The KP Chapters | By : Jayrich Category: Kim Possible > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 113417 -:- Recommendations : 3 -:- Currently Reading : 3 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Kim Possible, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
The Not-So-Lucky Kim Possible 1
The guard roams through the halls of the Maximum Security Super-Villain Prison, passing cells that house the most dangerous threats to safety & calm in this world. He pushes a food cart in front of him, delivering their daily lunch. He stops in front of Duff Killigan’s cell and slides a pot inside. Killigan opens the pot and takes a whiff of what’s inside, only to have his face turn green in disgust.
“What is this abomination?” He asks the guard.
“It’s Haggis! Your favorite.” The guard replies.
“This is not my favorite dish!” Killigan tells him as he walks away. “Ya didnae even boil it in the Sheep’s stomach.”
The guard ignores Killigan’s yells and protests, and moves onto DNAmy’s cell. “Vegetarian platter for DNAmy…” He keeps going, then stops in front of Adrena Lynn’s cell. “…for Adrena Lynn we got…oh, no…”
He looks up and sees her legs dangling from the ceiling. Fearing the worse, he searches in his pocket for the Key Card to open the cell with one hand, and radios for help with the other. “EMERGENCY! EMERGENCY! We have a code 82! Repeat, a code 82!” He finds the card and slides it through, causing the door to slide open. He runs into the room and looks up, only to find Adrena Lynn alive & well. She comes down hard with both feet onto his head, instantly knocking him out.
“Thanks for opening the door.” She says. “Such a gentleman.” She quickly rushes out of the door and down the hall, only to find her way being blocked by dozens of guards. They give chase, as Lynn dashes through the halls like a track star. She passes a Laundry Cart and grabs a bed sheet off of the top. Making another turn, she finds herself in a dead end, with nothing but a window. The guards quickly catch up and block the only way out.
“GIVE IT UP, LYNN!” The lead guard says. “There’s nowhere else to go.”
“Maybe for you wet blankets.” She says, getting a firm grip on the sheet with both hands. “But for me, there’s always one way.” She kicks the window open and dives out of it.
A moment later, the sheet opens up and acts like a parachute, gently gliding her towards the ground. She looks down, and is in shock to see that dozens of guards have already covered the ground and are waiting for her to land. She thinks her plan is doomed, until a News Van pulls up outside of the Prison Walls. The back door of the Van opens, and a rope with a hook attached is shot up at her. She grabs the hook and fastens it to her pants, as the Van pulls off.
“HA! There’s nothing like Wind Surfing on a warm, sunny day.” She says, knowing her escape is complete. The rope slowly retracts into the Van, pulling her in also. Once she’s safely in the Van, she unfastens the hook and hops in the driver’s seat. Her cameraman is the driver. “It’s about time you showed up.” She says. “I was hanging up there forever.”
“Sorry. The Van needed gas. Had to fill up.” He explains.
“Nevermind that.” She tells him. “Now that I’m out of the joint, time to plot my payback on the man that ruined my career. Ron Stoppable!”
“So what do you got planned?” He asks her.
She thinks about it for a second, before developing a fiendish grin. “I’m thinking…Airborne Action. FREAKYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!”
Ron is lying asleep on top of a heart-shaped bed, with velvet red sheets. He suddenly jumps awake, and looks around nervously, wondering what’s going on. The first thing he notices is Bonnie crawling onto the bed beside him, stark naked.
“Hey, ‘Big Ron’.” She says seductively.
“BONNIE!!! Wh-What’s going on? Why am I here?” He asks desperately.
“We just wanted to make you feel comfortable.” Monique says, crawling into bed on his other side, also naked.
“We would do anything to make you happy, Ron-San.” Ron looks up to see Yori kneeling right over him, naked too.
“Monique? Yori?” Ron starts to panic, as he realizes what’s going on.
“It’s important for you to be happy, Ronald.” He notices Kim’s mom, Mrs. Possible, standing at the foot of the bed, wearing a doctor’s coat, and nothing else. “Doctor’s orders.”
Ron looks over to see Dr. Betty Director standing right besides her, wearing nothing. “And a good young man like you always follows orders.”
Ron is about to open his mouth, when he feels a smooth stroking sensation on his manhood, along with a warm feeling that makes him harder by the second. He looks down to see what’s causing it, and notices a pair of glowing gloved hands. He instantly knows who it is.
“So, you ready for another lesson, Stoppable?” Shego says with a sexy grin. Before he can even answer, Kim appears out of nowhere and flips onto the bed, landing perfectly on Ron, mere inches from his Cock.
“Class is in session.” She says.
