The KP Chapters | By : Jayrich Category: Kim Possible > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 113417 -:- Recommendations : 3 -:- Currently Reading : 3 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Kim Possible, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
The Vengeance Chapters 3
As nearly every building around them burns into the night, Ron tries desperately to move any part of his body that will help him get to Kim, or get to help. The effects of the ray are still working to their fullest though, as he finds himself powerless to even lift a finger. He fears for the worst as he looks over at Kim, still wedged into the brick wall, courtesy of a massive slam from Warmonga. Suddenly, a revelation hits him, and remembers there is a savior around.
The naked mole rat emerges sluggishly from Ron’s pocket. Due to his different physiology, the rays’ effects were limited on him. Rufus looks over at Ron, who gives him the order.
Rufus nods his head and climbs back into Ron’s pocket. A moment later, he slowly resurfaces, pulling the Ronunicator out behind him. A quick press of the emergency red button instantly gets Wade on the other end.
“Guys, satellites show that there’s a spaceship in the vicinity and…” Wade’s interrupted by Rufus, who tries to explain the situation to him, but is fails. “Rufus, calm down. Just show me what happened.”
The mole rat does exactly that. Picking up the Ronunicator, he uses its camera to show the carnage done by Drakken & Shego. “Oh man. Rufus, stay there! I’m calling in Global Justice!”
Wade signs off as Rufus falls flat on his back on top of Ron. All of his movements have been strained and he’s near exhaustion. All that’s left is the wait. The soldiers of the Base have taken off after Drakken & Warmonga, leaving the Kim, Ron & Rufus all alone. Thankfully, the wait is not long. Within 3 minutes the Global Justice Helicarrier hovers high above the site, and dozens of Global Justice agents swarm the scene, all of them lead by Dr. Director.
“I want this area secure!” She commands. “No one gets in or out without…Oh my god.” Her gaze turns toward Kim. “Get her out of that wall, now!”
10 agents follow the order, and proceed to help Kim as a medical team rushes over to her. Ron smiles, happy that they arrived to help her, when he hears a voice.
“Ma’am! I’ve found Stoppable! He seems to be incapable of movement!”
Betty rushes over and examines Ron. “That damn Immobilization Ray.” She says. “Get him aboard the ship and to the Science Deck, ASAP! Before he loses all movement!” Two agents grab hold of Ron and lift him to his feet gently, holding him up from under his arms. As they carry him off, he utters something to Betty.
“Kim will be fine.” Betty tells him. “But we need to neutralize the effects of that ray on you before they becomes permanent.” The agents rush towards the Helicarrier carrying Ron, following behind a dozen agents who are boarding with Kim in tow. Betty takes one last look at the collateral damage done in the area, as a look of worry creeps onto her face.
“This may be our biggest battle.”
1 Hour Later…
Kim’s eyes slowly break open, as she awakens from her forced slumber. A bright light greets her first, and she averts her eyes to the side and notices herself surrounded by high-tech equipment, all designed to keep her alive & well. Sitting up, she finds herself back in her mission clothes.
“The mission. They…”
“Got away.” Dr. Director says, alerting Kim that she’s in the room. “Though we are just glad you’re still among the living.”
Among the living; and that’s when it hits Kim. “RON! Oh God! Is he OK, he didn’t…”
“Calm down, Kimberly.” Betty tells her. “Ron is being attended to right now. We are trying to find a way to break the effects of Drakken’s ray so he can become mobile.” Just then, Kim hears her boyfriend’s voice yelling out.
“It seems as if we were successful.” Betty adds, as Kim shifts to the edge of the hospital bed. “Slow movements, now. That Lorwardian Amazon knocked you for a loop.”
“Tell me about it.” Kim agrees, still feeling like her head’s spinning. “We’re on the Helicarrier?”
“The most efficient place you can be during this time.” Betty tells her. “Your arch-foe’s here as well.”
“Shego?” Kim asks. “Why is she here?”
“You’ll find out in due time.” Betty informs her. “For now, you should regain your legs and walk around. But I will be expecting you in the Briefing Room in 10 minutes.”
