From Middleton With Love | By : Jayrich Category: Kim Possible > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 24561 -:- Recommendations : 3 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Kim Possible, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
From Middleton with Love Part 2…
Connie raises a curious eyebrow over Bonnie’s response. “I thought his name was Junior.”
“Uh, yeah…of course it is.” Bonnie replies nervously. “It’s just that…Ron’s his…pet name! You know, I call him that, so our names could match. You know, Ron-Bon, it brings our relationship closer.”
Lonnie backs off of Ron and turns to Connie, who turns back to her. They then turn to their little sister and roll their eyes simultaneously. “Yeah, whatever.” They say in unison.
Bonnie breaths a soft sigh of relief before taking this moment to get rid of her ‘stand-in’. “Well, Junior has a lot of things to do, so he can’t stick around. But he loved to meet you!”
“WAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!” Ron’s arm is grabbed and nearly pulled off by Bonnie as she leads him to the door, away from her sisters. Once there, she pushes him out and glares at him angrily.
“I ask you to do one favor for me, and you feel up my sister?” She barks out.
“Hey, she was feeling up me!” Ron counters, but Bonnie puts up an open palm, silencing him.
“I KNEW I shouldn’t have come to you for help!” She scolds. “Just…Stay away from me, Stoppable! Go…do your mission thing, or something! I don’t ever want to see you again!”
With that, she shuts the door with a thunderous slam, putting the exclamation point on her tirade. Ron just stands there, dumbfounded and shocked by the events that have transpired so quickly. He takes a moment to soak it all in, to understand. But once he does, he responds accordingly…
Turning from the door, he stomps away, enraged. “Why did I ever agree to help that stuck-up bitch!?” He yells to himself. “I KNEW this would happen!”
Rufus takes this moment to appear from Ron’s pocket and tell him something which sounds along the lines of ‘I told you so’. “You know what, the next time I even stop to talk with her, just hit me with something hard, Rufus!”
The naked mole rat nods his head in agreement, just as Ron’s communicator blares loudly. He pulls it from his other pocket and immediately sees Wade on the screen. “Go, Wade!”
“Ron, you OK?” Wade asks, noticing his anger.
“Yeah, I just finished dealing with some annoying matters.” Ron answers, referring to Bonnie. “What’s the Sitch?”
“Dementor’s on the move.” Wade tells him. “From radar scans, he seems to be heading towards…”
“A Top Secret Research Facility?” Ron interrupts. “I’m already on it.”
Meanwhile, on the other side of the door, Bonnie curses herself for trusting Ron as she leans against the door with her head down. She is thankful that the situation hasn’t completely blown up in her face. Though unfortunately, Lonnie is feeling a little disappointed.
“Too bad your little boy-toy couldn’t stick around, would’ve love to see some of his talents…” She says.
Instead of answering, Bonnie remains quiet and storms away from the door, but not before giving her sister Lonnie a glare that sends a chill down her spine. She quickly shakes it off and scoffs in response, as Connie grins to herself, reminded of the battles Bonnie waged with Lonnie while they were younger. Her moment of reminiscing is cut short though, when the ringing of a cell phone is overheard. Pulling hers out of her pocket, she flips it open and answers the call.
“Hello…No, I have a little time…”
Walking out of the Living Room, she steps into the kitchen and continues her conversation. “Yes sir, that facility does have the desired equipment you need…yes, we do have the finances to proceed…is there anything else you need? …Alright. Goodbye, sir.”
She takes the phone from her ear and pressed the ‘end’ button, just as Bonnie peeks into the kitchen. “What was that about?”
“Just some work business.” Connie replies.
“Ugh! Like, could you be any tackier with these paintings?” Lonnie yells from the Living Room, which causes Bonnie to snap.
