Kim Possible: Lust In Space | By : fulwiz123 Category: Kim Possible > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 31314 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 2 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Kim Possible, Disney does. Lost In Space is the property of Irwin Allen/20th Century Fox. I make no money from this story. Real people, places, and events are used in a fictitious manner. |
Kim Possible: Lust In Space
Written by: fulwiz
Beta by: Wirenfeldt Jr
Disclaimer: I don't own Kim Possible, Disney does. Lost In Space is the property of Irwin Allen/20th Century Fox. I make no money from this story. Real people, places, and events are used in a fictitious manner.
Warning: This story contains explicit sexual situations, intense violence, torture, rape, death, incest, and many other mature themes.
Note: This story is not a crossover. It is set in the Kim Possible universe with elements, but not characters, from Lost In Space included.
Chapter 02: Sabotage!
While the rest of the crew were heading for their assigned stations, Vivian Porter pressed a button on the metal safety railing surrounding the lift platform. A portion of the railing slid aside to allow her access to the lift. She stepped onto the platform and studied the freestanding lift control panel as the railing slid back into place behind her. The panel had five buttons, four of which corresponded to each deck of the space ship. The fifth button, which was hidden under a security cover, would allow the lift to descend right through a hatch in the hull of the ship to the ground if they were on a planet's surface. It would only function if the landing gear were extended and the cover was unlocked from the flight control station.
Her destination was the third deck, the mission deck, as Kim called it. She only had a short time to do her final check on Dee-Dee and return to the flight deck for lift off. First though, she thought to herself as she pressed the button that would take the lift to the second deck, the crew quarters, she had a small detour to make. The lift began it's descent to the next level down from the flight deck.
Deck two had been designed primarily for comfort, since it was where the crew would be spending most of their off duty time. The mission parameters allowed for nine months of travel time to get to the Lowardian stellar system. During which they would all be in suspended animation. That left them with six months to conduct the mission, before once again entering the suspended animation tubes for the nine month journey back to Earth. It was during the six month mission period that they would call this place home.
To her right, as she stepped off the lift, was the automatic galley, where they would take their meals. On her left was the communal head. Just on the other side of that, was Dr. Possible's medical bay. Around the rest of the perimeter of the deck were their individual living quarters, storage areas, and multipurpose cubicles where each of them could work on whatever hobbies or personal projects they wanted. The large circular space in the center of the deck was their shared living, entertainment, and social hub. It had already been dubbed the lounge.
Crossing the lounge, Vivian headed directly for her own living quarters, which was between Dr. Director's berth and the Captain’s cabin. When she reached the door, she raised her right hand and placed it on the palm print lock next to the door. Even though they would all be working and living close together for the duration of the mission, their individual cabins were designed to give them the privacy they also needed.
The lock beeped and the door slid open. She hurried inside and retrieved a package that she brought onboard with the rest of her gear. After she relocked her cabin behind her, she headed back to the lift. Time felt like it was pressing in on her as she descended to the third deck. She had to hurry if she was going to be able to set up her little surprise and still have time to perform a diagnostic check on Dee-Dee.
In the center of deck three was a raised platform. It was surrounded by a safety rail similar to the one on the lift. Inside the circular enclosure stood the Jupiter II's Mobile Artificial Intelligence Device. The platform served as the MAID's recharging and programming station. Vivian smiled as she approached the gynoid robot they'd named Dee-Dee. She was very proud of the work she'd done in bringing the robotic girl to life.
She couldn't take all the credit though, she mused, as she opened the package and laid out it's contents on the deck beside the platform. The internal structure, control mechanisms, and power unit had been designed by the late Drew Lipsky, while Dr. Freeman designed and built Dee-Dee's artificial brain. Her part in the project had been to build on her earlier work by programming her to actually think and learn. Since Dee-Dee had passed the Turing test, not once, but three times, she had good reason to be proud of her work.
