The Wrong Target | By : DarthiaRevan Category: Avatar - The Last Airbender > Het - Male/Female > Katara/Zuko Views: 9780 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: Avatar the Last Airbender belongs to Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko. I do not own anything. I am not making any profit out of this. |
“So now you are a match maker? Where did this erratic trait come from?”
“From Hell, of course. Where else can a monster like me be born, Kalo?”
Kasui to Kalo, soon after Zuko’s movements begin.
The Wrong Target
Conversations of the Heartless
General POV
Earth Kingdom
Katara had a fever. That was readily apparent. It had started an hour after Kasui had placed the crystal in her chest, and while the incision had healed completely, Zuko could see the heat pulsating from it. It was due to an ability that Kasui had taught him during his three month stay here. The ability to not only feel, but actually see the heat of living organisms and objects. Kasui called it infrared vision.
And what Zuko saw when he looked at Katara was very bad. None of the heat her body was producing was escaping. No, it was being trapped in her body, and channeled through what Zuko assumed was her charka lines. Hence, Katara was glowing like the sun, with the brightest areas being concentrated on the crystal, her head, and her vagina.
While Zuko was not a healer, he did what he could. He made sure that Katara drank as much cool water as she was physically able to. He regularly inserted her in fresh pools of ice cool water. These were supplied by Pakota, but only after Zuko nearly killed him. Though he was diligent, his efforts hardly mattered. Katara’s fever grew progressively worse, and Zuko’s efforts did little but stem the inevitable tide.
But curiously, Katara’s affliction began to change Zuko. Not in any obvious ways he would notice, but on a fundamental level. As Kasui would later state, “He was coming into bloom.” Indeed, it would take his teacher to point out the change that had taken place in him…
Kasui, Samantha, and Kaze’s Tent
Zuko throws open the flaps of the tent, and steps inside, his face a storm of rage and betrayal. “Kasui.” He growls out, gritting his teeth as he does.
Before him, Kasui glances over at him, looking past the naked form of Samantha, who is striding her lap. Kaze, who is half undressed, is behind Kasui, his hands on her shoulders. He, unlike his primary wife, glares almost hatefully at Zuko.
“Yes Zuko. Is there something I can help you with?” She asks calmly, as if she and her husband and wife were merely eating breakfast at the table.
“I need to talk you. Alone. Now.” He emphasizes the last words by igniting his fists with an almost bluish flame.
Samantha turns her head slightly to him, granting Zuko a glare that rivals Kaze’s. “This can not possibly wait for another hour?” She barks, annoyance spilling from her tone like rain from the sky.
Before Zuko can answer, Kasui nods to him. “Kaze, Samantha, please leave us for a short time. I will make it up to you two when you return.” Kasui commands them, though it is the most tender voice Zuko has ever heard her use.
Kaze and Samantha obey, though Samantha is careful to keep her back to Zuko. When they are gone, Kasui returns her attention to Zuko. “Now, this had better be important Zuko. Samantha and I had finally decided that it was time, and I would hate to loose you for making such a stupid mistake…” Kasui idly threatens him.
Snarling, Zuko’s flames ignite into blue fire, engulfing his hands as he draws his swords. “Nothing concerned with Katara is a mistake! I want answers, and I want them now!”
Kasui glances at the blue flames before smirking her delight. “Or what Zuko? Will you burn me with your bright blue flames of yours?” She asks him brazenly.
Her tone of voice gives Zuko just enough pause to calm down. When he calms, he notices the blue flames engulfing his fists. “How?” He asks, surprised beyond all words at the flame’s presence.
Kasui snorts. “It is more a question of who, but that can wait for later. Now, you obviously came here because of Katara? Am I correct?” Zuko nods, glaring at her slightly.
“You did something to her, when you inserted the crystal in her. She has a fever and nothing I do can break it. I came here to get the answer to the cure.” Zuko stops, and the flames intensify. “Now what must I do to heal her?”
Kasui raises two fingers up, smirking at the reaction her answer causes. “Fuck her.”
Zuko actually splutters, his eyes widening in surprise, horror, and just a fraction of anticipation, though that is more due to the male part of his psyche than anything else. ‘Men.’ Kasui mentally rolls her eyes at the last piece of emotion she sees in Zuko’s eyes.