“That’s it, I’m putting her down!” Ducking out of the kitchen, she runs towards her older sister and, a moment later, the sounds of struggling, grunts and expensive items shattering are heard. Connie laughs to herself as she prepares to walk out and take part in another Rockwaller cat fight; that is until she spots something out the corner of her eye. Turning to the kitchen counter, she walks over and picks up a photo that was lying on top. It’s a photo of Bonnie and Junior, the real Junior, at the beach celebrating Bonnie’s graduation. Being the smart Rockwaller, Connie develops a devious smirk as she realizes she’s caught her little sister in a big lie.
“Well, this visit just got a lot more interesting…”
Deep within La Rive Droite lies one of France’s most renowned scientific research facilities, known for it’s breakthroughs regarding technological science. The importance of this building has been keep under hat, but not secret enough for Professor Dementor to learn of its location.
Attacking with three hoverships, all of them more advanced than Drakken’s, he blows a hole open in the roof of the building, which allows him and his henchmen to easily float in and land. Upon landing though, they are greeted by over a dozen highly armed and highly armored guards. Dementor responds to this wall of resistance by snapping his fingers. A moment later, several of his henchmen twist the Hench-Co Strength Enhancer ring on their left hand and quickly hulk up in size, allowing them to easily dispose of the resistance.
“It is so satisfying vhen you have ze good help…” Dementor says, turning his attention to the sole reason for his infiltration, the Kinetic Modulator. “I admit, it is beneath me to steal ze Kinetic Modulator again, but my plan calls for it, and it vill lead me TO WORLD DOMINATION!!!”
“Not gonna happen!”
Surprised, Dementor and his men look up towards the ceiling to see none other than Ron Stoppable standing there, in full mission gear and a rope tied around him. “Cause it’s just gonna lead you to a jail cell!”
“It is YOU!!!” Dementor yells. “But vhere is your redhead mate who likes to do ze springy step?”
“Oh, come on!” Ron replies, becoming annoyed. “Why does every villain ask that whenever I go solo?”
“It does not matter.” Dementor says. “Because you vill not stop me! GET HIM!!!”
As Dementor’s men prepare to activate their jetpacks, Ron takes the initiative and leaps in through the roof, intending to use his rope to repel down to the floor. Unfortunately, a sudden jerk causes his limbs to fly wildly for a moment, and before Ron knows it, he ends up tied in a tight sailor’s knot, and helpless.
Dementor sees this and takes advantage. “BREAK HIM LIKE A PINATA!!!”
Ron’s been around Bueno Nacho & Zita enough to know what Dementor means. “Uh Rufus? Little help?”
Seeing his owner in danger, Rufus pops out of Ron’s pocket and quickly climbs the rope. Once high enough, he bites and chews away at the fiber, until it breaks away, freeing Ron from his holding. Unfortunately, it also leaves him airborne.
Plummeting fast, Ron inadvertently collides with two of Dementor’s henchmen. The three hit the floor, with the henchmen cushioning Ron’s fall, allowing him to get up and face the mad Professor.
“How could you foul up CAPTURING HIM!?” He yells at his men. “You are making me look like DRAKKEN!!!”
“And now you’re gonna get beat like him! You know…before he turned good, and stuff.” Ron hops off of the fallen henchmen and right into his Monkey stance. “HUUWHAAAAA!!! You wanna piece of Ron?”
“No, but zhey DO!” Dementor responds, waving his other two men forward. They charge at full speed towards the young spy, but surprisingly, Ron stands his ground. He digs his feet deeper into his stance, and remains patient.
“Just remember what Master Sensei said…” He tells himself, remaining perfectly still. The two henchmen storm closer, and step within five feet, which is where Ron strikes. Lunging forward, Ron takes out the first one with a beautiful leg sweep, then leaps into the air, spins, and executes a perfect jumping spin kick to eliminate the other. He then lands on his feet, back into his stance, leaving Dementor’s jaw dropped.
“Vhen did you get ze springy step!? DOES EVERY GOOD GUY KNOW HOW TO GET ZE SPRINGY STEP?!”
