Eye of the Beholder | By : DragonSapphire Category: +S through Z > South Park > Slash - Male/Male Views: 4204 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: We do not own South Park or its characters, and make no profit from writing this story. |
Eye of the Beholder
by KoiFishSushi and Jaden56
South Park & Characters are property of Matt Stone & Trey Parker
Chapter Thirteen
The store was like a Wal-Mart knockoff, so it had everything they'd need for the move to California. Leo lead the way over to the packaging items and looked back to Kenny.
"Here, pick out some big boxes and lots of tape, I'm going to go get a basket." But that wasn't what he intended at all. Leo would get a basket, after getting something else. A good ten minutes later he found Kenny in one of the aisles and returned with a basket - no sign of the item he bought, since he had taken that back to the car already.
"Got enough?"
"Yeah," Kenny said sarcastically, "just plenty."
He was trying to juggle an armload of flattened cardboard boxes, getting multiple papercuts all over his hands and arms just trying not to drop the goddamn things. His wrists were weighed down even more by giant rolls of duct tape he'd slid onto them like bracelets. Kenny dumped the boxes into the basket, bending a few, while the rolls of tape slid off his skinny wrists and clattered to the bottom of the cart somewhere.
"Anything else, babe?" Kenny muttered, rubbing at the cuts on his arms before shaking his long sleeves back over them and looking questioningly at Leo, not even irritated or suspicious at his delay.
"Let's go grab some chips and salsa. And a coat for you," Leo said pointedly, heading on down that aisle without waiting for a response. He knew Kenny would reject the coat.
"...Nah. Let's just get the chips and salsa. I should stop pressing this whole coat thing on you. It only starts arguments. I'll just go wait in line, you grab some chips and salsa and meet me at the check out?" Leo said before leaning over to steal a kiss and then head towards the check out area, a crowded section with long lines of people wanting to check out in a place that hired too few people to do the job.
Kenny rolled his eyes. He didn't even give a damn about getting a coat anymore. Fuck, he'd even wear that goddamn pink parka again just to make Leo happy. Kenny pushed the cart, feeling an affectionate annoyance at how cutely and effectively Leo managed to boss him around.
Kenny was idly reading the large signs hanging over the aisles after Leo had left him again, looking for the snack section, and started when his sleeve was caught in someone’s hand and tugged, pulling him off to the side.
"The fuck--oh." Kenny snatched his sleeve out of Kyle's hand, raising a cool eyebrow at the pair lurking around the aisle. "What's up."
"Dude... are you serious about... you know." Kyle's honey brown eyes flickered over to the direction Leo had gone in, his face a little pale from the idea of his death-prone friend hanging around with a known killer.
"Fuck," Kenny cursed under his breath. He knew it wouldn't be that easy convincing these two, but really he didn't want to lose anymore friends than he was going to being out of the closet with Leo and just suddenly moving away with him. Kyle and Stan weren’t that bad – Cartman they all just sort of tolerated.
"Yeah I'm serious. I lo-- I like him. A lot." Kenny shrugged, glancing down the aisle and seeing if the chips and salsa were that way.
"Dude. You love him? You almost said it," Stan pointed, a bit confused at the whole thing. "How can you trust him? He killed his parents you know... I mean. He's probably crazy." Stan grunted at an elbow from Kyle, rubbing his side where the bony arm had hit him.
"Kenny, you're our friend and all, that's why we're coming over tonight. Just... if he tries anything weird... we're out."
Kenny just shrugged again. He knew how fucking crazy this was, going from risking his life to give Leo his fucking homework to running away with him within a day's time. But his alternatives were going home and continued getting starved and beaten, or go to school and likely get killed for real once Cartman set a mob after them. Leo was the best choice by far, and he guessed he did love the crazy, cross-dressing bastard.
"You guys do what you want. I trust him."
"... Fine. We'll come over." Just as Kyle went to open his mouth about his mom, Stan just slugged him in the arm. "Forget your mom, dude. It's Saturday night, tell her you're staying over at a friend's house - she'll be fine."
Stan sighed and continued to the exit of the store, Kyle following after him. They stopped by Butters... Leo, who was waiting for Kenny and their basket at the end of a long line.
Leo just blinked at them and raised an eyebrow.
"We're coming over tonight. Um. Do we need to bring anything?" Stan asked, since Kyle was still sulking about his mom.
