Lust and Pixie Dust | By : Praetor Category: +S through Z > Tinkerbell (movie, Disney) > Tinkerbell (movie, Disney) Views: 52474 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 4 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Tinkerbell or Disney Fairies, which are owned by the Walt Disney Company. Nor do I own Lava, lyrics from which are sung, that is owned by Pixar. I do not make money for this project and write only for my own amusement. |
Thank you for reading, all the usual tags (exaggerated proportions, hyper sex functions, excessive perversion etc). This is the first part of a lemon that is still in the works so feedback and patience are appreciated.
Terance lay in bed on his back, looking up absently at the ceiling. He could feel the breeze from the open window on his naked skin, his fit body completely uncovered. Tinkerbell lay on his arm, head on his shoulder, somewhere between alert and asleep. Her breasts sat on his chest, shuffling with each breath as she snoozed. His monstrous cock lay dormant between his legs, half on Tink’s bare thigh. With a flutter, the curtains blew and an ebony fairy floated in.
Whatever Iridessa was planning on saying was forgotten when she saw the two blond fairies in a post coital cuddle.
‘Aww, you found Tink.’ she said ‘and patched things up.’
Tinkerbell woke up, sleep in her eyes as she pushed blonde bangs from her undone hair. She saw the sun fairy and squeaked, drawing the sheets over them.
‘Aw come on, that’s nothing to be ashamed of.’ she said as she walked over and sat on the bed side
‘What are you talking about?’ she asked, eyes peeking over the hem
‘Your nakedness.’ Iridessa said as she grabbed the sheet and pulled it off them
Tink squeaked again as she tried to cover the nipples on her massive tits and closed her legs over the blond haired pussy. Terance continued holding her to him, dick hanging out for her viewing pleasure.
‘Come on Tink, if you got it, flaunt it.’ he said
‘No, I can’t. She’s like my sister.’ she said
‘Good thing he isn’t like my brother.’ said Iridessa as she laid down on the bed beside him with her face near his cock
‘Terance, what is she talking about?’ she asked
‘You didn’t tell her?’ she asked from his waist
‘Yeah, I didn’t get around to it yet.’ he said, slightly blushing as if he had just been caught
‘Oooooh, naughty boy.’ said Iridessa
‘What didn’t you tell me?’ asked Tink, sitting up and glowering at him
‘Well, you see. When I got this large dick, I kind of… you know… accidentally…’ he sputtered while playing with his fingers
‘Fucked every fairy you know by name.’ said Iridessa
‘What!?’ she shrieked
As she did that, the window curtains fluttered open as another fairy entered. This time it was the red headed Rosetta. The bodacious red head touched down in front of the bed and said ‘Oh Terance, you found Tink. and hooked up a three some I see.’
‘It’s not what it looks like.’ Terance said, both to Tink and Rosetta
‘Oh, I see.’ said the red head as she pulled the top down, freeing the huge melon sized knockers ‘you didn’t start yet. Foursome!’
‘Terance, what is the meaning of this!?’ demanded Tinkerbell, her face turning red with rising anger
The door knocked and fell open, being unlocked. Chloe stood in its sway, her huge tits spilling into the room even though she stood outside still.
‘Rosetta!’ she said in shock ‘you said we would share Terance again next time!’
‘Share, Terance?’ asked Tink, sitting up, her tits flopping around
‘You see, the women just couldn’t get over how big my dick was. and since we were basically broken up…’ Terance said
Chloe walked in as Rosetta and Iridessa laid on the bed and began idly stroking the fairy fuck stick that swelled with the attention.
‘While I was on retreat pondering our relationship,’ Tink said, fuming ‘spending some quality time with my sister, who I don’t often get to see, you were over here getting your dick wet with every fairy I call friend!?’
‘Did somebody say ‘wet’?” asked Silvermist, appearing through the window
‘and who said friends?’ asked Zarina, poking her head in on the opposite side
Tink was beyond words as the blue and purple fairies fluttered in, setting down on the increasingly crowded bed. Silvermist lay so that her boobs pooled near the top of the dress and Vidia sat so that her skirt fell up her leg, showing off the curve of her ass and thick thigh.
‘What are you even doing here!?!’ the blond demanded
‘Obviously we wanted some of that fairy dick.’ said Fawn as she flew in through the open window, her magnificent tits already out of the top for all to see ‘we thought you’d be okay with it since you weren’t together anymore.’
‘Even if you were,’ said Rosetta ‘would you bowguard all this man flesh?’ as she rubbed her face along the hardening member
A completely new voice said from the door way ‘Hello? I am lost, I am looking for Ferngully- oh, my…’
They all saw a new fairy walk in, her grass skirt was shorter than Tink’s, leaving nothing to the imagination as her whole thighs were bare and the bottom of equally green panties. Her top was lined at the bottom for support but huge head sized tits stuck out from it with half the pink pert nipples showing. Her hair was long, black and spikey, with a face of sharp angles and plump lips. Blue eyes shone in her pretty face and walked in with some grace, entranced by the massive prick Rosetta and Iridessa were playing with.
‘Welcome stranger. This is Pixie Hallow, home of the nature fairies in Neverland.’ said Rosetta
‘This is Terance, he’s a dust fairy.’ said Iridessa
‘and this,’ said Fawn as she seized the end of the hardened cock with her hands ‘is Terance’s dick. It is the most wonderful implement of pleasure and fascinating organ in the land.’
‘Hey Terance,’ she said with a wave ‘and nature fairies.’ she said with a wave of her other hand to the growing number of fairies in the room ‘and Terance’s cock.’ she added with a respectful bow that nearly sent her large breasts tumbling from the top and jumping when she stood again ‘I am Krista. I’d like to get to know all of you, and especially your dick.’
Tink flew up in front of her, stopping her approach with her completely naked body and massive wobbling tits ‘Hi Krista, I am Tinkerbell. Terance’s lover, and there will be no introduction to him or his fantastic cock.’