“That’s not all the Ron Man’s got.” Ron gets ready for another charge, when Dementor stops him by raising his right hand.
“I am sorry, but I do not have time for zees Games!” He says, snapping his fingers. “But I believe zat my DACHSHUNDS VOULD LIKE TO PLAY!!!”
A moment later, the sound of loud, thumping footsteps fills the air, and rattles the ground. Then, out of the darkness behind Dementor, appears two huge mutated wiener dogs, foaming at the mouth and growling viciously.
Upon sight, Rufus immediately ducks back in Ron’s pocket in fear, something Ron wishes he could do at this moment. “Oh yeah, the wiener dogs. I forgot about them. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!”
Fleeing for his life, the mutated dachshunds give chase as Dementor simply plucks the Kinetic Modulator from his stand and calmly walks over to the last remaining hovership. “It has been a pleasant reunion, but now I must make my exit. So long, farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, GOODBYE!!!”
He hops in the driver’s seat and presses a button on the wheel to activate the auto-pilot, grasping the Modulator and grinning deviously in victory. As the hovership floats up through the opening in the roof, Ron continues the mad dash for his life, being chased by the vicious dachshunds. The chase doesn’t last much longer though, as Ron finds himself trapped in the corner, with the mutated wiener dogs ready to strike. Thinking quickly, Ron reflects back to the last time he faced them, a rescue mission for Kim & Bonnie, when he was stuck to Mr. Barkin and accompanying the Pixie Scouts.
Putting both hands to his mouth, he makes the call. “YIPPITY-YAP, YAP-YAP-YAP, YAP-YAP-YAP, YAP!!!”
And ton Ron’s luck, his horrible squirrel call doubles for a perfect mutant wiener dog call. The dachshunds instantly change their mood to happy, and skip out of the facility to frolic and play, leaving Ron & Rufus to breathe a much needed sigh of relief.
“Damn…that was close…” He utters between breaths. But as he takes a moment to get his bearings, he sees that Dementor is long gone. “Aw man…this losing the villain stuff is a lot easier to handle when KP’s with me…”
He doesn’t get long to reflect on his defeat, as his communicator blares loudly, indicating an incoming Wade call as he pulls it out. “Wade, I lost Dementor and he stole the Kinetic thingy! Can you…”
“Forget about that, Ron.” Wade interrupts. “I just got information from Global Justice that’s high priority. You need to find Bonnie and her sisters, now!”
“Bonnie? And her sisters?” Ron asks confused. “But how…”
“Trust me, Ron.” Wade tells him. “Just get to them and follow them. They might be in danger.”
“…And then, he had the nerve to offer me Coach Class.”
It’s February 14th, Valentine’s Day, and the Rockwaller women are spending the late afternoon at one of Paris’ most luxurious café’s. They sit at their own table, with a parasol blocking the sun, and enjoy their lattes. At least Bonnie and Connie try, as Lonnie regales them in the boring & tedious story of her flight to France. “I was like, so not gonna happen!”
Bonnie rolls her eyes under her expensive shades, wishing to be anywhere else, even with Kim Possible, than with her sisters now. But her boredom doesn’t go unnoticed. “Hey Bon-Bon, where’s your boy-toy?” Connie asks. “I thought he’d be around for his girl on Valentine’s Day.”
“He’s…out buying me a present!” Bonnie answers, coming up with a quick lie. “Probably another luxury Jet, or maybe my own Island. Junior just loves to spoil me so…”
Connie and Lonnie just scoff in response, turning their heads from her and folding their arms over their chests. That puts a brief smile on Bonnie’s face as for the moment, she’s shut them up. In this moment of silence though, an electronic ringing is overheard coming from Connie’s pocket. Reaching in, she pulls out a red & black cell phone and answers the call.
“Hello? …” She listens to who’s on the other end for a moment, before turning to her sisters. “I’ll be right back. This is work-related.”