"Nah. Just come over around seven. I gotta clean up some." Of course it was weird for them to be talking to Leo after so many years of blatant distrust and possible hatred. He smiled, though, and waited in line for Kenny.
Kenny almost forgot the snacks entirely, his mind distracted after that conversation. Okay, so maybe he did love Leo, so what then? He doubted the realization was going to change anything since they were already fucking like rabbits and making out in public and running away together like some trashy romance novel. He shrugged to himself, grabbing an oversized bag of tortilla chips that should be enough for the four of them - which Cartman could eat in one sitting by himself, but he sure as fuck wasn’t invited. He also snatched up a couple jars of mild salsa, not fancying burning his fucking tongue off with the real stuff, and joined Leo back at the line with the items.
Leo chuckled as he looked over at Kenny. "Just in time." They were rather close to the end of the line, so he began putting the items on the conveyor belt and got out his wallet.
"Kenny? You're okay with them coming over tonight, right? I mean, they're your friends, and I figured you might want to hang out before we head out of town." If Cartman tried to crash the party or whatever, Leo would just shoot him. And they'd leave that night.
"Yeah, they're cool. We're just assholes with Cartman around," Kenny shrugged. He knew he could be just as much of an asshole as the other three, but he was so quiet people just assumed he was nice. He wasn't.
"Mmn... Mild salsa. I hate when it's too hot," Leo said quietly, watching as it was rang up. The cashier just eyed them like perverts. "What?" Leo snapped in response to the glares he was getting. “I'm a fag. I wear skirts. Don't like it? Kiss my fucking worn out ass."
Goddamn but Butters had a mouth on him.
"Christ, do you have to fight with everyone?" Kenny bitched, giving Leo's ass a hard pinch after helping him load their items onto the conveyor belt. The cashier made a face but didn't say anything, which was good luck on the cashier’s part because Kenny was feeling very defensive and possessive over his boyfriend right now.
"Yes," Leo said quietly with a grin. He was wearing a fucking skirt and the odd looks also made him defensive and a little self-conscious. Once everything was rung up and paid for Leo lead the way on outside, cart and all. He began to load their things into the back of his hatchback with Kenny’s help, stacking everything nice and neat.
"We can pack alot of stuff in the car. All I'm concerned about bringing really is my clothes, a box of stuff from when I was little, and the games and televisions. Everything else is replaceable. " Leo blinked and then grinned as he shut the hatch of the car, slamming Kenny up against it, leaning against him fully. "Except for you. You're not replaceable, and you're definitely coming with me."
"Okay," Kenny said, shifting his legs apart so he could pull Leo more fully against him. Easy like Sunday-fucking-morning. He kissed Leo lazily, his hands sliding under Leo's sweater and rubbing the supple flesh at the curve of the other's back. "That was fucking hardcore, by the way. Kicking Cartman in the junk like that. I'm jealous," Kenny murmured against Leo's lips, smirking a bit.
Leo laughed, kisses given to those lips just as languidly.
“Mm... Yeah. It felt fucking great, but I am upset I didn't smash one enough to make him bleed." Leo smiled as he pressed nose to nose, arms wrapped around Kenny's neck. "Thanks, alot... for standing up for me like that to him. It felt so good to know you cared so much."
The smaller blonde smiled crookedly. "Stan and Kyle are watching us. I can see them in Stan's car over to the left. They don't know I'm watching them though."
"Tonight, we get those two to fuck. I mean, we don't have to be there when they do it, but they have to, you can tell they wanna."
Kenny liked the idea of people who knew they were Kenny and Butters watching them together, especially since there wasn't a goddamn thing they could do about the fact he was fucking the 'one-eyed freak.'
"Shit. Let them watch. They might learn something," Kenny almost purred, his hands conforming to Leo's ass cheeks. He pushed his hips forward so they were humping lightly against the car in broad daylight, in the middle of the store's parking lot. "Mmm, I'm gonna fuck you so hard when we get home, Butters," Kenny breathed against his neck, already achingly hard from the kissing and dry friction and his friends' eyes on them.
"C-Careful... I never came during sex earlier. I don't wanna ruin these underwear too," Leo laughed and slowly pulled back, getting into the car.
"Of course, we could always take care of that right here," he murmured, turning on the car, and waiting for Kenny to get in before he locked the doors and reclined his seat just enough for Kenny to perhaps lean into his lap? He shifted and pulled his skirt upwards, then his pantyhose and underwear down, letting that almost-five inch hardness spring free, dripping in desire. "Suck it, please?"