Her surprise for her crew mates, had nothing to do with any of those aspects of Dee-Dee though. Opening the enclosure, she stepped inside and began removing Dee-Dee's silvery space attire. As more and more of the robot was exposed, the other reason for her being on the design team was also revealed. She was the one who created the synthetic skin substitute that gave Dee-Dee a completely lifelike appearance. Even in her present dormant state, Dee-Dee looked completely human. Every anatomically correct square inch of her.
It was that aspect of the MAID that would be the basis for her surprise. But she knew she had to hurry. It was getting very close to time to power up the ship's internal systems. Once Dee-Dee was completely bare, Vivian began re-dressing her in the outfit she had smuggled onboard. She could already imagine the look's on the faces of her companions when they awoke from suspended animation, to find Dee-Dee in such an appropriate costume.
Just as she was putting the finishing touches on her surprise, she heard the voice of Dr. James Possible announcing it was ten minutes to launch. She was completely out of time. Quickly, she jabbed at the activation switch, hidden inside Dee-Dee's artificial belly button. She was going to have to take a shortcut instead of following the proper protocols. The moment the Android's eyes opened, she gave an order. An order, only her confidence in the robotic girl's design, could allow her to give. “Dee-Dee. Perform an internal diagnostic check. If no red flags appear, place yourself in stand-by mode for launch.”
Dee-Dee smiled a curious smile at the woman who created her. “Hello, Dr. Porter. Your order conflicts with standing procedure. I am supposed to be in a complete powered down state for launch.”
Vivian sighed. She really needed to be back on the flight deck. There simply wasn't time for her to wait for the diagnostic to finish and shut the android down. “Override procedure on my authorization.”
“Authorization accepted. Beginning diagnostic.” As her robotic body began it's internal survey, she looked at the woman who was already halfway across the deck and climbing onto the lift. “And thank you for the outfit, Dr. Porter. I like it.”
Now that the job was almost done, Shego was beginning to feel excited. It didn't matter what it was, fighting, stealing, or whatever, she got a thrill out of her illicit work. Living on the edge, taking the big risks, those always made her hot. It wasn't any different this time, except the feeling was even more intense than usual. She was getting so big a buzz out of this job, she could actually feel herself starting to get moist over it! While riding the pleasurable sensation, she tucked the empty vial back in her pocket.
Next, Shego checked to make sure her breathing mask was secure. The last thing she wanted was to get a whiff of the chemical compound meant for the crew of the Jupiter II. Not that it would harm her, she wouldn't have taken the job if it meant killing or doing any kind of permanent harm to the people on the ship. What it would do, according to her mysterious employer, was cause a chemical imbalance in the brain, resulting in a kind of fugue state that would prevent the crew of the ship from thinking clearly, distracting them just enough that they wouldn't be able to carry out their mission.
It seemed like a pretty complicated and convoluted way to do things. Something she'd stated when she was approached to do the job. The large sum of money she was offered made her put any questions aside. Besides, after working for Dr. Drakken for so many years, she was used to complicated and convoluted plans. If she did her job and got paid, she couldn't care less if this plan failed in the same way Drakken's usually had.
Thinking of the deceased blue villain put a damper on her impending hornyness, making her realize she'd become so distracted by her body's reaction, and her own thoughts, that she had forgotten there was one last thing she had to do before making her exit from the ship. Pulling a phone out of her pocket, she began to dial the number she had been given. If she didn't immediately call and report the job was done, as her employer demanded, she wouldn't ever see a cent of her money. While she waited for the call to connect, she pressed her legs together, trying to relieve the itch she was beginning to really feel the need to scratch.
The call connected and she heard the electronically modified voice of her employer in her ear. “Is it done?”
In her other ear, she heard the voice of the flight director announcing it was time to switch the ship to internal systems. She still had five minutes to get off the ship. The job was almost finished.
“Yes. I just released the compound. The ventilation system should have it spread throughout the ship just in time for the launch.” Once more she squeezed her legs tightly. Compressing her wet pussy between her thighs. Getting excited over a job was one thing, but this was starting to get ridiculous. She tried to keep her mind on what she was doing. “Have you wired the money to my account?”