Standing up from her chair, Connie maneuvers around the other tables in the eating area and out of it completely. She then cuts around the corner of the café and ducks into a nearby alley, where several large men, and one not-so-large man, have been waiting. She hangs up her cell as the short man steps out into the light, revealing himself as Professor Dementor. His outfit is drastically different though, as he’s now wearing a sharp, black three-piece suit, along with his menacing cowl.
“I vould like to zank you personally for all of ze accounting things you have done!” Dementor tells her. “You have saved my company oodles of cash!”
He hands over to her what looks to be a paycheck. “Well, can’t say I didn’t enjoy it.” She replies with a smirk. “Especially with what you were paying me.”
“My regret is zat our dealings have come to and end!” He continues, grabbing her hand and kissing it. “Now if you vould excuse me, I have important matters zat must be attended to for tonight. So long my dear, enjoy your pay, do not spend it all in one place!”
His business done, Dementor turns on a 180 and walks back into the darkness of the alley, a low but barely audible evil laugh emanating from his lips. Connie stands there for a moment, an uneasy feeling rolling down her spine as she hears it, but she quickly shakes it off and exits the alley to rejoin her sisters. Little does she know though, that a pair of eyes watch her every move, Eyes from across the street in another dark alley, Eyes belonging to Ron Stoppable.
He’s wrapped up in a jet-black ninja garb Yori sent him as a birthday present some months ago, and it’s been put to good use today as he has successfully remained in the shadows. In his ear is a small wireless headset, in the style of his Communicator.
“So Connie has been working for Dementor?” Ron says, speaking into the headset.
“Yeah.” Wade replies on the other end. “But I think she doesn’t know who Dementor really is, and so does Global Justice.”
Ron sighs hard, as he dreads the potential task in front of him. “Wade, I can’t bring in Bonnie’s sister. Bonnie hates me enough already, that would…”
“You don’t need to.” Wade tells him. “Just question her about Dementor’s operation. Maybe she saw something that can help us determine what he’s up to.”
“Isn’t there some other agent that could do it?” Ron asks, trying to back out of it. “What about Will Du? He’s got to have a clear schedule.”
“He’s on bodyguard duty for the Russian Czar.” Wade tells him. “Ron, you…”
“I know, I know, I’m the only one nearby, so I have to do it.” Ron finishes, sighing hard. “I’m on it.” Hanging up on his side, Ron glances back over across the street, where Bonnie and her sisters celebrate Connie’s paycheck, meaning more fuel for a shopping spree. As Ron looks on, Rufus pops up out the inside of his Gi and yells something in disagreement at him.
“I know, Rufus.” Ron agrees. “Bonnie would kill me if I came right to her and said it. Looks like the Ronster’s going deeper into stealth mode.”
The sun is beginning to set over the horizon as a soft orange glow overtakes the cityscape of Paris. It illuminates each and every building in sight…including a certain condominium complex which has a human-fly climbing down the side. Ron, in full mission gear this time, uses Wade’s special suction cups on his hands and knees and slowly makes his way down to Bonnie’s apartment; or her window to be more precise. Climbing onto her window, Ron gets a clear view of everything going on in the room. The Rockwaller sisters have just returned from their ‘fashion fest’ and set their bags down near the couch. Their conversation is inaudible, but from the look of things, it seems that Bonnie and Connie are leaving the room to get something. They walk out and leave Connie alone as she begins to walks over to the window. Panicking, Ron tries to move himself off the glass, but it’s too late.
“GUH! What the…” Connie says in shock, before recognizing the sunset-made silhouette and the man behind it. Walking over to the window control panel on the wall, she flips the switch and activates the glass. Slowly, it turns inward, until Ron finds himself inside of Bonnie’s apartment.
“You wanna come down now?” She asks.