"God..." Kenny breathed after getting in on the other side. Leo didn't play around. "Slut."
He leaned against his own seat, turning towards Leo as he reached out a hand and stroked those soft, exposed thighs for a moment, just looking at him. "You're fucking beautiful, Butters," he murmured, his blue eyes shifting up to Leo's slightly dilated green one, before he broke contact and leaned over, tracing the path his hand took on Leo's thigh with his tongue.
"T-Thanks." Leo blushed at the compliment, nice and pink in the face as he looked over to see Stan's eyes go wide as can be when Kenny ducked down into Leo's lap. It was at that point the two drove off. Leo shuddered. "Just a few long, hard, good sucks, and I'm going to cum. I've needed to for hours..." he said quietly, a hand mixing into Kenny's untamed hair, trying to urge him towards the dripping erection so nearby.
Kenny nearly snorted when he heard the squeal of tires, but he had more important matters to concern himself with at the moment. Like tongue-teasing one of Leo's softly fuzzed balls and carefully swallowing the ripe testicle into his mouth, tugging gently with teeth while he rolled it about in his mouth with his tongue. "Mmn." His other hand worked its way under Leo's ass, finding and flicking his fingertip against the other's puckered hole.
"Hhhnnn..." Leo had never had someone suck on a testicle before, ever, and it was a shocking feeling. He couldn't help but tighten his grasp into Kenny's hair. "Kenny... I won't be able to hold on much longer... I'm s-seriously so close to the edge... C-Can you please suck so I don't make a m-mess out of my car?" he asked, almost begging. His hips arched towards any attention, his entrance tightening naturally.
"Ahhnnn... Kenny..." Leo wished he had a cute name for him - they called him Butters, but Kenny was always Kenny, dammit.
Leo tasted so good in his mouth, whether it was cock or balls, or piss or cum, Kenny didn't care. He tightened his lips around Leo's testicle, drawing the sac taut and straining from Leo's body as he pulled his head back until the ball slipped out of his mouth and sprang back with a wet slap between Leo's legs. He licked and nibbled the other ball briefly, taking pity on his boyfriend as he ran his tongue along the underside of his shaft, hollowing his mouth as he pressed his lips against the slit of Leo's leaking head and sucked softly.
The older blonde trembled beneath the attention, a hand precariously poised over the head of his length incase he did lose it. Thankfully he didn't, until he felt those lips against the tip finally. Hands dug into hair as Leo pulled Kenny down at least an inch onto his flesh, making him take at least that much in before he began to come. After everything, he deserved that much.
"S-S-Swallow it... bitch." Oh god. That was priceless Butters-esque commentary, stuttered out as he bucked against Kenny’s mouth, liquid life pouring past his boyfriend's lips.
Kenny nearly bit him for that remark, but he was too busy swallowing. He moved his hand up from Leo's thigh, gently rolling and squeezing his spasming balls with his fingers while he slid the rest of Leo's cock into his mouth until his lips were pressed flat against the base of his crotch, humming softly around his length.
Leo came for at least thirty seconds, trembling and bucking within the other's mouth until he couldn't handle it any longer.
"O-Okay baby... T-That's enough... " he whimpered, tugging Kenny’s hair to draw him up from his lap, pulling him off the throbbing, pulsating, thoroughly-spent cock. "F-Fuck... You could make alot of money with that mouth of yours. Kiss me while I can still taste myself."
The light color of Kenny's eyes shifted at Leo's praise for his apparent oral skills - the other blonde unwittingly voicing the grudging thoughts Kenny had had at the mall when he was riddled with guilt over his financial situation.
Kenny liked to think he'd never sink that low, and he knew Leo's was the only cock he'd actually enjoy sucking, but still... It was an option and if they fell on hard times in California Kenny at least had one workable talent he could make a little emergency cash off. Either that or be some hack magician's assistant and get himself sawed in half for real. He wasn't sure which option Leo would prefer, knowing his boyfriend would never intend to whore Kenny out – possessive bastard that he was - but he hoped sucking cock for money never really became a option.
Kenny nuzzled Leo's spent balls lightly, before obliging him with his kiss.
Oh god, Leo melted into the kiss as easily as he ever did, tasting himself and Kenny all at the same time. After the lengthy affection, he smiled and buckled his seatbelt.
