Different Point of View | By : Daniella Category: +S through Z > SwatKats Views: 2687 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own SwatKats, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Chapter Eleven
I want to thank Ulyferal for being my beta-reader and giving me Feral’s female name. Also I will be adding a few characters of my own so if you want to borrow them you will have to ask first! Disclaimer: I don’t own the SWAT Kats they belong to Hanna-Barbera!
Feral pushed her bike to the stand.Once she reached it, she noticed the stand sold comics along with the newspaper.
"Excuse me, sir." She called to the owner whose back was turned.
"Yes, can I help you?” The old brown kat said gruffly.
“Yes sir, my bike has a flat, could I use a phone to get some help?” Feral asked politely.
“Oh sure! But I just happen to know a couple of good mechanics. Why don’t I give them a call for you?” He asked her with a smile.
She smiled back in relief, “Oh, thank you!”
He nodded and went to the phone to make the call. Feral pulled the bike closer to the shack but not blocking it’s service window and settled down to wait. Fifteen minutes later, a familiar tow truck came into view.‘Oh no, not them!’ She thought in a panic. She didn’t know if she could handle seeing Chance again. The truck came to a stop and both Chance and Jake stepped out only to be surprised to see who was waiting for them.
"Hi, Ursula." Jake called out cheerfully.
"Ursula," Chance said more hesitantly, uncertain of his welcome.
"Hey, Jake, Chance. Sorry you guys had to come out here, but my bike..." She said pointing at the flat tire.
Feral nervously tried to keep focused on why they were here in the first place. She couldn’t stop blushing whenever she glanced at Chance. She couldn’t understand why she was acting this way around him.
"Ah, it’s nothing. So this your bike?" Jake asked walking up to it, taking a look.
"No, it belongs to Professor Hackle."
Chance had moved closer to Feral but still kept a small distanceAfter their double date, Chance found himself thinking more and more about this dark she-kat and wondering who she really was and what her life had been like before she lost her memory. For all he knew she could be someone’s girlfriend or mate. The thought that she might belong to someone else made his chest tighten with jealousy which he had no right to but couldn’t stop the feeling. This she-kat had him tight and wanting. He’d never acted this way before and it disturbed him.
He shouldn’t be having these thoughts about her, it only made it harder to stay away. It wasn’t fair of him to keep pressing her when she didn’t know who she was but he couldn’t seem to stop himself. Feral was having her own problems trying to ignore Chance standing so close to her. She just didn’t know how to act around him after what happened at the dance. He made her nervous and giddy at the same time. Even now she had the urge to lean against him and it scared her. She wished Jake would hurry up.
"So, Ursula how you been?" Jake asked as he checked how bad the tire was, breaking the uncomfortable silence.
She jumped slightly at the sound of his voice and answered shyly, "Uh, great. Professor Hackle’s been really good to me.”
"Yeah, Hackle’s a good kat. So I’m guessing Hackle built this?” Jake said, admiring the workmanship of a fellow inventor.
"Yeah, to repay him for being so kind to me and providing me a place to stay, I said I would test it for him and tell him how it worked. I figured it was the least I could do.” Feral said.
"That’s dangerous, Ursula. What if it had been something worse than just a flat tire? You could have gotten hurt.” Chance said frowning worriedly, he had moved close enough for her to feel his hot breath on her neck.She startled at his closeness and felt her face burn in reaction. That same feeling from the club rushed through her. She hoped he hadn’t noticed her jumpiness.
She took deep calming breaths as she defended herself, “I’ve ridden it before without much trouble.” She said sharply then turned to Jake.
“Um...Jake? Can you fix it so I can get home?” She asked quickly.
"Sorry, Ursula but it looks like we have to take it back to the shop,” Jake said apologetically, looking up at her.
That’s when Jake noticed how close Chance was to Ursula , paying close attention to her every movement and how Ursula’s reaction to his friend was ambivalent. Some part of her wanted Chance close while another part wanted him to stay away. It left her looking confused and nervous. Jake didn’t know how to handle this.
"You sure?" Feral asked tensely, confirming Jake’s initial opinion that she was uncomfortable.