‘What is with all the commotion?’ asked a regal voice
They all perked up when the Queen entered the room. Her long golden dress floated above the ground leaving a floating trail of pixie dust. Her face was as welcoming as her pushed up jutting out tits.
‘Terance has been fucking all the fairies when he is supposed to be in a relationship with me!’ Tinkerbell spat
‘I know, he is my favourite lover. That is why I am here. I need some relief; my bed is too cold and my body is too empty.’
The fairies all laughed at Tink’s frustration, she was livid.
‘Terance we are through!’ she shouted ‘you have been sticking your dick in every fairy, saving me for last, on some, sick, conquest. Well it ends with me!’
She flew red faced and belligerent out the door, which slammed shut behind her.
‘Well then,’ said the Queen ‘since it seems our young stud is now single. Terance, who would you like to take to bed.’
Terance looked all the women around him, on the bed and at the foot, several playing with his enormous hard on and a completely new untouched woman offering herself to him. But the one he really wanted just slammed the door shut on them.
Before he could make a decision, the door eased back open. Tinkerbell walked back in, her hair completely undone and naked body glowing in the sun light. She looked defeated and resigned.
‘My clothes are still in here…’ she said
She closed the door behind her and walked over, sitting down on the bed and trying to find her clothes in the sheets.
‘Hey Tink.’ he said, reaching out to touch her shoulder
‘Yes Terance?’ she asked, sounding more hurt than angry now
‘I made a mistake. You are the only one I want in my life. I would trade all of them for you.’
He quickly turned back to them and said ‘That is not meant to be an offense. You have all been very kind to me, and are wonderful. You’re all beautiful women, sexy beyond description and I thoroughly enjoyed our time together. Sweet memories and fantasies of our veracious fucking will echo in my dreams. I love your tits and asses, and would love to fuck them all again, and treat you day and night to my magnificent cock.’
Tink cut him off ‘This isn’t helping.’
‘Sorry,’ he said ‘I know. I’m trying to get you to understand how great my life could be, so you can understand how much more I would rather be with you.’
‘Aww Terry.’ she said, a tear welling in her eye as she threw herself onto him
They embraced as the fairies awed and cheered.
‘I forgive you.’ she said as he held her in an embrace, one hand sliding down to cup her phat ass cheek
‘I love you.’ he said, kissing her cheek as she pressed her face into his
‘I love you too.’ she said, holding his lithe muscular chest and sliding a hand to join the others that were idly stroking off his impressive manhood
She looked around at the gathered women, all watching with happy faces as the lovers expressed themselves.
‘Are you all okay with this?’ she asked
‘Of course.’ said Vidia ‘He’s your guy.’
‘We just mostly want his cock.’ said Iridessa ‘but the complete package is appreciated.’
‘If you want him to yourself, then we will leave.’ said Clarion
She looked at Terance and then back at them ‘That would just be selfish of me. Terance, can you love me and only me, or would you rather be a free bird?’
He looked around and then back at Tink ‘Why should anyone have to choose? Why can’t I love you exclusively while sharing my incredible gift?’
The sun was setting on another beautiful day in the Hallow. The whole land basked in the orange glow as the fairies ended their days and returned to their homes. It also shone clearly through the wide open walled window of the Queen’s bedroom.
Terance was lead into the room by the Queen’s guard Nyx. He wore only a magical robe that glimmered like the Queen’s gown, leaving a magical trail behind him. The room already had all the women he’d slept with waiting. Everyone he fucked was in the room, along with the new foreign girl.
‘Now Terence, we are looking for an all nighter here.’ said Zarina as she pulled the robe from his shoulders
The fairies cheered as his lithe naked body shone in the light, the long ivory cock of their desires slapping his knees as he turned around.
‘The bed has been coated in a magical dust I have provided.’ added the alchemist ‘It will keep you hard, us wet, and the juices flowing.’
The queen said ‘I have also invited your friends from the infirmary for medical coverage.’
The three healer fairies were at the beside in their skimpy nurse apparel and funny small hats. Rose, Lara and Ace beamed at him, all ready to treat the cock sores that would undoubtedly develop.
‘Well then, shall we get started?’ he asked
‘Eagerly,’ said the Queen ‘the plan is for you to cum in all our holes, bonding us in a sisterhood of cock and cum. Since the order doesn’t matter, you get to pick the first.’
‘All right then.’ Terance said
He was now proud of his naked form, the lean muscles of his body strong looking but not over powering. He especially loved the fleshy snake between his legs, knowing that it made every fairy drool. He also had been intimate with almost every woman here, and they’d be at it again in moments.
‘Tinkerbell, since you are my first and last, we should start this.’ he said
She stepped up and slid the green dress down her body, the garment falling into a puddle around her feet. She stretched while raising her hand for him to hold, the muscles of her long legs and pencil thin waist flexing while the fat of her curvaceous bubble butt, thighs and head sized knockers jiggled. Her hair was retied into its iconic blond bun and bangs the blue eyes had to peer through.
‘My love, take me to bed.’ she said
Zarina giggled as Terance swept her into his arms and said ‘Actually, I was his first.’
‘What!?’ Tinkerbell exclaimed as Terance slung her onto the bed, the two summer fairies naked and glowing with the magic of it ‘She was the first!? You chose to put your dick in that pirate fairy before me?’
‘Let’s leave the past there.’ he said as he travelled on his knees to the middle of the bed
‘Only his first mouth and pussy anyways.’ giggled Silvermist
‘What!?’ exclaimed both Tink and Iridessa
‘I thought what we had was special.’ said Iridessa
Rosetta laughed then ‘Order doesn’t matter. Only if you enjoyed yourself. Doesn’t bother me none, I can’t wait to reacquaint my ass with his pussy pleaser.’
