The KP Chapters | By : Jayrich Category: Kim Possible > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 113417 -:- Recommendations : 3 -:- Currently Reading : 3 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Kim Possible, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
The Fearless Ferret Chapters 2
“Is she worth the trouble?”
That’s the question that Senor Senior Jr. ponders to himself as he sits poolside partaking in his daily tan session, wearing a Speedo. It has been 2 months since he’s taken in Shego to help her heal and recover. And while the process has been steadily moving along, it’s also cost him dozens of doctors, butlers, maids and other house workers. Due to Shego’s quick temper, none of them have been able to tolerate her for long.
“She keeps chasing away the help.” Junior says. “Of course, I can hire dozens more but…she can be troublesome at times. And the sarcasm, OH! It stings the inside parts of me.” He pauses for a moment, dwelling on her negative traits. But then he begins to remember the positives. “Although…she does have the most beautiful eyes. Plus she can kick the butt of Kim Possible from here to Borneo.”
Junior’s thoughts are interrupted when he hears a loud crash come from inside of the Estate. Getting up from his poolside chair, he walks back towards his home and inside. After taking a couple of steps, he notices a large wreckage coming from Shego’s guest room. Running over & peeking in, he confirms that Shego is the cause of it. She’s out of the full-body cast, but her left arm & right leg are still casted. With her free arm, she’s using her powers to drive away the remaining Doctors. As they flee for their lives out of the room, Junior walks in.
“What is the meaning of this?” Junior asks.
“One of your so-called ‘Doctors’ got a little too grabby.” Shego says. “So I put him in his place.” There’s now a bored look on her face as she reaches for the remote and turns on the TV, just as an episode of ‘Evil Eye for the Bad Guy’ comes on. Junior almost squeals with glee and sits down on the bed beside Shego.
“OOH! My favorite show!” He says. “I hope this is the episode where they make over that Dementor guy. That Hood is so 1992.” After a few moments, he sees that the episode is centered on prison, and Drakken is the first to get his Makeover.
“I do not know why you worked solely for that Blue fool.” Junior says.
“Hey, I don’t work for him. I’m freelance. He just pays the most.” She says, before speaking under her breath. “Plus that monster Cock helps.”
“Well, surely he is a buffoon.” Junior counters. “He cannot even complete a plan without being stopped by Kim—!” He cuts himself off when he notices Shego face changing from bored to angry. She still holds a monumental grudge against the Teen Spy Superhero.
“Kim!” She says, clenching the remote so tightly that it shatters into pieces in her hands. She wants to jump out of bed right now and hunt her down, make her crippled and helpless. But the two casts she’s wearing reminds her she can’t. “You’ll pay, Princess. One day soon, you’ll pay.”
“Uh, let us change the mood in here.” He says, getting up from the bed and walking over to the TV. “We can watch one of my many movie DVD’s.” He presses play on the DVD Player, expecting a movie to appear on the screen. What he gets nearly makes his heart jump out of his chest. The TV shows a night-vision scene of Camille Leon getting freaky on camera. Junior screams in horror and quickly shuts off the TV, but not before Shego saw everything.
“Whoa-ho-ho! Looks like Junior’s got some porn in that Movie collection.” Shego says with a smirk.
“NO! No, that was not the porn!” Junior says in his defense. “That was…a…documentary?”
“Ye—I know porn when I see it, Junior.” Shego counters. “And it looks like little Junior knows it, too.” She points down to Junior’s erection, which is blatantly out in the open thanks to the Speedo. Shego decide to take advantage of this, and lifts up her hospital gown, revealing everything underneath.
“See something ya like?”
Junior nods his head mindlessly as he slowly walks over towards her. But once he reaches the bed, he turns away & snaps out of it. “No! I cannot. You are injured, and I could hurt you even more.”
“Yeah, I doubt that.” Shego says, grabbing his shoulder. She then, in one impressive show of agility, throws him on his back onto the bed while leaping into the air. She comes down on top of him, legs straddled, already in position. “And you can consider this ‘Rehab’.”
Grabbing his Speedo, she gently pulls it down until his Cock is reveal. Junior begins to blush. It’s just like the last time they were together like this. She was in complete control, and strangely he enjoyed it. Using her free hand, she begins to stroke his shaft gently, causing it to stiffen by the second. “Let’s get you warmed up before the Main Event.”
It’s a feeling of Déjà vu for Junior. Once again he finds himself feeling powerless against Shego’s advances. It’s nothing for him to just toss her off of him and leave right now, but two things refuse to let him do it…his heart & his Cock, which is now solid as steel and ready to go. Shego stops her strokes and positions herself above his hard member, before guiding herself down onto it.
