Eye of the Beholder | By : DragonSapphire Category: +S through Z > South Park > Slash - Male/Male Views: 4204 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: We do not own South Park or its characters, and make no profit from writing this story. |
Eye of the Beholder
by KoiFishSushi and Jaden56
South Park & Characters are property of Matt Stone & Trey Parker
Chapter Sixteen
Twenty minutes of dozing on and off to the television and each other’s sweet company, there was a knock on the door. Leo grunted and stole a kiss from Kenny’s lips before he got up from the couch and wandered over to the door. He opened it and stood aside, a brow arched lazily.
Leo’s neck looked like it’d been mauled and bitten, causing Kyle to just stare at him for a moment.
“Dude, is your neck okay?"
Leo laughed and rubbed his hand over the scabbed bite marks, blushing lightly. “Yeah. Let's not talk about it. You don't wanna know."
Kyle echoed the laugh nervously and stepped inside, Stan in-tow. "So. Hi guys..." the redhead murmured, blinking at the fact that Kenny was so well-dressed.
"Hey," Stan echoed behind Kyle, craning his head around for a look at the inside of Leo's house. He'd kind of been expecting chains and torture devices... but it was normal. Maybe too clean for a teenage boy living on his own, but nothing out of the ordinary.
Kenny had felt so comfortably domestic curled up on the couch with Leo, enjoying being able to sit with someone with long moments of just sweet silence and not worry about them just chattering nonstop or yelling at him for more beer. He felt a tinge of regret followed by an odd rush of nerves when the knock came. Fuck, he'd known Stan and Kyle all his life, what was he so fucking nervous about? Never mind they'd be hanging out together with Leo for the first time as Kenny's boyfriend, and they'd all bashed the one-eyed blonde for so long he wondered how they'd adjust.
Kenny was as calm and cool as ever on the outside, though, and flicked his first two fingers in a lazy wave at Kyle and Stan’s cautious greetings before turning his head back to the tv.
Leo smiled at the looks his boyfriend was getting in his dress pants and tie. “Yeah, Kenny cleans up nice, huh?" he snickered and shut the door after making sure he wasn't going to accidentally shut it on anyone's feet or coat or anything. "Too bad Cartman can't be here."
And it grew silent.
Then everyone laughed.
Then it was awkwardly silent again.
"So... Let's get something to drink? We've got snacks, and there's chili. I'm not a sick fuck like Cartman, it doesn't actually involve anyone's family members in it." Leo flashed a grin to the two boys, and winked at Kenny - since he had used the same joke on Kenny when they first hung out the day before.
"Uhh... sure. Chili sounds good. What do you have to drink?" Kyle asked.
Unintentionally Kenny had fallen back into his quiet-mode while the other three were talking, habit and nerves overcoming him a bit as he slouched against the couch cushions and tugged at his tie in agitated little pulls. If he'd had his parka on there was no doubt it would have been cinched tight around his face.
"Damn, this is a big house. And you live here on your own? Sweet!" Stan branched out from behind Kyle, a little more curious and explorative than the redhead, but not intentionally trying to be rude or nosy or anything. He shuddered at the chili comment, thinking it morbid that a known killer was mentioning eating people, but as long as he didn't find a finger in his chili he was fine.
"Well, I don't really live on my own anymore, I guess." Leo glanced to Kenny and smiled, noticing how quiet he'd gotten. Damn. He would have to break the boy out of his shell and soon. Leo wouldn't be... overpowering, he just wanted to help.
"You have beer?" Stan asked, turning, his blue eyes still roaming everywhere as if looking for bodies hanging from the ceiling or something. Maybe in the basement...?
"Oh yeah, we got beer."
Kyle moved to sit on the couch next to Kenny, blinking a few times at the unlikely setting they’d found themselves in. While Leo went about getting some beer with Stan and setting the chili out to warm on the stove, Kyle decided to talk to Kenny.
"Dude, are you really... do you like him? I mean... He's... Is he cool?” Kyle hesitated, since Leo was Kenny’s boyfriend after all, apparently. “He's not crazy like they say, is he?" He was just concerned for his long-time friend, and that worry showed in those honeyed brown eyes, curls of ginger hair framing his face. It was a mess of hair really.
Kenny's emotionless blue eyes slid over Kyle momentarily, before moving back to the television screen. He couldn't help recalling Leo's wish to almost kiss Kyle and the crush he'd harbored for the Jew, and it was difficult not to snarl at him or at least distance himself.
