The KP Chapters | By : Jayrich Category: Kim Possible > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 113417 -:- Recommendations : 3 -:- Currently Reading : 3 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Kim Possible, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
The Not So Lucky Kim Possible 6
It starts to rain on the roof of Drakken’s lair. The moon barely peeks out through the clouds, and is the only thing illuminating the two. A flash of lightning off in the distance adds more light, but only in flashes & only for a moment. The sound of thunder echoes through the night followed only by the sound of raindrops hitting the ground. The two stare down each other, not moving, not flinching even once. Ron stands poised in a perfect Kung Fu stance. Various thought roam through his mind, all of them about how to take down Drakken. Dr. Drakken is standing there patiently, waiting for Ron to make the first move, so he can crush him with his bare hands. After what seems like forever, Ron finally breaks the silence.
“Hench-Co Strength Enhancer?” Ron asks.
“Yes. Now in glove form.” Drakken answers. “I know you & Possible put my Shego in prison. It won’t happen again.”
“Wait, your Shego?” Ron says. “You mean you & her?”
“Are tight-knit. Are ‘Hooked-Up & Off the Chain’ as your generation would say.” Drakken tells him.
“Heh, I knew it. Kim so owes me a Grande Naco Meal.” Ron declares with a smirk.
“Ha! You still think you got a chance to make it out of here.” Drakken says. “How utterly buffoon-like.” With that, Drakken charges Ron like a bull that’s just seen all red. Ron barely dives out of the way as Drakken drives both fists into the ground, smashing them through the pavement. He pulls them out and lets a haymaker fly. Ron ducks it and counters with several hard punches to Drakken’s gut, which have absolutely no affect on him. Drakken laughs and swats Ron away as if he were a fly. Ron rolls across the ground before stopping himself and picking himself up.
“And that fool Monkey Fist said that Tai Shing Pek Kwar should be feared.” Drakken says, snickering. “Ha! What a joke!”
Ron brushes himself off and gets back in his fighting stance. “Oh, you best be fearing the Monkey Kung Fu.”
It’s Ron who charges this time, ready to rip into the mad doctor. But Drakken is ready. He lets a big right hand fly, but Ron flips and avoids it. Drakken tries to come back with a left hook, but Ron ducks that and maneuvers around him in a circle. Drakken is now swinging for dear life, with none of his attacks even coming close to hitting Ron. “GRRRR!!! STAND STILL, YOU BUFFOON!!!” Drakken thinks he’s caught Ron off guard, and claps his hands together to smash his head. But Ron ducks, and counters with a devastating flip kick that sends Drakken off of his feet and to the ground. Ron flips back into his Monkey Kung Fu stance.
“HWAAAAAHHHHH!!! You wanna piece of Ron?” He asks with a smug grin.
“When I’m done with you, you’re gonna be in pieces!” Drakken yells. He charges again, intending to flatten Stoppable with one blow. Ron stands perfectly still, waiting for the right moment. Drakken storms closer, and closer, until finally he has him where he wants him. Ron flips up and over the charging Drakken, and comes back down with a flying stomp. But Drakken anticipates the move, and swings his arm out, swatting Ron down to the ground. Before he can recover, Drakken puts his foot on his chest, pinning him down.
“You’re in for a world of hurt now, Buffoon.”
Meanwhile, downstairs…
“Let’s take a break, shall we, Kimmy?”
Shego walks over to the side of the room that has a large Widescreen TV on the wall. She grins as she grabs a videotape off of her dresser. “We can watch a little movie.”
“Oh god, did you & Drakken make a sex tape?” Kim asks smugly.
“Wait…how did you know about the…nevermind! Anyway, you should really keep a closer eye on your Boyfriend, Kimmy.” Shego tells her. “You never know where his Cock might roam.”
