My Arch-Enemy's Wedding | By : Jayrich Category: Kim Possible > Het- Male/Female Views: 16041 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: Greetings. I am a writer who does not own Kim Possible, nor the characters from the show. And I do not receive money from this |
My Arch-Enemy’s Wedding II
“I said I needed help, not a Nursemaid.”
Shego spoke those words as she sat at the edge of Ron’s bed, Kim attending to the wounds she suffered earlier by bandaging her stomach. Ron sat across from them on top of a futon, watching the reformed villainess closely.
“And could you tell your boyfriend to stop staring holes through me?” Shego added.
“I would, but we’ve been burned by you before.” Kim replied.
“Yeah, literally!” Ron added. “I still got the scar on my chest, you know! And sometimes it itches!”
“Aw, you’re upset. Did I ruin the sidekick’s private time toni—OWW!!!”
Shego felt the bandages tightening around her. “Just FYI, you ruined my private time, too.” Kim said coldly.
“Yeah, well trust me, I wouldn’t have done it if I didn’t…unfortunately, need you help.” Shego replied. “I don’t know if you’ve heard, but I—!”
“Got framed for a crime you didn’t commit.” Kim finished for her rival.
For a moment, Shego was left in stunned silence. “OK how did you know that?”
“We heard from Wade the same hour it happened.” Kim revealed. “He did an analysis; it showed the crook let off electrical discharges.”
“And that she weighed 20lbs more than you.” Ron added.
“Yeah, great, wonderful.” Shego uttered, disregarding Ron’s comment. “Look, I just need to find who’s screwing with me before I marry Drakken and—!”
It was at that moment when Shego realized she had let the cat out of the bag. It was bad enough going to her arch-rival for help, but this wasn’t something she wanted Kim to know about…at least not now.
“OK that, I didn’t know.” Kim responded.
“You’re marrying Drakken!?” Ron exclaimed. “Wait, Supervillains get Married!? How does that work, is there like some special Supervillain Wedding Planner? Do you get discounts for how many banks you’ve robbed?”
“Alright, alright, I’m getting married!” Shego spoke up. “It’s not a big deal!”
“OK, this is just getting too weird.” Kim concluded as she finished bandaging her foe. “I need to make a call.” Reaching onto the nearby nightstand, she grabbed her Kimmunicator and put in a call to Wade, who appeared on the screen moments later. “Wade, I need a favor…”
“Sure Kim, just tell me what…” Kim cocked up an eyebrow as Wade was rendered nearly speechless from Kim’s appearance. “Uh, private time with Ron?”
Reminded of the attire she had on, a red-faced Kim tried to get back on the subject. “Focus, Wade. We have Shego here, and I need a ride to get her to a safe house.”
“Shego? How did she—?”
“Long story.”
Instead of questioning it any further, Wade brought up his database of favors Kim obtained throughout her superspy career. Unfortunately, after a thorough search, “Sorry Kim, I can’t seem to get in contact with anyone we’ve helped out before.”
“Not anyone?” Kim asked.
Wade shook his head. “Sorry, but it looks like you’re gonna have to keep Shego there until morning.”
“You know, hanging around a Dorm Room while I’m on the run from all Law Enforcement? Not my idea of helpful!” Shego declared. “We need to get to Go City!”
“Settle down, Shego.” Kim told her. “If you want our help, we do it our way.”
The window in Ron’s Dorm Room shattered as a deadly object sped past both Kim & Shego before sticking into the adjacent wall. Kim approached the object carefully, and saw that it appeared to be the letter ‘X’, with bladed sides and sharp edges.
“Yeah, your way? Not really working.” Shego replied.
Suddenly, a figure appeared in the window, ready to pounce. He leaped into the room at Kim, who effortlessly ducked out of the way. He rolled out of his miss back onto his feet and lunged again, but Kim greeted him with a jumping lunge kick that sent him crashing onto the bed.
