Exciting Catch | By : GabrielC Category: Transformers > Transformers: Animated > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 3313 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers and make no profit from writing this. |
A/N: To really appreciate this story you need to read Palour Trix chapter of Cybertronian Nights over on fanfiction :) It's the first part to this story.
There will be more to come too.
Sweet Nothings
The door to The Inamorato swung open, letting in a gust of cool air. With a small scowl of annoyance Prowl caught hold of the napkins before the sudden breeze scattered them all over the bar.
It was too early for patrons to start arriving and the arena match had only just started. The bar was sparsely filled. Chromia was smiling dreamily as she practiced her pole dance routine, her processor clearly elsewhere. The Starscream clones were draped over the balcony, bickering as usual, while Arcee was sat at a booth preparing the paper work for Madam Strika as it was her evening off and she was leaving Strika in charge.
All optics were drawn to the interruption at the door. Prowl’s optics widened behind his visor at the sight of freshly waxed green and black armour, complete with polished spikes that glinted in the soft mood lighting of the club. He forced himself to look away, instead concentrating intently on straightening the napkins in front of him.
He fought against a frown threatening to form across his brow as his spark did a cartwheel in his spark chamber. Mentally preparing himself for that familiar droll voice, he frowned a few seconds later when Lockdown completely bypassed the bar and made a beeline for Arcee. He swaggered with a more awkward gait than usual; his strides longer, more determined, his posture seemed forced, uncomfortable like he wasn’t entirely happy about something.
“Hey sweetie! You made it.”
“Told ya I wouldn’t disappoint. Where we doin’ this then?”
“My office, Madam Strika is already in there waiting for you. Go on ahead I’ll be a couple of kliks.”
Lockdown gave her a nod and sauntered over to the office, his strides definitely more pronounced than usual, Prowl noted to himself absently.
“Hey don’t start without me!” Arcee called out across the room, prompting a sly grin from that white maw.
“’Fraid you’ll miss somethin’ darlin?”
“With you Lockdown.” Arcee winked with good humour. “Always.”
Prowl’s frown deepened at the casual back and forth. Last time Lockdown was in the club he was thrown out for fighting with Oilslick. Prowl tensed at the thought of the Oilslick and quickly shook the thought of him from his processor. He openly scowled at the office door as Arcee joined the other two in her office and closed it behind her with a resounding click.
“Ooohh I wonder what they’re doing in there.” Chromia filled Prowl’s vision as she hitched herself onto the bar and leaned back to throw him a devious grin. “Do you think he paid a lot for their services?”
Her grin spread as Prowl huffed audibly and set about arranging the glassware behind him, turning his back on her. “It’s not any of my business what my employers do with their time.” He stated haughtily.
“Yeah but aren’t you just a little bit curious?”
Prowl shot the femme a disdainful glance as she draped herself across the bar. “No. And nor should you be.”
“But it’s Lockdown!”
“Well isn't he like you know?” She smirked at him in amusement. “Like your beau or something?”
Prowl scoffed. “Of course not. We have no relationship of any kind.”
“I think someone protests too much.” She retorted in a singsong voice. “But then you always do when I bring him up don’t you? I bet you’re dying to know why he’s here.”
Prowl polished a glass with more force than was necessary as her optics danced with glee at his discomfort. “I neither know nor do I care why he’s visiting.”
“Suuuurrre you don’t” Chromia smirked, her legs swinging back and forth idly.
Prowl growled softly. “Don’t you have something else to be doing?” He muttered, setting the well and truly polished glass down firmly before picking up another and glaring at it accusingly, almost as if he could clean it with just the power of his optics.
Chromia’s optics brightened and she drew back, covering her mouth dramatically. Letting out a showy gasp, she grinned widely at the tense ninja and pointed at his back. “Ooohhh!! You’re jealous!”
Prowl spun round, his face a picture of indignation. “I am not!”
Chromia pursed her lips and folded her arms across her chest, quirking an orbital ridge at him. “You don’t know why he’s here, he hasn’t so much as sniffed in your direction and its killing you isn’t it?” She giggled, thoroughly enjoying herself.