“Oh YEAH! This is what mama’s been missing!” She says, adoring the feeling of having thick meat deep inside her again. Instead of going at her usual speedy pace though, she rocks her hips slowly, savoring this moment. “Mmmm, I bet you missed being inside of me, huh Junior?”
“You…you could say that.” Junior answers. His heart is pumping at high speeds. He almost forgot what it was like to be with Shego, and is expecting her to speed up at any moment and ride him wildly. But for now, she keeps at her slow pace. Until…
“Hey Junior, how about we pick up the pace a little.” She says, now raising & lowering herself on his pipe. Her free hand is now placed on his chest for balance, as she speeds up. Instinctively, he grabs onto her hips, holding on for dear life. As he predicted, Shego begins to bounce on his Cock at a rapid pace, losing herself from the pleasure. “Oh GOD! FUCK ME, JUNIOR! FUCK ME!!!”
She takes in his entire manhood each time she comes down. Her ass bounces majestically with her movements, and jiggles each time she slams down onto him. It’s a feeling she’s desperately missed since Prison. And since Drakken wasn’t around, she’s more than happy to have it with Junior. Meanwhile, Junior is feeling himself being pulled closer to his limit. He tries to use his will power to hold on just for as long as he can. But at Shego’s phenomenal pace, that’s an impossibility.
“SHEGO…I am about to be…the cumming!” He yells.
“Just a little longer, Junior!” She begs, trying to ride her orgasm out. “Longer…longer…OH YEAH!!!” She hits her limit, just as Junior does. Unable to hold back any longer, he unleashes his load, shooting it deep inside of her. Shego is wearing a look of pure bliss on her face as she feels the warm sensation fill her up. After a moment, she fall forward towards him, and catches herself with her free hand.
“Thanks for the rehab, Junior.” She says.
“Heh…no problem.” Junior says, exhausted. She leans forward and kisses him deeply, showing her gratitude. It’s a kiss Junior doesn’t want to end, because after all this, he realizes the answer to his question.
“Yes, she is worth the trouble.”
End Prologue
Back at Kim's House...
“And then, the dreaded beast of the Cursed Woods fell at my feet.”
Kim feels like she’s trapped in a Torture Chamber. The Possible Family Reunion is one day in, and already the boredom is at maximum capacity. She lies in her bed, wishing to be anywhere else. Battling Shego & Drakken, chasing down Motor Ed, avoiding the death traps of the Seniors, ANYWHERE but here. To her left sits Larry, her cousin. To the right, Joss, another cousin. Right now, Larry is discussing his recent “epic” battle online on Everlot.
“And after I got his magical shield and majestic sword, you know what happened?”
“No Larry, what?” She asks, not really wanting to know.
“He resurrected.” Larry continues. “And then I battled him again for 16 straight hours. Would’ve been 17 but I had school. And then…”
“Uh, Larry?” Joss says, interrupting. “How bout y’all mosey on downstairs and…get your…action figure collection. So you can show ‘em to us.”
“Heh, fantastic idea.” He says with a grin. As he stands up and rushes out of the room, both Kim & Joss breathe a sigh of relief.
“Thanks, Joss.” Kim tells her. “That bought some time. It’ll at least take an hour for him to find all of them.”
“Yep, and that leaves us with time to talk about your missions!” Joss replies. “Like the time you were in Cambodia, and you had to chase down Shego through the…”
Kim lets out a silent sigh, not really wanting to relive her missions over again. But a savior comes through her door in the form of her boyfriend, Ron Stoppable. “Hey, KP. Hey JP.” He’s wearing a Black Jacket & Khaki pants, a drastic change from his usual wardrobe.
“Ron!” Kim says, sitting up in excitement. “Thank God you’re here!”
“Can’t stay for long, though.” Ron tells her. “How’s the leg?”
“My mom says I’ll be out of the cast in a week. And walking normal in about 2.” Kim tells him. “I’m surprised that there haven’t been any mission calls. No criminals to capture. No one’s even broke out of jail.”
“Heh-heh, yeah.” Ron agrees, nervously. “I guess it’s just a slow crime day…er, week. Hey, let’s see what’s on.” He turns on Kim’s TV, about to look for a show they can watch together. But the first thing to appear on the screen is a news report about Killigan…and the Fearless Ferret.
“Reports say that the Mad Golfer was stopped by a former TV show hero, now turned real life crime-fighter, the Fear—!” Ron quickly shuts off the TV, fearing his identity & plan exposed.
