Exciting Catch | By : GabrielC Category: Transformers > Transformers: Animated > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 3313 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers and make no profit from writing this. |
A/N: Warnings for noncon and drug use. Rent boy/prostitution. RAM is our invention and is an aphrodisiac created by Oilslick
Oilslick sat back and took a sip of his drink, optics lost in his memory. “During the war as you well know Lockdown a mech had to make his own way, even if he was part of the war and had to fight.” He paused staring blankly ahead, ignoring the pleasant chatter around the room. “Had to fight, had to earn money. Not many could do both.”
“Oh and I suppose you could?” Lockdown raised the brow plating above one optic.
“Oh yeah.” Oilslick leaned closer. “You have to know what to sell and to whom.” He winked.
“Byte.” Lockdown stated with a soft growl.
Oilslick shrugged. “Amongst other things. Soldiers on the outer rims led a desperate existence and they would sell their own creators for a little release.”
Lockdown was getting bored of Oilslick’s nostalgic narcissism. “So what’s all this got to do with Prowl?”
“I’m getting to it.” Oilslick smirked pouring himself another drink. “I tell you though he couldn’t have shown up at a better time, just when the Autobots began to gain the upper hand and the market went into a slump, I needed all the help I could get.”
The acid rain was falling heavily, most mechs stayed indoors during the storms due to its mildly corrosive quality, so Oilslick was surprised to spy a shadowy figure lurking on his property. Naturally paranoid due to the nature of his business – a chemical weapons dealer for the Decepticons – Oilslick decided to nip this trespasser in the bud. Grabbing his rifle he braved the storm to face the intruder.
He was thankful at this point for his ninja training. He kept to the shadows easily, creeping up behind the huddled mech. His surface scan revealed him to be an Autobot, but due to his adult frame still looking untarnished and relatively new, he was clearly not a soldier and too young to be a spy. Still a trespasser was a trespasser and an Autobot was the enemy. He dropped down silently behind the mech and raised his weapon.
“You have three astroseconds to state your business before I blow your spark to Primus.”
The mech, startled, leapt to his feet and stumbled backwards in his attempt to flee. He fell hard on his aft and stared up at the rifle which was pointing at his helm. “I—I have no business... just getting out of the rain.”
“Well I’m not running a hotel here so get your Autobot aft off my property.”
The black and gold mech shot him a dark look before transforming and speeding off into the rain. Oilslick watched him leave and through sheer curiosity committed his young face to memory.
*End flashback*
“Is this going somewhere?” Lockdown spat his arms folded.
“Why? Are you in a rush?”
Lockdown’s optics were fixed on the spectacle of flirting provided by Optimus. What was Prowl thinking? He shook his head once. “No I guess not.” He sat back and gestured for Oilslick to continue.
Oilslick made his way into the city after the storms had cleared. He had business to attend to and product to sell and his client wasn’t going to wait around all solar cycle. Making his way through the weaving crowds he heard commotion ahead.
Peering into the clearing he spied the young mech that had taken shelter on his property. He was running and he was running fast but the mech behind was about to shoot him in the back. Oilslick figured this was a waste of such a pretty chassis and stepped in. In a swift move that took the mech by surprise he had grabbed hold of his wrist and sent him flying backwards into the ground. He pressed his knee firmly into his chest as the mech growled and snarled at him. Remaining calm, Oilslick removed the energon that the mech had stolen and handed it back to the disgruntled mech.
“There you go, no harm done.”
“He’s always fraggin’ stealing from me!” The mech yelled.
Oilslick stood and hauled the smaller mech to his feet.
“Well you would make it easy for me.” The young mech retorted.
Without warning Oilslick landed a sharp slap across the mech’s face plates eliciting a yelp. The mech struggled in his grasp but couldn’t break Oilslick’s strong hold.
“Get the frag off me!!”
“Shut up if you know what’s good for you youngling.”
“I’m not a fraggin’ youngling. Let go!” The mech’s face was a picture of rage and frustration.