Tinkerbell’s hands fumbled with the cock between them while Terance kissed her face and mouth, a hand playing with her lovely tit. The dick was getting hard from her clumsy grips and from the talk of their history in such a jocular and public forum.
‘You actually fucked a fairy in her ass? That’s so, soo…’
‘Elating!’ exclaimed Ace from the side lines
‘It feels amazing Tink.’ said Iridessa
‘We’ll be here for you.’ said Silvermist
‘What!?’ she exclaimed with her mouth engulfed by Terance’s lips
‘We said he’d cum in all our holes.’ said Clarion ‘all of them.’
‘Terance, please tell me you don’t want to shove this in my ass?’ she whimpered
Her hands got between them and were stroking off his foot and a half long forearm thick cock. Sliding up and down the meat that was now fully erect and hard, with the foreskin sliding half up around the fist sized head.
‘I want to so very much Tink. I love you, and want to make all forms of love with you.’ he said huskily as they kissed
His balls dragged along her pussy, the lips swelling through the short mat of blond hair. He could feel the heat of her sex through the wrinkled sack and even the dampening as the magic of the bed and their motions made her horny.
‘He means he wants to split those lovely globes of your ass with his pussy punisher and feel the hottest part of your sexy body with his cock head.’ laughed Fawn from the side
‘Enough with the commentary.’ said Tink
‘We’ll talk about it later. Right now though, I think you’re ready for me.’ he said
He broke the kiss so they could look into each other’s eyes. Their blue eyes gazed into each other’s, the chubby cheeks of the tinker fairy flushing red as she was driven deeper into a lustful frenzy by the pillar of masculinity in her hands and the magic of the bed.
‘I’m more than ready Terrance, I need you.’ she said
He pushed up off her as Tink kicked her legs up, spreading her knees to invite him between her legs. Propping them on the soft sheets of the mattress, he set his hands beside her chest, the large tits falling over the top of them as they spread out. He pushed his ass out on straight legs, trying to get enough distance between them to fit his horse cock. The other fairies cheered at the sight of his toned legs and muscular ass being pushed out before the cock head could fall onto the lips of her cunt.
‘I love you Tinkerbell.’ he whispered as he plunged
She cried out in shock and glee as they joined bodies once more. He slid halfway to the hilt into her hot, tight folds. His girthy length stretched the lips again, immersing him in her heat once more. Her back arched, bubble butt dug into the bed as she kicked her legs up again in a raising split, her chest pushing into Terrance as he came down on her. Her hands grabbed the sheets as her eyes and mouth went wide open.
‘Ahh fuck Terry, fuck!’ she exclaimed
He pulled out a little and then dove the rest of the way in. His balls bounced off her ass with an affectionate clap. Juices began leaking from the walls as Tink slammed her legs shut behind Terance’s back, locking her legs behind his waist and pulling him in. Her huge tits were the only thing between them as he kissed her mouth again. She wrapped her arms around him, fingers digging into the muscles of his back.
He pulled out against her legs and pushed back in, skin slapping again as the return was aided by her legs. The fairies clapped and cheered, some for Terance, some for Tink.
‘Fuck her rotten!’ said Vidia
‘Take that dick!’ said Gliss
Terance gritted his teeth, her tight love tunnel squeezing him all over his massive cock. Arms at her sides, he pulled out and pushed back in, almost fighting the friction of her hot, wet cunt. Tink jiggled all over as she held on tight, wanting to be a part of Terance as he rocked her world.
‘Ah, by the Hallow… fuck, ugn… fuck’ she babbled
He picked up the pace, Tink loosing fine control and slackening as she became used to the pressure of his enormous fuck stick. They settled into a rhythm, the bed creaking melodiously under them as they made passionate love with each other. The fairies at the side were hooting, hollering and making rude suggestions.
‘Turn her around and take her from behind!’ called Iridessa
‘Flip him over and ride the horse!’ said Fawn
Tink wasn’t making words any more. She was just huffing and puffing in moans as she rode his cock to a new plane of paradise.
‘Oh Terance… I… I love… I love you…’ she said
Terance sat back and continued thrusting, watching Tink writhe and moan under him. Her lovely tits sloshed around on her chest as her whole body went shades of red. Her head tossed and turned, the bun gradually undoing as blond strands fell about her with accumulating sweat. He played with the tits as they bounced against each other, hands shifting the flesh around like sand on a beach.
After a minute of that, he lightly slapped the tits against each other and watched them jiggle before sliding a hand up her leg to grab it under the knee. He pulled it up over his shoulder to spread her legs even wider and turn her onto her side. He returned to fucking her raw, balls dragging along her thigh as her tits sat on top of each other.
Tink folded an arm under her chest for support as her top arm went down between her legs to fiddle with the clit above her stretched lips. She fingered herself closer to her own release as Terance picked up the pace, determined to reach his own climax with her.
One arm hugged the leg to his chest as the other reached around to slap her ass. His hand sank into the bubble butt, fingers digging into the fat of her cheek as he shaked it around.
‘Oh Terance, I’m cumming. I’m…’
Her eyes rolled up under her lids as her head fell back. Her body began shaking around him as he continued pounding the quivering pussy. It clamped down around him, milking it for all its worth as his balls drew tighter. He gave her ass another pat as he came, her orgasm bringing him to his.
His cock grew numb but he continued driving the hard cock into her, cum pouring through the bulging urethra into Tinkerbell again. She could feel him filling up her deepest recess as she came back from her release, body sore and trembling as it was washed over with all sorts of pleasure.
‘Oh Tink, I love you so much.’ he said as he slowed down, setting on long, slow thrusts into her battered cunt
‘I love you too Terance. Give me your seed. Proof of our love.’ she said in breathy moans as she was still stuffed with cock and filled with spunk
He pulled out slowly, his semi hard cock flopping out of her cunt once it was mostly out. Some juices of theirs leaked from gaped pussy as he fell to her side. They settled into another embrace. Head on each other’s shoulders, he rested a hand on her tits, sinking into the warm chest meat as his other hand pulled the cock into a more comfortable position.