“Ron, what was that all about?” Kim asks, raising an eyebrow.
“Wha? Oh, Nothing, nothing!” He says. “It’s just that…I remembered a study…that said too much TV…can make you blind!” Both Kim & Joss look at Ron strangely. They feel he’s acting weird, but since he does most of the time, they dismiss it. Joss goes back to talking with Kim, when Ron’s Kimmunicator goes off. He walks over to the window and answers it.
“What’s the Sitch, Wade?”
“Killigan’s at the Upperton Chemical Plant.” Wade tells him. “I think he’s going after the experimental cloning formula, to start his army.”
“On it, Wade.” Ron says, before looking up to the night sky. He rips open his Jacket a la Clark Kent to reveal a new Fearless Ferret costume underneath. “This looks like a job for the Fearless Ferret.”
“What did you just say, Ron?” Kim asks, causing him to panic and quickly close his Jacket.
“NOTHING! Nothing! Uh, gotta go! I’ll drop by later! SEE YA!” He scrambles out the door in a rush and heads downstairs, passing multiple members of Kim’s family. Instead of going out the front door though, he heads towards the garage area. Opening the door to the garage, he finds the Tweebs, Jim & Tim, finishing up on his Moped, which is now an advanced Ferret-Cycle.
“Nice job, guys.” Ron says, hopping on. “And the colors match the outfit!”
“Just remember the deal, Ron.” Jim tells him.
“A souped-up ride for half of your Comic Book collection.” Tim adds.
“Alright, alright.” Ron says. “But remember, Kim knows nothing about this. Cause I…WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!” Clearly not able to handle the power of his new ride, Ron rockets out of the garage & down the street, barely hanging on to the handlebars as he makes his way towards Upperton.
1 Hour Later…
After unwillingly driving off-road in an impromptu shortcut, Ron reaches the Chemical Plant. He peeks in through the Loading Dock entrance and sees Killigan, commanding his minions to load barrels full of the cloning formula onto trucks. He pulls his head back as Rufus peeks up out of his pocket, looking up to him for a plan.
“OK, last time we came through the window.” Ron says. “This time, we’ve gotta be more dramatic. I say we bust down the door and unleash the Monkey Kung Fu. You with me, buddy?” Rufus gives him the thumbs up, indicating he’s with him all the way. Ron turns and backs away from the door, getting a running start. Once he’s a fair distance away, he charges full speed, intending to reduce the door to splinters. Instead, he bounces right off the door, and he feels like the bones in his arm have been reduced to splinters.
“OW, OW, OOWWW!!! THAT DOOR’S MADE OF TITANIUM!!!” He screams, holding his arm in pain. A moment later, the door falls forward and onto the ground, causing Killigan & his henchmen to turn their attention to Ron, who’s now standing in the doorway, still holding his arm.
“You again?” Killigan asks.
Ron jumps into his Monkey Kung Fu stance. “Yeah! And this time we’re bringing the Butt-Kicking!”
“The Buffoonery is strangely familiar.” Killigan says, almost recognizing. “Oh well, CADDIES! Rough him up on the Back 9!” The Caddies charge toward Ron, who’s more prepared this time around. He takes off his Jacket to fully reveal his new Ferret costume, which is mostly black & Dark Brown, and has the Ferret logo on the chest. Ron & Rufus then leap into battle. Ron’s Monkey Fu skills come out this time around, as he’s able to handle the henchmen with ease. Rufus helps out by tripping them up, and biting those that sneak up behind Ron. Within moments, Killigan’s gang is taken down, and Killigan is left alone.
“Now it’s just you & me.” Ron says, sounding threatening. Killigan, instead of fighting this time, decides to make a break for it. But Ron pulls out his grappling gun and aims it at him. “You won’t escape again, you golfing man-WAAAAHHHHH!!!!!” Unfortunately, the gun goes off prematurely. The hook bounces off a barrel, the side of a truck, a lighting fixture, and a metal beam, before rocketing back down and circling around Ron, tying him up with the rope. Killigan takes one last glance behind him and then stops, seeing that Ron is now incapacitated.
“HA! Ya goofed up, laddy!” Killigan says, as his henchmen start to regain consciousness. “BOYS! Let’s say we dump him in the Water Hazard.”
The Caddy-dressed henchmen surround Ron, trapping him on all sides. He tries to break free, but the ropes keep him tightly bonded. As the slowly close in, Ron calls for his one ace in the hole.