Oilslick really didn’t have time for this. He pulled the mech in close and gripped his slender throat. “Stop acting like one then.” He spoke through gritted denta, lowering his voice to a soft growl. “And this ‘bot might not kill you.” He glared intently into the narrow blue visor. It had the desired effect, the mech calmed and glared at his pursuer.
“Don’t worry.” Oilslick nodded to the disgruntled shop owner. “I will take this piece of scrap to the authorities; he’s been lurking on my property too and I want to see him dealt with personally.” He cast a sidelong look at the black and gold mech restrained beside him. He couldn’t help but congratulate himself internally, convince the idiot shop owner he was sincere and the young mech was all his to deal with as he saw fit and what he saw at the moment had potential.
“Slag like him should be off lined.” The mech muttered turning back to his establishment.
Oilslick waited until the mech had gone before turning in the opposite direction, dragging the smaller mech with him.
“Where are you taking me?”
“Somewhere we can talk.”
“I don’t want to talk to you.”
Oilslick smiled over his shoulder. “Now that’s not a very grateful attitude to have with the mech who’s just saved your aft and could take it with a snap of his fingers.”
The mech scoffed his arrogance swiftly returning. “Like to see you try.”
The mech wanted to goad him? He would get more than he bargained for. He spun round quicker than the ‘bot could react and grabbing with both hands flung him against the wall down a side street. Before he could fight back Oilslick pressed him up against the wall on his front and twisted one of his arms high behind his back, pinning the other to the wall.
“Now you listen to me youngling and you listen good, you want to survive here you’ve got to become invisible.”
The mech tried to shove back growling in anger. “I’m not a youngling!”
Slamming him back against the wall hard enough to make him grunt in pain, Oilslick growled darkly. “Stop acting like one and I might stop referring to you as one.”
He took a deep intake to calm his depleted patience. “Now tell me what a ‘bot is doing living on the city streets when there is a war going on that he could be fighting?”
“Don’t want to fight.”
“It’s nothin’ to do with me. I’m not going to be told to kill some other mech just because some boss bot doesn’t like another boss bot.”
“Rebelling against the powers that be I take it?”
The mech didn’t respond merely glowered into the wall.
“Well no matter. I believe your luck has changed.”
“Was doin’ just fine without any help or luck.” The ‘bot mumbled.
Oilslick chuckled releasing his grip and allowing the mech to face him. “I’m sure you were. I however have an offer for you.”
The mech still didn’t respond, just glared at Oilslick his expression unreadable through his visor.
“You could use the guidance.”
“I don’t want…” The mech was cut off as Oilslick pulled out the energon he’d retrieved from him earlier.
“But I thought you gave it back!”
“It’s a little trick I learned, like I said to survive you need to become invisible. Most mechs here are too caught up in their own self absorbed little worlds to really notice you, if you don’t want to be seen.”
The mech said nothing his flushed face plates betraying the sense of awe he felt in the presence of this older mech, he took the offered cube. “Why would you help me?” He glanced up his optics a little brighter after drinking the energon.
Oilslick smiled broadly. “I could use young mechs like you in my line of work that’s why. What do you say?”
The mech frowned. “What’s in it for me?”
“A roof over your head and less of a need to steal energon. Also if you’re good, I can show you a few tricks of the trade.” He flashed him a wide grin. One he always reserved for charming ‘bots into his way of thinking.
“Will I be paid?”
“Ha! You don’t want much do you kid?” Oilslick turned on his heel and headed back into the bustling city. He grinned as the mech caught up to him and fell into step beside him.
“The name’s Oilslick kid.”
The mech continued to frown at him. “Mine’s Prowl... not kid...”
Oilslick winked. “Got it.”
“So what’s the job?”
“Oh this and that.” Oilslick draped his arm possessively around Prowl’s shoulders. “I’ll think of something.”
Over the coming deca-cycles Prowl proved handy to have around. He was more than capable of charming clientele that Oilslick had to contend with within his home. He also was a quiet mech with quite the talent for swiping other bot’s identities that Oilslick used in his transactions to cover his tracks. He did however have a temper and on more than one occasion Oilslick had, had to put him in his place. He did after all stay under his roof and if he wanted it to stay that way he would do as Oilslick instructed.
