Candace's Perfect Body | By : GeorgeGlass Category: +M through R > Phineas and Ferb Views: 20974 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own PHINEAS AND FERB, nor did I receive any payment for writing this story. |
Candace rubbed her hands together excitedly. This was perfect--she now had a body she knew Jeremy would love, and sharing it with him would no doubt keep her flow-charted life plan flowing in the right direction. And although she felt bad that she had just gone farther with Stacy than she ever had with Jeremy, going just as far with him would make up for that. Wouldn't it?
<Um, not really,>> her common sense said. <<And then there's the fact that you might end up->> "Look," Candace interrupted, "if you can't say anything helpful, don't say anything at all." <<I'm TRYING to be helpful by->> There was a knock at the front door. He was here! "Oh, hi, Jeremy," she heard Phineas say from downstairs. "Candace is in her room; she hasn't come out today for some reason. Maybe you could check on her." "Will do," Jeremy said. "Thanks, little bro." "No problem." Candace lay down on the bed, artfully arranging herself and her robe so that all the naughty bits were covered but a goodly amount of cleavage and leg remained exposed. She cocked one leg sexily and listened as her blond boyfriend climbed the stairs and knocked on her door. "Come in!" she called, singsong. The door opened, and Jeremy entered, saying, "Hey, Candace, what's go- Holy..." "Hi there, cutie pie," Candace said as her boyfriend's jaw dropped. "Like what you see?" "You- you've got- b- b- b-" "Go ahead and say it. I don't mind." She smiled. "You''re beautiful..." Candace blushed. "Well, that wasn't what I was expecting you to say, but I like it." Seemingly without thought, Jeremy shut the door behind him and moved toward the bed. "Oh,'re...unbelievable..." Candace grinned, oblivious to the glazed-over look in Jeremy's eyes. "Come here, you big hunk of sexy," Candace purred. Jeremy came over to her bedside. She sat up, exposing a bit more cleavage. Jeremy could barely form words. "Candace...let me..." he said, reaching for her. "Oh, Jeremy," Candace said, a bit breathily, "I don't want to do anything but let you." Had she really just said that? He hadn't even touched her yet, but she could already feel her skin flushing with arousal. Her new body seemed to like Jeremy as much as she did. She put her arms around his neck and brought his face down for a kiss. He returned it gently at first, then harder, open-mouthed. Leaning in, Jeremy pushed Candace back onto the bed until she was lying down and he was half on top of her. He broke off the kiss for a moment and reached into her robe, his hand finding the concave curve of her waist. "So beautiful..." he whispered, then kissed her again, this time exploring her mouth with his tongue. They had never done that before, but Candace found herself exploring back with tongue and hands, wanting to know every inch of Jeremy's body. She momentarily broke off the kiss to sit up and take Jeremy's shirt off before pulling her robe fully open and pulling him to her again. Now Jeremy's hands roamed everywhere. As they kissed, his fingers combed through her hair, traced down her delicate neck, and found their way to her chest. His hands gently cupped her breasts from beneath, weighing them, as his thumbs moved up to her large, pale-pink nipples, now almost painfully hard with arousal. As the tips of Jeremy's thumbs circled her aureoles, the sensation was both arousing and soothing as he simultaneously caused and relieved the ache in her swelling breasts. He pushed her back down onto the bed and planted kisses along her cheek, her ear, the underside of her jaw. She basked in the feeling of Jeremy's lips on her neck, kissing, nibbling, while his hands roamed over every curve of her bare body. It was bliss, her skin soaking in Jeremy's attention like the heat of the sun. Then his hand found the moist place between her legs, and she had to stifle a scream of joyous pleasure. Emboldened, she reached down into his shorts and felt around. She HAD to know what Jeremy's penis was like. And then she found it--so hard, but smooth as silk. Jeremy moaned as she gently stroked it with her fingers. He moved fully on top of her, continuing to caress her neck with his lips and tongue. She felt him pulling down his shorts, giving her hand freer access to his penis. She caressed it firmly, joyfully. It was Jeremy's penis, and she loved it. Then she felt his knees go between hers, parting them. "Let me..." he breathed, "let me inside you..." Candace hadn't planned to let things go this far, but any resolve she might have had to limit their activities melted away at the mere sound of the words "me inside you" from Jeremy’s lips. "Yes, Jeremy," she moaned