Taco Sisters | By : sexdottxt Category: +S through Z > Star vs. The Forces of Evil Views: 55 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Star VS the Forces of Evil or any of the characters therein. This story is a work of fiction. |
After seeing that Marco was still wearing that cape from King River, Jackie was definitely convinced. Marco had Mewni Fever. She sighed. “So I figure, now's the time to give you an out.”
Normally Marco would have begged and made excuses. But this time was different. He sighed. “Okay, so maybe I have a problem. But have you seen Mewni? Have you been there? They have castles! They have kingdoms! There's real magic! And those lobsters we just freed? There's lobster people there! It's incredible! You have to see it!”
“Wait, you're inviting me there?”
“Yes!” he said, taking her hands and raising her to stand up. “I know it sounds like a bit much! But you have to see it! Then you'll understand!”
She shrugged her shoulders. “Well, just for a little bit I guess.”
“Oh boy!”
Taking out his scissors, he opened a dimensional doorway. Bowing low, he held his hand out for the rift. Jackie laughed, with that cape on, he really did look like a knight.
As soon as she popped in there, Marco joined her. With it being dusk back on Earth, it was near nighttime here on Mewni too. Jackie whistled looking all around her. “Wow, you weren't joking, this place really does have a castle huh?”
“Sure does! Real king and queen too! And a princess!”
“Yeah I know Marco. I know Star too. So come on, give me a tour of Mewni!”
He sighed. “It's pronounced Mew-ni.”
“Marco, you're making me want to leave.”
“Well I'm sorry. But this cape here makes me a knight!”
“What does that mean for me?”
“It means you can do whatever you want. I'm gonna climb up Star's wall to surprise her. I figure you can explore the place in the meantime.”
She hiked up the skirt of her dress and dropped out her skateboard. “That's cool. I figure I can pull some mean tricks here.”
Things proceeded much the same after that. As usual, Marco climbed up her wall and into her window. Only this time the princess was singing about something other than burritos.
“Ooohhhh my sweet tacos. Tacos. Ta-tacos. T~acos!”
“Hey Star!” said Marco.
“Marco, what did I tell you about...” She blinked and then said, “Marco!”
“Hi,” he said, waving to her. He almost had to blush though, he came here still wearing all of his clothes while Star herself was only wearing a transparent blue nightgown that barely stopped at her crotch. The only thing keeping him from seeing her naughty bits was a little bra and panties she was wearing.
“Oh my goodness! It's so good to see you! Um, what are you doing here?”
“Well, I uh, it's kind of a funny story. It's about Jackie and...”
The door opened suddenly. It was Tom wearing only a pair of boxer shorts, pitching a major tent down there and with a burrito in hand. He was singing, “I'm gonna be giving my lady, some of my burrito, burrito, burritoooooo...”
He looked up and saw Marco and Star. “Star...what are you doing with him?” He was barely holding in his anger. “Are you eating HIS BURRITO INSTEAD!” he said, letting it loose as his three eyes blared bloodred.
“Oh hey Tom, how's it going...” started Marco. That was before Tom was suddenly knocked out cold from behind, hitting the floor. Star gasped when Jackie popped up on her skateboard. “Wow, sorry hot guy who showed up that one time to our school! Are you okay?”
He didn't respond. Star jumped up in joy. “Jackie! You're here too!”
“Yeah, Marco couldn't get over this place so he figured he'd show me around.” She nodded. “Pretty spiffy place you got going on Star.”
“Aww, it's been so long! Hugs!” she said, running on over to her.
Jackie was so surprised. She knew Star could be affectionate, but as soon as it happened, she was almost knocked over from the strength of it. Not to mention she felt a weird warm feeling spread all over her as soon as she did. She'd hang out plenty with the Mewni princess before, but it was the first time she had hugged her like that. Let alone when she was practically naked.
“Star, you're stepping on me...” whined Tom.
“Oh, sorry Tom!” She moved back. “But it's so nice to have all my friends from Earth back here with me!” she said, holding onto Marco and Jackie.
At that point the Mewni guards rushed in, tackling Marco to the ground. Events played out like they did, both of the Earth peoples were brought before the two monarchs of Mewni. Except in this case, Moon was wearing nothing but a sheer robe much like her daughter, and with her rocking hooters and fine hourglass figure, her little lingerie was barely enough to keep it all in. King River was shirtless, but Marco had seen the king shirtless before after he partied around with them back on Earth. Like before, Marco made an ass out of himself trying to say that his cape made him into a knight.