Much to Oilslick’s pleasure the young mech looked up to him and would listen when he wanted to teach him a new business trick or when he put his long neglected ninja training to use and taught the mech a little about how to defend himself. Prowl’s need for praise and approval from him was ego boosting to say the least and Oilslick found himself drawn to the mech. He was intelligent and yet so naïve as to the ways of the world that he felt it was up to him to take him under his wing.
The day came when Oilslick needed more than just an identity stolen, or guests placated. This was a day that he had managed to broker a major deal, it was not however going forward as planned.
“Frag it!” Oilslick stormed into the main room and slammed the door behind him.
Prowl glanced up from where he was curled up reading a data pad on the chair. “What is it?”
Oilslick sighed. “He doesn’t want to pay what he originally agreed; the thing is if he doesn’t then I won’t have enough credit to get the shipment delivered.”
“The shipment of Byte you spoke about?”
Oilslick eyed him suspiciously. “Do you know everything that goes on around here?”
Prowl shrugged. “I listen.”
The older mech huffed and paced the room. Prowl watched him slowly work himself up as he always did over his larger deals. It didn’t help that any mech caught with Byte would be sent to the Autobot stockades, so with a half hearted roll of his optics Prowl stood and stepped in his path.
“Let me help.”
“You? What could you do?”
“You tell me. What would help?”
Oilslick bit back a retort as his optics wandered across Prowl’s sleek frame. “Maybe there is something you could do.” He frowned a little and brought himself into Prowl’s personal space. “I don’t intimidate you do I?”
“Do you want me to be intimidated?” Prowl asked a little thrown by the question.
“Not at the moment. Would you be willing to persuade him for me? Sweeten the deal for him?”
Prowl’s optics narrowed. “What would I have to do?”
“Anything he wants, he’s a rather vivacious mech and often keeps… company.” Oilslick circled Prowl looking him up and down. “Intimate company.”
Oilslick smirked as Prowl’s intakes hitched when he whispered the words into his audio in conjunction with lifting his hand to drift across Prowl’s chassis; he enjoyed the shiver resulting from his touches.
“Would you be willing to persuade him for me Prowl?” Oilslick’s voice rumbled softly in Prowl’s audio, seductive, inviting. “You know after everything I’ve done to help you.”
Prowl shuttered his optics as Oilslick’s arms wrapped around his chest, his hot breath washing over the sensitive sensors in his neck, his intakes became shallow when he felt Oilslick’s mouth press into the crook of his neck, nibbling at exposed cabling, his glossa flicking across hidden sensor nodes. He dropped his head back, resting it against Oilslick’s shoulder. It had been a while since anyone had touched him this way, not since dropping out of the academy and he did owe Oilslick a great deal, he wanted to please him, hear his praise, was he always really so needy? He let out a breathy moan as Oilslick grinded up against his aft. It felt good to be wanted, to be needed.
“Yes.” He breathed his intakes now shallow and rapid. Turning to face the older mech, Prowl looked up at him fondly. “Yes I will help you. What do you want me to do?”
Oilslick’s face broke into a wide smile. Clapping his hands together he gently touched Prowl’s cheek. “Come with me.”
Prowl hesitated at the doorway and turned round sharply only to walk straight into Oilslick. “I can’t do this, it’s just too… wrong.”
“How is it wrong? You’re just going to use those delicious charms of yours to persuade him to my way of thinking. I will be watching the entire time remember, I own this building and anything he says or does I can use. We agreed on this right?”
“I don’t know Oilslick, it doesn’t feel right… I mean what if he wants to… you know.”
“’Face you?”
“Yes.” Prowl looked away, feeling ashamed at his sudden cowardice. He was no pleasure bot why was he even considering doing this? Did he really owe Oilslick that much?
“Stop worrying. Remember what I told you. Let him do everything… but that.”
Prowl nodded nervously. Oilslick smiled and retrieved something from his subspace. “Here take this.”
“What is it?”