‘Oh thank you Terance.’ she said as she closed her legs ‘I want to keep your jizz in me, hold onto it as tightly as I hold onto you. Keep it safe deep inside me like our love.’
The bed was really making them horny, the innocent Tink would never have said that. Indeed, his dick was already hard again and sticking straight up, bouncing with each beat of his heart. He’d also never cum that quick, maybe it wouldn’t take that long to fill all the holes. Or at least not as long.
‘One down.’ he said as she kissed him
‘One down for what?’ she said after a second
‘I think the next one is going into your mouth.’ he said as he held her chin up
‘One, what?’ she asked, apparently dazed by the fucking and lust
‘The sisterhood of cock and cum? Remember?’ asked Vidia
‘Speaking of sisters.’ said Terance ‘Hey Periwinkle.’
She perked up at the mention of her name. She was sitting in the corner with the winter fairies in her usual white dress that simply could not contain her amazing bust.
‘Why don’t you come over here and help Tink clean my cock.’ he suggested
She smiled and approached the bed. The girls cheered as she crawled across the surface. Her massive tits fell out of the top as she panther crawled, the pendulous orbs swaying under her and dragging along the surface ass he crawled, the thick ass tossing up the skirt as the cheeks rocked in the air uncovered.
The short white haired fairy closed the distance shortly and laid along one of Terance’s legs, her giant boobs on either side of the limb as she reached out for the monolithic dong. Tink smiled at her sister and rolled over, joining her on Terance’s other leg.
Her hand grabbed the dick up high as Tinkerbell grabbed it down low, their hands joining in the middle as they giggled. They stroked him off in alternating directions as he put a pillow under his head and back so he could watch the sisters work.
They were undoubtable twins, both with pretty eyes and chubby cheeks. Now both their hair dues were spiky and unkempt, one blond and the other white. The only difference was how much bustier Periwinkle was, but that didn’t matter now.
They crawled up a little more and used both their hands one his cock, two pairs of hands still unable to cover most of the dick. The fat fuck stick separated the two faces that had blue eyes locked on the white cock that glowed red with blood flow and pussy juice. The girls occasionally darted their eyes at each other, meeting gazes as their hands jerked him off and giggling each time.
‘It’s so big.’ said Periwinkle
‘You’ve had it before.’ laughed Tinkerbell
‘I can’t get over it.’ she laughed back
‘There’s so much meat to it,’ said Periwinkle ‘I love how soft it is despite the rigidity.’
‘I love the squishy tip constantly oozing and the bowling pin shape.’ said Tink
They continued fawning over his cock, drawing closer and closer as if magnetized until their breaths were washing over it. Periwinkle took the first taste, licking over the top of it and collecting the drop of precum the elicited. Tinkerbell started at the bottom and licked along the base, wrapping her lips around the side as if trying to eat it and planting kisses where ever her mouth went.
Periwinkle’s long tongue ran around the tip, licking all over the head and even probing the open piss hole before sliding down the crevice to lick around under the foreskin. She clearly liked the smell and taste of cock, and was gobbling it down. Tink was working her way slowly up the long, wide shaft, kissing and licking every square inch of the surface as Peri took the head into her mouth and began sucking.
She was bobbing her head, the short white spikes bouncing around as her hot mouth sucked on the tip. Tink eventually caught up to her and kissed around the tip where her sister’s lips were. Peri pulled off and gave the tip a kiss while Tink joined. Their lips were together on the head as they licked over his cock and made out with the head, lips clashing as they did.
It was hard to tell if they were kissing his cock or each other but the confusion cleared when they turned their heads and began sucking lips over the top of his cock. It was the hottest thing he’d ever seen, the twin Tinks making out over his tower of man meat. Then they slide down the cock sideways, their lips parting as the prick split them. He fucked their mouths as they slid kissing lips up and down the sides of his cock.
Tink then took over sucking the head as Periwinkle went down the cock, retracing Tink’s steps in reverse. As Tink took more and more of the cock in her mouth, satisfied groans filling the air, Peri made her way to his groin. Eventually she turned her cock hungry sucking to his balls, licking over the ball sack and tracing the wrinkles. She began kissing the nuts and sucking on the sensitive organs.
He groaned as she opened her mouth wide and sucked one into her mouth, filling those chubby cheeks with his balls as she sucked the testicals into her mouth. Tink had to get up to get more of the cock in her mouth, his cock that was sweating in the sauna of her mouth introduced to the furnace of her throat. His cock tunnelled through the tight throat that reverberated with every groan from the blonde.
Her hand stroked the excess meat with her sister’s as Peri choked on the balls, managing the impossible and getting both of the nuts in her mouth. Both tennis ball sized balls filled her cheeks as she slobbered over them.
He fought the urge to buck his hips, not wanting to cause problems with his ball sack and the blonde taking him in the mouth. She travelled further down the cock, her beck bulging out as his cock occupied her throat.
Peri released his balls from her mouth so she could get out of the way as Tink fell down the cock, the length of his meat sliding down her throat as her eyes narrowed with intent. Peri put her face besides her bobbing sister and looked at Terance with a smile. Her hand helped Tink jerk the excess as more and more was fed to her.
‘She looks so cute with your cock in her mouth.’ said Peri
Tink grunted with the cock stifling all communication as she neared the base.
‘She can’t talk, I’ll fill in the voice.’ said Peri ‘I make this cock look great. A dick this big deserves a happy, pretty face as a cock ring. Wreck my throat Terance, pull my hair, fill my stomach with your seed. Touch my pussy from the other side.’