With that said, Dr. Director makes her exit from the room. She’s followed behind by Kim, who’s trying to indeed gather herself back together. She walks down the hall, making some distance until comes upon an intersection. There, she sees her boyfriend, wearing a hospital gown, locked in a struggle with the vending machine.
“EH! Come on, I want my Nutty Crunchers!” Ron says, banging his fist against the glass case. Suddenly, he’s nearly tackled to the ground by Kim, who holds him tight, thankful he’s OK.
“I’m so glad to see you.” She says lovingly, as Ron hugs her back just as tight, happy she’s OK.
“Same here, Kim. Same here.” He says. It’s a joyous & relieving moment between the two, one that’s interrupted as Ron notices a large, muscle-bound, masked Global Justice agent surprisingly sneaking down the hallway.
“OK, is it me, or is that guy acting like he’s out after curfew.” Ron asks. Kim lets go and turns to see what Ron means. Spotting the agent, Kim puts a finger over Ron’s lips, indicating for him to be quiet. The two then stealthily follow the agent as he proceeds down the hallway, until he reaches a room that’s right across from Kim’s. He opens the door and quickly enters as Kim & Ron stay hidden outside. A moment later, the agent emerges from the room with Shego in tow, pushing her in a hospital bed. It’s at that moment that Kim & Ron decide to come out of hiding and confront the agent, who stops in his tracks once he spots them. He tries to backtrack, but finds the hallway flooded with agents, all lead by Dr. Director.
“Uh, I was taking this here bandit to…uh…pay…for her…bad crimes!” The agent says, in a horrible Texas accent. Dr. Director decides to put an end to the mystery off his identity and snatches off the mask to reveal that it’s Senor Senior Junior.
“AAAHHH!!! I AM EXPOSED!!!” He says, covering up his face.
Shego just sighs in frustration. “I could’ve gotten out easier with Motor Ed.” She says.
“The question is ‘Why do you wish to leave’, Shego?” Betty asks her.
“Look, I have my own agenda, Betty.” Shego replies. “And it doesn’t involve hanging around goody-two-shoes again.”
“Wait a minute.” Ron interrupts. “You two know each other?”
“Unfortunately.” Shego groans.
“We participated in various field assignments while she was a member of Team Go.” Betty tells him.
Shego’s heard enough and tries to get out of her bed. “Yeah, well if you’ll excuse me, I’m about to participate in stomping that alien bitch, and ramming my foot up Drakken’s—!”
“As I was saying,” Betty interrupts, “that is why I have you both here. Your expertise & knowledge of Drakken is direly needed. His latest plan has made him top priority. He needs to be stopped, and the best way he can be…is if you two team up.”
A tidal wave of shock washes over both Kim & Shego, as they look at Dr. Director, then at each other. “ME…WITH HER???” They say in unison.
“Yes.” Betty answers in all seriousness. “Like it or not, you two may be all that stands between Drakken & possible Universal Domination.”
“Ye—NOT GONNA HAPPEN!!!” Shego barks at Betty. “I rather join back up with my stupid brothers than team with goody-two-shoes!”
“And I can think of more better partners.” Kim counters. “Preferably ones without the yelling and hot-temperedness.”
“WHY DON’T YOU SAY THAT AGAIN, PRINCESS!!!” Shego yells, charging up her fists with energy. Kim backs into her fighting stance, but Dr. Director steps between both of them.
“I didn’t want to say this but, need I remind you two that both of you took on Drakken by yourselves, and both of you had your backsides handed to you by Warmonga.” Betty says, quickly quieting the two femme fatales.
“Uh, no offense KP, but she does make a good point.” Ron agrees, which causes Kim to growl at him. “Shutting up now.”
“The fate of this planet depends on you two.” Betty tells them.
“Hey!” Ron says, feeling left out.
“And of course, the Ron Factor.” Betty adds, which cheers him up. “Now, I’ll expect to see all of you in the Briefing Room in five minutes.” Putting her hands behind her back, she turns and walks down the hallway, passing Kim on her way to the Briefing Room. Kim follows behind Betty as Ron heads back to his room, looking for his clothes. The agents disperse from the scene as well, leaving Shego & Junior alone.
