side of the booth and the bar was empty. Morning light seeped through the small windows. He vaguely remembered getting ridiculously overcharged with the white ninja. Primus that 'bot could hold down his high grade.
Gripping his head he tried to stand only to fall back onto the cushioned surface as a dizzy spell washed over him. He kicked Jazz's leg prompting the other mech to sit up sharply, sending empty cubes clattering to the floor.
"I'm up, I'm up." Jazz mumbled rubbing his face tiredly. "How much we drink?"
"Enough." Came the tart feminine reply.
Both mechs looked up at Arcee standing over them, hands on her hips a scowl on her faceplates.
"We'll clean up, we swear." Jazz grinned.
Arcee dropped her helm and sighed. Lockdown frowned as she met their optics once more. "Something's happened."
The worry in her voice sobered both mechs up instantly.
"Ratchet contacted me earlier this morning. He had a message from Sari on Earth." Her voice trembled and she covered her mouth as her optics dimmed and glazed over.
"Hey what is it?" Jazz was up by her side in an instant.
Arcee took a deep shaky intake. "Optimus's late transport arrived last night through the space bridge. Bulkhead and Bumblebee found him. Ratchet's there now."
Lockdown stood. "What happened?"
She looked between them. "He was attacked, he'd been injected with something, some kind of drug, which sent him into stasis lock, almost killed him."
"Who?" Jazz insisted.
Jazz's frown deepened. "Prowl was with him..."
Arcee shook her head. "The transport had signs of a struggle… there was energon everywhere."
"Where's Prowl?" Lockdown hissed.
"Optimus, when he came round briefly said he'd been taken. He's been hurt."
"Where is he now?" Jazz asked softly.
"He's gone! He's missing, kidnapped, no one knows why or by who and Optimus is in stasis. Oh Jazz what if he's...?" Sobs racked her slight frame as Jazz wrapped his arms around her tightly.
The white blue visor met the bright red optics of Lockdown, worry etched onto both their faces, fear building in their sparks as the same thought crossed both of their processors.
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