Tink finally bottomed out, drool escaping from the corners of her stretched lips in a huge O shape. Her blue eyes glared at Periwinkle as she beamed at her, giving her grunts such degrading things. Terance loved it and did just as Periwinkle said. He grabbed Tink by the hair, undoing what remained of her bun as he entwined his fingers with her hair.
Grip tightened, he dug his heels in and drove up. Tink grunted and gaked all around him, messaging his cock with her vibrating throat. He fucked her face like a pussy, pulling her up and down while bucking. His huge saliva soaked balls bounced around under her chin, Tink’s eyes going wide as he ravaged her mouth.
‘Oh Terance, fuck me raw. I never want to speak again. I don’t need air, I need your cock. Fill my lungs your cum. Ugn fuck, I can feel your cock by my heart, and can feel your heart through your cock. Let us beat as one. Wear me like a sleeve for your flopping donkey dick. This is what I am for, shrouding your dick with my body.’ Peri squealed
She was really getting off voicing Tink’s muffled voice. She had a hand between her legs probing her folds, playing with the clitt as she got herself off.
‘You’re enjoying yourself too much.’ said Vidia
‘You were in a similar state of degradation.’ said Terance
‘and I can’t wait to be back.’ she moaned
The girls were now subtly playing with themselves. Hands up their dresses as they played with their cunts while watching Tink get throat fucked.
He felt his balls draw tight again and pulled her face tight against his crotch, pushing his cock as deep as it could go into his lover before depositing his load.
‘Ahhhh fuck yeah… Tinkerbell… you’re great.’ he groaned as he waited for his load to fill her stomach
When he was done, the pins and needles sensation leaving his wilted cock, he let go. She put her hands on his thighs and pushed herself off him. In one single shove, she stood on her knees and with a long slurp, the cock was removed from her face. It flopped out of her mouth as she gasped, taking in a much needed draw of air as her hair whipped behind her. There was an arch of cum and spit between them, connecting her lips and his cock in a short geyser of contents under pressure.
It fell to the side as she coughed and spat, holding her abdomen as she nursed a distended belly full of cum. Cum and spit still oozed from her pretty mouth as Perwinkle laid on her side watching with a smile.
‘You look so sexy leaking cum from a couple stretched holes and red with sexual exertion.’ said Periwinkle
‘Laugh now Peri, you’re next.’ said Terance as he sat up
‘Oh, right now?’ she asked in mock confusion while rolling onto her back
Terance got up onto his knees and walked over to her head, ogling the gigantic tits that sloshed around on her chest with every movement. They’d be the envy of all the women in the room if they also didn’t have their own massive set of knockers. Of all the bouncing boobs he had the luxury of fucking, her’s were the biggest.
He had a knee on either side of her head, his long trouser snake hard again and laying across her face. Periwinkle took in a deep breath through her nose of the cock now laced with Tink’s juices, the dick starting to reek of sex. She turned her head around, beating herself about the face with the cock as the front end of it bounced off her jiggling tits.
‘Oh, someone likes dick.’ he said as he drew back to create shoving distance
‘Almost as much as you like getting it wet.’ she giggled as watched the head go over her face
She bent her head backwards to face his cock as she straightened her body, digging her heels into the mattress. She was ready to be throat fucked into a blissful oblivion. She opened her mouth wide, cracking her jaw open while reaching with her tongue for the head, giving it a curtesy lick.
Terance smirked as he drove on. In a single thrust his cock ploughed past her lips and over the tongue, hitting her throat and then blowing past that too. Her neck bulged as the hot member filled her throat, bulging out her veins as her plump lips were drawn tight around the cock.
She moaned around the cock as he pushed on undaunted. She was at the perfect angle for his cock to slide all the way into her mouth and didn’t stop until his balls smacked her in the eyes. She gurgled and groaned around the dick that filled her up from the top, her whole body rigid with the cock imbed in her. All she could see was balls and even with the foot and a half of man meat in her throat, she could still smell the musk and sex swirling around her sinuses.
Terance reached over her and grabbed onto those tits. His fingers disappeared into the flesh as he jiggled and bounced them around, watching them dance for him as he fondled her. He bounced on his heels, working the pulsating rod in and out of her throat as she retched around him.
His balls bounced off her eyes and forehead as sweat collected in her hair and on the dress bunched up around her waist. Their bodies began to gleam with sweat in the light of the sun that shone through the wide open wall window. She began bucking her hips, apparently needing a different kind of stimulation. Her hands were too busy trying to contain her tits, the enormous melons bouncing from their motions and from his manipulation.
‘You know Peri,’ said Tink as she caught her breath ‘I think you’re the cock gobbling blow slut.’
She crawled over on hands and knees between her legs in that over sexual manner purely to please the viewers who were now openly masturbating. They all had their skirts hiked up past their spread thighs and were playing with their pussies and tits, moaning as they continued their colour commentary.
‘Work it Tink!’ called Zarina
‘Eat her out!’ said Spike
‘Be a darling,’ said Terance ‘and help your sister out. She seems to need something.’
Tink got between Periwinkle’s legs and wrapped her arms around her thighs, pulling her face into her crotch. She turned her face away at first, the stench of a hot pussy overwhelming at first. Her cunt was already leaking copiously through swollen lips. She stuck her tongue out and ran the muscle over her pussy, licking the nectar off her lips through the thin mat of silver pussy hair.
Terance continued bucking his hips, the megacock thundering through her throat and balls slapping her face as he played with the gigantits. He slapped them around, bounced them against each other, played with the wide pert nipples, all while watching the huge white masses jiggle relentlessly. He felt those balls drawing tight, the magic in the bed making achieving orgasms easier.
‘Feeding time.’ he said to Periwinkle
He moaned as he bottomed out, nearly collapsing onto Peri as he dumped another load. The sisters were now one in many ways. Tinkerbell had her hands on the thickest parts of her sister’s thighs while kissing her netherlips. Her plump membranes smooched her crotch while her tongue probed the deepest folds of her cunt, eagerly lapping up the sweet juices. Periwinkle groaned and hummed, continuing to please the pleasure numbed cock that occupied her whole throat and mouth.