The front door was next to break as the three turned to see another mysterious man standing in the doorway, this one of more considerable girth. He charged Shego, who responded by igniting her hands and, using his own momentum, tripped and tossed him across the room. He landed atop his fellow intruder, knocking each other out as Wade came through on the Kimmunicator again.
“Kim, you OK?”
“Yeah Wade, just the standard intrusion.” Kim replied.
“Good, because I found that ride you’re looking for.” That brought a smile to Kim’s face. “The Conductor at Upperton Central Station can get you on an overnight Train to Go City. Best I could do on short notice…”
“It’s great, Wade.” Kim told her friend, before turning to Shego. “Unless someone has some objections…”
“Yeah, like I rather hang out here at the center for Booze and Boobs!” Shego responded. “LET’S GO!!!”
And with that, the two dangerous ladies retreated out of the dorm room, while Ron found himself noticing something familiar about the two intruders. “Uh, KP? These guys have numbers on their chest, just like when—!”
“Come on, Ron!” Not letting him finish, Kim grabbed her boyfriend’s arm and pulled him along, closing the door behind them.
Speeding down the track through the pitch-black night, the Upperton Bullet made its name as one of the finest passenger trains running. Even with its speed, the smooth ride it gave was enough to help provide everyone on board with a good night’s sleep…everyone except Ron.
Riding in a window seat, he watched the dark scenery outside zoom by, head in his hand. Rufus was already asleep in the luggage compartment above him, Shego had nodded off right across from him, and Kim, who made a quick change into her spy attire on the way to the station, had dozed off while leaning on his shoulder…or so he thought.
“Ron…why are you still up?”
He looked over at the hot redhead on his shoulder. “Oh sorry KP, didn’t mean to wake you up…”
“You didn’t.” Kim replied. “And you didn’t answer my question…”
“I was just up…you know, thinking…”
“About what?” Kim asked.
Ron shrugged. “Well you know…our future…marriage…”
Kim raised an eyebrow. “Say what?”
“I was just thinking!” He said in his defense. “I mean, we aren’t gonna be young forever; and I’m getting up there…”
“Ron, you’re 20.” Kim told him. “Same age as me.”
“Yeah, look how far we’ve come.” Ron countered. “In another year, I’ll be old enough to rent a car!”
Kim knew her boyfriend wasn’t entirely truthful. “This isn’t just about Shego, is it?”
“No…” Ron confessed. “It’s just…I mean, our arch-villains are actually tying the knot. Things have changed since we graduated from Middleton High…”
“And you think that we might change along with it.” Kim finished for him. “Ron, you got nothing to worry about, nothing’s gonna change between us.”
Ron was skeptical about his girlfriend’s reply. “Sure you say that, but 5 years from now you’ll be the Super Secret Spy saving the President and I’ll be an assistant manager at Smarty-Mart where, sure I’ll be making more an hour with better benefits, but I—MMMPHHH!!!”
Ron was silenced by Kim’s lips, as she deeply kissed him to show the meaning behind her words. Her hand gently rubbed against his chest as Ron’s left arm wrapped around her. After several moments, Kim pulled away and smiled. “Is that enough to convince you?”
“Yes, ma’am.” Ron said lovingly, before welcoming Kim’s lips once again. Their make-out grew more heated by the second as Kim’s hand rubbed across his chest. Everyone in their car was sound asleep, giving them a measure of privacy to express their love. But as her hand moved lower, Ron cautiously moved back.
“Wait, Kim!” He whispered audibly. “We can’t do it here…”
To that, Kim raised an eyebrow. “Remember the name, Ron…”
“Well yeah, I know you can do anything. But I…oh man…”
Ron’s eyes nearly rolled in the back of his head as he got a quick reminded of just who quick Kim’s hands were. As she finished talking they were already unbuckling his pants, and now he felt her warm inviting mouth engulf his manhood. It was everything he could do to keep his mouth shut from the waves of pleasure he was experiencing. Her right hand gently jerked the base of his shaft as her mouth did the rest. She couldn’t deep-throat, at least not without preparing for it, but her tongue was more than energetic enough to make up for it.