Ron lets out a nervous laugh and detaches himself from his suction cups. Unfortunately, he’s still about nine feet from the floor. “WAAAAAAAHHHHHH—OOOMMPHH!” He lands on his side but quickly jumps back to his feet, use to the impact.
“So, any reason you didn’t use the front door, ‘Junior?’” She asks slyly.
“Junior, I’m not…” Ron stops himself, remembering the last time he met Connie he portrayed the beefed-up boy-toy. “OH! Uh, yeah! I’m Senior Junior, and I was just…”
“Don’t bother.” Connie interrupts, holding up a photo of Bonnie and the real Junior for Ron to see.
Ron grows more nervous upon sight of it. “Uh, would you believe I went on a huge diet?”
Connie shakes her head no. “Mind telling me who you are before I call the cops?”
Ron sighs heavily, seeing no way out of this. “Look, my name is Ron and…”
Connie puts up a hand and raises a curious eyebrow. “You mean Ron Stoppable?”
“You know me?” Ron asks.
Connie nods her head yes and grins deviously. “Oh, this explains so much.” She says. “Bon-Bon kept talking about some blonde stud she had last year, and I knew it couldn’t be Brick, especially from the rumors I heard.” She then turns to Ron and looks him up and down, examining him with her eyes. “So you’re the stud she wanted to steal from ‘Ms. Perfect Redhead’.”
Ron rolls his eyes and nods in agreement, knowing Bonnie has been badmouthing Kim as usual. “Yeah, but I’m not here for Bonnie. Actually, I gotta talk to you about your boss…”
Connie’s curious eye rises even higher. “What about Mr. Demenz.?”
“Look, you may not believe this, but he’s actually a mad scientist bent on taking over the world.” Ron reveals. “He’s got some kind of plan in motion that involves Valentine’s Day, but Global Justice doesn’t know exactly what it is. We were hoping you saw something while you worked with him…or anything…”
Surprisingly to Ron, Connie doesn’t immediately dispute the accusation. In fact, she hangs her head solemnly and slumps down on the couch. “Great, the first major career I land, and it was working for an evil guy.” Ron sits down right next to her as she continues. “I had an idea that he wasn’t what he seemed, especially with that red flashlight he carried around and shone under his face.”
“Yeah, that dramatic villain light…” Ron says, knowing about it well.
“I sure know how to pick a great job, don’t I?” Connie utters, feeling sorry for herself.
Ron, taking a caring interest, puts her arm around her and comforts the older Rockwaller. “Hey, w-we all make mistakes.” He tells her. “I mean hell I do it about 3 times a day. Four if you count the window.” Connie smiles at that statement, which is beginning to make her feel a little better already. Better enough that she reaches in her pocket and pulls out a folded piece of paper, handing it to Ron.
“Here. This has the address of where I worked for Mr. Demenz.” She tells him. “It also has all the tasks he had me do when I worked for him. Maybe it can help you out.”
“I think it will, at least when I hand it to my guy Wade.” He smiles.
Connie smiles right back at him, and looks into his eyes. “You know, I can see what Bonnie saw in you. You really are a nice guy…”
“Heh…thanks…” Ron says, flattered by the compliment. But flattery slowly grows into an uneasy feeling as he finds Connie giving him a very familiar look. It’s a look that he’s seen from Bonnie countless times, as well as various other women, and he can tell it from a mile away. Connie’s frustrated…and she wants an effective way to relieve it.
Before Ron can break the gaze and escape, he finds Connie’s arms wrapped around him and her lips wrapped around his. She slowly pulls him down on top of her as they lay on the couch, still immersed in a passionate makeout. Ron can feel her chest heaving, and he can hear the muffled moans emanating from her mocha-colored lips. But what he doesn’t hear are the two other Rockwaller sisters walking back into the room, one noticeably ready to erupt in furious anger.
Immediately, they break their kiss and look across the room to see a shocked Lonnie and a furious Bonnie staring right at them, the latter looking ready to rip Ron apart.
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