“Um, did she also mean I was to join in the Briefing Room?” Junior asks.
“Just wheel me back into my room so I can get my pants.” Shego sighs.
5 Minutes Later…
In a large, theatre-like room, various agents of Global Justice sit and wait patiently for what mission will soon be ordered of them. At the front of the room sit the prime players. Kim, Ron, Shego and Junior all wait for what Dr. Director has to tell them, as she steps onto the stage and begins.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, this will be the most important day of your lives.” She starts off. “As you know, for the past few weeks Drakken has stolen various high-tech equipment while managing to stay under the radar, hence why neither we nor Kim Possible could track him. But with his latest theft of two experimental Cruise Missiles, he has decided not to care about hiding.”
“So we know where his new lair is?” Ron asks.
“Yes, and there lies the trouble, Ronald.” She answers, before pulling out a remote and pressing the red button on it. A moment later, a large image of the Moon appears on the screen behind her. “We believe that he has used the alien technology provided by Warmonga to set up his base on the Moon. Not exactly simple for us to reach, plus he would have full knowledge of our approach. Sources tell us that he’s close to initiating something called, ‘Plan X’.”
“Oh, God!” Shego says, dropping her head to the table in her arms.
“You know about Plan X.” Kim deduces.
“I didn’t think he would actually go through with it!” Shego says, before confessing. “Look, Dr. D had this idea where if someone found a way to…create artificial earth air or something, he’d steal it and use it to take over uninhabited planets. That way he can have multiple hideouts, have his men on multiple worlds, and…”
“Have a decisive advantage when it comes to Global Domination.” Betty continues. “Plus he can strike at other worlds and repeat the process.”
“Bingo, Betty.” Shego says.
“Wait, wait…so Drakken really IS trying to rule the Universe?” Ron asks. “OK, KP? I think we should call in your cousin Larry for this one.”
“No time for that.” Betty says. “If that really is Drakken’s plan, we might not have as much time as we thought. You must get to the Moon and shut down his operation before he can succeed.”
“You can count on me, Dr. Director.” Kim says.
“And me.” Ron adds.
Betty smiles and nods at the two, before turning to Shego. “And how about you?” Shego just scoffs & turns away, which Betty predicted. She walks off of the stage and over to Shego, pulling out and handing over what looks to be a check. “I figured as much. But rest assured that if you do assist us, you will be well compensated.”
Shego glances over at the check and the pupils in her eyes almost turn into dollar signs. Never has she seen so many zeroes in her life. “CHA-CHING!!! Well, you’ve bought my services!”
“Well not mine.” Junior protests. “All of this Outer the Space travel, the big blue alien woman, no! I refuse to be a part of this, and I…”
Junior’s cut off when he feels Shego grabbing him by the collar. “Do it or I boot you off this ship, while we’re still flying.”
“AAAHHH!!! OK! OK! I’M IN!!!” Junior yells.
“Uh, not to be a bring-down, but how exactly are we gonna get to the moon?” Ron asks.
“Don’t worry, Ronald.” Betty tells him, handing him two 8x10 photos. “We have two experts on the job. One for building the Rocket that you’ll be traveling in, and the other for building the operating system.”
Ron takes one look at the photos, and then grins. “Well, they are experts.”
“Can’t get any better.” Kim agrees, after glancing at the photos, which are of her father, James T. Possible, and Wade.
4 Hours Later…
As the sun slowly rises over the horizon, Kim looks at her watch to see that it’s 6:11am. Normally, she would be either just getting home from an overnight mission, waking up to go to school, or falling asleep after a “Loving” night with Ron. But today is a far different day. Kim, Ron, Shego and Junior all stand in front of a specialized NOSA (National Outer Space Administration) Rocket Ship, customized for their mission. Kim & Shego are wearing their battle suits, and Ron is sporting his battle hoodie. Junior isn’t unprotected either, sort of, as he wears ancient Greek battle armor that was given to him as a birthday gift from his father. With the importance of this mission, relatives & friends have shown up to show their support.
“I hope to be back by our Dinner Party, father.” Junior says.
“Son, I want you to know that while I do not approve of your heroic deed in this matter, I can understand.” Senior tells him.