“Unfortunately, yeah. But don't worry it won't take long," Jake promised, sighing and wishing it wasn’t true.
Feral sighed as well as she watched uneasily as Chance hooked the bike up to be towed. Chance climbed into the truck and started it up while Jake opened the passenger side and gestured for her to get in. She shook her head and made him get in first. Jake shrugged and got in then helped her get in beside him. She closed the door and they were on their way.Jake started a light conversation between them with Chance adding a comment every now and then. Once they reached the Salvage Yard, they disembarked and Chance walked around and unhooked the bike.
"Hey, Jake, would you mind taking the bike in and starting to fix it? I want to talk to Ursula a minute.” Chance asked his friend while not taking his eyes off Feral.
“Sure, buddy," Jake said a little reluctantly, eyeing Ursula a moment then taking the bike into the shop.
Once Jake was out of sight, Chance turned to Feral. All his normal confidence disappeared as he stared at her, suddenly shy and uncertain. He couldn’t stop dreaming about what had happened at the club. It left him wanting more.
"Ursula, I...I’ve been wanting to ask you something," Chance said shyly.
"Yes?" Feral asked nervously, afraid of what it might be.
"Uhm...well, I wanted to ask if you would like to go out with me tomorrow?” He asked quickly before he could chicken out.
‘Oh God! What do I do now?’ She thought frantically her mouth gone dry and her throat closed. She didn’t know how to answer him. On the one hand she really wanted to be with him and on the other she knew this was very wrong. She shouldn’t be having anything to do with this ex-enforcer. She didn’t want to hurt him by refusing though. Her head was spinning with indecision.
“I...I don’t know, Chance. I really don’t know you very well,” She said lamely.
"That’s why a date is the perfect way to get to know each other," Chance coaxed.
Feral glanced away hoping to think of an answer for him when he chose that moment to take her paws in his. She’d never been touched this way before. Her body warmed at his touch and brought heat to her face.
Chance thought this was a good sign, ‘Oh she’s so cute when she blushes.’
"Yes, I suppose that’s true,” She said hesitantly, trying to buy time.
"So...is that a yes?” He pressed then not waiting for an answer he said, “Great, I know the perfect place! So, I'll pick you up at two in the afternoon and be sure to wear a swim suit," he said quickly.
“Huh? Oh...uh...sure...” She answered without thinking then realized what she’d done, “...oh wait...” she stuttered inanely but Chance was no longer listening.
"Thanks, you won't regret it, Ursula! We’ll have a great time," The tiger tom said happily.Bewildered by the speed with which things were going she was unprepared when Chance cupped her face in his paws and kissed her.
Her eyes widened in panic and she raised her paws to his chest to push him away. But the kiss stole her resistance and she melted into it and against him.He moaned in pleasure at her surrender and slid his arms down her body to her waist. Just like at the club the kiss deepened and they became lost in it. They swayed together then Chance swung her around and pressed her back against the tow truck door, his body leaning firmly on her.
Her mind was floating away as his tongue probed her mouth and her tongue played with his. Their lungs finally demanded air and they pulled away a little. Chance nuzzled her neck, nipping and licking her fur while one of his paws strayed down to the base of her tail and caressed it. She gasped and mewed at the intimate touch pressing her hips tighter against him. Pleased, he caught her mouth again to continue the kiss.
Jake came out of the garage wiping his hands and wondering what was keeping Chance and Ursula so long. His eyebrows raised as he witnessed the deeply passionate kiss his partner and the beautiful she-kat were indulging in. He hated to break it up, he was quite enjoying it, but...he sighed and cleared his throat loudly.
The couple startled and broke apart, panting for breath.Blushing, Chance tried to be nonchalant and asked, “Hey Jake...um...need help?”
"No, it’s finished." Jake smirked at his friend’s discomfort.
“Thanks, Jake. How much do I owe you?" Feral asked quickly, blushing and embarrassed.
"Oh, don't worry about that. You can pay us back some other time,” Jake said smiling.
“Okay, thanks. Um... I’d better get going before the Professor worries...excuse me." She said walking past Jake into the garage for her bike.
"Enjoy yourself...much?" Jake asked smugly.