Ron lets out a loud scream, which shakes him awake. He sits up screaming loudly, until a hand covers his mouth and puts him back down on the bed. Once his vision adjusts, he sees that it’s Kim.
“SSSSHHHHHHHHHH!!!” She says, putting her finger over her lips, before removing her hand from his mouth.
“KP, what are you doing here?” Ron whispers loudly.
“Late mission to stop Dementor from taking over the world.” She whispers back. Ron notices that she’s wearing a large Trench Coat, along with a pair of Cheerleading Sneakers & Socks. “I past by a 24-hour Bueno Nacho on the way home, and all I could think about was you.” She tells him affectionately.
Ron starts to feel touched. The woman he’s admired and loved over the years, the woman he’s with now, still loves him. But the feeling goes away once he notices his Cock gripped in her hands. “Kim, we can’t do it here.” He whispers. “My parents are still home.”
Kim grins softly at him. “That’s what makes it more exciting.”
She reaches into the Trench Coat pocket and takes out a Condom, Magnum-Sized. As she puts it on his still hard Rod, Ron tries to talk her out of it. “Kim, this is too risky. You can’t do this.”
She looks at him with a sarcastic grin. “I think you’re forgetting the name, Ron.”
“Well, yeah…you Can do anything.” He says. “But my parents…they could…” He wants to continue, but the words die in his mouth as Kim flips off the Trench Coat to show that she’s wearing nothing at all, but her sneakers & socks.
“Come on, Ron…I need my early workout today.” She says. “Please?”
Her lower lip starts to quiver, and the puppy-dog look is in full gear. Ron shields his eyes, trying not to give into the look that has doomed him so many times before. But his Cock lying against her soft skin works against him. He looks at her, and in an instant he’s putty in her hands.
“All…Alright!” He whispers, caving in. “But just a quickie!”
She smiles and brings her hips up, before lowering herself onto her love. Ever since the first time they did it, she’s thought about no one else but him. Her dildo hasn’t been used since that day, and she’s even stopped going on trips with Bonnie & the rest of the Cheer Squad. Whenever she has a moment of free time, her mind goes straight to Ron.
Her hips start to rotate with him inside of her. Ron already finds himself clenching his bed sheets tightly. Out of all the women he’s been with, Kim has been the tightest by far. She starts to move back & forth now, sending his Cock in & out of her at her will. The sound of skin smacking skin fills the room, as Kim picks up the pace. She bites her bottom lip to hold back from screaming out in pleasure. But her moans are harder to keep in. Ron looks ready to blow, and can’t stop himself from being quiet about it.
“OH GOD KIM!!! I’M GONNA…” Kim puts her hand on his mouth, shutting him up. Thinking quickly, she leans in close and kisses him on the lips, just as they both hit their orgasm. Both of their bodies tremble, and their moans & screams are muffled by each others lips. It’s a quiet orgasm between lovers. After a minute, Kim pulls away and breaks the kiss, leaving a thin, yet long line of saliva.
“Thanks for the workout.” Kim says as she climbs off of Ron. “See you at school, Big Ron.” She slips back into her Trench Coat and climbs out of the window, leaving Ron in his bed, tired & satisfied.
“Yeah…see ya…” He says, not realizing she’s already gone. He closes his eyes and grins widely as he tries to get in a few more hours of sleep. At least until he hears a familiar voice.
“Oh, no…RON! Are you dreaming that you’re a Naked Mole Rat again?”
His eyes shoot open to see his mother staring right at him from the doorway. He screams and covers himself up with his blanket, turning bright red from the embarrassment.
Later that Day…
In the Middleton High School Gym, Kim is with the rest of the Cheer Squad hard at work practicing their new cheer. They’ve come up on the last routine, which requires two Cheerleaders to be flung high into the air and caught by their teammates. Heather launches Tara into the air, and a moment later she’s caught by the team. Kim then runs at Bonnie, flips, and lets Bonnie launch her skyward. She’s ready to catch her on the way down when she notices Ron taking off his Mascot Head. Instantly Bonnie becomes lost in his handsome looks. Memories of the time they spent together at Camp Wannaweep, and her house when her parents & sisters weren’t around, come flooding back. She becomes so distracted, she doesn’t notice Kim hitting the floor hard behind her. But Kim gets up and quickly reminds her.
“Nice catch, Bonnie!” Kim says sarcastically & angrily through her teeth.
“Well, maybe if you learn to land on your feet, Kim…” Bonnie replies, not looking at her.
“YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO CATCH ME!!!” Kim yells. “THAT’S THE WHOLE…wait, why are you staring at Ron?”
Bonnie realizes that she has been staring at him, and quickly turns to Kim. “Huh, uh…what are you talking about? I wasn’t doing that.”