Torrents of cum rushed through his dick pipe to fill her stomach, making it bulge slightly with all the frothy spunk and giving her a sperm belly just like her sister. Terance fell forward as his pulsating cock continued pumping, almost floating on the huge balloons of her boobs. Their sweaty chests connected with Terance balanced on the massive mammaries as his balls rested on her face and nose.
Terance recovered and could feel his cock growing malleable. This was the time to pull out before it got hard again. He moved back onto his knees, taking his time to burry his face in those giant tits and wobble it around. He pawed the breasts as well, getting his face and hands full with the abundant tit meat before separating.
He sat up onto his heels and backed up, pulling the cock from the face of Tink’s sister slowly. The long, thick veiny mass was removed inch by inch with that similar slurping sound as spit spilled from her stretched facial lips. 8 inches, a foot, 14 inches, and then with a top, the head slipped out and she could breath again.
She took in that long choking rasp as colour began returning to her face. She was choking on it for a while and didn’t seem to care. Spit and cum leaked from her lips all over her face in a gross, sexy mask of sex.
Terance lifted his slimy cock snake and sat back down in front her. He then dropped it with a splat onto her chest. His balls fell over her face again and the woman inhaled deeply, filing her lungs with the musky scent of his sweaty balls. The long dick tube landed with a splat on her tits and sunk under its weight into the crevice of her bust.
Her boobs swallowed it like a downed ship, the waves of reddened white flesh splitting and then closing around it. The head of the cock stuck out from the bottom of her boobs and laid along the top of her toned abs. Periwinkle’s hands went up to face and seized the large cum drained balls churning out more spunk and played with them in the swarthy sack. Pulling, twisting, bouncing them, lathering them with her tongue, kissing, and mushing them around on her face as he returned to hardness.
Tinkerbell reached up from between her legs to grab those heavenly tits. She mauled her sister’s boobs with her hands, the dainty things sinking into the titflesh as she bounced them around and began using the ginormous knockers as a sex toy for his hardened member. Once again, the red glowing pillar of cock flesh was hard again and Tink was using her sister’s tits to stroke it off.
The masses were so enormous and firm he could not feel her hands through them. Only the shifting masses of the large, firm tits around his cock as the boobs were used to scissor the prick. He just played with the shifting nipples as a set of hands reaching from around the thick thighs of periwinkle moved the masses around his thick prick and as Peri’s hands went above her head to play with the huge balls, licking, sucking on the balls or base of the cock or just rubbing them on her face.
‘Hate to go our separate ways Peri but I think your pussy beckons now.’ said Terance
Tink finally pulled her juice splattered face as Periwinkle released the cock from her hands and face. Terance walked on his knees over to where Tink laid. Periwinkle propped herself on her elbows and watched excitedly while spreading her legs wide in invitation. Terance kneeled at her entrance but pointed his cock at Tink first.
‘Give it a departing kiss.’
Tinkerbell smiled and kissed it on the tip ‘Goodby for now.’ she said as she licked the juices of Peri off her lips
He poised the tip at her entrance, well moistened by her own excitement and Tink’s talented tongue. He put his hands on her knees and looked over the giant mounds of her tits to her face that was eerily similar to Tink’s minus the white spikey hair. She was amped up though, a look of lust in those once innocent eyes and a wicked smirk.
Without a word, he thrust. Once more his cock was drained of life by the heated walls of a smooth cunt. The glistening shaft of his ivory cock pushed through the clamping walls of her love tunnel, both wet enough for the friction and tension to matter little. Pussy juice leaked from the stretched lips as his cock too the place of empty air and filled her like a balloon. She moaned ecstatically as he pushed on, arching her back to push her hips towards him and burry her head and shoulders into the bed.
‘AAAAaaaaahhhhh YES! Fuck me Terance! Fuck me!’ she begged
Her giant tits sloshed upwards and smothered her as her arms wrapped around to hug them, forcing them together into a magnificent cleavage as a hand darted down to her cunt to play with the distended clit. Terance slid halfway in before starting a retreat, pulling a third out before pouncing again. The women were getting used to such a ferocious fucking and mighty cock that he could pound them with his dick harder than before.
He grit his teeth as he hooked her legs, binding her to him by their limbs as his foot and a half of fuck meat stuffed her. She squirmed around him, legs trembling as she cooed and cried from under her tits. His balls slapped her ass and he knew he was deep in her. He began bouncing on his knees with his ass and thighs. He lost a lot of the reservation from his earlier days now that he knew these women could, in fact, take his megadong. Some even begged for it like Peri was doing now.
‘Fuck! Fuck! Give it to me Terry! Fuck your girl’s sister! Use me like you couldn’t use her! Make her green with envy and red with rage! Whisper in her ear how she can’t compare!’
‘Okay Peri, you’re going too far now.’ giggled Tink as she crawled over beside Periwinkle
‘Hey Tink, you’re sister’s pretty tight.’ said Terance ‘and she sucks a mean cock.’
‘Shut up Terry.’ said Tink as her hands joined Peri in containing her breasts
The rhythmic slapping of flesh in sex filled the air as the girls laughed and jeered around them. With his arms holding to in place by the thighs, he drove in deep and hard, sending ripples along her thighs and ass that sent her ginormous knockers bouncing around in the hands of the two sisters. The huge orbs bounced against each other even as Tink directed one to her face so she could suck her sister’s large nipple. The other hand reached around to fondle the twin boob.
Terance was pounding away at a faster pace, building his orgasm as he watched Tink slurp around the pink nipple of Periwinkle, those huge breasts slapping her face as her arms failed to detain the jiggling mass. He could feel his balls growing tight as they swung around between their legs slapping her ass.