“Ah, Kim…”
Ron placed his hand on top of his love’s fiery mane as she sucked feverishly. Her head movements were similar to a yo-yo as her lips tightened around his cock. She closed her eyes and continued to work as she felt him hardening in her mouth, becoming stiffer by the second. She then gave his shaft some thorough licks, making sure not to miss one inch as her tongue ran all over. Her hand continued to jerk the base as well, and with the next passing moments, he was at peak erection.
“I think it’s time I take a ride on the Stoppable Rollercoaster…” She seductively suggested.
And whatever doubt her boyfriend had of going all the way was, figuratively, sucked out of him. Within moments her pants were left crumpled in her seat, and her violet thong was dangling off her left ankle. She straddled his lap, ready to take a late-night ride on Ron’s rock hard cock. It didn’t take long for her to let his thickness slip inside her moist snatch, and even less time for her to rock her hips in motion.
“Oh man, that’s so good…” Ron sighed.
Her lips met his again as she draped her arms over his shoulders. Ron was still shocked that no one had awakened to see their passionate display. It gave them a tentative solidarity that added excitement to the moment. He knew one cry of passion would at least crack open one pair of eyelids, so he muzzled himself and kept his movements to a minimum. Kim’s moaning indicated she wanted different, though. As her hips bounced majestically, she slipped her tongue into Ron’s mouth and let out a few moans. Ron was too enamored to stop her…as if he really wanted to in the first place.
His hand slid down her slender frame to grope her firm backside, helping guide her movements. The two were now in full gear; Kim pumping his cock with full exertion. As they broke their kiss, Ron saw the flustered look on the fiery redhead’s face. She needed this, and so did he.
“You like it, baby?” Kim asked.
“You know it, Kim.” Ron answered.
“Come on, Ronny…give it to me hard. Gimme a good ride…”
Up to this moment Ron had indeed been holding back, content in letting Kim do all the work. But now she was begging for it nice & hard. Scanning the train car, he triple checked to see if anyone even looked like they were about to wake up. Once he saw the coast was clear, he sank low into his seat and gripped Kim’s hips tightly.
“Hold on, KP…”
Now lying nearly flat on his seat, Ron started thrusting in unison with Kim, pushing his hard cock deep in her pussy. She felt him reach her G-spot almost immediately, and had to stifle herself from crying out in pleasure. Biting her bottom lip, she put her hands on his chest to keep balance as she took every inch of Ron’s manhood over and over. Her ass quivered from each decisive thrust; the sound of flesh slapping starting to fill the train car. Surprisingly though, as Kim & Ron felt their limits nearing, no one had noticed what they were doing. Everyone was still sound asleep, oblivious to the fact that they were going at it like rabbits in heat…except for one person.
“Wow, didn’t peg you & the sidekick for exhibitionists.”
And in the blink of an eye, the couple froze. Their hearts skipped a beat as the look of shock & horror on their faces told the tale. They had been caught…by Shego.
“Oh don’t stop on my account.” The green vixen added with her voice barely above a whisper. “He was giving it to you Good.”
“I think I just had a heart attack…” Ron responded.
“Dammit, Shego…” Kim growled.
“Don’t blame me for raging hormones, Cupcake.” Shego countered with a smirk. “But if you want…I can lend a hand…”
And Shego did. Using both hands, she lifted Kim’s purple shirt and bra up under her neck, and proceeded to caress her perky breasts. Never so badly had Kim wanted to knock-out her arch-rival, but the position she was in left her perfectly vulnerable. So Shego fondled to her heart’s content as she turned her gaze at Ron.
“What’re you waiting for, blondie? She wants you to finish.”
Now Ron was locked in a moral conflict; in his position he couldn’t help Kim, and he was balls deep in her with an urge to finish. And it didn’t help Shego was putting her breasts on display, playing with Kim’s nipples right in front of him.
“Oh…Ron…” Kim moaned.