“Yes. You were.” Kim says. “You were totally focused on Ron.”
Bonnie starts to panic. She doesn’t want word of her affair with Ron getting out around school. And she especially doesn’t want her biggest rival being the one to find out. Thinking quickly, she makes up an excuse. “Well…tell him to stop wearing such tacky clothing. He looks like a Rodeo Clown.”
She quickly walks away from the group, making sure not to make eye contact. Kim, still freaked out by Bonnie’s actions, walks over to Ron. “Hey, Ron.” She gives him a kiss on the cheek before grabbing her gym bag.
“Hey, KP.” Ron says. “How was practice?”
“It was alright.” She says. “Though something strange happened. Bonnie was supposed to catch me on a routine, but she was too busy staring at you.”
Ron’s heart skips a beat, as there’s a look of total shock on his face. He turns away from Kim before she can notice. “Uh…well maybe she’s just noticing the Ron man’s appeal.” He says, telling the half-truth. “You know, many women find guys like me attractive.”
Kim looks at Ron and smiles. “Yeah, but at least I won’t have to worry about Bonnie taking you.” She says as they start to walk out of the Gym. Ron smiles innocently and scratches the back of his head, but in his mind he’s thinking about his times with Bonnie. As they enter the hall and pass the lockers, Ron finds himself pulled to the side by Monique.
“WHOA! Monique, what…”
“Hey, Ron.” She says. “How about you drop by Club Banana later today, and we can test out the new fitting rooms.”
“Hey, Monique.” Kim says, appearing behind the two. “What were you saying about the fitting rooms?”
Monique starts to get nervous and changes the subject. “OH! Would you look at the time? Sorry, Kim. Can’t hang out. Busy, busy, busy. TTYL!” She walks off quickly down the hall away from the two, much to Kim’s confusion.
“Now what was that all about?” Kim asks. A moment later, she hears the ring-tone on her Kimmunicator. She pulls it out to see Wade’s face on the screen. “What’s the Sitch, Wade?”
“Trouble down at LAX.” Wade tells her. “One of their planes was just hijacked.”
“We’re on it.” She says as she grabs Ron and heads out of the school.
An Hour Later…
Kim & Ron are above the clouds, flying through the air with their personal Jetpacks. As they approach LAX, Kim contacts Wade on the Kimmunicator. “We’re coming up on LAX, Wade.” She says. “The Jetpacks Dr. Porter lent us are Spankin’.”
“No problem, Kim.” He says. “How does Ron like his?”
Wade gets his answer when he hears Ron’s loud & off-key singing. “HIGHWAY TO THE DANGER ZONE!!! Gonna take it RIGHT INTO…THE DANGER ZOOOOOOOOOONE…”
“RON!!!” Kim yells at him as she ends her communication with Wade. “We’re here, Tom Cruise. So you can stop with the solo.”
They decrease the thrust on their Jetpacks and slowly begin to glide to the ground. Once they land, they shut them off and walk over to the scene of the crime. “Actually, I think I have more of a Brad Pitt look.” Ron says. “Or maybe Matt Damon.”
They pass under the yellow tape and approach a man wearing a business suit. The man immediately turns his attention to them once he sees Kim. “Thank goodness you could make it out here.” He tells them. “My name is William Carter, owner of Will-It airways.”
“What exactly is going on here, Mr. Carter?” Kim asks.
“Some Psycho yelling woman barged through the terminals and scrambled onto the runway.” He says. “She had a cameraman with them, and they took a Mini-Jet. It had some customers that were about to go on a skydiving adventure.”
Kim thinks for a second about who it could be. “Wait a minute.” She says, turning to Ron. “You don’t think it could be…Adrena Lynn?”
“But I thought she was locked behind bars.” He says. “Doing the whole 5-to-10 thing.”
“SIR! SIR! YOU GOTTA COME SEE THIS!!!” A Runway worker runs up to the scene carrying a Portable TV. He shows it to Mr. Carter, Kim & Ron. The first thing they see is Adrena Lynn on the screen.
“WHAT WILL SHE DO NEXT???” Adrena Lynn yells out.
“Well, guess that answers our question.” Ron says, stating the obvious.
“I’ll tell you what I’ll do next, SHOCK TV, BABY! FREAKYYYYYYY!!!!!!!” She backs up from the camera a little bit, and shows several people behind her, bound & gagged. “In case you didn’t notice, I’ve taken these ‘Extreme’ wannabes hostage. My demands? Only one. Deliver to me the man who ruined my great career. I want Ron Stoppable!”
Everyone watching the Portable TV is in shock. They all turn their attention to Ron, who is just as shocked as they are. “Boy, you write one bad High School Newspaper article and it haunts you forever.”
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