“Oh yeah.” Chance said distractedly looking toward the garage then turned his head back to his friend and said, “I’ve got a date with Ursula tomorrow.” He said grinning.
“That’s great, Chance. Where are you taking her?” Jake said leaning against the truck with his paws in his pockets.
"Anakata Island Park" Chance answered.
Before Jake could respond, the roaring sound of a motorcycle prevented him and moments later, Feral drove out of the garage and stopped near them. She lifted the shield to her helmet and looked at them.
“Thanks again. I’ll see ya...” Feral said reaching up to pull the shield back down when Chance stopped her.
"Wait, Ursula don't forget about tomorrow at two." Chance reminded her.
“I won’t...uh...where are we going exactly?” She asked while she thought ‘How in the world do I get myself into these things?'
“Anakata Island Park,” Chance said smiling lustfully.
She blushed furiously as that smile which set off a fresh rush of heat through her body. She turned away quickly so he wouldn’t see. “Oh great, I’ll remember my swim suit...til tomorrow,” she said hurriedly and pulled down her shield.She revved the engine then tore away for home.Jake studied his buddy’s excited face as they made their way back into the garage.
“Chance, slow down...you’re moving too fast on Ursula. She may have agreed to the date but that doesn’t mean she’s comfortable with the idea. She still doesn’t have her memories back.” Jake warned him softly.
Chance’s face became more serious when he answered, "I know and I’ll try...it’s just...she affects me so much."
Jake nodded wisely, “I know buddy. Well let’s lock up, it’s getting late."
“Yeah, okay,” Chance murmured as he began shutting the doors for the night.
Meanwhile, as Feral raced down the streets, her mind went over the past hour. She’d allowed him to talk her into going on a date. Every time she was near him her brains turned to mush. This date was a very bad idea but how was she to get out of it.She couldn’t pretend the flu since James would give her away again. Chance would be hurt and confused. She found she couldn’t bear to do that to him. 'Damn, what is wrong with me?!' She cursed inwardly.
She’d never thought twice about doing things that didn’t make her popular but then she was never emotionally involved with someone before either. It felt strange but nice. She pushed the bike faster as if trying to escape her thoughts.Home at last, she parked the bike back in the lab and pulled off her helmet. She strode through the kitchen and passed on to her bedroom. She needed time to rest and think.
By morning, Feral was no closer to solving her problem of the unwanted date. Sighing heavily she went to seek out Professor Hackle’s advice. She found him in the kitchen getting a glass of milk.
“Good morning, Commander,” He said warmly.
“Hi, Professor, I need your help,” She said bluntly taking a seat at the table.
“Oh? What’s the problem?” He asked kindly as he joined her at the table.
She told him all about last night’s adventure including her romantic entanglement with Chance yet again. Then she told him about the date to Anakata scheduled for today. Hackle nodded his understanding.He drank his milk to try and give himself time to think. He sighed inwardly. Under normal circumstances this would be considered a budding romance that was intensely desired by both parties. But unfortunately, these were not ordinary circumstances.
How could he help Feral overcome her normal instincts as a female for this male. Hormones were the strongest influence in a kat’s life and trying to ignore them would only cause both parties a great deal of pain. No matter what advice he gave her, she would still suffer.
“So what do I do? If I screw up or hint who I really am, Furlong will be extremely angry and hurt and I find I don’t want to do that to him.” She said in anguish.
“I’m sorry my dear, but I really can’t see a way out of your dilemna that won’t hurt Chance,” he said unhappily.
“Your only option is to tell him you don’t feel it’s right to be seeing him when you’re not supposed to know who you are.”
“I thought of that, but I just can’t do it. Unfortunately, every time I’m near him I can’t seem to say no. I’m worried that if I go, things will go further than they did at the club and the garage. I don’t trust myself with these new feelings,” she said in frustration.
“Hmm, that is a problem,” he commiserated with her. “But Commander, I think you underestimate your very strong will. Despite what your hormones want, you know what you’re willing to do and what you’re not. Listen to it. That is the best advice I can give you. Good luck.” Hackle said softly leaving her to stew alone.