In all that, he had failed to notice his current girlfriend staring at Moon. That little hug from Star was an appetizer, she couldn't look away from Moon's big hooters. That fine figure too, she barely paid attention to a word of what was being said. So much so that she barely caught herself staring at Moon's hanging jugs. As soon as the audience was adjourned, she wasn't looking away from Moon's big sexy ass either. She barely noticed it when Marco said, “Jackie!”
She jumped up and said, “Um, what? I mean, hey Marco! I mean...”
“So I'm not a knight yet, but I'm off to be a squire! I'll catch up with you later.”
Then Marco was off to the Knight of the Wash. Jackie sighed. “What do I do now?” she wondered aloud.
“Hey, we can hang out together!” Star said, pouncing on her from behind. “Just you and me! Taco sisters!”
“But Star, what about ME?” Tom said, still barely able to hold it in.
“Change of plans Tom! I gotta reunite with my old friends! But hey, you can go help Marco be a squire!”
“Help Marco, huh?” That Earth turd ruined his chances of scoring with Star tonight after all. “You know what, I think I can do that,” he said, smiling like the true devil he was. Then he too was off.
“Come on Jackie, let's go have a SLUMBER PARTY!” Star said.
As soon as they were back in her room, Star said, “So um, I know it's good to see you again and all Jackie, but I hope you're not too mad about me liking Marco or anything?”
“Oh that,” Jackie said, and then she blushed like crazy. “No, it's all good.”
It had been a shocker when Star confessed her feelings. But everything that just happened since she got here was so fast that she had forgotten all about it. Not to mention, she had more pressing matters on her mind now.
“Yeah, it's all good,” looking at Star's nubile form again. She had come here with Marco, but now she was thinking of something else.
“Okay, okay!” Star said, still totally oblivious. “So how about we play that game Truth or Dare? That was always such a fun Earth game!”
“Yeah I can do that,” Jackie said, nervous and excited at the same time.
“Who do you like?” she said, hoping to break the ice.
“So I don't want to bring Marco up again, but...seeing him again, I still like him so much!”
Not the answer she wanted to hear. “Wouldn't want Tom to hear that one,” she slyly remarked.
“Good thing he's with Marco! They act like they hate each other but deep down, I know they're friends!” She didn't like hearing about Tom. She totally had plans to do it with him tonight, but now with Marco back, things had changed. She was getting hot and bothered thinking about it, and she wished she had kept both of her boys around.
She wouldn't let that show. “Okay, now's my turn! Dare!”
Exactly what she needed. Staring into her eyes, Jackie said, “Kiss me.”
“Bit of a weird dare, but sure why not?”
“On the lips.”
“Whoa, that's...kind of sudden Jackie. Didn't know you were one of those Earth girls!”
“And I'm bringing it to Mewni,” she said, sitting up as proudly as possible.
“And you're bringing it to Mewni!” she said, rubbing her head of hair nervously. “Alright, I'll do it!”
Closing her eyes, she leaned forward. Jackie did likewise, and their lips met. Star would have moved back at just that instant, but Jackie slowly brushed her lips right back with no small amount of sensuality. Star was surprised by it, and those lustful feelings she had tried to ignore since sending Tom away were now coming back on overdrive. She didn't break away.
Jackie was giddy with excitement. She couldn't believe this was actually happening, not to mention how good it was feeling. All those weird feelings that had surged up since seeing Star in such racy underwear and then getting a good look at her mom were returning with a vengeance. She had little stirrings for other girls but never paid too much attention to them.
But she wouldn't ignore them now. When Star didn't back away, she took that as an invitation to keep on doing it. For several minutes, she kissed Star, always brushing her lips up with hers.
When she backed away, Star's eyes were still closed. She was still sitting there in the same position, still leaning forward. But she wasn't moving an inch.
“Um, Star?”
Star suddenly opened her eyes. She saw Jackie in a whole new light. Her face lit up as it usually did and she said, “Wow Jackie, that was amazing! How did you do that?”
“Oh it's nothin'. Just needed to get something off my chest. Now it's my turn. Dare.”
Closing her eyes and trying to be composed, Star had a totally straight face, it was the kind of face she had on whenever she was squaring off with Ludo, not being a ditzy princess. Then she stuck her tongue out and said, “Suck on my tongue.”