Prowl’s optics narrowed, his tone of voice betraying his dwindling patience. “I am nothing of the sort and I’ll thank you to keep your fabrications to yourself.”
“Awww, don’t be like that darlin’” She replied, putting distinct emphasis on the ‘darlin’. “I’m sure he’ll squeeze you in for seconds.” She patronizingly patted his hand a snicker escaping her vocaliser.
“Augh! You, you’re just…AUGH!!” Prowl slapped the rag he was using onto the bar and stalked out.
Chromia bit her lower lip and feigned a wince as the door to the organic room slammed shut.
“Oopps.” She chuckled, sliding off the bar. “Guess I touched a nerve.”
The jets chortled from the balcony. “That was simply superb!” Sunstorm gushed.
“Yeah Prowl’s going to be all warm and fuzzy for the rest of the night, no thanks to you.” Ramjet rolled his optics.
Prowl normally provided them all with personally made energon concoctions to maintain their energy levels throughout the night, especially on match nights when business was well… busy. A pissy ninjabot however, meant no free drinks or any drinks from the bar of any kind for the staff until the end of shift.
Chromia shrugged and smirked. “What can I say; he’s just too much fun to play with.”
Prowl remained in the organic room meditating until the very start of his shift. He was used to Chromia's personal brand of annoyance but this time her words had struck a nerve. He wasn't jealous. Prowl's jaw clenched as he fought back the ludicrous notion. What reason did he have to be jealous? It wasn't like Lockdown and he were... well... anything.
He opened his optics at that thought and frowned. That didn't bother him either, did it? The ninjabot bristled with irritation and tightened his hands into fists. No! Frag it! He wasn't jealous and he most certainly wasn't in a relationship with that miscreant. Prowl growled softly to himself. Nor did he desire a relationship with him either.
Lockdown was uncouth, rude, overbearing, not to mention his questionable business practices. He was all that and more. A bounty hunter who had hunted his friends, stolen innocent mechs' mods. The very mech who had killed Yoketron. Prowl straightened and stood with determined resolve. No there was nothing, absolutely nothing that would ever endear him to Lockdown. He brushed himself off and fiddled with his satin apron before stepping out of the room quietly.
Absolutely nothing.
Prowl headed toward the bar, pleased with his own self-persuasion.
He was a good kisser though.
Prowl froze in his tracks, grimacing as his processor threw out the stray tendril of thought. His optics flickered and his intakes faltered at the memory of that lingering kiss they'd shared, the last time he'd crossed paths with the inscrutable bounty hunter. Taking a deep intake of air, Prowl forced the thought to the back of his processor, that was an entirely separate issue. He continued to tell himself just that as he took his place behind the bar, just as the first customers began drifting through the doors.
He managed to keep that - most distracting of thoughts - out of his head for the remainder of the evening, going about his business serving drinks as he always did. That was until the office door opened and Lockdown stepped out, looking altogether far too smug.
Prowl's spark chose that moment to explode in his chest as all the distracting thoughts of that large green and black mech flooded his cortex.
Lockdown cast his deep red optics over the room. It had gotten a little busier since he’d holed up in the office. His gaze fell on the bar where that familiar black and gold chassis was located, going about his business, his back turned to him. Lockdown smirked and sauntered over, he winced a little, feeling that subtle pull in his valve once more. He thought nothing more of it, instead planting his aft firmly on the free stool at the bar and waited.
Prowl could feel his distinctive presence behind him and made sure his trademark bland scowl was fixed onto his faceplates. It had just been a kiss, nothing more; Lockdown only ever toyed with him, that night had been no different. Why would it be any different? Just a kiss.
He shot the large mech a glance over a shoulder and continued to refill the different grades of energon. "What can I do for you?" He kept it professional, impersonal.
Lockdown's smirk widened at the formal, polite tone. Sometimes Prowl just made it too easy. "Well kid, that I'm yet to find out." He eyeballed the slender ninjabot suggestively, ignoring Prowl's indignant scoff. "Fer now I'll settle for my usual."