Feral sighed as she continued to sit there. Edgy and tense, she jumped up and went to exercise to help pass the time and hopefully clear her head but by lunch time she was no closer to a solution. She went back to her room and decided to take a short nap. Less than an hour before Chance was due, she woke, still with no other choices, and got ready.
After a quick shower, she chose a short white blouse and cutoff blue jeans to wear over her bikini that Callie had bought her.As she was leaving her room there came a knock at the front door. Hackle went to answer it as she stood frozen, her stomach tightening with nerves. The door opened to the sight of Chance standing there.
He gave the Professor a sheepish smile.“Hi, Professor. Is Ursula ready?” He asked.
She could see he was wearing a blue button down shirt and white pants. He looked handsome and she suddenly felt horribly underdressed.
Before the Professor could answer, she stepped forward quickly, “Hi, Chance. Sorry, it looks like I’m not dressed appropriately.” She blushed in embarrassment.
Chance swallowed hard and felt his face heat up. ‘God! She was gorgeous!’ “Oh no, you look perfect,” He said quickly.
“Thanks, Chance” She breathed in relief stepping past him to the outside.
“You’re welcome, let’s be off.” He murmured smiling at her warmly, pleased to see her blushing at him. He placed an arm across her shoulders as he guided her to the car he was using for today’s trip. Feral felt a shiver rush through her at his touch. ‘Kat’s Alive!’ She thought desperately. ‘I really wish I could say to hell with it and let things happen as they will. This hurts trying to hold back.’
The Professor watched them go and whispered a prayer for the Commander as he closed the door. The drive to Anakata Island Park ferry was about forty-five minutes. Chance was a good talker and he had her laughing at some of the things he said.
He even told her a little about himself including his time in the Enforcers and afterward at the garage.She felt a bit guilty as she listened to his passion for being in the enforcers and his crushing disappointment at being put out. She tried not to think about it and fortunately, they arrived at the ferry before she could become too depressed. They parked the car and walked paw in paw across the dock and onto the ferry. It was a quick fifteen minute trip across the water. It was a beautiful day and they watched the sea birds as they came closer to the island dock.
When they arrived, Chance took her to see the many sights. It was quite a fun place to be. Chance showed her around since he’d been there before. They went to the little shops, he got her a drink, then they went to play the many games. He tried to win a stuffed bear for her only to have her win it herself. They were having a great time. Feral had never really taken the time to enjoy life and just have fun. This was a new experience for her.
Tired of the boardwalk, they walked down to the beach. They walked along the waters edge for a bit until there were fewer kats around. Chance halted suddenly causing Feral to stop and look at him in surprise. He had a rather serious expression on his face.
Concerned, she asked softly, “Chance?”
“Ursula, I’m sorry if I seem to be rushing things with us. I...well...it’s just that I’m experiencing much more intense feelings for you than I’ve ever had with anyone I’ve been with before. I find that I want to find out what these feelings mean...I want to better understand what is going on between us.” He said seriously.
‘No, I can’t let him!’ She thought desperately, but what could she say, “Chance, I can’t let things get serious between us! Please, before you say anything else, you need to know that I…” Feral stopped she wasn’t sure what to say not without revealing who she truly was.
Chance could see the conflicting emotions in Feral’s golden eyes. He didn’t like that look so decided to do something about it. He pulled her close and brought his mouth down on hers hard. She groaned in surprise, unsure what to do next. He thrust his tongue against her lips demanding entry. She remembered this from before and opened her mouth to him. Their tongues dueled sending spiraling heat through them both. She groaned again helplessly as she pressed her body against his.He rumbled in his chest in pleasure at her surrender.
Purring he caressed her back reaching her tail again and scratching lightly with his claws her sensitive spot. She mewed frantically, digging her claws into his back in response. He growled and lifted her off her feet and laid her down on the sand. He settled between her legs, continuing to kiss her hotly. Feral could feel Chance’s growing arousal against her leg and the space between her thighs was getting hotter and wetter. Mewing her pleasure, she licked and nipped his face, writhing her body beneath him...encouraging him.
Chance’s breath hitched at her growing arousal that filled his nose. He pushed her shirt up then reached around her body to untie the string to her bikini top releasing her breasts to his perusal. Taking one of the nipples into his mouth he sucked gently.She choked and nearly screamed at the incredible sensations he was generating within her. He unbuttoned her jeans and pushed them and her bikini bottom down enough to get his fingers to her soft folds.