...What the fuck. He was losing his mind.
"He's... Butters," Kenny shrugged. "Weird as fuck sometimes, but he's not, like, dangerous or anything. Unless you're Cartman." Kenny smirked, remembering with satisfaction how thoroughly his boyfriend had pwned the fat lard.
"Well, if he's cool with you, we'll trust you. He doesn't seem crazy." Kyle chuckled and leaned back against the couch, arms folded behind his head. "You look nice in that getup. Where's your parka though? It's so weird to see you without it." Kyle was being heterosexual in his comments towards Kenny - he wasn't saying he looked nice in a gay way or as a come-on. He did, however, spare a glance towards the kitchen at Stan, as nonchalant as it seemed.
"Hm," Kenny murmured, glancing at Kyle looking at Stan, and fell back into silence. Kyle was used to him not talking though, so it wasn't necessarily an awkward silence.
"Caught on fire," he offered after a moment, and wasn’t inclined to include any particular details. If Leo were in here no doubt he'd be squealing over the fact Kyle was keeping an eye out for Stan. But if Kenny didn't know Leo better he was likely doing the same – keeping an eye on Stan for Kyle - so it didn't really mean anything.
Stan had followed Leo to the kitchen, knowing both the other boys were in earshot, but really, he wasn't getting much in the way of psycho-vibes from the single-eyed blonde.
"Hey, sorry if we're a little weird around you guys. This is just... unexpected," Stan gave a one-shoulder shrug and a vague wave. "Kenny's our friend and we just worry about him, you know? He dies and comes back all the time, but still..." Stan trailed off. He didn't want to imply that he expected Leo to kill Kenny or anything, because that's just what killers generally did - kill people.
Leo chuckled a bit. "Yeah, don't worry. I'm working on keeping him alive. It's... worked so far. Y'know, he hasn't died since we started hanging out, so it's nice. I hope I can keep it like that," he said quietly, that single eye hooded heavily in thought as he stirred the chili.
"Um, yeah. You need help with that beer?"
"Sure, there's two six packs of beer in there. Grab me one please?"
Stan went and got a beer for Leo, and one for himself, leaning against the counter next to where Leo was stirring, but not close enough to be all up in his space or anything.
"He looks good," Stan noted of Kenny’s new appearance – a non-gay observation, of course. "I haven't seen him out of his parka since..." he paused and thought about it, "...maybe when we were trying to get teeth for the tooth fairy. Cartman had him tied up to that pole with his teeth attached to string to Timmy’s wheelchair. Pulled him right out of his parka, bare-assed and everything!" Stan laughed.
"Haha... bare-assed and all? Nice." Leo nearly giggled, taking the beer from Stan, a few sips taken from it as he occasionally stirred the warming chili. "Kyle keeps looking at you. I can't tell if he's just making sure I don't kill you in here, or if he misses you, man." Ohhh, Leo was going to play matchmaker!
"I think he likes you... it's pretty obvious you like him. Why don't you just kiss him already?"
Kyle looked over at Stan again, blinking a few times. It seemed those two were having a good conversation.
"Heh... Your parka caught on fire?" Kyle asked. "And you didn't die in the incident? That's cool. Have you been like... alive this whole time? That's a record." Kyle wasn't being sarcastic really, he just wanted to know. It was pretty neat to see that Leo, or Butters, was actually helping Kenny like that, and it seemed like they both liked each other... Weird.
"Yeah," Kenny mumbled in a vague response to all of Kyle's inquiries.
He grabbed the remote and switched idly through channels. His lip twitched minutely when he paused on that lame Sasquatch Mountain movie he and Leo had watched their first night together, but quickly changed the channel to some lame Drawn Together shit on Comedy Central so he didn't pop a boner in front of Kyle at the memory.
Thankfully they were speaking quietly, though Kyle did notice that Leo was looking at him. That lone eye on him made him shudder, in a creepy way. Kyle was just afraid that something bad could happen. The feeling passed quickly, though.
"You want me to go get a beer for you?" Kyle asked curiously, tilting his head lightly as he looked back at Kenny.
Kenny wondered if Kyle was just fishing for any excuse to go check up on Stan himself, and cut that train of thought off. Fuck, he wasn't Butters trying to play at hooking his two friends up. He’d leave that kind of gay shit to the expert.
"Sure," Kenny said anyway, although he didn't particularly care for beer.
Kyle laughed lazily, Kenny was so quiet.