Within seconds, an energon cube was planted in front of him. "That'll be three credits." Prowl glared at him with more disdain than was really necessary.
"Put it on my tab." Lockdown's smirk seemed permanently etched into his striking white faceplates.
"You don't have a tab. Nor are you allowed to have one due to your debts to the club."
"Funny I was under the impression that staff got to open a tab and have it taken off their next pay check."
Prowl sighed, not really registering what Lockdown was saying. "Look I'm sorry but you'll either have to pay or... wait... staff?"
Lockdown quirked an orbital ridge at him, his smirk spreading. "Got myself a job. Bouncer."
Prowl's mouth fell open in shock. "A job?" His voice struggled to remain above a startled whisper. "Here?"
Lockdown gulped his energon. "You heard me kid." He leaned forward and winked slyly. "You and me, going to be workin' together a lot more often."
Prowl regained his composure and let out an undignified grunt of disapproval, turning away from Lockdown’s smug grin. "They must be desperate." He winced as the harsh words left his vocaliser.
"The spark's yer problem?" Lockdown frowned at Prowl's back, not liking the particular brand of snark he was suffering from the uptight ninja.
Prowl shuttered his optics, ok so he may have been a tad out of line. He let out a soft sigh. "Lockdown..." He dropped his helm. "I apologize... what I said was uncalled for." He turned to find Lockdown gripping onto the bar, a soft grunt escaping through his gritted denta.
Frowning, confused, Prowl took a step forward. "Lockdown? Are you alright?" He canted his head to the side curiously as Lockdown whined and jerked in his seat.
"M' fine." Lockdown managed to speak, the vibrations assaulting his valve ceasing as quickly as they had begun. Exhaling sharply, he relaxed his notable sly grin returning. "Primus kid what did ya put in my drink?" He grinned at Prowl's unimpressed expression. "I'll bet you have that effect on all the mechs." He winked once more, determined to get under the ninja's armour.
Rolling his optics, Prowl shook his head and went about serving another customer. "You're insufferable you know that?"
"Gaahh Primus!"
The mech Prowl was serving jumped at the sudden outcry and Prowl himself was rather taken aback by the profanities now exuding from Lockdown's vocaliser.
"Lockdown, what ARE you doing?"
Lockdown stared at Prowl with wide optics and now flushed faceplates and at the sound of his name, the vibrator activated once more. "Oh frag!" He growled, his frame shuddering with renewed sensation, before sliding to his knees to ease the movement within his valve.
Prowl was now completely baffled and more than a little concerned by the groans coming from the floor. Every mech in the building had stopped to stare at the spectacle. Lockdown dragged himself to his feet. Meeting Prowl's curious optics he held up his hand as Prowl's mouth opened to speak.
"Don't say a word." He breathed. "Not one word." He staggered towards the washrooms, muttering a litany of curses, leaving Prowl frowning after him with bemusement.
Lockdown pressed his palm onto the smooth tiles of the washrooms, taking a moment while his valve calmed down. Once settled, he tucked himself into one of the private stalls and frowned, his optics looking down his body in confusion.
“What the spark is goin’ on?” He mumbled to himself with a growing scowl. His valve ached, the vibrations had taken him by surprise and – he had noted with a little confusion – the device, what ever it was, was activated by the sound of Prowl’s voice. It had happened when he had said his name and when he’d told him he was insufferable. Lockdown dreaded to think what else it was programmed to respond to.
Now while he enjoyed the sound of those fluid vocals, he did not want his valve spasming uncontrollably - and driving him into a public overload - every time the ‘bot spoke to him. That would not do, not do at all.
He pursed his lip components and thought back over his last few cycles. Who could have done this to him and why?
First things first however, now he had to get the damn thing out of his valve. He sat down on the small bench and retracted his interface cover. He hissed pushing an un-lubricated finger into the entrance; pushing it deeper, he fidgeted and winced, the tip of his finger brushing against something solid. He let out a groan, resorting to shoving his finger all the way into his valve to gain purchase on the miniature vibrator.