Terance bottomed out, wanting to fill Peri as deeply as possible and delay his impending orgasm. The magic weaved into the bed was making him as hyper orgasmic as the morning nut ready to blast. He leaned over her and again returned his face to her breasts. The enormous boobs swallowed his head with some blond bangs sticking out the deep valley of her cleavage as he licked around and wiggled his face.
He loved the warmth and firmness of her soft breasts as Peri used her arms to pool her tits around him. If he suffocated then and there it would be a happy passing as he was balls deep in a twin as her sister pleased her and face deep in fat tits. He gave her a few long, drawn and hard thrusts, working his thick long fuck stick around in her before pulling his head out.
He shifted over and occupied her other nipple with his mouth. He pursed his lips and sucked, licking over the bud of the nipple as he suckled her teat. The lovers slurped at her tits as Peri moaned wordlessly, loving the attention her jugs were getting from her sister and her boyfriend.
‘You two are such a cute couple.’ she groaned as she let go of her tits to play with their hair
Blonde strands shifted through her fingers as they looked at each other with blue eyes, lips wrapped tight around the nipples of the huge jostling boobs. He stood back up on his knees and grabbed her by the waist, ready to blast off again.
He doubled his earlier pace, sliding her around the bed as her trembling legs wrapped around his waist. Periwinkle was hyperventilating as he rode her hard, the slurping sound of her stretched leaking cunt and the giant dong coursing through it joining the slapping sounds and creaking bed.
He was going to cum any moment now and watched as Periwinkle became flushed at the face, her eyes rolling up as her mouth fell open. Her groans turned into wordless expressions of sated lust as Tinkerbell brought her face up to her splitting image and kissed her mouth.
Terance came, continuing to pump as his cock grew numb and he emptied his balls. He could feel the load flowing through the pipe and filling her up, tagging her innermost love tunnel with his signature colour. Pressure built as the white kiss filled her up but he continued fucking her, gritting his teeth in grunts as it became too great to bare without struggle.
The sisters continued making out as he rode out his pleasure wave. Perwinkle was cumming too, her hot cunt getting hotter and spasming around his dick as they came together. Her legs fell to the side as she gyrated her hips, stirring her hot and bothered cooch with his fuck stick as she lost fine motor functions. Tink had her covered though, keeping her mouth occupied with hers and groping her breasts as the sweaty fairy began to relax.
Terance finally pulled out, his long wilted cock covered in their juices being pulled from her gaping lips like a deluge of ivory dick meat. Once it was free there was a pop and the flow of spunk and girl cum poured out into a puddle in the bed. Terance watched the women take care of each other, both sisters in life and of his cock.
‘You two are so adorable.’ he repeated as he watched them take care of each other
Both were sweaty, sex ravaged and had gaping cunts still leaking their fluids, their hair clinging to their heads with sweat and cum drops on their faces and chests.
‘My turn now!’ declared Fawn
He looked over in time to see the animal fairy jump onto the bed. She slid her dress down her body during the jump, freeing the massive melons as she landed on her knees, sliding it further down around her thick ass and legs as she crawled over. Terance had enough time to turn on his knees to face her before she pounced. Throwing the red and brown dress behind her, she jumped on the blond fairy with the growing hard on.
They tangled as she pushed him back on the bed, her long pony tail whipping around her head as she worked herself between his legs, the long cock running up her toned brown body as pushed her tits into his face.
‘Come on big boy, I know you like tits.’ she said
She pushed her chest down, the great tanned tits flowing around his face and snuffing out all light and oxygen.
‘They’re not as big as Peri’s, but certainly among the biggest.’ she laughed as she hooked his legs
She rocked her chest, slapping him in the face with her pendulous tits as she got above him, Terance speechless amidst the assault of boobs. She spread his legs, the huge spear of dick meat pointing straight up as she stood over him, her legs behind his back until he was laying mostly on his shoulders.
‘Oh deer, not this again.’ he said as she smiled wickedly down at him
‘Oh yes Terance, again and again.’ she squealed as she dropped herself
Terance groaned as his cock stabbed straight into her, the swollen lips of her leaking cunt spreading instantly and swallowing him. Her legs tensed up as she controlled her descent, the muscles of the long tanned limbs flexing as she rocked around his cock. She fucked herself with him, getting lower and lower with each rock as her huge tits bounced on her chest.
She held his legs up and apart by the ankles with her hands, sliding gradually down his well lubricated cock with all its spit and pussy juice. The long, thick veiny mass immersed in the heat of her tight sex. Her booty popped as she dropped further down, the cheeks slapping each other and jiggling for the amusement of viewers. Terance just sat back and took it, loosing his gaze in the bouncing melons of her bronzed chest as they slapped into each other and around trying to settle as she fucked him.
The girls watching were now openly masturbating, probing themselves and playing with their tits. Fingers diddled snatches under dresses and swelling clits as they moaned, becoming more focused on their own pleasure than rude suggestions. Half of them now had tits out of their dresses and Glimmer had taken hers off entirely.
Tinkerbell and Periwinkle were now lezzing out. Locked in each other’s embraces as they smooched, hands on tits to contain the volumous masses and each other’s hands sliding down to play with their still stretched and leaking cunts.
‘Ah fuck yeah, Terance! You’re so hung.’ said Fawn as her face became flushed
She bottomed out, his legs over hers as her pussy swallowed him whole. Her phat ass sat on his balls as the massive cock straightened her out. The bronze goddess shifted around, stirring her guts with his cock for a few moments to get used to his size and to heat her core with the energy only a hard cock could provide.
‘Yeah, fuck me Fawn! Ride that cock, make those titties dance for me.’ he urged through gritted teeth
It was somewhat demeaning as a position but he loved it, watching the bronzed fairy with her wide almond eyes and long brown pony tail bouncing about. His huge veiny mass filled her up and fluids leaked around the ivory pole turning red with blood blow through the muscles.
