Ensuring Discipline | By : hummerhouse Category: +S through Z > Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Views: 5605 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
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Ensuring Discipline
part 5
Don could have easily pulled free from Leo’s hold, but a quick glance across the lair as Leo yanked him up the stairs strengthened his resolve. Mikey had followed them from the kitchen and was staring up at Don, his blue eyes wide. Raphael stood in the doorway to the dojo, his mouth a grim line and his hands curled around the hilts of his sais.
It was his promise to Mikey that made Don’s feet find the stair treads and continue to climb towards Leo’s room. Turning to run from this would only make things worse for all of them. Whatever happened, Don was determined to survive it in order to prove to Mike and Raph that he would keep his word. That resolution made him turn his head and offer Mikey a brief smile and then to also catch Raph’s eyes. Shaking his head slightly, Don conveyed the desire that his hot headed brother remain calm and do nothing. Leo was silent in his anger as he flung open his bedroom door, propelling Donatello inside with a hard shove. As Don looked around for some clue as to what might happen next, he heard the door close and the lock click into place. Don was starting to turn towards his brother when Leo flattened the palm of his hand on Don’s carapace and pushed him towards the bed. When they were a couple of feet away, Leo stopped shoving, but his hand stayed on Don’s shell. “Get on the bed,” Leo growled menacingly. “No,” Don said, determined to remain defiant. Leo yanked the bo from Don’s belt so fast that Don barely had time to register he’d been disarmed. Then the heavy wooden staff struck him across the back of his legs. With a shout, Don collapsed to his knees, excruciating pain radiating through his body. He barely had time to draw a breath when Leo slammed into his carapace, pushing Don face down onto the bed, leaving his lower half dangling over the edge. Don tried to dig into the floor with his toes and slide out from under his brother, but Leo was gripping the back of his neck. The tableau held for half a minute and then Don began to lift himself off of the bed with Leo riding his back. Leo was definitely the faster of the two, but Don was stronger. He could winch engines out of cars all by himself and knew in a battle of muscle, he could take his brother. Unfortunately, in the heat of the moment, Don forgot that Leo didn’t need to rely on brute force. Leo was a master ninja, and as such, he possessed an unmatched skill at crippling by use of pressure points. A stabbing pain pierced his lats and Don lost the use of his arms, falling once more flat against the mattress. His upper body twitched and Don groaned when he realized that he was completely paralyzed from the waist up. “When are you going to learn, Donatello?” Leo grunted, laying across Don’s carapace so he could rasp into Don’s ear slits. “You can’t fight me, you can’t save your brothers, and this little game of yours is going to stop.” Without waiting for a response, Leo slid down from Don’s body and settled into place between his younger brother’s legs. When Leo shoved them further apart it gave Don even less leverage to use his feet and he could only wait helplessly for whatever was going to happen next. “Tail,” Leo husked, his voice deeply guttural. Don hadn’t heard Leo go for the lube and knew immediately that Leo wasn’t going to prep him. Fear lit a fire in his chest and his pressed his tail tightly down against his entrance. “I know you’re angry,” Don managed to say in a somewhat level tone of voice, “but unless you want to seriously injure me, you know you can’t go in dry.” Don was breathing hard, his pulse racing. He heard a low chuckle come from his brother, and then Leo wrapped a hand around Don’s tail, forcing it out of the way. “Always so rational,” Leo said, his tone nasty. “You want to be prepped; then I’ll prep you.” Don heard Leo clear his throat and spit, feeling the splatter of wetness against his anus a second later. Leo swirled a finger in the spittle and shoved both roughly into Don, quickly sawing in and out of him a few times. The liquid barely helped to ease the pain of Leo’s finger sliding into him and Don gasped, holding his breath as Leo finally yanked his finger free. Leo spit again and the squelching sound that followed told Don that his brother was lubing his cock. Don’s tail was trying