“GaaaAAHH!!” Lockdown whipped his finger out of his valve and replaced it with two fingers. His mouth parted in a silent moan, the lining of the valve quivering in response to his thick fingers thrusting into his valve. Clenching his jaw he reached deep inside, lubricant was building up inside and try as he might Lockdown could not dislodge the toy from its position.
He tried once more, his thick fingers cramping at the sheer angle of attack. Lockdown shuttered his optics all arousal bleeding from his frame when the ache spread through his fingers. He needed something smaller, more flexible. His fingers were simply to large for such a delicate job.
“Frag it!” He withdrew his wet fingers once more and rested his helm against the cool wall. Now what?
This was not how he had wanted tonight to go. Why was it whenever he actually wanted to have a spark to spark with that slaggin’ ninjabot the universe conspired against him? He fought back a smirk at the thought of Prowl’s face when he’d revealed the news of his newly acquired job. It was exactly as he’d expected; shock, composure, followed by that all too familiar disdain.
Primus could that mech make disdain look inviting. Totally, the opposite effect of what Prowl was more than likely going for but then that impassable front was all an act after all wasn’t it?
Lockdown knew that the uptight ninjabot was attracted to him; he wasn’t THAT gullible, but to get Prowl to actually admit it and Primus willing, act on it? Well that would take an act of Primus himself, or just one very persistent bounty hunter.
If there was one thing, Lockdown knew how to be, it was persistent. He didn’t just want any old quick interface either; he wanted Prowl and all the stuffiness that entailed. Lockdown scoffed at the thought, annoyed by his own silent admittance. It had long since ceased being just about lust.
That slender ‘bot had him so tightly wrapped around his little finger Lockdown could barely hold it together when he was around him and the crazy thing was; Prowl didn’t even know it.
A sly thought crossed his processor. Prowl WAS a slender ‘bot indeed, slender usually meant thin, long fingers.
Lockdown shook his head at his own twisted sense of humour and replaced his interface cover. With a quick glance round made his way back out to the bar. He was going to need help and there was only one ‘bot he felt comfortable asking.
Prowl was quick and very adept at his job so customers never had any complaints, nor did they have to wait for their drinks. He wound his way across the room, placing drinks on individual tables as he passed using all the agility his ninja training graced had bestowed upon him.
At one point, he flipped bodily over a table, tray in hand to avoid colliding into a couple of overcharged mechs. Chromia scoffed from her vantage point on the podium. “Show off.”
Prowl simply threw her a look before vaulting with one hand over the next table, without spilling a drop. Shaking her head, the femme had to admit he looked damn fine when he moved like that.
Prowl enjoyed the small chances he got to practice his training, even if it was only while serving drinks. It was a workable distraction at the very least and he was determined not to let Lockdown get under his armour figuratively and literally.
Definitely NOT literally. Although the news that he would soon be working with the former bounty hunter filled him with something close to excitement or was it dread? He hadn’t really figured that one out yet and refused to waste any more of his time or processor dwelling on the matter. They would be colleagues, nothing more, nothing less.
He was sufficiently distracted by the green mech that he didn’t notice when the mech in question exited the washrooms and made his way over to the bar entrance. Busying himself with the gathering up of empty cubes and glasses and placing them on a tray, Prowl headed back to the bar.
“Hey kid, you busy?”
“GAH! Primus!” Having not noticed Lockdown until that very moment, Prowl jumped back, startled sending a couple of glasses tumbling to the ground, only for them to be caught by the quick reflexes of the one handed ex-ninja.
“What are you doing?!” Prowl glared at the larger mech. “You can’t be back here, this is for staff only.” He elbowed his way past and set the tray down on the bar.
“I am staff.” Lockdown stated with a lop-sided grin.
Prowl turned back to face him with growing ire, when the green mech didn’t move. “Lock…”
“AH!” Lockdown reached forward sharply and covered Prowl’s mouth with his hand. “Don’t say anything kid; just listen ‘kay?”
Prowl, completely shocked by Lockdown’s forward and unusual behaviour gave a quiet squeak and nod of assent. Slowly Lockdown removed his hand.