“Payment has been made. Or should I say payback? Tell me Shego, how are you feeling? Distracted? Aroused? Is your puny human body screaming to be touched... Caressed..? Are you even now manipulating your sex organs in a vain attempt to relieve yourself?”
As the words “puny human” penetrated the fog of lusty desire that was threatening to engulf her mind, Shego knew she was in deep shit. Proof came with the realization of who her mysterious employer was, along with the feeling of her free hand, which had somehow worked it's way inside her stolen uniform pants. Her senses were reeling at her own touch. She was barely able to blurt out his name in accusation. “W... Warhok!”
When he spoke into her ear again, the electronic filtering was gone, proving she was correct. “I am amazed that you are still able to think even semi-coherently. Especially after I coated the internal filters of your face mask with a super concentrated form of the contents of the vial. Yes, the same thing you were so easily manipulated into releasing into the air system of that pathetic excuse of a battle ship.”
The alien's laugh boomed out of the phone, but that was the last thing she was able to consciously recognize. She knew he was still talking, gloating about his insidious plans, but was unable to focus on the words. Only one thing mattered to her. A single, overwhelming, need. His words were nothing but a background noise, totally unable to compete with her intense desire to achieve orgasm.
Kim swiveled her command chair around as the lift came to a stop. She saw Vivian step out onto the flight deck. “There you are. I was about send out a search party for you. What took so long?”
Vivian gave Kim a shrug as she crossed the deck to where Anne was finishing up her check of the suspended animation tubes. “Slight glitch in the diagnostic. I ran it a second time, just to make sure there wasn't a real problem. Green to go now. Dee-Dee is secured for launch.”
With a nod, Kim turned her chair back to the front. She looked at Betty, who sat in the pilot seat beside her. “By the numbers now people. Engage internal power system.”
Betty reached out and flipped a switch on the middle of the three panels in front of her. “Internal power online.”
Kim leaned forward and hit a couple buttons on the far left panel. A faint thumping sound came from beneath the ship. “External power conduits disconnected.”
Looking over a Warmonga, Kim gave the next command in the pre-launch sequence. “Power up artificial gravity.”
Warmonga hit the switch on the device next to her. The unit began to hum. “Artificial gravity system working, Mistress.”
Kim got up from her seat. She walked to the center of the flight deck and peered into the transparent dome of the navigation system. Inside, she could see the star patterns projected on the dome's inner surface. In the very center of the dome, on a movable, pivoting, rod was a tiny replica of the ship. It's function was to show their proper orientation to the stars surrounding them.
She dropped her hands to the console that ringed the dome, and with a few taps of her fingers, she activated the course plotting circuitry. “Navigation system online.” She glanced back over her shoulder at Betty. “Confirm course and engage automatic launch programming.”
Betty looked at the display between the right hand console and the forward ports. “Course confirmed.” Turning to the center console, she flipped a large red switch. “Automatic launch sequence is a go.”
Knowing there was only one thing left to do, Kim walked over to the communication panel. She flipped a switch and spoke into the the microphone attached to the console. “This is the Jupiter II. All systems are ready for lift off.”
Her father's voice came back through the speaker. “Confirming that. You are green across the board. Right on schedule. It is now five minutes until launch. Seal all hatches and engage shields.” There was a brief pause. During which Betty activated the complete lockdown. Kim was watching the large metal shields slide closed over the triple windows, blocking out the view of the space center, when he spoke again. “And Kimmie-Cub?”
“Yes Daddy?”
“You and your mom stay safe.”
“We will, don't worry. We'll be back before you know it. Lockdown complete. Preparing to enter suspended animation tubes.”
“Sleep tight, Kimmie-Cub.”
Kim shut down the communication console with a smile. She turned to the row of suspended animation tubes. The transparent enclosures were opening as her mother finished bringing the system online.
As she and the rest of her crew gathered in front of the tubes, and one by one stepped inside, Kim felt really excited to have the mission finally underway. Just before the tube closed around her, she took one last look around the flight deck. Her body trembled, and her face flushed red, as she realized just how excited she was.
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