“It’s a disc of RAM, for your nerves. Won’t hurt you. Open your mouth.”
Prowl did as he was told as always and Oilslick placed the tiny disc on his glossa, he hesitated before pulling away, dragging in the rich scent of the Autobot, the heat from his already overworked systems.
“Go now.” Oilslick commanded and watched him enter the building. He returned to his home and activated his security monitors. They literally combed every inch of his property, even the inn in which the mech in question was staying. He sat down and waited focused on the single room where one mech suddenly received a visitor.
Oilslick smirked to himself as he watched Prowl with the mech, he was alluring to say the least and was clearly charming the mech. After a short while Prowl held out the data pad for the mech to sign, only to find it batted away. Oilslick’s optics widened as Prowl without warning jumped the mech and proceeded to persuade him by any means at his disposal.
He was impressed, the mild aphrodisiac he’d given Prowl seemed to be working, he had gotten the mech so worked up and flustered that he had no idea what he was signing when Prowl handed him the datapad once again.
Oilslick leaned closer to the monitor. “That’s it, good boy… now make nice and leave.” Pleasingly Prowl seemed to be doing just that, that was until the mech decided he had other ideas and pinned Prowl to the berth. Oilslick growled angrily at the monitor as he watched the mechs writhing on the berth. The drug was working a little too well for his liking. Slamming the monitors off, Oilslick sat in the dark and waited.
Prowl returned to his home, Oilslick’s home, feeling a little light headed yet distinctly pleased with himself. He had gotten the signature, the deal was made, he felt warmth buzzing through him and he smiled coyly to himself. Whatever Oilslick had given him had sure done its job, he felt completely relaxed and still more than a little horny even after he’d worn out that other mech. He called out Oilslick’s name upon entering only to find the building in darkness. Frowning Prowl shrugged and headed to his room, leaving the datapad on the table.
A whisper of air brushed past his audio, Prowl spun round and yelped when strong hands grabbed him from behind and dragged him into his room. He kicked and struggled viciously, yelling at the assailant to let him go. The mech snarled at him and flung him into the wall hard enough to white out his optics for a few seconds. Prowl hissed as he was shoved up against the wall painfully, both his hands were caught in a vice like grip above his head.
“Who are you?!”
“Oh it’s me pet. You know the one who lets you live here, provides you with energon, supports you.”
“Oilslick?” Prowl gasped trying to turn only to have his head slammed into the wall. “W—what are you doing?” Prowl glanced up as he felt something solid clamp around his wrists, stasis cuffs, he couldn’t move.
“I am putting your insolent aft in its place.” Oilslick growled his hot breath close to Prowl’s throat, his audio. “You need reminding that you work for me, you are my property.”
“I’m not…Gaahh!” Prowl cried out as strong hands spread his legs and pawed at his interface panel. He mewled as he felt his cover auto-retract, he was still so worked up from ‘facing that other mech - which he had, had no intention of doing and couldn’t quite figure out why he had – that he didn’t recoil from Oilslick’s heavy petting, it was surprising but still enjoyable.
“Still wet I see.” Oilslick purred into his audio. His voice was different, darker, deeper, intimidating.
“Let me make one thing perfectly clear to you Prowl.” Oilslick spoke over Prowl’s wanton groans and whimpers, shoving two fingers into his still wet valve and began thrusting them into the quivering entrance. “The only spike you EVER take… is mine.” A grunt of want escaped Oilslick’s vocaliser as he thrust his hard spike into the hot valve.
Pinning Prowl’s hands above him he thrust hard and slow, relishing the whimpers from the young mech that sounded with each hard thrust. He could feel his overload building, it had been quite a while for him and Prowl was deliciously tight, valve walls clenching greedily around the ridged sensor nodes lining his spike. Unable to contain himself he grabbed Prowl’s hips and pounded hard and fast into him, grunting loudly as lust, power and arousal took him over. He barely heard the gasp and cry from the black and gold mech as he thrust wildly.
Crushing his hard frame against the smooth, trembling chassis of Prowl, Oilslick was relentless, he liked it rough and he didn’t really care if Prowl enjoyed it or not at this point. He was teaching the cocky ‘bot a lesson.