to pull free from Leo’s grasp to no avail. To add insult to injury, his brother was squeezing and stroking the short appendage and it was starting to respond favorably to the attention. Then Leo drove into him and Don forgot everything as horrible pain pierced his inner core. White hot lancing barbs of pure agony made Don cry out and twist his head so that he could bite the sheets that were bunched beneath his face. “Stop . . . fighting me, Donatello,” Leo grunted, his pace hard and fast as he raped his brother. “You have . . . to learn discipline . . . to learn . . . how to obey . . . .” “You don’t care about discipline!” Don shouted, pain making him reckless. “It’s just an excuse for you to brutalize us!” “You want . . . it!” Leo yelled, slamming into Don’s body. “You asked . . . for it!” “I asked you not to rape Mikey,” Don insisted. “You’ve become a brutal beast, driven by lust for your own brothers!” “Stop talking,” Leo hissed. His hand suddenly came down on the back of Don’s head and he pushed his brother’s face into the mattress. The bedding balled up beneath Don’s mouth, effectively gagging him. With his nostrils plugged by the mattress, Don couldn’t breathe. Frantic, he tried to shake Leo’s hand loose, but his brother was leaning into him as he reached for his orgasm, ignoring Don’s desperate struggles. Leo’s heavy breathing and harsh groans of pleasure drowned out Don’s whimpers. The fight for freedom expelled what oxygen had been left in Don’s lungs and the room started to feel like it was spinning. As Leo’s movements grew more frenetic, Don began to fade out. Unable to pull air into his body, Don lost consciousness. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Voices. Raph’s, harsh and rasping. Mikey’s pleas; the tone almost begging. Noises. The creak of a door. A fist slamming into something hard. Sounds. The television blaring. Something skittering across the concrete floor. Murmurs. Master Splinter’s voice from a distance, “Stay strong, strong, strong . . . .” Dark laughter. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Don’s eyes snapped open as he woke, abruptly and fully. Momentarily disoriented, he stared up at an unfamiliar ceiling and tried to remember where he was. The events from before he had passed out finally came back to him and he realized that he was still in Leo’s room and was apparently lying on Leo’s bed. When Don tried to move he discovered that his arms and legs were bound, his wrists tied to pipes that ran along the walls at the head of Leo’s bed. Both of Don’s ankles had ropes wrapped around them, each tied to the bed frame, leaving Don spread eagled and uncomfortably vulnerable. After pulling at the ropes to determine their strength and then giving up on the notion of snapping them, Don stopped struggling in order to assess his situation. It was then he noticed that his painfully abused bottom was filled with something; something that was moving. Don shifted his hips to try and dislodge what he guessed was the vibrator, but it didn’t budge. A low chuckle greeted his attempts, the sound coming from a shadowed corner of the room, which was now lit only by candles. Turning his head, Don watched as Leo glided closer to him. Neither said a word for several minutes as Leo’s gaze slowly raked across Don’s prone form. Stripped of his mask and gear, Don had never felt more naked in his life. Don was desperate to know how badly Leo had injured him; the backs of his legs hurt, likely bruised by the bo staff, and his ass ached, but not as badly as it should have. Had his brother inflicted so much damage that the nerves that carried pain receptors were no longer capable of signaling his brain? Leo seemed to read his mind. “I coated the vibrator with lidocaine ointment; I found it in the medicine cabinet in your lab. It serves two purposes; to numb the pain and to keep you lubricated.” “Da . . . .” Don coughed and cleared his throat. “How much damage?” he whispered. “Some tearing but nothing too bad,” Leo told him, his hooded eyes still examining his brother’s body. “The spit helped, but the precome helped more. I was very, very anxious.” “Yeah, because it was all about teaching me a lesson,” Don said sarcastically. A corner of Leo’s mouth twitched. “You’re still in need of a lesson,” Leo said. “I knew you would be, that’s why you’re in this predicament. Of my three brothers, you are the most obstinate. You always have been, Donny; you just can’t leave well enough alone.” “It doesn’t matter how hard any of us tries to follow