She inserts the tape into the VCR and presses play. A moment later, the screen shows Ron, being ridden hard by Adrena Lynn. Kim drops her jaw in shock, as Shego grins evilly. “That’s right, princess. While you were out playing ‘Hunt the Bad Girl’, she was playing Hide & Seek with Boy Toy’s Rod. Doesn’t that just burn your toast?”
Just then, a loud thump from the fight upstairs is heard. Immediately Shego charges up her gloves, ready for any attack. “I’ll be back in a sec.” She tells Kim. “In the meantime, you can enjoy the show.” Shego carefully walks out of the room and down the hall, looking to see exactly what’s going on. A moment later, Bonnie & Monique run into the room from the other direction.
“Good thing these Speed Shoes can jet us between spots in a second.” Monique says. “Or that distraction would’ve never…” She gets a good look at Kim and notices the look of shock on her face. “Kim, what’s wrong?”
“Ron…cheated on me.” Kim says. Once her hand is free, she points at the TV, showing the two footage of Ron & Adrena Lynn.
“How could that little perv cheat on me?” Bonnie says?
Kim then turns to her in shock. “What do you mean cheat on you?”
“Look, Kim…we gotta fess up.” Monique says, still helping her get loose. “I’ve been having sex with Ron. Really great sex. But it’s my fault. Totally my fault. I pressured him into it…I’m sorry, I just couldn’t help myself.”
“Monique, I am shocked!” Bonnie gasps. “For you to do something so…naughty. It…”
“Oh, cut the act, Bonnie.” Monique tells her. “You were riding Ron like a Mechanical Bull before I came over tonight.”
“Well…if she wouldn’t keep him all to herself, this wouldn’t have happened.” Bonnie replies.
They finally unlock all of the shackles and free Kim, who steps down off of the wall. She shoots the two of them a cold look, which makes them feel even guiltier than before. “So, when did it first happen?” Kim asks Monique.
“The Dementor mission. When you were sent after DNAmy.” Monique replies.
“And you?” Kim asks, turning to Monique.
“Camp Wannaweep.” She replies, but not wanting to.
“But Ron really does care about you, Kim.” Monique tells her. “In fact, he’s the one that started this rescue mission.”
“Where is he now?” Kim asks.
“The last time we saw him, he was about to fight that weird blue guy.” Bonnie says.
“Drakken! Come on, he’s gonna need our help.” Kim grabs her purse and dashes out of the room, followed closely behind by Bonnie & Monique. As they run down the hall, Kim pulls out her Kimmunicator from her purse and dials up Wade. A moment later, he appears on the screen.
“Kim! Thank god you’re OK.” He says.
“I’m fine.” She tells him. “But where is Ron?”
“He’s up on the roof of the complex, and it looks like he’s battling Drakken and…oh, no.”
“What ‘oh, no’ Wade?” Kim asks.
“Drakken’s giving out the same readings that Ron gave out when he had the Strength Enhancing Ring.” Wade tells her.
“Which means Drakken now has Super Strength.” Kim realizes. “We’ve got to hurry. Ron’s life might be in danger!”
Back on the Roof…
Drakken is putting all of his weight down on Ron’s chest, trying to keep him down. He raises his fist high into the air, and prepares to punch a hole right through his head. “Any last words, Buffoon?” He asks.
“Yeah…for the last time…my name…is Ron…STOPPABLE!!!”
He rolls out of the way, a split second before Drakken’s fist comes crashing down. He gets to his feet and delivers a Dropkick to Drakken’s chest that sends him stumbling back. But Drakken quickly recovers and charges again. Ron meets him with a Leg Sweep that takes Drakken off of his feet. He then stands up and gets back into his fighting stance.
“Yeah, that’s right, Drakken. You’re getting whooped on.” Ron says. “Whooped on by a buffoon! Wait…that didn’t come out right.”