“What the fuck, dude!” Stan reddened and shifted uncomfortably, taking a deep swig of his beer, and coughing lightly when it went down the wrong tube.
"Ack, shit," he coughed, and wiped his mouth on the back of his sleeve. He didn't answer about the kiss, not even entirely comfortable with the fact one of his close friends was fucking another guy yet. God, Kenny had even gone down on Leo in the Wal-Mart parking lot...
Stan drowned that image with another drink, before quickly changing the subject. "So how'd it feel kicking Cartman in the nuts? I'm surprised you could even find them..." He grinned, recovering from Leo’s unexpected question quickly and wishing he could have been there at the time.
"Dude, it was great. I was wearing those heavy boots so it didn't matter where I kicked, I just aimed for the general direction and slammed down. I bet he's still laying on the floor crying. If he'd just let me get my goddamn ice cream it wouldn't have happened. I'm glad it did though," Leo paused, laughing.
"He's probably organizing a mob to lynch us or something. You know he tried to get with me a few years ago? Ehehe... ew." The smaller blonde shook his head and sat his barely-touched beer aside, looking up as Kyle came into the room.
"Dude. Awesome," Stan laughed, almost in awe, and cringed in sympathy at the thought of Cartman trying to 'get with' anyone. His deep blue eyes noted Kyle's entrance immediately, and then shifted away as his cheeks colored slightly. Damn Butters for mentioning kissing Kyle! They weren't fags... not that there was anything wrong with gay people... but Stan just wasn't one.
"Just in time. Here." Leo spooned out two bowls of chili after turning off the stove and sat them on the table nearby. “You two sit here and taaalk." Leo grasped a bottle of champagne before heading towards the living room with two glasses. "If you want, you can have some wine or champagne. We don't have to just drink beer."
The cold champagne was poured for him and Kenny, and Leo sat down right next to his boyfriend. A quick kiss was stolen from him before he took a glass and handed it to Kenny. Quickly, Leo swallowed down a few sips of his own glass so his breath didn't smell like beer.
"Hey, Kenny." Leo leaned towards the quiet blonde, looking at him while no one else was in the room. “Love you," Leo whispered, almost mouthed to him, with the sweetest of smiles.
Kyle just stood there. Then he took his bowl of chili and a beer and sat down at the table in the kitchen. "Well, maybe he doesn't want people eating on the floor in there, you know. It's pretty clean here. Let's eat so we can go hang out."
Stan shook his head and took a seat across from Kyle in front of a steaming bowl of chili. It smelled really good, although he couldn't help conspicuously poking around with his spoon for a finger or eyeball just to be sure before he dug in.
"Mmm, yeah. Definitely better than Cartman's."
Kenny visibly relaxed when Kyle left and Leo came back in his place, although he still didn't offer much in the way of conversation. He hoped Leo wouldn't ride him for his silence. Kenny hardly spoke around other people, it was only with Leo that he did in excess (or what was considered excess for Kenny).
"Hey," Kenny said softly, turning his head towards Leo and reaching up to tug lightly on a strand of his yellow hair. He let his lips sink down and he nuzzled at Leo's neck, not caring if the guys could see them from where they sat in the kitchen.
Leo didn't press the champagne on Kenny, he just sipped his own lazily and curled himself so very close to Kenny's body, one arm wrapped about his waist, the other holding that champagne glass delicately.
"I think they're gonna kiss," Leo said quietly, giving that thin waist a little squeeze.
"Pffft, yeah right. They're too chicken shit," Kenny snorted, pulling back from Leo's neck, but letting his lips brush Leo's. "...And sober."
Kyle also poked at his chili to make sure it was edible, but when Stan dug in, he did as well. He began to munch happily upon the food, legs swaying lazily under the table. Once or twice he bumped feet with Stan since the table wasn't really large - it was easy to do.
"Sorry," Kyle whispered, face flooded lightly with pink, the faintest of freckles coming into view with the blush. His freckles weren't visible normally, just when he blushed since they were so pale.
"S'okay," Stan mumbled, but he didn't bother tucking his feet back in so Kyle wouldn't kick them again. Stan cursed his inability to restrain his own blush, but he kept his eyes averted downwards on his chili.
"Go grab me a beer, Stan," Kyle said, to play off the fact they were blushing.
"Fuck you. Get it yourself," Stan complained with a grin, before he rolled his eyes and pushed himself out of his chair, rooting around in Leo's refrigerator and grabbed two beers. He'd finished his first while talking with Leo and was still feeling a little dry-mouthed.