softly. "I want you in me." She spread her legs and let him position himself on top of her. He put the head of his penis at her entrance and began to push, slowly. Candace braced for the pain of losing her virginity, but there was none--only the incomparable pleasure of her sweet, beautiful Jeremy sinking into her, inch by wonderful inch. Of course, she realized. My perfect body is a perfect fit for Jeremy's! Once he was fully inside her, Jeremy held still for a few moments, and she gloried in the feel of him on her, in her. Then he began moving slowly in and out of her, sending exquisite sensations that radiated from Candace's vulva outward to every part of her body. She grabbed his face and kissed him, thrusting her tongue into his mouth, wanting to be completely full of him and to fill him with her. He tongued her in return, never stopping his thrusts deep into her. She spread her legs wider, pushing her pelvis up, opening herself as much as she possibly could, wanting every millimeter of him. Soon she needed more, so she grasped his buttocks, pulling him into her faster than before, again and again. Jeremy complied, speeding up his thrusts, forcing her to stifle the ever louder moans that tried to escape her mouth. This was everything her mind and body craved, wanted, needed--it was sex, it was lovemaking, it was mating, copulating, fucking, rutting, merging, becoming one, becoming everything. Every cell of her body was alive with it, with him, with absolute desperation and fulfillment all at once. Jeremy thrust faster, Candace urging him on with her hips and hands. Her body instinctively knew how to derive the most pleasure from his, and her hips shifted to maximize both his penetration and the stimulation of her clit with every thrust. She buried her face in Jeremy’s shoulder to muffle her sounds of ecstatic pleasure. Then, she felt him thrust hard into her and she knew he was coming and she grabbed his ass hard and just screamed into his shoulder as her thighs gripped him and her whole body convulsed with the most powerful orgasm of her life. Then, seemingly exhausted, Jeremy collapsed on top of her. She lay still and held him; he was still inside her, and she couldn't even think about letting him go just yet. This is amazing, Candace thought as she held Jeremy in her arms. Here I am with the perfect boy, having a perfect moment, all thanks to my perfect body. My perfect, beautiful, womanly, totally adult body. Wait a second. If I have my adult body...then... I can get PREGNANT. <<For the record,>> her common sense said, <<this is what was trying to tell you ten minutes ago, until Jeremy knocked on the door and your id put me in a headlock.>> Holy crap on a cracker! she shouted internally. What do I do now? It's WAY too early for Xavier and Amanda! Oh, why didn't I pay more attention to my own flow chart? Even her common sense was starting to sound panicky. <<Okay, I'm searching the Forest of Memory right now. I think there's a small grove called Half-Remembered Facts From Health Class, somewhere between Questionable Third-Hand Sex Knowledge and Dubious Internet Factoids. Oh, man, it's messy in here.>> Just then, Jeremy, still inside her, began very slowly thrusting again as his erection returned. Oh, no, Candace thought. How can he be ready again so soon? I thought boys needed more time than that! "Jeremy!" Candace cried. "We have to stop!" "Can't...can't stop...," he breathed raggedly, even as he continued to thrust into her. "Need...need to..." Candace looked into Jeremy's eyes. For the first time since he had arrived and seen her new body, she saw how blank they were. There was nothing of Jeremy's spark--just mindless need. He was barely more than an automaton, driven by unthinking, desperate desire. <<Did you really think this would be any different with Jeremy than it was with Mom and Stacy?>> "Jeremy, please, snap out of it!" Candace cried as she tried to push him off her. Strong as her new body was, though, Jeremy's unnatural lust had made him even stronger. There was no moving him. She tried hitting him in the head with the heel of her hand, hoping a blow would bring him to his senses like falling to the floor had with Stacy. But because he was lying on top of her, she couldn't do it with enough force to make him do more than blink. Oh my gosh, she realized. I haven't given him a beautiful gift or shared some wonderful, mutual experience with him. I've...brainwashed him. And now I've stolen his virginity, and I might be pregnant or about to be, and my own boyfriend is raping me, and I can't stop any of it! I never should have- I wish I hadn’t- I DON'T WANT THIS BODY ANYMORE! Suddenly, Candace felt Jeremy go limp--everywhere--and roll off her. Even weirder, her body suddenly felt...different. "What the-?" she exclaimed, looking