Drakken pounds his fists on the ground in frustration and gets up. He charges Ron again, fists swinging wildly. Ron avoids every attack he’s throwing, but just by the skin of his teeth. He backs up from Drakken, trying to get some space between. Soon, Drakken begins to slow down and tire, which gives Ron the opening he needs. He jumps & twists in the air, hitting Drakken in the face with a Butterfly Kick. Drakken stumbles back, seriously stunned. And before he can recover, Ron leaps into the air, flips over and nails him in the back of the head with a Scissors Kick. Drakken flips over and lands hard on the ground, defeated.
“Ron Stoppable…you think you’re all that…but you’re not.” He says, right before passing out.
Ron reaches down and presses the button on Drakken’s glove, disabling his Strength and returning his body back to normal. He then puts one foot on his chest and stands triumphant.
He folds his arms over his chest and holds his head high, knowing he’s defeated one of the most dangerous mad man villains ever known. Right now, Ron Stoppable feels on top of the world. But the feeling doesn’t last, as a bright green energy blast hits him on his side.
The blast sends him flying clear across the roof. He slides on the wet roof, all the way to the edge of the Lair, until his arm & leg dangles off the edge. On the other side of the roof, where the attack came from, stands the villainess herself, Shego.
“And that is for my ass.”
Her hands are still glowing as she slowly walks towards him, but she stops once she notices Kim, Bonnie& Monique climbing onto the roof. They look at the fallen Drakken, then Shego, before noticing Ron down at the edge of the Lair.
“RON!” All three scream, as they rush over to save him from falling off the ledge. Kim gets there first and pulls him back, as Bonnie & Monique surround him. His arm is badly burned, and he looks ready to pass out from the pain. He looks up to see Kim’s face, and smiles.
“Did…did we beat the bad guy?” He says, just before passing out. There are tears welling up in Kim’s eyes, but she wipes them away to reveal a look of pure rage. She stands up and turns towards Shego, ready to rip her to shreds.
“Aw, Kimmy mad cause I hurt her boyfriend?” Shego asks. Kim says nothing, instead she walks towards Shego, stopping several feet away from her and getting into her own fighting stance.
Monique puts her arm around Ron, as Bonnie does the same. “Whoop her ass, Kim!” Monique tells him. “Take her down hard!”
“You better not let her get away with this, Possible!” Bonnie adds. “You better make her pay!”
Kim starts to stare down Shego, angrier than she’s ever been in her life. Her muscles are tense, and she looks like she could knock her head off dozens of miles away with one kick. Shego however is looking confident, as she smiles at the Kim. “Looks like your fan club’s put a lot of faith in you.” She says. “Too bad it’s not gonna help.”
“Remember when I said you were gonna pay?” Kim asks her. “Well, here’s the check, bitch!”
Kim throws the first punch, connecting with Shego’s jaw. And the fight is on! The two trade lightning fast blows, blocking & countering only to have their own attacks blocked & countered. This goes on for a full minute until Shego kicks Kim in the chest, and sends her sliding backwards. Kim stops herself and comes back with a flying kick to Shego’s jaw, which sends her to the ground. She quickly gets up and starts to charge her, but then notices that her lips been busted open.
“What’s wrong, Shego?” Kim asks smugly. “You don’t look like you’re enjoying this. I know I am.”
Shego wipes the blood from her lips and growls before charging Kim. She lets loose with a flurry of strikes which Kim blocks easily. Kim then mounts her own counter attack, landing well-placed strikes to her face & chest. Shego’s reeling backwards, and out of desperation sparks her hand up and waves it across Kim’s face. The light blinds her, and Shego takes advantage by delivering a brutal Roundhouse Kick to her jaw that sends her spinning to the ground. Shego starts to laugh fiendishly as she watches Kim struggle to her feet.
“You might as well stay down, princess.” She tells her. “You have no chance in hell of beating me.”
“After all these years, Shego…” Kim says, pushing herself off the ground. “…you should really check the name!”