"Allll right. Let's get home and clean up some before Kyle and Stan come over. I'll roll a couple joints too. One for me and you, and one for them to share. I think if Cartman finds out he's the only non-fag in the group, he'll shit a brick." Leo snickered and began driving off, after pulling his panties back up.
It didn't take long to get back home, and get everything inside the house. Oh, it was so warm and toasty inside! Leo had a bag he'd hidden under the backseat and he held it in his hands, waiting for Kenny to notice him simply standing in the living room with a mysterious bag from the store, holding it out for the stubborn blonde to take.
Inside was a simple black zip up hoodie from the Wal-mart. Nothing expensive, nothing absolutely spoiling Kenny, just a coat to keep him warm.
Kenny had opened the trunk and began dragging the boxes inside while Leo grabbed their other purchases. Fuck, but he should consider a job at the post office the way he managed to bend and get several of the compacted boxes dirty without even really trying. On the first trip he didn't notice Leo standing there, on the second there were less boxes and less effort not to drop the fucking things, and he noticed the bag being held out for him as he dropped the rest of the boxes unceremoniously on the floor against the couch.
"What’s it?" Kenny asked, eyeing the bag suspiciously as he straightened up and put his hands on his skinny hips.
"It's for you," Leo said, scooting forward to hold the bag within arm's reach. “C'mon, open it." He smiled crookedly, wriggling his rear in place, skirt bobbing and bouncing every which way. “C'monnnn." He was excited! Leo chuckled and began to open the bag for Kenny, too impatient to wait, tossing the plastic aside just to hold out the coat, the price tag still attached. Sixteen bucks. Nothing big and flashy.
“You didn't want one at the mall. I hope this one fits though. It's a medium."
Kenny sighed and rolled his eyes, but leaned over and gave Leo a sweet kiss on his cheek instead of bitching about Leo spending money on him. Sixteen dollars was doable. "Thanks," he murmured, taking the coat and shrugging it on.
The coat was still big on him and hung loosely off his frame, but Kenny liked baggy clothes and this was comfortable and cheap and NOT orange. If he never wore orange again it'd be too soon.
"Welcome. It looks nice." Leo smiled as he leaned in to kiss the other's cheek softly in return. “Cleaning time though. C'mon. You wanna start in the kitchen and I'll do the living room? Or, do you want to clean? You don't have to, most of the mess was here before you came over so..."
Leo shrugged and began to pick up the mess in the living room - honestly there wasn't a lot of mess anywhere except the bedroom. He'd get some stain remover for the cocoa stain on the floor because, face it, that looked awful on the light grey carpeting. “I'm excited to move out of here. Where do you wanna move? I really don't care where we go..."
Kenny wasn't done kissing him yet. He reached out and caught Leo's hand before the smaller blonde got too absorbed in his work, unbalancing him enough that the other blonde went sprawling into his lap as Kenny flopped down onto the couch.
"We have a few hours before they get here. They're guys, too - they can deal with a little mess..." Kenny drifted off as he put his mouth to other uses, nibbling Leo's pink bottom lip and slipping a hand up his skirt because he fucking could.
Leo shuddered, just resting in his lap lazily after that kiss. He couldn't help it, Kenny made him give in so easily.
"Nhh. Yeah. I just wanna... make sure there's no fucking cumspots on anything..." Leo laughed and slipped his arms around Kenny's neck, nuzzling into him lazily as that hand drifted up his skirt. "H-How about we don't do this with them here... Not until we get them drunk and high. That way they can get all horny watching us and end up doing each other. I at least want those two to be fags together so Cartman can be the left out fucker."
Kenny snorted. "Cartman's the gayest faggot out of all of us." Fatass had never come out of the closet officially, of course, but after taking that picture of Leo's nine-year-old cock in his mouth and showing it to the fucking class, and chasing Kyle all the way to Imaginationland just to get him to suck his balls - among an endless list of other faggy incidents - made the fact of his homosexuality quite obvious, Kenny thought.
"He's going to be the only one not getting fucked in the ass... I think that gay trend's coming back." Fuck that pink parka though. Kenny wasn't wearing that shit again for anyone.
"... I feel sorry for the person trying to fuck his ass, they'd have to go on a three month hiking trip just to find his anus in the mass of flesh." Leo laughed at his words, nearly giggling. “C'mon, let's go upstairs. I want a joint before they get here, and I'm gonna use my special paper to roll it."
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