first at her semiconscious boyfriend and then down at herself. Oh my gosh, she thought. Pipe-cleaner arms, ironing-board chest, no hips at all--I'm ME again! Overwhelmingly relieved, Candace threw her arms around her skinny torso and hugged herself. "Candace?" Jeremy said, sitting up and shaking his head in cobweb-clearing fashion. "What happened?" He looked at her, wide-eyed. "And why are you naked?" Candace yelped and pulled her robe around her body. Jeremy looked down at his own body. "And while we're on the subject, why am _I_ naked?" He grabbed his shorts and underwear from the foot of the bed and yanked them up into place. "Jeremy, I'm so sorry!" Candace exclaimed. "I had this perfect body and I wanted to share it with you so second base would be round instead of flat and we could follow the good part of the flow chart but everything got out of hand and I messed it all up!" "Whoa, Candace, slow down," said Jeremy with his usual near-superhuman patience. "Look, I don't claim to know what happened just now--or a lot of other times since I've known you, now that I think about it--but I'm not about to object to my girlfriend wanting to go to second base with me." "But...but I don't want you to be disappointed if we get to second base and it's just...baseless," she said, looking at the floor. Jeremy put a finger under her chin and lifted her face up so that she was looking him in the eye. Jeremy smiled. "Candace, when we get there, it won't matter to me how much or how little you've got under your shirt. Because what’s under your shirt is Candace, and that’s what turns me on.” “Especially” he added, “now that I've gotten a peek at those nice, pale-pink, perfect nipples of yours." He paused to put his tongue back in his mouth. "Really? You wouldn't rather have Curvy Candace than Stick-Figure Candace?" "Stick-Figure Candace is the one I fell for, remember?" Candace lunged at Jeremy and hugged him fiercely. Jeremy put his arms around her and held her. Candace was beginning to have trouble remembering what had just happened. In fact, the whole morning was starting to seem like a big blur. Did Jeremy and I have sex? she thought. <<Not really,>> said her common sense. <<We're not ready for that box on the flow chart yet. Let's hang out at first base for a little while longer.>> "Yeah," she said, not quite realizing that she was speaking aloud, "first base is nice." "Now that's a cue if I ever heard one," said Jeremy. He planted a big kiss on Candace's lips, which she happily returned. "You know," Candace said, "I may not be ready for second base yet...but how about a little left field?" "Left field? What's that?" Jeremy asked. Candace took Jeremy's right hand and slid it down the small of her back to cup her left buttock. Jeremy grinned. "I think you mean left FEEL," he quipped, and gave her bottom a little squeeze. Candace giggled. Suddenly, there was a knock on Candace's bedroom door. "Candace, are you all right?" her father's voice said. "Is someone in there with you?" "Um, no, Dad, I was just, ah, watching a video of Jeremy's band online, and I just got kind of excited." "Well, that's entirely plausible," her dad said. "Are you feeling all right? Do you need me to get you anything?" "No, Dad, I'm fine now. I'll be out in a few minutes." After Lawrence Fletcher’s footsteps receded, Candace said, “I guess you’d better sneak out of here.” “Right,” said Jeremy. “Before your dad gets wise and comes back with a shotgun, or a cricket bat, or something.” Jeremy finished getting dressed as Candace tied her robe—now comfortably big on her—and thought about what she was going to wear today. She was thinking maybe her white skirt and red top. Why was that decision always so easy? As Jeremy got up to leave, Candace kissed him once more. “You’re the best boyfriend ever, you know that?” Jeremy smiled. “Careful--you’ll make my ego so big that it crushes my common sense.” “Wait, that happens to you too?” “Doesn’t it happen to everybody?” Before Candace could respond, Jeremy slipped out of the room, down the stairs, and out the front door. Candace doffed her robe and was about to start getting some real clothes one when she spied naked her reflection in the mirror: five feet, eight inches of skinny legs, arrow-straight torso, pencil neck, flaming orange hair, and flat chest. And it was all good.While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. The AFF system includes a rigorous and complex abuse control system in order to prevent improper use of the AFF service, and we hope that its deployment indicates a good-faith effort to eliminate any illegal material on the site in a fair and unbiased manner. This abuse control system is run in accordance with the strict guidelines specified above.
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