She twists into a Spinning Split Kick, nailing Shego twice and sending her stumbling back. Kim gets to her feet and charges her. As she swings, Shego grabs both of her wrists, stopping the attacks. But Kim grins and darts forward, nailing her out of the blue with a devastating Headbutt. As Shego stumbles back again, Kim follows up with a Haymaker that sends her spinning towards the ledge of the Lair. Shego stops herself from going over and gets her bearing, when she sees Kim barreling towards her. Kim leaps into the air, plants one foot in Shego’s chest, then the other under her chin, connecting with a devastating Flash Kick. It sends Shego over the edge, and she goes screaming down towards the blackness below. Kim looks on as Shego’s body fades into the darkness, feeling a strong sense of vindication at that moment. But her attention is drawn back to Ron when she notices the Global Justice Airship appearing behind her. She turns to see various agents attending to Ron and handcuffing Drakken, as she runs over to Dr. Director.
“Is Ron gonna be OK?” She asks.
“He has 2nd Degree Burns across his arm and a mild concussion.” Dr. Director says. “But he’ll be perfectly fine once we get him to a medical facility.”
“I know the perfect one.” Kim says.
8 Hours Later…
Kim (dressed back in her mission clothes), Monique & Bonnie are sitting in the Waiting Room of the Hospital. In the Operating Room, Kim’s mother, Mrs. Dr. Possible, is working on Ron’s injury with other experienced Doctor’s from around the world. They’ve been there for 8 hours, and haven’t even thought about leaving for one moment. Finally, the Operating Room doors swing open, and Ron is wheeled out. All three of them stand up as he’s followed by Kim’s mom, who starts to take off her equipment.
“Mon! Ron! Is he…?”
“Ron’s gonna be perfectly fine.” Mrs. Possible says, giving her daughter a reassuring smile. “Global Justice have outstanding equipment. His arm will heal up from the burns as long as he keeps the cast on and nothing will come from his concussion. But he will have to stay off his feet for a few weeks. Which means no saving the world for quite a while for him.”
“Don’t worry.” Kim says, smiling. “I’ll make sure he gets some rest.”
“Good. I’m gonna go home and check on your father & the twins.” Dr. Possible says. “You three can visit with Ron, but try not to stay too long. He needs his rest.”
Kim’s mom walks off as the three walk over into Ron’s Hospital Room. They see him lying in bed, watching TV. His arm is in a cast, and his head is bandaged. The three rush over to him and hug him tight, almost suffocating him. “Hey, OK! It’s good to see you guys, too.” Ron says.
They let go and give him some air. “Ron, you are the man, boy!” Monique says.
“I can’t believe you took down Drakken all by yourself.” Kim adds. “You do have mad Monkey Kung Fu skills.”
“Heh, heh, yeah.” He says, before his mood turns serious. “Listen, Kim…there’s something I gotta tell you. About Bonnie & Monique…”
“I know.” Kim says. “They spilled when they came to free me. And I know Adrena Lynn forced you too.”
“Yeah, well that’s only half the story.” Ron says, deciding to let it all out. “It wasn’t just Monique, Bonnie & Adrena Lynn. There were more.” He takes a deep breath and lets go with his confession. There was Yori, Dr. Director…and you’re mom. I’m sorry, Kim. I’m so sorry.”
Kim stands there in utter shock. Her jaw drops down so low you can fly a 747 through her mouth. Monique & Bonnie are also staring at him in shock of what they just heard. “D-D-Dr. Possible?” Monique says.
“OK…remind me to keep my mother away from you, Stoppable.” Bonnie adds.
“Look, I know you could never forgive me for all this, but I hope…”
Kim puts a finger up to silence Ron, as she huddles up with Monique & Bonnie.
“Alright. All of this…is VERY frustrating.” Kim says. “But he did tell us about it. Which was honest.”
“I agree.” Monique says. “Most boys would try to keep that a secret as long as they could. Plus, he did save the world.”
“Well, don’t expect sympathy from me.” Bonnie tells them. “He cheated on me and broke my heart. I will never forgive him.”