This time Jackie blushed. After that lip lock with Star, she was both taken off guard and very excited. Star herself didn't sound very dignified either, she said that dare with her tongue out so it sounded more like, “Suh on mah tah.”
But Jackie didn't mind either. Leaning forward, she took Star's tongue into her lips and moved her head back and forth. She and Marco had gotten to third base at that point, so getting this frisky wasn't unusual for her. It was still the first time she had done it with a girl.
That was all Star needed. All those suppressed horny feelings were being awakened and were on overdrive. She closed her eyes, sitting there patiently while Jackie sucked on her tongue. The way she was doing it, for Star it was like Jackie was sucking on the whole muscle of her tongue that went all the down to her throat. It wasn't long before a low droning sound escaped her mouth the whole time.
When Jackie stopped again, both girls locked eyes again. No words were needed to know the meaning behind that look. Sitting back, Star just said, “Now it's my turn Jackie. Dare.” No hint of her usual exuberance, she almost sounded like a seductress.
Jackie liked that. And she intended to clinch the deal. Leaning forward and licking her lips right at Star, their taste still fresh in each other's mouths, she said, “Fuck me.”
The moment was so sudden that reflecting on it down the road, neither girl could still tell who jumped on each other first. What was known was that they were both down on the floor, rolling around and making out with each other hardcore. Jackie's hands were all up Star's transparent nightgown, feeling up her naked back underneath and fiddling with the clasps of her bra, while the princess herself had greedily reached up the long skirt of Jackie's dress and were squeezing and feeling all over her thick thighs and ample bum. They were both going crazy.
And they both started getting the other undressed around the same time. Jackie under Star, just as she undid Star's bra, Star yanked down Jackie's panties. They were both really horny at around the same time, but Jackie's panties slipping down made her gasp. Star looked at Jackie who was looking up and away from her, moaning silently. She just kissed her neck while brushing her hands up on the other girl's naked pubic mound.
Closing her eyes, Jackie bit her lip in excitement. She looked down at Star who was busy rubbing her lips on that neck, teasing her vulva with her fingers, she wanted them inside of her so bad. She was going to say something but upon locking eyes again, they both stuck their tongues out and pressed them all over each other. Jackie resumed getting Star's top off while the princess' fingers gingerly poked around her sweet spot. Marco's lovely girlfriend had started this thing off with so much dedication, but the way Star was caressing her vagina, she found it hard to concentrate. Her hands were clumsily working at that top but that was the last of her concerns.
Star wasn't trying to drive Jackie crazy. But feeling her lose it, it only made her pry open those vaginal tips and tease the inner flesh with her fingertips. At that point Jackie did abandon all restraint and tossed Star back. Her frenzy got her dress off far faster than normal, but for her it was far too long. As soon as it was off, she looked at Star like fresh meat.
Not like she was afraid. She had seen her friend's big legs before, had seen the outline of her bosom in that dress, and now totally naked save her panties down to her knees, she was itching to play along. “Oooh Jackie! You're so hot! How about we...”
She didn't get to finish that sentence, not when Jackie jumped on her. Tearing that nightgown off, Jackie was eating all over Star's much more slender form. The princess' small breasts were no match for that hungry ravenous mouth, slurping all over them.
She regained her sanity at just the last minute. But she had no intention of stopping either. With Star underneath her, she bared her teeth and used them on those royal nipples. She was nibbling on them and she wasn't grazing them either, instead it was like she was chattering on her nipples. Star had been focused on trying to get her panties off but now she was the one totally powerless.
Jackie would make her dreams come true. As Star was lying there, quivering sweetly, Jackie finished the job for her and pulled her panties down. Her naked sex exposed, Jackie slipped a thumb inside of her.
“Ooooh!” Star moaned, her eyes wide. Going further, Jackie kept on moving that thick digit back and forth while still chattering her teeth down on her nipples. Looking down at Jackie she said, “Bite it!”
Jackie did just that and the princess squealed, her whole body jerking up and down. Incensed to take things further, Jackie slipped more of her fingers inside of Star, feeling her tight wetness. Naturally Star could barely hold herself together and soon she was only bumping her hips up while she grabbed the other nipple, pinching it as hard as possible. The whole time, Star was getting more and more vocal. Even as lusty as Jackie had become, she had surprised, and soon the princess just stopped. Then she settled down, breathing hard.
Actually surprised by how active that reaction was, Jackie said, “Star, did you just cum?”
“Uh-huh...” she said breathily, a big smile on her face.