“I need your help.” Lockdown rubbed the back of his neck in growing embarrassment, he never asked for help, ever. “I umm… have a small problem and you’re kinda part of it soo… I need you to help… err… fix it.”
Prowl opened his mouth to speak only to have Lockdown take a sudden step back and raise his hands as if he’d just been burned.
“Don’t speak kid; just nod your head if you’re willing to hear me out.”
Lockdown watched that small mouth purse into a point, a suspicious brow quirked above the sharp visor. “Primus kid, come on! It’s not like I’m asking for yer life’s energon.”
Prowl clenched his jaw and vented a cycle of air, folding his arms across his smooth chest.
Lockdown seemed to know exactly what he was thinking, which both unsettled and intrigued him.
“I swear no tricks, I really do need yer help here Prowl.”
Frowning at the use of his designation, Prowl relented. Lockdown never spoke his name aloud, almost as if it would taint him somehow, it was always kid or darlin’ and other such less desirable nicknames but never Prowl. Holding up a digit, signaling Lockdown to wait, Prowl removed his apron and ventured over to the main door to ask Brawn to cover the bar.
Lockdown took in a breath of relief when Prowl returned and muttered a thank you to the smaller mech who gestured for him to follow.
“Fascinating.” Forgetting himself briefly Prowl couldn’t help but respond to the rare show of gratitude. He instantly covered his mouth with his hand when Lockdown cursed loudly and fell to his knees.
His faceplates flushed at the wanton low growl that rumbled through Lockdown’s vocaliser and it soon drew attention from other customers. Ignoring his own embarrassment Prowl grabbed Lockdown’s arm, heaved him to his feet, and led him half-stumbling into the organic room. His audio bristled at the sound of Chromia’s teasing coos cut off by the door shutting firmly behind them.
Whirling around to face Lockdown, Prowl planted his hands on his hips and glared. “Will you tell me what’s going on now?”
Lockdown winced as Prowl spoke, frowning when the vibrator didn’t activate. “Huh, must only be certain words.” He muttered to himself.
Remembering his sole reason for being in this, strangely exotic room, Lockdown shot a glance across at the irate ninjabot. “I’m not sure how to say this… soo… I’m just gonna say it.” Squirming a little under the fierce scrutiny of Prowl’s gaze Lockdown took a deep intake. “I have something stuck.”
“Stuck?” Prowl repeated non-plussed.
“Yeah, in my valve.”
Blue optics widened and Prowl’s mouth fell open. Lockdown quirked a brow and grinned. “You just gonna stand there gawpin’ kid?”
“How did you?” Prowl shuttered his optics and held out a palm. “No… I don’t want to know.” He sighed a small scowl forming on his face plates. “You need help… ahem… removing it?”
“That’s about the gist of it yeah.” The larger mech’s grin widened. “Think yer up to the task?”
“I’ll live.” Prowl pointed across the room, before turning to rummage in a draw. Turning back, his frown deepened. “Get on the berth.”
“Darlin’ I thought you’d never ask.” Lockdown winked as he hitched himself onto the padded surface.
“Lie down.” Prowl spoke blankly, his face devoid of emotion.
“Ooohh so dominant, I had no idea.” Came the teasing droll.
Sighing Prowl threw him a calculating glare. “Do you want me to help or not?”
“Alright, alright.” Lockdown chuckled softly. “I’ll behave.”
Climbing onto the berth, he gently slapped the inner sides of Lockdown’s thighs, prompting him to spread his legs so he could position himself between them.
Lockdown lay back on the berth. “This was not what I pictured goin’ down when I first got you on a berth with me.”
“Lockdown please.” Prowl retorted in exasperation, the bounty hunter’s flirting was borderline desperate.
“NNgggghhh…” Lockdown arched as the vibrator rippled the lining of valve in deliciously sweet movements. He hissed, his interface cover retracting automatically at the pleasurable sensation. “Not the name kid.” He groaned.
Prowl couldn’t help the heated flush rising in his face. Picking up the tool he’d brought with him, he took a deep intake of air and leaned towards Lockdown’s interface components. The narrow tongs breached the entrance of the lubricated valve and the large mech bucked sharply hissing in discomfort.