"Yeah, but look... Stan just got two beers, he's on his second now." Leo smirked and gasped quietly when he was held so possessively, and those lips... he blushed.
"Don't you have a date rape drug in that stash of yours to push them along or something at least?" Kenny groaned, not sure if he was up for two douches slowly getting drunk with Leo's cooing commentary in his ear all night.
Leo liked being so close to someone. He liked being close to Kenny only, and he knew that earlier comment about kissing Kyle bothered him. Lazily he turned and looked up at him.
"I don't wanna kiss Kyle, okay? Just you, Kitty," it was whispered before Leo leaned in to do just that, kiss him.
Kenny laid an arm along the back of the couch, right behind Leo's head, sinking against the other blonde's warmth. He didn't want to talk about Leo kissing Kyle or any combination of; Leo was too precious and this relationship too new for them to have that explicit trust built up yet. His hand slid down to the back of Leo's neck and squeezed him firmly, possessively.
"My whore, Butters," he murmured against his cheek, letting his boyfriend feel a graze of nails before releasing his neck to tangle his fingers loosely in his hair.
Leo snickered, sitting his finished half-glass of champagne down on the table.
“I'm not your whore, asshead. I'm your boyfriend. Your devoted, sweet, adorable boyfriend.” Okay, so Leo was teasing with that last bit, but he just liked complimenting himself to see if Kenny would agree or not.
"Same difference," Kenny smirked, but kissed Leo just the same. "Yeah you're fucking adorable," he murmured, smudging some of Leo's lipgloss back onto his own lips.
Leo grinned to himself, leaning in to lick the other's lips slowly, tasting the fruity gloss on them. It was sweet, delicious-tasting on Kenny's own lips. "And you're deliciously handsome," he murmured back, sitting up slowly just to get the other glass of champagne, the one he'd poured for Kenny. "Do you want some? It's sweet enough, tastes good, and it's bubbly."
Kenny took the offered glass, sipping a little at the bubbly stuff. The champagne was good, and didn't taste like that overly sugary, fruity shit women (and gay men) probably drank. "Thanks."
"Jackass," Kyle said as he was told to get the beer himself, rearing a foot back and kicked firmly forward, missing Stan's knee obviously. At least Stan went and got the drinks after all.
Stan laughed at Kyle's misaimed kick, slamming Kyle's beer on the table right in front of him and nearly catching one of the redhead’s fingers beneath the smooth glass. He went back to his own seat, grinning smugly. "Well, at least you're drinking something, you pussy. I think I saw some apple juice in there if you can't handle beer..."
"Fuck you, douchebag," Kyle muttered, glaring across at Stan at the apple juice comment.
The redhead quickly opened his beer and took a few small swallows. "They're drinking champagne, and we're drinking beer? Well, it tastes good, anyway. It's some German shit," Kyle snickered lightly, such a fucking lightweight when it came to drinking. Halfway through, his face was pink and his eyes hooded behind curls of red. The chili was gone, and he'd removed his coat and hat.
"Stan. Let's go interrupt them, get them out of that fucking cuddling mood they're in. That's so weird."
Stan finished up his chili and washed it down with a sip of beer, belching shamelessly as the pinto beans and carbonation meshed together in his stomach. "God, they're such fucking homos. I can't believe Kenny," Stan shook his head, but he was grinning.
Kyle finished his beer rather quickly and then stood up, scratching his stomach before a hand slid through his curly hair. He looked over into the living room at what Stan was commenting on, and grinned. Rebellion was kicking up in his blood with the addition of that alcohol. He wanted to act against his parent's wishes, he wanted to really disappoint them - maybe they'd even kick him out or something.
Stan leaned back in his chair and pushed the empty bowl away, catching himself staring at that brief glimpse of bare skin when Kyle idly scratched his belly, and looked away towards the living room again with a furious blush.
"Don't call them homos, dude. They seem pretty good for each other, so what's wrong with that? They look... well, happy. Have you ever seen Kenny happy like this?" Kyle stood in front of Stan to block his view of the living room, even though Stan hadn’t been necessarily spying on the blondes anymore.
"Shit, I didn't mean it in a bad way or nothin'," Stan grumbled, and then looked back at Kyle with a sly expression. "And when did you become the spokesman for gay rights, anyway?" Back when they were going through that whole metrosexual/gay fad Kyle had been the only one to refuse to jeopardize his manhood the trend, so it was interesting how he stuck up for Kenny and Leo now.