your rules, does it Leo?” Don asked scathingly. “You’ll always find fault and you’ll always see to it that we break your rules. You’ve got some sadistic need to exert control by force and the only way you can achieve sexual gratification is by assaulting us. If that weren’t true, I wouldn’t be tied to this bed with a vibrator shoved up inside of me. No matter what you say about trying to teach us to follow orders, this is no way to go about doing that.” “You know I always plan in advance,” Leo said. “This is the emergency plan in case you were determined to continue being defiant. It looks like you have decided to do just that.” Don laughed shortly. “Oh I’m sure that if I had awakened to spew apologies and plead for your forgiveness you would have untied me and let me go. Maybe you can make the others believe that, but I don’t. The pleading gets you off just as much as the torture does. I’m not going to feed your illness.” Unexpectedly, Leo slid onto the bed next to Don. Lying on his side so he could face his younger brother, Leo lightly stroked Don’s cheek. “Do you know what has happened because of your decision to stand up to me?” Leo asked. “Raphael and Michelangelo both confronted me with concerns about your well-being. My good little pets are trying to re-grow their spines. Just when I had them trained to never question my commands, you defy me and have them thinking that’s a perfectly acceptable thing to do.” “If you expect me to tell them that I willingly accept this behavior from you just so you can get them back into line, forget it,” Don said. “I can’t believe what you’ve turned into. What happened to you, Leo? Was it something that Master Splinter said? Was it his leaving us that triggered such extremes?” “Questions; always with the questions,” Leo said, his hand now playing across Don’s neck and collarbones. “That’s the best thing and the worst thing about you. You don’t know when to stop digging, even when it isn’t healthy for you to continue.” “I care about my brothers,” Don shot back. “You used to care about us too. Do you even understand what you were going to do to Mikey over such a minor lapse in his concentration? Do you even understand how badly you could have injured me if I hadn’t said anything? Leo, you have to stop this now, you have to let me go. Whatever is happening to you, I’ll help you fix it.” “I’m quite capable of offering inducements and rewards for good behavior,” Leo said, ignoring Don’s plea. “Not everything has to be a punishment, Donny. You’re wrong about me.” His hand trailed along the skin above Don’s plastron, the fingertips brushing back and forth. After a moment, the caress moved lower as Leo began to rub Donatello’s scutes. “Leo, look at me,” Don urged desperately. “Our lives depend on you. We need for you to be whole. This thing you’re doing is going to destroy us.” “Discipline,” Leo husked as his hand slipped between Don’s legs. “You need discipline. The best armies operate on it and it is sorely lacking in this family. I’m going to make sure we are all on the right track.” He pushed against the vibrator that continued to buzz inside of Don, shoving it until it touched the bundle of nerves that was Don’s prostate. With a grunt, Don’s hips lifted from the bed and he shook in reaction to the unwanted pleasure. “Your punishment isn’t over yet,” Leo whispered. “But this time I’ll go easier on you. You’ll be well lubricated and stretched.” “Don’t,” Don said, his voice cracking. “Leo, that’s enough. Please stop.” “Remember what you told me when I asked you to clean up your mess?” Leo asked. “In case you don’t, I’ll give you the same answer. No.” Once more Leo pushed against the vibrator, making Donatello shudder and groan. Then Leo’s hand slid back up so that he could begin teasing the softer cartilage in Don’s plastron behind which his manhood was hidden. Don stared at his brother, eyes wide. “What are you doing?” “While it’s true your lesson isn’t over, I do believe you deserve a reward for all of the extra work you’ve done in installing those cameras. And for being so concerned about your brother’s feelings,” Leo said with a half-smile. Before Don could respond, Leo shifted so that he was looming over Don’s body. Giving his brother a last enigmatic look, Leo slid downwards until he was perched on his knees between Don’s legs. Using one hand, Leo began to carefully stroke and pull Don’s sensitive tail. The other hand continued to entice the growing bulge beneath Don’s plastron, causing his penis to respond to the stimulation