“You are joking.” Zuko mutters disbelievingly after a moment.
Kasui sighs, and rubs her temple. “Zuko… when will you learn that everything I tell you is the truth?”
Zuko ignores her comment, returning his glare to her own. “Do you honestly expect that me making love to Katara will cure her?”
Kasui resist the urge to bash her head against the bed post. “I did not say make love to her. I said fuck her. There is a substantial difference. Birurana fucks people. I make love. You will notice that there is a difference in both method and outcomes. But yes, I am serious. When you pound your cock into her, the release of her cum will take a substantial part of the heat away from her body. In the absence of that heat, the other centers will transfer their heat to her vagina and when she comes again, the heat is released. Of course, you will need to fuck her often to keep the fever down. But hey, it is not as if you are getting the short end of the deal here…” Kasui is suddenly cut off by Zuko’s fist, contracting around her neck.
“Be quiet, you damn bitch.” Zuko snarls.
But Kasui is not afraid, or if she is she does not show it. “Go ahead. Put a little more pressure into your hand. Break my neck. Fulfill your duty as my apprentice. Kill me, and take my role as the leader.” She goads him, fully expecting to die.
But her statement pulls Zuko back to his senses, and he releases her. She falls to the ground, coughing slightly as her lungs take in air through her damaged windpipe.
“No.” Zuko mutters, then repeats himself in a louder tone. “No. This group has only been a means to an end. I have no desire to take control. As soon as Katara can be moved, we are leaving.”
Zuko then leaves, pausing only as Kasui speaks. “If you fail me on this Zuko, I will kill you myself.” Kasui croaks out. Zuko glares back at her, then leaves.
Zuko’s Tent
Having meditated on Kasui’s words, Zuko knows that there is no other option. If he wants Katara to live, he must take her.
So, after sealing them in the tent, Zuko walks over to Katara, and calls out to her, softly. “Katara. Katara. Wake up.” He commands her, gently.
Zuko notes, later, just how pathetic Katara sounded as she wakes. She can barely talk, the unaccustomed heat scorching her tongue, and lungs. All she can do is whimper.
“Katara,” Zuko whispers in his most gentle voice, “I have a way to heal you. You will hate me later, but I can live with that. Everyone I have ever known comes to hate me sooner or later. Just know, that once you are well, if you want me to leave, I will never trouble you again.” It is a very different side of Zuko that Katara sees now, one that only his Uncle, and his mother, had seen before.
“Zuko.” She whispers softly.
After removing her clothing, Zuko slowly moves his hands up and down Katara’s heated body, moving from the top of her neck, slowly down her shoulders, stopping momentarily at her breasts before continuing down, past her naval, and finally to the core of her illness.
With his enhanced vision, Zuko can see that his ministrations are having an immediate effect. Already her body temperature is spiking as the cum begins to build in her vagina.
‘She must be a virgin.’ He muses with no small amount of trepidation. This was not going the way Zuko had thought it would. He had planned on simply giving her release, and that would be the end of it. But now, now it looked like he would have to take Kasui’s advice. If he wanted to save her, he would have to fuck her.
Seeing the inevitability of it all, Zuko disrobes, and saddles Katara. But before he begins, he reaches over and takes one of the condoms that someone (Kasui) had left him. No sense in getting her pregnant. Pausing at that horrifying thought, Zuko grabs two more, sliding them over his cock.
Assured that none of his sperm would make it into her, Zuko places two fingers into her clit. When he pulls them out, he finds that they are covered with cum. Relieved that Katara is ready, Zuko turns his attention to her, finding her slightly glazed eyes studying him intensely.
“Katara, I will be gentle.” He promises her. She nods her head, giving him permission. Then, slowly, he inserts his cock into her. She winces slightly as he pushes past the barrier, but the pain is minor, and soon, Zuko is thrusting in and out, building momentum.
When Katara cries out, she releases, and Zuko’s inner thighs are burned as the plasmatic cum ejects onto him. Instantly, Katara’s body temperature lowers, as the heat is transferred from her other hotspots to the cooled vagina.
Sighing with relief, Zuko takes Katara twice more before rolling off of her.
“Zuko…” Katara whispers, strangely content now that the fever has broken.