“Hu—hurting…me…Nnngghhh.” Prowl managed to whimper in between forceful thrusts.
Oilslick let out a laugh, having Prowl cry out and squirm beneath him was too much, he felt his spike swelling. Prowl’s yells for him to stop however were not helping his mood. Reaching one hand around Prowl’s waist he lifted him higher to give himself better access and wrapped the other around Prowl’s mouth to prevent him from talking.
Hot breath seeped through his fingers as Prowl groaned with pleasure into his hand. Oilslick held him tightly as his slight frame tensed and locked. Unable to move due to the stasis cuffs; Prowl’s frame overheated as overload hit him and he fell limp with soft cry. Oilslick felt the rolling heat wash over him in waves, tingling through his circuitry he roared as hot fluid spurted from his spike, making his movements slick as he thrust once, twice more before collapsing against the wall, ignoring the whimper from Prowl as he fell heavily against him.
He brought his hand up to run across Prowl’s heated faceplates. “So we understand each other?”
Mumbling and dropping his gaze to the floor Prowl nodded meekly. Oilslick slipped his de-pressurised spike out and released the stasis cuffs. “Hmmm I could get used to this arrangement.” He smirked at Prowl’s shaken demeanour. “Oh don’t pout.” He lifted Prowl’s face with a single long finger beneath his chin. “I don’t ask for much do I?”
Prowl shook his head and allowed the older mech to embrace him. The buzzing warmth he felt earlier had gone, now his tanks lurched at the realisation of what had just happened, the effects of the drug finally wearing off. He felt cold, hollow and angry. He had never felt so out of control in his life; even at the academy where he’d struggled to fit in, to belong he had never felt as trapped as he did at this moment.
Oilslick murmured into his audio. “Obey me in future Prowl, that’s all I ask of you.”
He was trapped, he had been lured by Oilslick’s devious, selfish charms, his neat tricks and he had awed at his fighting skills and his stealthy, graceful movements, all of which he had later learned were due to Oilslick’s past training as a ninja and not down to the mech himself. Prowl could only give one answer. “I will do anything you ask.” He murmured, hoping that the regret he now felt, the disappointment in himself, as he rested his head against the warm chassis, went unheard, for he had no where else to go. He failed to see the dark look on Oilslick’s face as he uttered those words.
“That you will Prowl, that you will.”
*End Flashback*
Lockdown was staring at him as he drifted reluctantly out of his reverie. “You gave him RAM to work for you?”
Oilslick waved him off. “Oh because you have been such a saint in your time Lockdown.”
The bounty hunter glared at him. “So what happened after you made him do that first job?”
Oilslick had neglected to tell his own part in the story and for very good reason, he wanted to keep his head on his body, but there was always fun to be had in goading the prickly mech. “He worked for me far more often and Lockdown you should see what that kid can do in the berth when you slip him some RAM.”
“No… I really don’t think I should. You used him.”
“Of course I did, desperate times and all that. He didn’t know any better and was quite happy to share my berth for that entire stellar cycle whenever I requested it.” Oilslick smirked, priding himself on being able to hit any nerve in a mech; it always resulted in much amusement on his part, especially when the mech was as guarded as Lockdown was.
“He what?!” Lockdown spluttered his drink across the table, not quite believing that Oilslick and Prowl, he shuddered to think about it.
“Well he did until the dumb fragger got caught stealing for me.” Oilslick had a dark look about him, his optics drifting over to where Prowl was enjoying himself. “Mmmm what I wouldn’t give to slip him a little RAM right about now… see if he’s still got it, he was wild.” He made to turn to Lockdown. “I bet you wouldn’t pass up that chance would… Oooofff!!
Oilslick’s optics came back online to stare at the ceiling, shaking his head he glared up from the floor on which he was now sprawled. “What the frag was that for?!”
Lockdown bore down on him, heaving him to his feet by his collar fairing with one hand, slamming him into the table sending the cubes clattering to the floor.