in spite of himself. Don tried to think while Leo worked him up, forcing his mind to attempt to process Leo’s actions. In just the span of time that Don lay unconscious, Leo had gone from brutality to this strange manipulative behavior. It was hard for Don to focus on anything with Leo’s thumb sliding alongside of his penis. When Leo suddenly leaned forward and swiped his tongue across the now gaping opening in Don’s plastron, the genius gasped. Leo repeated the maneuver and Don found that he had become painfully hard beneath his shell. Trying to hold himself in was torture and he realized that the longer he fought what Leo was trying to do to him, the longer he would be unable to concentrate on his situation. If that was what Leo was counting on, Don decided to surprise him. With a sigh, Don allowed Leo to coax his cock into the open. Relaxing as much as he could, Don gave his entire attention to the erotic feeling of a hand other than his own stroking his hard shaft. Then Leo’s mouth engulfed him and Don had to fight to catch his breath. As unwanted as this blow job was, Don focused on how his body was responding, getting into the moment as he let the sensation overwhelm him. He could feel his approaching orgasm as his groin caught fire and the muscles in his sphincter began to spasm. Don climaxed with a strangled cry, his arms and legs twitching as they pulled against the ropes that were holding his body in place. To his surprise, Leo didn’t move away, his mouth remaining on Don’s penis as it sprayed forth its milky load. Eyes closed, Don’s head fell back against the pillow, his mouth open as he fought for air. The vibrator still moved inside of him, but Don was too limp to really feel it, barely comprehending the touch of Leo’s tongue against his now flaccid organ. The bed dipped on either side of Don’s body, but he didn’t register the meaning until Leo’s lips were touching his. Don’s eyes snapped open and he stared at his brother in stunned disbelief. Leo’s mouth was insistent, the pressure against Don’s keeping it open so that Leo could thrust his tongue into Don’s mouth. A wet substance began to trickle down Donatello’s throat and he realized that Leo still had a mouthful of Don’s semen. When Don tried to turn his head away, Leo flattened his body against his brothers and caught Don’s temples between his hands. Holding Don firmly in place, Leo flicked his tongue around inside Don’s mouth, painting the interior with cum. Leo pulled back with a satisfied slurp, his face hovering inches above Don’s as he smiled his satisfaction. Don swallowed; it was either that or gag and the latter would not have met with Leo’s approval. The smile on Leo’s face broadened. “You see Donny? We share everything. You’ll always be with me, won’t you? I satisfy your needs and you satisfy mine. It’s because you’re special; you’re my secret weapon. I can get muscle anywhere, but you are something my enemies can’t duplicate. You are my advantage.” Don’s brow furrowed in puzzlement as he stammered, “What . . . what are you t . . . talking about?” “Clan loyalty,” Leo said, his eyes feverish. Once more his lips pressed insistently against Don’s, his tongue wrapping around his younger brother’s. Leo pulled his legs up so that he was straddling Don’s pelvis as he continued to kiss him. Relinquishing his hold on Don’s face, Leo used one hand to lightly cup Don’s throat while the other brushed down along his brother’s exposed side. Don felt Leo’s fingers slide across his hip and then dip between his legs. The movement of the vibrator as Leo thrust it in and out of Don was both slow and steady. His older brother seemed to be teasing Don as much as prepping him and though Don had already released, the feeling became provocative after a few moments. Don didn’t think he had given Leo any kind of a sign to that effect, but he must have done something, because suddenly Leo pulled the vibrator completely out of his brother. It was quickly replaced by Leo’s finger, but rather than inserting the digit into Donatello, Leo began to rub slow, gentle circles around Don’s anus. After the earlier abuse the soft tease of Leo’s finger, wet from the lubed vibrator, felt surprisingly soothing against the tears in Don’s skin. In fact, it began to feel amazingly good. Leo’s tongue lapped at Don’s while he tickled his younger brother’s tender entrance and after several moments, Leo carefully pressed his digit into Don. All thoughts of using the time to study Leo were pushed aside as Don started to harden