‘Oh I will Dust Boy. Just keep that thing hard for me.’ she shouted
Tinkerbell was now humping Periwinkle’s pearl white thigh as the sisters played with their breasts, wresting tongues in each other’s mouths that tasted of heated breath and his spunk. Apparently his cum was an aphrodisiac or maybe the bed just made everyone horny.
Fawn was breathing in short huffs, the effort of pumping herself on his long, thick fuck stick wearing her out as her body began to take on a redish hue, sweat buds building on her brow. The pace was pretty intense, the slapping sound of their clashing white and tanned bodies filling their air as they groaned through gritted teeth with intense eyes on each other.
‘Man this is hard, how do you do it?’ she asked as she paused to position herself a little better, the monolithic dong forcing the air from her lungs
‘Determination mainly, it’s tiring, you get sore, but oh is it worth it to plunge deeper than the ocean into a hot fairy.’ he said
‘You ready to cum yet?’ she asked as she resumed fucking him
She had his legs pushed high above him as she bent over for a more comfortable position, her massive tits hanging like giant fruits from an over ripe tree above him.
‘Almost, keep priming the pump.’ he said as he laid his head down
He welcomed the respite as he got to relax, as best he could in the position, as the enthusiastic fairy used him to get off. It was also kind of hot, the bronze fairy fucking him like this. He looked left to that Tink had mounted her sister. They were now scissoring each other, long, thick legs between them as the sisters ground their weeping cunts against each other’s. They both had their hands on each other’s tits, playing with the large orbs and holding them steady as they rocked against each other.
Terance looked right and saw the women watching and fucking themselves with abandon as they watched the orgy develop. Vidia had both hands between her legs finger banging her purple hair lined cooch as her big boobs sat on top of her arms, doubtlessly enjoying the sight of the blond sparrow man getting dominated. Silvermist and Iridessa were helping the themselves, one hand between the other’s legs as they played with their big boobs and explored each other’s nether lips.
He looked back at Fawn, watching her expression change between fierce determination to fuck him and her own pleasure wracked mask of bliss. He decided to use his arms for something and rose his hands to her breasts, sinking his dainty white hands into the large fleshy brown orbs of her enormous boobs. He covered the nipples entirely with his hands, sinking the digits into the soft skin until they disappeared. He groped and squeezed the boobs, lifting and dropping them so they jiggled even more as she bounced on him. They went everywhere, into each other, down into his hands, around the vacant space to their sides, everywhere.
He felt his balls drawing tight, the swarthy sack of sensitive sex orbs swinging up to pat her on the ass as if to say ‘good job’ on riding him strong. He slapped the boobs to send them crashing against themselves and then seized them by the sides, pressing them together into a deeply cracked cleavage.
As he feasted his eyes on the magnificent boobs, he came. Yet another torrent of cum was squeezed from his balls and rocketed up through his cock into the sauna like heat of her sex, filling her innermost core with his spunk.
‘Ahhhh yes, I feel it!’ she exclaimed as she began trembling all over
Soon she was cuming too, riding his numb cock harder than ever as her seizing legs shuck her around on his spasming cock. Her body contorted with pleasure, only the thick fuck staff stuck in her cunt and hands holding her lovely lady love pillows providing any kind of external support as she babbled like an idiot with rolling eyes and a lolling tongue. His cum filled her up, creating a slight bulge visible even under her toned abs. All the fat of her ass, thighs and tits were jiggling.
Fawn began to calm down as they rode out the waves of their orgasm together, the woman collapsing over her with his upward legs the only support. Her massive mammaries hung above him and collected on his chest, the faces close enough for heated breaths to mix as sweat dropped from her bangs onto him.
‘Well that was fun.’ he finally said
‘Glad you enjoyed yourself,’ she laughed ‘I liked it too.’
She stood up on shaky legs, her body trembling as she rose steadily, the long cock malleable for a moment as it came down from its orgasm. As she stood, the bulge in her belly receded until it was a tight ab wall again, with fluids leaking from her wide open cunt as the thick veiny rope of white cock meat was removed from her sex. Gravity won when enough of it was out that sheer friction couldn’t keep it in.
There was another pop and a torrent of frothy cream from her cunt as she stood straight up, the water fall of sex juices washing over his cock and making a puddle under them. She stood with her hands on her hips, tossing her hair and sending that long whip of hair around her body.
‘Like what you see?’ she asked looking down
He dropped his legs, laying spread eagle as he recovered from the session and felt his cock regaining its mass, rising from the cake of gunk on his crotch, thighs and the bed. His legs were on either side of the tough animal fairy and there was no doubt who was the submissive one here.
‘Very much so, I love looking at my handiwork.’ he said with a smirk
The lips of her cunt were quivering as they tried to regain their tightness, globules of spunk mixed by their love making still leaking out of the gaping light sucking void between them his mammoth dong had created.
‘Oh, you think you did this?’ she asked as she kicked his cock to the side playfully ‘No, I wanted it. and look what I did to your poor dick staff.’
‘Can’t we just call it a group effort?’ he asked
‘If that makes you feel better.’ she said ‘what do you two think?’
She turned to Tinkerbell and Periwinkle, who had swung around and now were laying in a 69. Tink had her blond head between the thick thighs of Periwinle, who was bucking her hips to hump her face as Peri tongued Tink’s nether lips with an inexplicable need, sinking her hands into her abundant butt flesh to pull her closer as she gasped between sucking, kissing and probing. Their massive breasts were a nice pillow for them, allowing their bodies to float on a cushion of firm breast meat as they ate each other out.
‘They’re pretty busy.’ Terance said
‘We should be too.’ said Fawn ‘So Terry, how do you want me? On all fours while you take my ass? Supine for a throat fuck? Or do you want to play with another fairy?’
Terance looked at all the busty, horny fairies and groaned ‘Decisions, decisions…’
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