“Then how about you finish me off,” Jackie said. Getting her panties firmly down her legs, she climbed right on top of Star's face.
The princess' face was alight with joy the whole time. “Gonna be getting me some taco. Taco, taco, taco!” she sang happily to herself. That wet pussy was getting closer and closer, she smelled so good, and then it was right on her face. Sticking her tongue out, she went to work.
As Star was getting herself a taste of that fishy treat, Jackie's chest was feeling hot. She grabbed her breasts, clutching at them, poking at her nipples. Marco had fondled her breasts before, but even as she was playing with her tits now instead of someone else, it felt so much better now. Star's cunnilingus was a bit wild and crazy, and even then this bit of masturbation was so much more satisfying than anything Marco had ever done to her.
That thought drove her to climax on the spot. Jackie almost fell forward right on her face if she hadn't caught herself at the last minute, her hands slamming on the floor, and even then her arms were wobbly. Looking up, Star's beaming expression was a stark contrast to Jackie's, the other girl was panting heavily.
It was enough to actually make her concerned. “You uh...you gonna be okay there, Jackie?”
Jackie didn't respond. Couldn't respond, that was easily the most intense orgasm she had ever felt. Feeling naughty, Star took the clit into her mouth.
Already weak, Jackie's arms ready were to break, and she moaned like she was in pain. Not like Star cared, she just kept on munching on her new girlfriend's tasty clit. When Janna was feeling especially crazy, she would tell Star about all the things she wanted to do to Marco, but to her surprise, said she liked to fantasize about Jackie too. Janna told her she wanted to break them up so she could have a chance at either of them. Even eating out a wet pussy on top of her face, Star had to gloat to herself thinking that Janna only wished she could be part of this.
And Star was something of the same opinion. She didn't want to break up Marco and Jackie but even with Tom now, she still had her eyes on the Earth turd. This was her little way of getting back at both of them.
Not to mention she was enjoying it way more than she thought. All those pent up feelings of getting boned by Tom were gussied up as soon as Marco had arrived here again to break her heart, but fooling around with Jackie they were both being satisfied and transformed into something else entirely. That regret of not getting her chance so long ago was going right out the window and now so horny and open-minded, all she cared about was this girl.
Eventually Jackie did fall over forward on top of her. In that position, her torso was lying on the floor area near Star's head. Star's vision was covered in darkness, all she could feel was Jackie's stomach breathing in hard on top of her head, that wet pussy, her face was so hot from it all. Despite getting into it so good just then, she was a little stunned on what to do next.
“Um Jackie?” she finally said, her voice muffled.
But she heard her loud and clear. Instead of answering, she just got off her. Jackie sat upright on the floor, still hot and shaking. Star got up to get a closer look at her new friend, Jackie's eyes didn't look so listless anymore, her eyes looked like they were twinkling in love. Feeling all that orgasmic fluid on her face in the open air, Star decided to share.
The two of them were slobbering with each other for several minutes. The heat of their tongues and mouths was just too perfect, and the more they tasted each other in that lewd mix of spit and pussy juice, they were both forgetting about boys. They knew exactly what they wanted.
Especially Star. Aching to get fucked up as good as Jackie did, she grabbed her shoulders and pushed her down. They were around the same height, but she was far leaner than the other girl. That didn't keep her from lording herself over her. No question who was in charge.
Both of them naked, their bodies were joined. Their open mouths were licking and melting as one, their naked chests were mashing up together, and their wet cunts rubbing up were driving each other to ecstasy. No way were they thinking about stupid boys anymore.
Jackie wrapped her body around Star's in pure submission and need. That only drove them to give it to each other harder. Neither of them knew if what they were feeling was one long unending climax or something like it, but they didn't care. This was all they needed.
When they were done, Star rolled on her back next to Jackie. Both girls were panting hard, lost in mutual ecstasy. Star woke up first and giggled. “Hey Jackie, what do you think they're doing? Tom and Marco?”
Jackie just sighed. “I'm sure they're fine.”
In Mewni's laundry room, things were fine alright. Tom's jizz covered boxer shorts had come alive in the washing machine. The devilish scion had come here looking to prank Marco, but instead now he was at the mercy of cum stained lint attacking him. It was only thanks to Marco karate kicking it where the sun didn't shine that Tom wasn't outdone by a cum monster.
If you enjoyed this story and want to know more about the fics I have yet to make public, check out the Hentai-Foundry link in my bio for more info! And if you like what you see, contact me on Twitter or DeviantArt!
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