He caressed her wet clitoris gently, tormenting her. She cried out. He continued to stroke her in a slow steady circle bringing her closer to climax.Whatever, Chance was doing it was getting stronger and stronger. She could feel it building higher and higher until it burst over her in a skin tingling, toe curling rush. She bucked hard under him and screamed. Too excited by her scent and her throbbing orgasm against his fingers caused him to follow her. ‘Crud! That hasn’t happened to me since I had my first wet dream!’ He thought blearily. He’d never come so hard or in his clothes like this before.
He stared down at her as they both panted to catch their breath.“Ursula, you okay babe!” He asked gently, caressing her face.
“Y-yes.” She whispered in shocked amazement.That had felt incredible and she still wasn’t certain what had happened.
“Good.” Chance murmured, pleased as he proceeded to begin all over again.
He licked her chin and began to bestow burning kisses to her collar bone and her breasts. Panic began to finally sink in as she suddenly realized this could lead to something even more intimate and this she couldn’t allow.
“No...Chance...stop!” Feral said pushing the tom off her.
He blinked in surprise laying on his back and watching her hurriedly put her clothes back in order. Hurt and concerned, he objected, “Ursula what’s wrong? Did I do something to hurt you?”
“N-no, you didn’t hurt me. It felt wonderful but we should stop now. I’m not ready for anything more. I’ve tried to make you understand that. I don’t want us to do anything we will be sorry for later.” She said firmly, climbing to her feet, turning away from him and walking back up the beach.
Chance’s eyes widened in shock as he watched her walk away. He scrambled to his feet and brushed the sand off as he hurried to catch up to her. He cursed himself for rushing things yet again. She hoped she didn’t notice the stain on his pants as he finally caught up to her.He wasn’t happy to see her look everywhere but at him the whole time they walked back to the boardwalk.
By mutual consent, they made for the ferry for the return trip back. The ride on the ferry was quiet and uncomfortable. Though he stood close, he was careful not to touch her. She stared hard at the water passing by. The ride back to Hackle’s place was also done in silence. Chance would sneak glances at her as he drove. Finally, as he halted outside Hackle’s gate, he turned to her and took her paw.
“Ursula, I’m sorry for what happened this afternoon. I shouldn’t have rushed you like that. I can’t seem to help myself around you. My desire for you is more than I ever imagined. I hope you feel the same way.” He pleaded softly.
‘Oh God, this hurst soo much!’ She thought feeling tears threaten as she turned away from him and said, “Chance, I’m sorry...I ...I think we shouldn’t see each other anymore. Whatever is happening between us has to stop. When my memory returns there may be things that won’t allow this to go on. Stopping now will prevent a much greater hurt latter. Please understand that,” she said in anguish pulling her paw away.
She climbed out of the car hurriedly and walked around it to touch the control pad to open the gate. Once it did she rushed through it but Chance’s voice stopped her. She halted but didn’t turn around.
“Ursula, I’m not the type to give up so easy.” Chance said desperately.
‘You would if you knew who I really am.’ She thought, tears falling now down her face.
“Please, Chance just stop it before we end up hurting each other,” she begged then ran for the front door.The security gate silently closed behind her as Chance yelled.“Ursula, wait!” But she was gone, ignoring his final call.
Chance banged his fist against the steering wheel. He didn’t understand her. She cared for him he could feel it yet still she shoved him away. The only thing that did make sense was her fear that she was hurting someone else because of her memory loss. He wished there was some way to find out who she really was. It could solve everything and stop this hurt he felt. Chance sighed as he turned the car around and began the trip back to the garage alone with his self anger and confusion. It was going to be a long night of thinking.
She didn’t stop running until she reached her room and shut the door. She threw herself onto her bed and cried tears of frustration and anguish. She was falling for the tabby hard and she knew she was sending the poor tom mixed signals. She had truly enjoyed being in his company and in his arms. Her body craved his with a hunger she barely understood. He would hate her when or if he ever learned who she truly was. ‘Damn, what have I got myself into?’ She cursed angrily.
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