“He wasn’t your man in the first place!” Monique yells at her!
“Alright, Bonnie. That’s fine.” Kim says. “Then you’ll have no problem staying far away from him as long as you live.”
Bonnie starts to think it over, and comes to a conclusion. “Well, to err is human and all that.”
They break the huddle and turn back to Ron. “Alright Ron, we’ve come to a decision. We forgive you.” Ron smiles, feeling relieved that he hasn’t lost three friends. “But we’re gonna have to lay out some ground rules. First, from now on, your Cock goes into no one else but us.”
“No problem, KP.” Ron says. “I am totally…wait, did you just say ‘us’?”
“We’ve made an agreement.” Kim tells him, with a seductive smirk. “Since we’re all friends, and friends share, we’ve decided to share your Rod.”
“OK, I’m having serious reservations about this.” Ron says. “I mean, are there certain days or weeks? And don’t I get…a…say…in…”
He stops in mid-sentence as he feels Kim’s hands grip his Cock from under the sheet. “Now, now, Ron. My mom says you need to take it easy.” Kim says. “And you don’t wanna disobey Doctor’s Orders, do you?”
“You know, I think Ron needs to be rewarded for saving the World.” Monique adds, also grabbing hold of Ron’s Manhood.
“I think so, too.” Kim replies, pulling back the sheets and letting his Rod out into the open. “Bonnie, wanna join in?”
Bonnie folds her arms & looks away. “I refuse to share him with others. I have my dignity.”
“Fine.” Kim says. “You can stand there & watch.” With that both Kim & Monique start working over Ron’s Cock. Kim engulfs the head into her mouth, as Monique runs her tongue all around the shaft. Bonnie turns her head away, trying not to look interested. But the sounds of their moans along with Ron’s proves to be too much for her, and she caves in like an avalanche.
“I hate you, Kim.” She says, climbing on the hospital bed and joining in on the action. She focuses on his balls, massaging them and taking them into her mouth, as Kim works the head & Monique works the shaft. Ron’s feeling like he’s died and gone to heaven. He doesn’t even bother to try and stop them, knowing this probably won’t ever happen again in his life. After several minutes, the ladies switch spots, with Kim working his balls, Monique engulfing his head and Bonnie licking the shaft. They keep this up until Ron becomes as hard as Titanium. Then they let up.
“OK, I think he’s good & ready now.” Kim says.
“Good, so move out of the way while I go to work.” Bonnie says. She tries to climb onto Ron when Monique stops her.
“Uh, who said anything about you going first?” Monique asks her. “If anything, it should be me.”
“Uh, my boyfriend.” Kim says. “So I get first crack.”
“Ladies, ladies!” Ron says. “There’s enough of the Ron-ness to go around for all of you.”
“You’re right, Ron.” Kim says. “Bonnie, Monique, you two can go ahead of me.”
Bonnie looks at Kim with suspicion. “Why the change of mind, all of a sudden?”
“Because I figure Ron needs a warm up, before he gets to the main course.” Kim says with a smirk.
“Ha! You’ll be lucky if I leave enough of him before your turn.” Bonnie replies.
“Uh, Ladies…” Ron goes unheard in the argument, as Bonnie begins to pull of her Cargo Pants. She kicks them off and takes off her thong before climbing on top of Ron.
“Just watch.” She says with a smirk. “There will be nothing left after his Bon-Bon gets finished with him.” She grabs firm hold of his Cock and uses her fingers to hold her love lips open. As she takes all of his manhood inside of her, she begins to have second thoughts about her boast. Instantly, she starts getting weak in the knees, and puts her hands on Ron’s chest to keep balance. But Bonnie doesn’t want to lose out to Kim, and begins riding his Cock for all he’s worth. Kim & Monique are enjoying the show.
“Wow, you were right, Monique.” Kim says.
“I told you.” Monique replies. “Just like a Mechanical Bull.”