“I knew this was a bad idea…”
That statement didn’t deter Ron however, as his hips went in motion again, and he began pumping his member in & out of Kim’s snatch. Maybe it was perverse, but this made it even more exciting. And since everyone else remained asleep around them, they could at least be spared a wider range of embarrassment. But it was one that Shego got to witness first hand, as with one last thrust, Ron released his load. Kim could feel it shooting inside of her, as her juices coated Ron’s cock. Her body trembled, and Shego couldn’t help but to wear a huge grin on her face over the sight in front of her.
“Wow! You two need to get laid more often.”
“Happy now, Shego?” Kim asked with spite in her voice as she climbed off of Ron.
Shego feign thinking about her question. “Hmm, not really. Because now it’s my turn.”
Kim’s shocked expression grew more dramatic as she witnessed her foe gripping her boyfriend’s cock. “You see, being framed for a crime I didn’t commit means I didn’t really have the time for all the standard Bridal events. And while I could care less about showers or buying plates with the Oh Boyz faces on them, I did miss out on my Bachelorette Party.”
“Wait, wait!” Ron chimed in. “I can’t be your stripper, I’m a horrible dancer! Ask Kim, I almost broke her ankle at Prom!”
“Yeah, I care less about the dancing and more about the stripping.”
Leaning in close, she punctuated her statement by running her tongue across the head of Ron’s cock. Her lips followed next as they enveloped the head, and her tongue swirled around it in her mouth. Ron was already rendered powerless to stop her even if he wanted, which he didn’t. And the sight brought to the surface one of Kim’s few but potent negative traits…she was Jellin’.
It didn’t go unnoticed by Shego, who decided to use it to her benefit. “You’re looking awfully upset, Princess. You aren’t…Jea—!”
“I am not Jellin’!” Kim interrupted. “I mean, I’m not jealous!”
“Of course you aren’t.” Shego agreed sarcastically as she unzipped her top, exposing her plump breasts. She then nestled Ron’s manhood between them and rocked them up & down. “Hey, I’d be jealous too. I mean, you aren’t exactly fully equipped to do this.”
And with those words, Kim’s jealousy roared into the stratosphere. “I can suck better than you…” She grumbled under her voice.
But Shego overheard. “Is that so?” Stopping her movement, she let her melons rest on Ron’s thighs, leaving the head of his cock exposed as a target. “Why don’t you prove it?”
The challenge was one that was unexpected for Kim. But it was also one she found hard to turn away from. Her competitive nature was known to Shego, and she had let it get control of her at times.
And this was one of them.
Leaning back over her chair, her lips wrapped around the head of Ron’s member, her moist mouth driving him back to rock-hard stiffness. Shego could feel it between her tits, as she let her hand slide down inside of her pants. “Start pumping, sidekick.”
Ron followed orders as his hands latched onto Shego’s jugs and he began fucking her tits, along with Kim’s mouth. Opening her mouth, Shego let some saliva drool off of her tongue and onto her breasts, making them slick and easier for Ron to slide through. Kim’s tongue was at work as well, giving Ron’s cock a double dose of pleasure he had only dreamt of.
“OK, I think I know what nirvana feels like…” He said to himself.
As Shego fingers rubbed against her moist vagina lips, her eyes turned their focus to Kim, who was now licking her boyfriend’s dickhead. The green vixen’s tongue would join in on the action, making sure not one spot was unaccounted for. Their tongues made contact several times, eventually leading to a moment Ron Stoppable would describe as the greatest in his life; Kim Possible and Shego French-kissed. It was enough to double the speed at which Ron was thrusting, causing Shego’s tits to shake not unlike a Jell-O mold. The excess saliva from their kiss dripped down onto the green vixen’s breasts, aiding Ron’s speed as he neared his limit. The sight in front of him was enough to push him over.
“Aw man, I’m gonna blow!”