In a flash, Rufus runs into the picture and climbs up on Ron’s shoulder. “Quick, use the 3rd pouch on my Ferret Belt!” Rufus climbs down his body and goes to his left side. Opening the pouch, he finds nothing but the keys to the Ferret-Cycle. “No, 3rd from the right. And hold your breath!” Ron tells him. Rufus scampers to the other side and opens the pouch, holding his breath. What comes out is a dark powder that quickly fills the air. Ron starts to jump up & down so that the powder can spread out more. The henchmen stop in their tracks, and one of them gets a whiff of the powder.
It’s Sneezing Powder. Within seconds, everyone begins to sneeze uncontrollably. Even Killigan, who calls for a retreat. “Let’s go…AH-CHOO…back to the…AH-CHOO…The Hideout! AHHH-CHOOOOOO!!!!!” The gang makes a mad dash for the trucks, sneezing hard along the way. The trucks burn rubber out of the plant and down the road. A moment later, Ron appears from the plant hopping as fast as he can, trying to escape the powder. Once far enough away, he falls down on his side. Rufus begins to chew through the rope, and frees up his friend/partner. Ron picks himself back up and notices the trucks careening in the distance.
“BOOYAH! Looks like it’s a victory for the Fearless Ferret and Wonder Weasel!” He says, to which Rufus agrees. “Let’s go home, buddy.”
The Next Day…
“OK, I got Bloody Combat, Doom-Bringer 6, and Breaking & Entering: Las Vegas.”
Ron is at a local Video Game store with Kim’s twin brothers. He promised to take them there for the day so that the Possible Family can have one day of the reunion without something blowing up. Right now Jim & Tim are looking for any more violent video games they can rent. Ron decides to walk over to the counter and pay for the ones he has now. But when he gets a look at the cashier, his face turns pale white.
“ZITA!” He yells, not expecting her to be working here. “Uh…Hi! I…didn’t know you were working here.”
“Yeah, the Theatre didn’t pay that much.” She tells him. “Plus, I get to be close to my love.”
“Your…love?” Ron gulps nervously.
“Video games, silly.” She says, before leaning in close to his ear. “But you’re a close second, stud.” That comment causes him to drop the games he was carrying onto the counter. Zita just giggles and starts to ring them up. “OK, that comes to a cost of $18.99. But, I’ll just give you store credit.”
“Wow. Thanks, Zita. That’s nice and…what a minute!” He says, getting suspicious. “What’s the catch?”
“Oh, I think we can work up some ‘other’ payment.” She says, causing Ron’s heart to drop.
“Uh…this place doesn’t have a back room, does it?” He asks.
“No.” She answers. Ron breathes a sigh of relief, but it’s a short-lived on when she leans in and whispers to him again. “So we’ll just have to have a quickie out here.”
His heart stops for 3 good seconds, and his eyes grow as wide as dinner plates. His first thought is that she can’t be serious. But remembering what he’s been through with the other women of Middleton, including Kim, he quickly believes her. “We can’t do it here.” He silently disputes. “Kim’s little brothers are right here.”
“Don’t worry.” Zita says, before turning her attention to Jim & Tim. “Hey, you guys wanna try out the new Death-A-Geddon 2008 machine?”
Jim & Tim’s eyes light up. “DO WE?”
“It’s right in the other room.” She tells him, pointing towards a doorway that leads to the Arcade. In a flash the Tweebs bail out on Ron and into the room, leaving him & Zita alone.
“OK, you may have gotten rid of the Twins, but…” Ron’s cut off by Zita’s lips pressing against his. Gently, she leads him around to her side of the counter and breaks the kiss. Her hands then go to work unzipping his pants, before reaching in and pulling out his Cock.
“Come on, Ron. Raid me.” She whispers into her ear before turning around. Hiking up her dress, she pulls down her panties just enough for easy access. Ron takes one look at her heart-shaped backside and grows rock hard. Not wanting to draw attention to himself, he decides to just get it over with.
“How do I get into these situations?” He thinks to himself, approaching Zita. He pushes his Rod deep into her, making her let out a low moan of pleasure. Ron is very careful to make as little noise as possible. His strokes are slow & quiet, but deep. His heartbeat accelerates as he looks around, hoping not to get caught by an innocent customer walking in.
“I can’t believe I’m doing this.” He says quietly.
“Don’t worry.” Zita assures him. “This is down time. No one will walk in here for a couple of hours.”
The reassurance doesn’t ease Ron’s nervousness, but he keeps going, wanting to get it over with. Zita starts gripping the counter edge, as she feels Ron hitting spots no one else ever has. It doesn’t take long until she gets close to her limit.
“Oh Ron…Ron…I’m gonna cum!” She yells silently.