“I’m sorry.” Prowl drew back instantly. “Did I hurt you?”
Another chuckle sounded from the head of the berth. “Nah kid, just cold. What the frag are you usin’ anyway better not be no organic slag?”
Prowl rolled his optics. “It’s just a tool, they’re clean.”
“That’s not what I asked now is it?” Lockdown growled, propping himself up on his elbows.
“No they’re not.” Prowl glared at him, his hand slapping to his broad chest, pushing him back down onto the berth.
“Hell, if ya wanted to be on top darlin’ you should a’ just said.”
“Does your processor concentrate on anything other than interfacing?” Prowl muttered, his helm dipping once more as he reached for the valve.
Lockdown laughed a deep throaty bellow of a laugh. “Not when I’ve got somethin’ as fine as you perchin’ between my thighs.” He bucked his hips for effect, his grin spreading across his white face when Prowl drew back, his cheeks darkening with a deep hue of a red flush.
Prowl pressed his lip components into a thin line, Lockdown had no intention of making this any easier and it was awkward enough as it was. Wasting no more time, Prowl plunged the tool into the wet valve, allowing himself a tiny smirk when Lockdown fell back and moaned loudly. Pushing the metal tongs as far as they would go, Prowl opened them slowly, his optics glancing up every now and then, when Lockdown squirmed or grunted.
Due to the movement in his valve, Lockdown felt his intakes hitch and fought the base programming threatening to switch on his cooling systems. The cool metal inside him poked and prodded the lining of his valve at uncomfortable angles. He felt it slide in further and bit back a whimper as the tongs opened slowly.
“Just get on with it.” He growled through gritted denta.
Prowl frowned. “I think I’ve got it.”
“Mmmm.” Lockdown didn’t trust himself to speak coherently at the moment, the small thrusts of the tongs were sending ripples of pleasure through his valve, the tongs pulled back and a gasp escaped his parted mouth. His optics shot open when he heard Prowl swear softly.
“What, what is it?”
Prowl held up the tongs, covered with his fluid. “I’m sorry… the lubrication is making it… difficult.”
“Then use somethin’ else.” Lockdown grimaced.
Prowl sat back, discarding the used tongs. The device was too small and too smooth for the fine metal to get a purchase, not to mention all the lubricant seeping from Lockdown’s obviously aroused valve.
The large mech bucked and cried out as the vibrator activated once more. “Oh Primus kid! Why?”
“I’m sorry!” Prowl got worried when Lockdown continued to writhe on the berth, his intakes shortening to pants. “What’s wrong?”
“Slaggin’ Nngghh… thing… not turnin’ off….guuuhhh.”
“I have to use my…”
“I don’t care!” Lockdown snarled, his hands clenching to fists, heat rising rapidly in his groin. “Just get it out!”
Prowl nodded, more to himself. Nothing for it. Bracing a hand on one of Lockdown’s large thighs, Prowl shuttered his optics and plunged a finger into the moist, clenching valve. The subtle vibrations sent a tingling into his finger, making him gasp softly.
Lockdown arched and moaned, his optics dimming at the feeling of the slender finger pushing deeper inside him. He whined through his vocaliser as Prowl’s searching finger stroked against numerous sensor nodes, that were all crackling with pent up energy.
Prowl’s lips parted at the sound of the wanton growls rumbling from deep inside Lockdown’s chest. He drew his finger out slowly and pushed back with two fingers, scissoring the digits as he felt the end of the vibrator brush against his fingertips.
Try as he might the ninjabot struggled to keep his stoic, impassive demeanor at the sight of the writhing, moaning mech in front of him. He felt his own interface components reacting to the sound and fought back a moan, concentrating instead on the vibrator. The small vibrating toy stubbornly refused to dislodge from the throbbing, tightening valve.
Prowl could feel the charge building through his fingers, Lockdown was close to overload. Swallowing the last of his proud restraint, Prowl buried his fingers completely in the quivering valve and his lips twitched into a smug smirk as Lockdown arched and bellowed loudly. His valve tightened with pleasure, squeezing Prowl’s fingers as overload racked his large, powerful frame.