Oilslick cried out as another punch struck his face. “You disgust me.” Lockdown growled before leaving him splayed on the table and walking away.
Oilslick was furious, how dare the bounty hunter of all mechs, judge him, after everything he’d done in his past. “You think you’re better than me?!” He snarled at Lockdown who had frozen in his tracks. “You think you’re any different to me? Tell me, what is it you crave most Lockdown? Pining only gets you so far… you want something or even someone you have to take it… by force!” He launched himself at the black and green mech sending them sliding across the floor, stopping at the feet of Optimus, who; with Jazz’s help hauled Oilslick off Lockdown.
Both mechs got swiftly to their feet, Optimus found himself slammed against the wall with one large hand, Lockdown glaring at him. “Stay out of my face pretty ‘bot, or I’ll rearrange yours.”
He turned back to Oilslick who was coming in for another attack. “That’s the difference between me and you Oil. I haven’t crossed that line and I’m certainly not about to start for you!” He dropped his weight and sent his heavy leg smashing into Oilslick’s weaker shins. The slighter mech flipped in the air and landed awkwardly on his front groaning loudly.
“The deal’s off Oil. I’ve had enough of this shit.”
Lockdown flinched as Blackout’s heavy hand clamped around his shoulder. “Sorry guys’ house rules can’t have you wrecking the joint like a couple of over charged space bunnies. I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”
Lockdown brushed his hand off. “Don’t worry I’m already gone. You might want to give him a hand though.” He jabbed his thumb over his shoulder at the struggling Oilslick, before heading for the exit. He readied his fist as something caught his arm.
His optics widened falling onto a concerned Prowl. “Go back to your friends kid, this aint no concern o’ yours.” He wrenched his arm free and pushed through the doors.
Frowning Prowl barely registered Optimus touching his arm gently. “It’s done Prowl, let him go. Let him cause trouble elsewhere.”
Prowl glanced up at Optimus who smiled warmly at him. “I’m sorry, I’ll be right back.” He muttered. Ducking his head from Optimus’s confused expression; he followed Lockdown into the street.
“Lockdown wait!”
Halting in his tracks, Lockdown actually smiled at the sound of that rich voice calling him back.
“Why were you fighting?” Prowl demanded. “Do you just have an ingrained need to create unrest wherever you go?”
Lockdown found himself actually laughing. “You have no idea darlin’ and as I said before it’s none of your business.” He turned to face him, optics taking in every line of his handsome face. He stepped into Prowl’s personal space, knowing it made him uncomfortable, he could already feel the heat from his chassis. “Don’t you think you ought to run back inside before your date gets the wrong idea?”
Prowl’s frown deepened. “Why can you never give me a straight answer?”
Lockdown drew back at the unexpected question. “Give you a straight answer? Primus kid you’re one to talk.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
He cast a wry look at Oilslick who was still fuming at the entrance of The Inamorato, currently arguing with Blackout. “Why don’t you ask your blast from the past over there.”
Prowl followed his gaze and Lockdown heard his air intakes stall. He narrowed his optics at Prowl who looked briefly down at his fidgeting hands before staring at Lockdown with wide optics and a parted mouth, unable to find an appropriate response.
Prowl fidgeting, speechless? ‘Well now.’ Lockdown thought to himself, the mech wasn’t made of stone after all. “Oh yeah I know a lot of stuff I much rather I didn’t and if you really must know.” He curled his hook around Prowl’s neck, bringing their faces mere inches apart. He hesitated for a second, breathing in the hot air exhaled from Prowl’s vents as a result of the close contact, before pressing his mouth against him, swallowing the mewl of surprise from the black and gold ninja.
He broke the kiss smirking at the flush apparent on Prowl’s face plates. “I don’t like mechs disrespectin’ those I happen to have respect for. Makes me get into fights.” He straightened enjoying the moment of Prowl’s stunned surprise. He turned with a smirk and walked away, shouting over his shoulder. “And I only like fighting for the ones I like.”
Prowl stared after him, brushing his fingers across his lips he suddenly felt the need to intake air deeply.
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