"... I... Well..." Kyle blinked a few times, and then grunted. "I’m not gay. I just... It sounded like you were sort of bashing them or something. I just heard it wrong." He looked away with his bottom lip pulled between his teeth, and then he looked back at Stan, brows furrowed deeply. "Fuck, dude."
Stan blinked back. "I'm not... I wouldn't bash Kenny like that," Stan said awkwardly and gave Kyle a small shrug and half-smile. "I think it's good that Leo's trying to keep him alive. Not many people would do that." They’d all grown complacent with Kenny's deaths, even himself, so it really flipped his perspective when one person didn't take that apparent ‘reset’ button Kenny had going for him for granted.
"Wait. You mean Kenny's really been alive this whole time? That's awesome." Kyle had to agree, it was nice to see someone trying to keep the accident-prone bastard alive.
Kyle went to the fridge and took out a bottle of champagne. It seemed that Leo had chilled a few bottles for them all to drink, plus the blonde had given them permission to drink it. Two glasses were found, just regular drinking glasses, and he poured them both half a glass of it.
"Here. Drink,” Kyle said to Stan, brows furrowed still. He began to drink the champagne, it tasted good, and he stood before Stan, waiting, watching for him to drink his. "C'mon, pussy."
"And hey, if you ever want to be gay too I won't hold it against you," Stan teased as he took the champagne, just because Kyle was being too serious. "God, I think I even still have that mesh shirt I wore during the whole metro thing. My nipples were so hard being outside in the snow like that - they were frozen solid!" Stan laughed at his own childhood stupidity.
"You were so fucking gay in that outfit," Kyle agreed with a snicker, dragging his chair over so he could sit closer to Stan.
"Ha, yeah, I think that was the point," Stan rolled his eyes, embarrassed still over that particular disaster. At least he hadn't gone around kissing other guys or anything during that time when his sanity took a dive.
Kyle blinked.
"Dude. I'm not gay!” he protested belatedly with a little huff, drinking the champagne quicker than he should have. Oh, he wouldn't be sick though. In fact he'd realized that he had a great tolerance for drinking, despite being a lightweight, and wouldn’t really be ill if he had too much. "I bet Leo has a mesh shirt that'd fit you now, you know. I think it'd be amusing to see that on you again." Kyle didn't have the urge to re-live that fashion faux-pas himself.
"Hey Leo!"
Leo grunted and pulled himself from the warmth that was Kenny, heading into the kitchen. He looked at the two curiously.
"Do you have a mesh shirt? Stan brought up that one he wore in class during gay-week. I think he needs to put one on now."
"Oh. Dude, no!" Stan gasped, laughing despite himself. "No fucking way!" He took off and threw his beanie at Kyle, his black hair mussed and sticking up all over, looking attractive with his red cheeks.
Leo laughed then disappeared. A few minutes later he returned and threw a mesh tank top at Kyle, who caught it with surprising dexterity in his partially-inebriated state.
“Let's play Truth or Dare... All of us," Leo suggested, taking advantage of the fact Kyle and Stan seemed to be loosening up. Perfect. "C'mon, into the living room." He headed out of the kitchen, not waiting for either’s reply.
Kyle hesitantly followed with the champagne, hopefully Stan too.
"Asshole," Stan grumbled as he tagged along behind them into the living room with his glass anyway. "I'll need some more of that," Stan said, nudging Kyle's side with his elbow and nodding towards the opened champagne bottle on the coffee table resignedly.
"Fuck! I'm fucking ticklish, fag, stop it," Kyle burst out laughing at the nudge to his side. He turned and poured a glass of champagne for Stan, spilling some by accident - on his friend, not the floor. "Oops. Sorry." The walking, laughing, and talking was working the alcohol through his system effectively.
Stan grinned at Kyle's laughter and nudged him some more, but stopped before he ended up getting smacked in the face with the glass bottle or something. "Fucking pansy," he laughed, and then made a soft sound of protest when Kyle spilled alcohol on him. "You just want me to take my shirt off, gaywad," he grumbled, but his cheeks were flushed.
Leo glanced over at Kenny and flashed a grin and a quick thumbs up. "All right. Truth or Dare. Stan, you're up first. Truth or Dare?"
Kenny shrugged at Leo. They were always dumbasses when they got a hold of alcohol. Nothing new there.