The clenching motion pushed the vibrator, shifting it.
“Yes.” Prowl hissed to himself as he gained purchase on the tiny device and yanked it from the valve with a slick, wet pop.
“GaaaAAHH!!” Lockdown groaned and fell limp against the berth, his intakes shallow and rapid, trying to cool down his overheated frame.
Prowl backed off, discarding the glitching vibrator. He brought his hand up to his face, his fingers coated in Lockdown’s fluids, the very idea of it was more arousing than he wanted to let on, he grabbed a rag and quickly wiped the lubricant from his fingers.
He was feeling altogether a little self-conscious all of a sudden. His optics drifted over Lockdown’s frame, his own arousal going unheeded. Shaking his helm subtly, he turned away and waited for Lockdown to calm down.
Lockdown keened with relief, his valve ached and throbbed. His lining still tingled with residual pleasure. On lining his optics, he spied Prowl perched on the edge of the berth, his back towards him. Smirking, he pushed himself up and sidled up to the slender frame, noting the increased temperature emanating from his armour.
“Get you all worked up kid?” He grinned mouthing the words into the nape of Prowl’s neck. “Let me return the favour, consider it my thanks.”
He took advantage of every second that Prowl didn’t pull away from him, his large hand running down Prowl’s back struts. Pushing his luck, Lockdown ran his glossa along the exposed cabling in Prowl’s throat, his sharp hook pulling the ninja back towards him by the waist. He smiled into the crook of Prowl’s neck when the ‘bot moaned softly.
Letting out a needy growl, Lockdown took hold of Prowl’s shoulders and pulled him flush to his frame, he cupped the back of Prowl’s helm and planted a deep, sensuous kiss onto that parted, inviting mouth.
Prowl whimpered as the warm, ever moving glossa invaded his mouth, caressing his oral plating, wrapping around his own, battling it for dominance. His intakes hitched considerably as Lockdown tightened his grip around his waist and pulled him closer. Prowl felt like he was drowning wanting nothing more than to lose himself in that circuit tingling kiss.
A voice screamed at the back of his processor to give in, to allow the bounty hunter what he wanted. To allow himself a moment of indulgence in something he’d desired for longer than he cared to admit. He moaned into the kiss, feeling Lockdown’s passion burning into him.
You’re a whore of a bot aren’t you?
Another voice, too familiar for comfort bled into Prowl’s cortex. He gasped and broke the kiss, his optics wide, his intakes panting. Lockdown grunted in confusion and leaned forward to engage Prowl’s lips once more.
Go on you know that’s all your worth, all he wants.
“No!” Prowl yelled, his hand slapping into Lockdown’s chest, pushing him away.
“What the spark kid?”
One good, hard interface.
“I don’t want that!” Prowl stared stricken at Lockdown, responding more to the voice taunting him than to Lockdown’s somewhat injured expression.
Prowl dropped his gaze, shaking his helm, the voice fading to a whisper. “I’m sorry, I can’t…”
Lockdown drew back, he was getting mighty damn tired of the kid getting him riled up, only to have him bitch slapped back into reality. “What the spark you playin’ at?” He growled lowly.
Prowl turned away, fighting the shame, that he’d kept buried for such a long time. “I…”
Lockdown grabbed his shoulder, his temper getting the best of him. “Look at me, I asked you a question. What the spark you playin’ at?”
Prowl flinched from the tight grip, Lockdown held tight enough to hurt but not to maim. He could understand his frustration, but he couldn’t allow himself to succumb, to let himself be vulnerable to another mech like… like him.
Then in a moment of absolute horror, Lockdown seemed to read his mind.
“What’s he got that I don’t?” He sat back on his legs, shaking his head at the mortified expression twisting Prowl’s handsome features into someone he didn’t recognize.
Prowl frowned in confusion. “Who?”
“Oilslick.” Came the snarled response. “You’d share his berth, interface with him, but not me. I see how it is.”
“What?!” Prowl’s jaw dropped. “How did you?”