And with one hard thrust, his manhood poked out from Shego’s cleavage spraying his hot jizz onto both Shego & Kim’s face, some even in Shego’s mouth. Several more spurts followed, which landed on Shego’s breasts. The sidekick was utterly spent as he wiped his brow. A moment later, the two rivals finally broke their kiss, with Kim still feeling wrong about what she did, but satisfied.
“This is so not how I pictured this night ending.” She said.
Shego, however, was pleased with the events. “Hey, better than a stupid Bridal Shower.”
“Any luck, Wade?”
Kim asked that question into her Kimmunicator as she stood by the entrance of Club Banana’s Bridal Boutique in Go City. She knew it wasn’t the best way for Shego to keep a low profile, but Shego had still not decided on a Wedding Gown. Kim just hoped it would be a quick stop.
“This is the best I can do, Kim.” Wade responded from the other end, as he played a video over the Kimmunicator. It was Security footage of the robbery, and the thief who impersonated Shego. While looking at the video, Kim noticed a difference between the actual crook, and the green vixen.
“The color of her energy blasts…they’re green but, they also look…blue.”
“It’s all I can find for now.” Wade said. “I’ll keep looking for more evidence, but Global Justice is still looking for her.”
“I know.” Kim replied. “I’ll handle Dr. Director when it comes to that. Just keep searching for me, Wade.”
She ended communication and began walking deeper into the store, towards the dressing room area. And as she ventured closer, she noticed Ron looking down and shaking his head as a wedding gown was tossed from the room.
“I-I…I’m sorry, but that was the last one!” The saleswoman stuttered. “Y-Y-You…don’t seem to like…ANY of them.”
“Because they’re too tacky, too frilly and just plain stupid!” Shego barked back.
“I-I…don’t know what you want!”
Shego turned to the visibly shaken saleswoman and grinned. “Got anything in green?”
“Green? But green isn’t a color for a Wedding. It’s not appro—!” Shego ignited her hand with energy, which quickly changed the saleswoman’s mind. “I’lljustgoinbackandcheck!”
And with surprising speed, she rushed out of the changing room, fleeing for her life as she passed Kim & Ron. “Bridezilla…” Ron whispered.
“Just saying…”
Taking note of Ron’s warning, Kim entered the room anyway, and saw Shego leaning against a mirror, her head hanging low. “You OK?”
“You do NOT have any idea how hard this is.” Shego answered. “Enjoy these young years Princess, because it doesn’t get any easier. I can’t even find the right friggin’ Wedding Gown for me!” After venting, she stood back upright, took a deep breath & exhaled. “This may seem demented, but I’m glad Drakken’s in jail and out of the way now. At least I don’t have to worry about him doing—!”
“We interrupt this program to bring you a Special Report!”
Both Kim & Shego’s attention turned to the flat-screen TV at the Checkout counter, and a news report displayed on it. “As we reported 2 hours ago, there was a prison break from Lowerton State Penitentiary. We have now obtained footage of the daring escape in progress, ready to be shown to the viewing public. Warning: the following footage might be offensive to some viewers…”
The video began by showing a red & yellow Monster Truck busting through the brick wall of the Prison, playing a Metal classic at its loudest. The camera that was filming the events was shaky, but it did manage to zoom in on the drivers’ seat, which showed Motor Ed behind the wheel playing air guitar.
“No…please no.” Shego pleaded. But as the camera spotted the figure in the passenger seat, her fear was confirmed. Drakken’s cousin had broken him out.
Kim turned to Shego, who just shook her hanging head. “This can’t possibly get any worse…”
Unfortunately, it did.
“DON’T WORRY, GO-GIRL!!!” Shego looked back up at the screen to see the last person she ever wanted to see, riding in the flatbed of the Truck…Adrena Lynn. “We’re gonna take it too the Extreme! FRRREAKYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!”
That was more than enough for the would-be bride, as she began banging her head against the mirror in frustration. “Why me? Why Me!? WHY ME!?!?”