once more. Leo began a slow humping motion against Don’s pelvis and when something solid thumped against Don’s lower plastron, he knew it was Leo’s thick member. In another moment Don realized that Leo’s movements weren’t random. His older brother’s cock came into contact with Don’s and the touch nearly electrified the genius’ system. With absolute precision, Leo rubbed his shaft against Don’s. Leo’s tongue continued to own Don’s mouth and his finger pushed further into the bound Turtle. Don had absolutely no idea that he was going to churr until the sound rumbled up from his chest. Leo responded with a churr of his own, the sound vibrating their tightly wound tongues. Their cocks slipped and slid against each other as precome slicked both shafts. Finally Leo pulled his mouth away, leaned in to kiss his brother’s neck, and then adjusted his position so that his legs were once more between Don’s. Removing his finger, Leo reached up to wrap a hand around Don’s straining penis. With the other gripping Don’s upper thigh, Leo bent his head so that he could watch his cock’s slow slide into his brother’s body. Leo’s hold on his pulsating cock helped Don relax as his brother pushed all of the way into his abused ass. The pain was minimal as Leo began to rape him again, due in large part to the gentle rhythm and easy pace that Leo was setting. Don’s mind was in total confusion. This behavior was not due to a split personality disorder; Leo spouted the same philosophy as before and was absolutely cognizant of everything he had done to his brothers. It was just that Leo seemed to be changing, adjusting his interactions so that he was sharing more and taking less. But only with Donatello it appeared. Because Don remembered what Mikey had said, that Leo never kissed them. Kissing was a personal, loving act, and what Leo had been doing to Mike and Raph had nothing to do with love. Why, why, why? The questions swirled around in Don’s brain and then faded into the background again as Leo began to stroke Don’s cock in time with his own thrusts. Once more Don gave himself over to feelings; letting his brother bring him to orgasm and then drifting on the high of his release as he listened to Leo grunt and churr through his own. Through heavily lidded eyes, Don watched Leo’s face, observing the obvious ecstasy cross his brother’s features, but also catching a glimpse of something that almost looked like joy and triumph. When Leo’s cock slipped out of him, the eldest moved up to lie next to Don as he’d done before. Don turned his head to look at Leo and found that his brother was gazing at him tenderly. Without saying a word, Leo began to pet Don’s face as his eyes drifted shut. Within moments, Leo was sound asleep. Don could feel the exhaustion from his ordeal trying to overtake him, but he forced himself to stay awake so that he could study Leo up close. “. . . you’re my secret weapon. I can get muscle anywhere, but you are something my enemies can’t duplicate. You are my advantage.” Leo’s words played through Don’s mind as he tried to make sense of them. His brother had emphasized ‘my enemies’, as though they were his alone. Leonardo had no enemies that did not also belong to the rest of his family. He should have said ‘our enemies’. Don replayed their conversation through his mind and noted that it was just after he had offered to help Leo fix whatever was happening to him that his older brother had gone from crippling brutality to gentle caresses. The Leo that Don had grown up with knew without any hint of doubt that Don was always there for him. His Leo knew that Don would follow him to hell and shove a stick of dynamite up the devil’s ass if Leo asked him to. Don’s eyes narrowed as he scanned Leo’s face, neck, and the upper part of his plastron. After so many years, so many fights, and so many patch jobs, Don knew every nick and scar on all three of his brother’s bodies. With unerring accuracy Don picked out the ones he remembered, but along with those were some he’d never seen before. This was not his Leonardo. TBC……………..While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. The AFF system includes a rigorous and complex abuse control system in order to prevent improper use of the AFF service, and we hope that its deployment indicates a good-faith effort to eliminate any illegal material on the site in a fair and unbiased manner. This abuse control system is run in accordance with the strict guidelines specified above.
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