“Good Technique.” Kim adds. She finds herself sliding her hands inside her pants & her panties and rubbing herself gently. Monique, however, has been fingering herself since the sight of Ron’s Rod, and has finally had enough.
“OK, that’s it. It’s time to get this party started.” She says, pulling down her Cargo Pants, along with her pink thong. “Ron, it’s time to see if you got some skills with that tongue.”
Ron starts to panic a little as he realizes what she means. “Wait, you mean that? But I don’t have that much experience with…WHOA!!!” Monique climbs onto the bed and straddles Ron’s face, so that she faces Bonnie. Ron quickly decides to go to work, and rolls his tongue all over her snatch lips & her clit. Monique trembles with pleasure as she tries to keep balance herself.
“GOT-DAMN RON, you are multi-talented.” She screams.
A smirk appears on Bonnie’s face as she looks at Monique. “Yeah, I felt that tongue at Wannaweep. You won’t be long now.”
“Oh, the hell with that!” Monique says. “You’ll be screaming Ron’s name and shaking long before I hit my limit.”
An angry look develops on Bonnie’s face. “Oh yeah? Well…” She starts to panic, knowing Monique’s right. She can feel herself about to cum at any moment, and it leads to her doing the unthinkable. She grabs the back of Monique’s head, brings her close and kisses her on the lips, deeply & passionately. Monique’s eyes shoot wide open, as she feels Bonnie’s tongue probe inside of her mouth. At first she wants to pull away from her, but slowly she starts to enjoy it. Bonnie’s hands start to caress & fondle Monique’s tits as they continue to kiss. Kim just looks on in awe.
“I can’t believe it.” She says. “I never thought that would happen.”
The kiss doesn’t last much longer though, as both feel themselves on the verge of a hard orgasm. They pull apart and try to ride it out. “OH GOD, RON!!!” They both scream, hitting their climax at the same time. Bonnie pulls Ron out just as he sprays his load inside her thighs. Monique squirts out her loves juices before falling onto the bed, exhausted. Bonnie does the same, landing right beside Ron.
“Looks like it’s a tie.” Kim says.
“You mean they both came at the same time?” Ron asks.
“Yep, right after Bonnie made out with Monique?” Kim tells him.
Ron looks at her shocked. “You mean, they were kissing? And I didn’t see it? And we couldn’t get it on tape?”
“Nope.” Kim says, taking off her Cargo Pants & thong. “I guess you’ll just have to settle for me.” She climbs over Monique & onto the bed, straddling Ron. She takes his still-hard Cock and slides down onto it, wincing with every inch she takes in. She starts working her hips, and Ron quickly picks up the rhythm and follows hers. He lifts up her shirt and starts fondling her breasts, just the way she likes it.
“KP…you are on today!” Ron says.
“So are you, Ron.” Kim grabs Ron’s hands and starts to guide their movements. Soon, their hips start moving at top speed. Every thrust Ron makes sends his Cock deep into Kim, and brings them both closer to their limit. Soon, Ron finds himself not able to hold on any longer.
“OH GOD, KP! I’M GONNA CUM!!!” He yells.
“ME TOO, RON!!!” She screams back.
She doesn’t bother to get off of him. Not this time. Both of their bodies tense up as Ron spills his load deep inside of Kim. She can feel it filling her up, and it’s a heavenly sensation. She falls forward, catching herself before she lands on Ron. It takes a moment, as Ron catches his breath, but he finally realizes what he did.
“Kim…did I just come inside of you?” He asks.
“Yeah.” She answers. “And it was wonderful.”
“B-But what if…” She stops his chatter by pressing her lips against his. He wants to ask the question, but the warm feeling of her lips smothering his makes him not care. She lies down on top of him, her breasts pressed against his chest. And with Monique cuddling with him on his left side, and Bonnie snuggling him on his right, Ron drifts off to sleep, feeling like the luckiest man alive.
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