“Wow!” Kim was still stunned by what she witnessed. “Well, at least you know they care about you.” Unfortunately that didn’t help at all in getting Shego to stop. “I…guess I’ll just give you a minute alone.”
“No, wait…”
Kim paused as she was about to exit the room, then turned back to face Shego, who sighed deeply. “I’m about as low as I can get, so might as well do it now.”
“Look, if this is about what happened on the Train—!”
“It’s not.” Shego interrupted. “Look, I know the two of us have been at each others neck for years…but we’ve also teamed up a few times and have kicked some ass. So, with that in mind, and this is just me throwing it out there; I am NOT begging…with that in mind…would you…like to be…my Maid of Honor?”
The redhead took a moment to process what was asked, and then she giggled. “OK, that’s a good one. You almost had me and…you’re serious, aren’t you?”
“Yeah, that’s what I was going for.” Shego replied sarcastically, feeling dejected.
“Oh…Wow! This…I mean, I…”
“Y’see? I knew this was a bad idea.” Shego said. “Let’s just forget I even asked and—!”
“No, no! I accept!” Kim quickly told her. “I mean, I’m honored but…why me?”
Shego knew she would ask that; and as she slumped down onto the floor in her dress, she prepared to answer Kim. “Well, you’ve met my brothers, and it’s bad enough that I had to invite them to the wedding. And to be honest…OK, this is gonna sound sad & pathetic, but…in terms of female friends…you’re the closest one I have.”
And again, Kim was floored by what Shego had to say. “I am?”
She nodded. “Look I know we did the Hero-Villain battle thing, but that was just business. Plus, when I was all goody-goody…I remember having a few good times together with you.”
Kim was astonished to hear what was coming out of her rival’s mouth. But what was even more shocking is that she sat down beside her, and smiled. “Well, the shopping trip we had was fun…”
“I still have those jade heels, too.” Shego remarked.
“Well, like I said I accept.” Kim repeated, smiling. “Funny, I would’ve thought that you’d ask Adrena Lynn to be your Maid of Honor.”
Shego rolled her eyes. “Yeah, she was begging for the role ever since Drew popped the question. She wanted us to wear matching mullets for the Wedding.”
Kim couldn’t help but to laugh at that, until she noticed something. “Wait, you’ve asked me to be your Maid of Honor, and you’re calling Drakken by his first name…huh, maybe you’re starting to get a little soft.”
That was a word Shego did not enjoy hearing, and it ignited a flame inside of her, along with her fists. “Oh we can go RIGHT NOW, Princess! We’ll see who’s soft!”
“Uh, Ladies?”
“Ugh, leave it to Stoppable to ruin a good moment.”
A blue figure zoomed into the room and lodged itself right above the two ladies. They looked up over their heads to spot what looked like a robotic bird with its beak stuck in the wall, and its belly flashing.
“I think he has a good reason to.” Kim said.
“Wait, those are Heat-Seeking Hummingbirds!”
“LET’S GO!!!”
And with amazing quickness, Shego & Kim scrambled out of the dressing room, just as the bird let off an explosion which sent them flying. They tumbled onto the main floor unscathed, but Shego’s dress was worse for wear.
“Aw, COME ON! I didn’t even WANT to buy this one!”
Kim spotted her boyfriend desperately avoiding a flock of the Hummingbirds by using a clothing rack as a mobile shield. Unfortunately the birds became stuck in the clothes on the rack, which forced Ron to dispose of it. He rolled it to a vacant corner of the store, where the explosion wouldn’t endanger anyone. Another flock came soaring into the store, but this one was lead by Rufus, who was riding the lead Hummingbird. His skills proved to be extremely handy though, as he led the bird a good distance out in front of the flock, before executing a 180 and hopping off, causing another Hummingbird explosion.
Ron rushed over and made a sliding catch of his little buddy. “KP, could use some help here!”
“Comin’ up!”
The redheaded spy leaped into action, with Shego backing her up. The last flock of Heat-Seeking Hummingbirds soared into the store, with its numbers tripled over the first two. Kim caught their attention as they frantically flew after her. She zigzagged through the aisles of clothing until she found herself right in front of Shego, just as planned.