Leo grinned crookedly as he watched the two drunk boys, or tipsy rather... He waited for Stan's response, even though the raven-haired boy seemed a little distracted by Kyle at the moment. He had all sorts of ideas of what he could ask or tell him to do. Oh god. They'd start off juvenile, and stupid - but it'd escalate quickly. He had ideas, so many ideas.
Kyle blinked a few times and watched Leo head over and sit next to Kenny, arms crossed over his chest lazily. Kyle knew this could get weird, and quick. So he just sat down on the loveseat across from the couch, opposite end of the two blondes, and left room for Stan to sit. "C'mon. Answer r-tard."
Stan just stood there though, uncomfortable with all the sudden attention on him.
"C'mon guys..." he mumbled, pressing his lips against the edge of his glass, before tipping it back with a deep swallow. He sat the glass down on the coffee table and put his hands on his hips, giving them a shit-eating grin and thinking the worst he’d have to do was probably wear that damn mesh shirt.
"Fine. Dare." Stan had balls, being the only straight one out of the bunch. The two blondes on the couch were obviously a couple and Kyle just needed to let go and admit he was a fag already! "Lay it on me."
"All right," Leo smirked, and snuggled himself against Kenny, humming in his faintly buzzed haze. "Hm... How about... You run around the house three times. Naked." Juvenile, yes. Perfectly so. "While he's gone, I'll go get my weed." Leo had rolled a couple blunts earlier, so he went upstairs to retrieve them.
Leo returned a few moments later, one already lit up, a drag taken of it. He handed the other and a lighter to Kyle. "Go ahead and light up. Stan's gotta do his three laps before he can have any." And his own was passed to Kenny. "Here Kenny."
Stan gaped at Leo, and just spluttered. "Dude... Dude no way! What about the shirt?" It almost came out as a whine. Fuck, he'd been ready to put on that mesh shirt and even change right there in front of them, but running around Leo's house naked was another thing entirely. There wasn't nearly enough alcohol in his system for that.
"Kyle, come on. You don't want to see that," he pleaded to his best friend, his blue eyes huge and begging.
Kenny wrapped his arm around Leo's waist when his boyfriend returned with the weed - rolled in normal paper, thank god. He took the blunt but moved his lips close to Leo's, not touching, but slowly breathing in Leo's exhale before taking a drag of his own.
Leo took a deep breath from Kenny in return, inhaling that exhaled smoke, lips brushing lightly afterwards. Stan's outburst was amusing.
"I'm not going back on my dare. If you're not going to do it. Then... You have to give Kyle a lap dance." Leo laughed and watched Kyle's face go red before he choked on the smoke he had just inhaled, eyes going wide.
"Dude." Kyle blushed like a madman and gulped his champagne to unclog his throat from the fact that he'd just choked and everything.
Leo grinned darkly at Kenny, a brow arched in a slightly conspiratory manner. Then he turned to Stan. "So which one?"
Kenny squeezed Leo's waist tightly, and then pulled back a little after the faint impression of a kiss. He didn't want his friends getting too weirded out and leave before they could make complete asses of themselves first. He raised an eyebrow at Stan, letting the raven-haired teen know he wasn't getting any support from Kenny's end.
"God you guys..." Stan groaned, pressing his fingers against his bridge of his nose and squeezing his eyes shut, already feeling his head begin to throb. He opened one eye and looked pointedly away from Kyle and at Leo. Vindictive bastard. "Do I get to keep my clothes on for the lap dance?" he grumbled.
"You can keep your pants on, but you gotta put the mesh shirt on at least. I'll let you slide with that. And it's gotta be a minute worth of dancing." Leo laughed a little, then turned to rest against Kenny, his back pressed against Kenny's chest, passing the blunt between them both.
Kyle's face was bright red and he sat his champagne down, shifting to sit a little further away from the arm of the loveseat to give Stan room to get on top of him. It didn't sound like Stan was going to go run around the house naked, so he'd just have to get this over with.
"Pussy," Leo grinned, enjoying this way too much.
“I fucking hate you guys," Stan ground out between his teeth. God, but his face felt like it'd melt off, he was blushing so hard. He snatched up the bottle of champagne and took a deep drink, his adam's apple bobbing with each swallow. He gasped and set the bottle down, still not looking at Kyle.
"Do you have, like, music or something at least?" Stan asked. He couldn’t believe he was actually planning on giving Kyle a friggin’ lap dance.
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