“Shhhh. Rest now Katara.” Zuko murmurs before darkness envelopes her again.
Ten Hours Later
Katara wakes slowly, feeling cool for the first time in days. Raising, she sees Zuko lounging in a chair, sipping some tea. “I would not move. You might be a little sore.” He warns her.
In return, he receives a glare. But it quickly dissolves into a look of bewilderment.
“Why?” It is all Katara need to asks.
Zuko sighs, and sets his tea cup aside. “Why.” He repeats, exhaling loudly. “That is the question I have been asking myself these past ten hours. It is the question I have been asked for the past few days, ever since the adrenaline subsided enough, from when Kasui informed me that you had been captured, for me to think clearly.”
“Do you have an answer?” Katara’s shallow voice queries.
Zuko glances at her, then at the teapot. “Do you know, what I am Katara?” The way he says her names thrills her, especially in light of what had transpired ten hours ago.
“The Prince of the Fire Nation.” Is her answer. It is something he has told her and her friends often enough.
Zuko laughs, actually laughs at that. Perhaps his first genuine laugh in years. “No. That is what I was. I was exiled, stripped of my title, and hunted. But it took one woman to make me see myself as something other than the Prince of the Fire Nation.” Katara feels no need to ask who this woman is. She has a pretty good idea who.
The thought of Kasui makes her raise her hand, involuntarily, to the small bump located between her two breasts. If Zuko notices, he does not comment.
“No,” Zuko continues on, “I am not the Prince of the Fire Nation. I am a monster.” Whatever Katara had been expecting, this was not it.
“A monster?” She asks incredulously, not believing Zuko would call himself that.
“What Kasui has done, what she has taught me, is how to strip my heart of all emotion. To make it as cold and hard as the arctic tundra that almost claimed my life. I could kill a thousand men, without hesitation. As long as I got paid for it. I could send the economy of an entire region plummeting, if someone gave me the money or resources to justify it. Lives, they meant nothing to me. Though she rarely showed it, Kasui was proud of her work, of me.” Zuko ends, grimacing at the thought of Kasui.
“Then, why did you save me?” Katara asks again.
Zuko gazes into her eyes, and Katara sees something in his. Something deep, and hidden behind walls of pain. “I could say that I saved you because I love you. But that would be a lie. I could say it was because I respect you. While I do, that is not it. I could say that I find Birurana redundant, but not even that is it. I saved you, because I wanted to feel something other then pain, rage, and contempt. I saved you, because I wanted to feel like I was a human, and not some monster in human form.”
Katara blinks at this, saying nothing. After a minute, Zuko begins to speak again. “My life, has not been an easy one, Katara. I have fought and struggled for everything I have. There have only been two people who actually gave a damn about me. My uncle, and my mother. I love them, with all of my heart. But, it seems that I have managed to drive even these two away. My mother,” Here Zuko’s voice fades, too chocked with emotion to continue.
Katara, feeling a surge of compassion for her former enemy turned savior, gets out of bed, ignoring the fact that she is naked, and crosses the room, placing her arm on his shoulder.
“Zuko.” Is all she says, but it is enough. Looking up at her, Zuko wipes away a tear.
“My uncle, I drove him away. I could not understand him, not fully. And I was not content with his way of life. So, I left him. I know where to find him, but so far, I have remained here, among my fellow monsters.” He ends with a bitter tone.
“Zuko,” Katara begins, “you are not a monster. All my life, I have given, and given, and given. No one, aside from my mother, has ever given back. But then, you, you of all people, not only rescued me from that psychotic bitch and the bastard, then, when I am dying of fever you spend three days ministering to me, and finally, when you take me, you are so gentle, and you focus only on my pleasure and not your own… Zuko, I don’t know if I can go back.”
“Back to what?”
“Back to being the person I was. You changed me Zuko. For better or worse, I can’t live without you Zuko. I felt it, when you caused me to release, the first time. The crystal, something changed.” Katara demonstrates this by bending the tea around them.
Surprised, Zuko focuses in on the small bump, reassuring himself that it is still
there. “How?”
Katara shrugs. “I do not know. All I know is that I would rather die then leave you. You said I make you feel human, well, you make me feel alive.”
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