She hurtled the green vixen just as she ignited her hands, and unleashed a torrent of energy blasts at the flock. The heat generated from her blasts was enough to activate their self-destruct, as the entire flock exploded in a fiery display. Kim breathed a sigh of relief over their victory; Shego, however, was fuming.
“I know who’s behind this!”
“Yeah, and I’m thinking it’s the same guy who owns that!” Ron pointed towards the store’s entrance, where a huge Condor hovered; carrying what looked like to be a monitor around its neck. Thinking quickly, Ron dashed up a nearby wall, flipped off of it, and landed perfectly on the bird’s back.
“Don’t worry, I got him!” Unfortunately, he wasn’t heavy enough to keep him down. “OK, I don’t got him! HELP!!!”
Spreading its wings, the Condor soared up through the skylight of the store, sending shards of glass everywhere as Ron hung on for dear life. Kim shielded herself from the falling debris, before contacting Wade again.
“Wade, I need a ride ASAP! Ron’s—!”
“Don’t bother, Princess.”
Kim looked up from her Kimmunicator to see Shego holding a remote control, and Drakken’s Hovercraft slowly lowering down from the broken skylight. “Uh, how did you?”
“Villain, remember?” Shego reminded her. “We always have a plan for a quick escape…or chase in this instance.”
Kim didn’t say another word as both she and Shego hopped in the Hovercraft and gave chase. Rocketing back up through the roof, they spotted Ron ‘riding’ the huge Condor, heading for a tall mountain range, which had a gigantic nest & two eggs sitting on its second highest peak. Shego put the Hovercraft into full gear, following after Ron and the Condor with unrivaled determination. The Hummingbirds, the Condor, the Mountain Range…it was all so obvious now. Her past had came back to try to ruin her, but now it was her turn to return the favor.
A small hatch slid open near the top of the gigantic egg, which was where the Condor flew Ron, and where Kim & Shego followed. Darkness surrounded everything inside, forcing Shego to use the landing lights under the Hovercraft just to see the floor. Once on solid ground, Kim hopped out and began searching for her boyfriend.
“Right here, KP!”
The two spotted the sidekick stumbling dizzily towards them. “OK, next time I wanna ride the giant Condor, just tell me no.”
As he collapsed into Kim’s arms, Rufus popped out of his khaki pocket, equally as dizzy as his owner was.
“Alright, show yourself!” Shego barked into the darkness. “I know it was you who set me up, Aviarius!”
“That explains the giant bird.” Ron noted.
A moment later, across the room, a spotlight shun down on the very man Shego accused for her situation. “Oh my, it appears my plan has been discovered.” Aviarius said, feigning fear. “Plus it would seem that I am sorely outnumbered…OR AM I!?!?!?”
Another spotlight flicked on, revealing the partner to the bird-themed villain’s plan…
“Electronique!?” Kim exclaimed. “But Ron zapped you with the Reverse Polarizer.”
“Do not remind me!” Electronique growled. “Luckily, a few volunteer experiments in Prison helped me to get back to my old, evil self.”
“And don’t forget to Add ME!” A third spotlight shined down from the roof, revealing the final participant…The Mathter.
“Aw man, not you.” Ron lamented. “Look, didn’t my Dad kick you around enough last time?”
“With the formation of this new alliance, WE will achieve GLOBAL DOMINATION, ON AN EPIC SCALE!!!” Aviarius declared.
“Ugh, must you do the screaming thing?” Electronique asked.
“Let’s not bicker!” Mathter suggested. “We have who we wanted, and more! Now let’s Subtract them from existence!”
“Uh-huh, yeah.” Shego replied, getting even angrier. “Well, I’m about to ADD my foot, up YOUR A—!”
“As you wish, Mathter.” Electronique interrupted. “It is time we finish this!”
And with those final words, the six of them prepared to do battle.
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