“Would it help if we robbed Fort Knox when I got back?” Junior asks.
“That’s my boy!” Senior says with pride, hugging his son.
Also exchanging final words are Shego and her brother, Hego. “The Wego Twins told me that they wish you the best of luck on this mission.” He tells her. “And they wish they could be here with you…but they got detention in school again.”
Shego cracks a smile, remembering the old times with them. “Heh, I told those twin dorks to pay more attention in school.”
“And I wish to extend these words of wisdom.” Hego continues. “Though you might find the odds stacked against you, as a hero, you must rage forward into the light, and…”
Shego cuts him off by igniting her fist. “I swear, if you start another one of those stupid motivational speeches I will…”
“OK! OK!” Hego says, deciding to just extend his hand out. “But let me say this…Good Luck…sister.”
“Yeah, thanks.” Shego answers, trying to sound disinterested as she grabs his hand and shakes it. She realizes that was a mistake though, as Hego pulls her close into a full-on hug. “DAMMIT! Always the hugging with you!”
Meanwhile, the Possible Family giving their support to Kim. All except Jim & Tim. “So not fair!” Jim says.
“We should be the one doing space travel!” Tim adds. “Kim doesn’t even like space.”
“Of course I do.” Kim counters. “I love having a whole lot of space between me and you Tweebs.”
She lets off a smirk in their direction, before Mrs. Possible gives her a kiss on the forehead. “You stay safe, Kimberly.”
“Don’t worry honey.” Mr. Possible says, reassuring his wife. “My little Kimmy-cub will be riding in the safest Rocket built in U.S. history…as long as Ronald’s not driving it.”
“He won’t be.” Kim tells him.
At that moment, Ron says his goodbyes to his family. “Goodbye Ronald, and good luck.” Mr. Possible tells him calmly.
Mrs. Possible, however, isn’t so calm at this moment. “Oh Ronald, are you sure that hoodie armor is gonna protect you way up there?” She says, grabbing onto her son and holding him tight.
“Mom, it’s a battle hoodie.” Ron says. “And stop with the emotions, you’re embarrassing me in front of the others!”
She finally is able to let go, thanks to some help from Ron’s Dad, and Ron follows the others onto the ship. As they walk in, they notice the surprising interior, which has been made up to look like a VIP Jet.
“Whoa, swanky!” Ron says about the décor. “At least we’ll be flying in style when we meet our doom on the moon.”
“Ron, positive thinking…” Kim reminds him.
As the four sit down in their seats, they hear a familiar voice over the P.A. system. “Please fasten your seat belts and keep your trays at an upright position.”
“Wade!” Kim says, glad to hear his voice. “Didn’t think you could hack into our system from your computer.”
“Oh I could,” Wade says, “But I decided to help you on the mission from your Dad’s control center. They do have a bigger screen. I’ll be guiding the Rocket to the moon from here, so you won’t have to worry about you know who taking the wheel.”
“Hey, for your information, I’m a better driver than Kim!” Ron says in his defense.
“Oh, here comes the countdown…”
T-minus 10…
As friends and family head inside of the Control Center, the rocket ignites it’s thrusters and slowly begins to lift off of the ground. The fuel lines shut off and detach from the Rocket as it gains speed, producing a white cloud underneath that grows larger by the second. The cloud soon covers the entire launch pad and stops expanding, as the Rocket roars high into the sky. From the Control Center, everyone watches as hope in their hearts, and also prayer.
“I hope you really can do anything this time, Kim.” Wade says under his breath.
At That Moment…
Unbeknownst to everyone, the launch of the Rocket is also being watched closely by eyes on the moon. Dozens of henchmen monitor their screens and watch as the Rocket hits the stratosphere, and report to their leader.
“Dr. Drakken. Global Justice has just sent up their Rocket. Kim Possible and her sidekick are on board, along with Shego and hers.”
Drakken nods his head as he sits in a throne-like chair, elevated at the back of the room. Warmonga stands by his side, wielding her power staff. “I knew they would come to stop me.” Drakken says. “But I doubt they know the surprise that awaits them on their ship.”
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