“Me too!” He answers, before pulling out. They both reach their climax, and Ron’s sprays his load all over Zita’s ass. Leaning on the counter, Zita holds her head up with her hands and enjoys the afterglow of an afternoon orgasm. Which came just in time, cause as Ron zips up, the Tweebs dart back into the room.
“That game was Killer!” Tim says.
“Yeah, did you see the Mega-Cannon that blew up Russia?” Jim adds.
“You missed it, Ron!” Tim tells him. “What were you doing out here?”
“Uh, just…paying for the games, that’s all.” Ron says, joining back up with them.
“Well, why does your friend look so sweaty?” Jim asks, referring to Zita.
“OK! Let’s just get home so we can blow up stuff in the games!” Ron tells them, quickly changing the subject. As they step outside, they hear the honking of a car horn. Looking around for a moment, they notice Mrs. Possible waiting for them in the family Station Wagon. Jim & Tim run over and hop in the backseat. But as Ron walks over, he gets a call on the Kimmunicator from Wade.
“Uh, gotta take this. You go ahead.” Ron says. As the Station Wagon pulls off, Ron answers the call. “What’s the Sitch, Wade?”
I have Intel that Killigan’s hitting the Middleton Chemical Plant tonight.” He tells Ron. “Probably to steal the cloning formula you stopped him from getting back in Upperton.”
“Then we’re gonna be waiting for him.” Ron replies.
Later That Night…
It only took Ron a little over an hour to get into his Fearless Ferret costume and get to the Middleton Chemical Plant. Once he arrives, he’s surprised to see that the plant is empty. He & Rufus hop off of the Ferret-Cycle and decide to investigate the building. Sneaking in through an open door, they walk through the dark, cavernous plant, searching for any sigh of light.
“Man, it’s Dark.” Ron says. “Wish I’d remembered to bring my Ferret Flashlight.”
Suddenly, the lights to the plant come on, and Ron & Rufus find themselves surrounded by dozens of Caddies, Killigan’s henchmen. Standing on a catwalk with his finger on the light switch, is Killigan himself. “Will this do?” He asks sarcastically.
Ron gets ready for a fight, but is swarmed by the Caddies, who all dog-pile on him. “HEY! NO FAIR! THIS IS CHEATING!!!” Within moments, the Caddies have Ron & Rufus tied up & helpless. They carry them up the stairs and onto the Catwalk where Killigan is standing.
“I’ve had enough of your shenanigans, Boyo.” He tells Ron. “Yuir not gonna stop me from creating my army. I’ll make sure of that.” He points downward to a gigantic vat, filled with some sort of boiling hot bubbling liquid inside.
“EWWW, What is that?” Ron asks.
“That is your demise, laddy.” Killigan answers. “You will be boiled alive in Haggis!”
“Haggis?” Ron says. “What’s that?”
“It’s a traditional Scottish dish, involving the heart, liver & lungs of a sheep, oatmeal, suet & stock.” Killigan tells him. “And it’s all boiled along with a sheep’s stomach & pig’s intestines.”
“OH GOD, NO!!!” Ron says, freaking out. “HEELLLLLLLLLLLLP!!!!!” He wiggles to try and break free, but it’s of no use. Luckily, and unknowingly, he does manage to activate the Kimmunicator. Wade listens in, and hears Ron’s cries for help.
“Oh, man. Ron got caught.” Wade says. “And who knows what Killigan will do to him. What do I do?” He thinks about the situation and his options. The Wadebot isn’t advance enough for combat & calling in Global Justice might take too long. Realizing that, Wade comes up with his only choice.
“Sorry Ron, gotta do it.” Wade says, putting out a call to Kim’s Kimmunicator. A moment later, Kim picks up on the other end.
“Wade, is something wrong?” Kim asks.
“You…could say that.” Wade tells her.
“It has something to do with Ron, doesn’t it?” Kim says.
“You…could say that, too.”
“OK, OK! Look, it hasn’t all been quiet since you broke your leg.” Wade confesses. “Killigan broke out of jail and is trying to recreate his clone army. Ron stopped him as the Fearless Ferret two times, but now he’s been captured. And there’s no one else I can call who’s closer!”
There’s a long pause from the other end, as Kim grows a displeased look on her face. “We’re gonna have a long talk about you two saving the world without me.” Kim tells him, reaching over to grab her crutches. “But right now, I have to save my boyfriend.”
“Are you sure you can do it, Kim?” Wade asks. To which Kim smirks.
“You’re forgetting the name.” She answers. “I can do anything.”
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