Lockdown quirked a brow at the stunned ninjabot and let out a sour laugh. “Oh you remember darlin’ last time we bumped lips?”
Prowl cast his mind back, remembering that Oilslick had told Lockdown some part of his past, for reasons he could not fathom. “Oh.”
“Yeah, oh.” Lockdown huffed in frustration, pushing to his feet he glared at Prowl. “Don’t worry darlin’ I get it. Know when I’m not wanted.” He turned to leave, determined to wash his hands of the uptight ninja for the last time. He ignored the dull ache in his spark as he unconsciously made his decision to walk away.
“It’s not like that.”
Prowl’s soft reply was almost too quiet for Lockdown to catch, but catch it he did. He whirled around, feeling nothing but frustrated anger and stomped up to the dejected looking ‘bot and grabbed him by the collar fairing, hauling him up roughly.
“What the frag is it like then?!” He roared.
Acting on pure instinctive reflexes Prowl landed a hard punch across Lockdown’s jaw eliciting a yell of surprise and pain from the larger mech, who promptly dropped him.
Lockdown flexed his jaw and nodded appreciatively. “Alright, probably deserved that.”
“That much is certain.” Prowl growled dangerously, his posture ready to strike again, if Lockdown chose to retaliate.
Lockdown dropped his gaze and shrugged. “I’m not… I don’t wanna fight ya Prowl… never have.”
“Then what DO you want?” Prowl straightened, his face grim, hard.
“An explanation. Is that too much to slaggin’ ask for?” He raised his voice once more, sensing Prowl retreating back into his cold, stuck up shell of defence. “Why the frag do ya keep messin’ with my processor, sendin’ out mixed signals. Only fer me t’ find out you’d rather frag Oilslick!”
“Not willingly!!” Prowl bellowed back, his own chest heaving in anger.
A heavy silence reigned in the room as Lockdown stared at the slender mech stood before him, to his credit Prowl looked just as shocked as he felt.
Red optics narrowed menacingly. “Are you sayin’ what I think you’re sayin’?”
Prowl immediately tried to back track. “It’s nothing.” He ducked his helm, stared at the floor, willing it to swallow him whole.
“The slag it isn’t.” Lockdown growled, taking a steady stride towards him, only to have Prowl step back.
“It’s none of your concern; it was a long time ago. I was young, foolish.” Prowl’s normally smooth vocals cracked subtly as he spoke.
Lockdown did not like seeing Prowl, the only mech to have survived being dead twice, looking so cut up, so unsure about something. Whatever it was clearly cut deep and Lockdown had no doubt that Oilslick was at the bottom of it. “What did he do to ya kid?”
Prowl’s glared snapped up to meet his concerned optics. “Nothing!” He snapped. Turning his back, he snarled. “It’s nothing, just leave it.”
“Prowl, why won’t ya just tell me that he took advantage of ya?! Primus kid, I already know he used ya!”
“Get out.”
Lockdown felt like he’d been slapped in the face. “Prowl?”
“Lockdown…” Prowl glared at him with more ferocity than he’d ever seen the ninja direct at him. “Leave.”
“We’re not done.” Lockdown growled, noticing Prowl’s hard expression falter at his words. “Whatever he did Prowl…”
Prowl’s shoulders slumped and he could no longer meet Lockdown’s sincere gaze. “Just go.” He interrupted quietly, no strength left to argue anymore. “Please just go.”
The bounty hunter clenched his jaw and his fist, wanting nothing more than to take Prowl in his arms, he knew there was no way he could reach Prowl right at that moment, he was too buried in his own shame. Lockdown decided an impromptu visit to Oilslick was in order. He headed for the door, glancing over his shoulder, he took one last look at the black and gold mech that insisted on haunting his recharge cycle and sighed.
“This aint over. Between you and me.” He assured confidently, closing the door with a click behind him.
Prowl sank to his knees and buried his face in his hands, wishing he could cry out, go after him, scream, forget. He looked up wearily and stared at the closed door, letting out a barely perceptible sorrowful sigh. “It never even began.”
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