After the Cold Slither Concert | By : NightCrepper Category: +G through L > G.I. Joe Views: 7594 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own G.I. Joe. I do not own any of the characters of G.I. Joe. I make no money from this work. |
Notes from the author: This is more like a What If story. Originally, I intended this to be a longer story, but I never got around to making it longer. So I’m just posting it as is. Hopefully, some people will like it.
Feel free to e-mail me at <> with comments, criticisms, ideas, etc. Thanks and happy reading.
G.I. Joe: After the Cold Slither Concert
By Night Creeper
Cobra Commander couldn’t believe it. He had thousands of hostages, yet three women were able to enter the stadium and the control room. The man instantly recognized the women as Scarlett, Lady Jaye, and Cover Girl from the G.I. Joe team. Scarlett was holding Ripper’s weapon, Lady Jaye was holding a laser rifle, and Cover Girl was holding Buzzer’s chainsaw. All three women were dressed like groupies, but they had the drop on the Baroness, Destro, and Cobra Commander.
“Your subliminal sound effects didn’t work on them, Destro,” the Baroness spoke.
“What did she say?” Scarlett asked.
“I don’t know. Wait till I remove these earplugs,” Lady Jaye replied as she removed her earplugs.
“Earplugs! So you knew about my subliminal messages!” Destro growled as Cover Girl removed hers.
“No. We knew your taste in music,” Scarlett replied as she removed hers.
“The game’s not over yet,” Cobra Commander hissed as he pressed a button on the console before him. Within seconds, the room was filled with a piercing ultrasonic sound that paralyzed the three Joe women. He saw the weapons drop to the ground as the women clutched their ears. The evil man then quickly pressed another button. Within seconds, six Battle Android Troopers poured out of a closet and pulled the women’s arms away from their ears and behind their backs. The women cried out in pain, but were unable to resist. When the women were secured, Cobra Commander turned off the piercing sound.
“You’ll never get away with Cobra Commander,” Scarlett snarled as she and the others struggled against the iron grasp of their captors.
“You really think that Duke will attack this stadium?” Cobra Commander laughed.
“Your H.I.S.S. tanks should have be scrap-metal by now,” Lady Jaye spoke.
“Quite the contrary. We intercepted your transmission to Duke. We took the liberty of contacting General Franks, General Howe, and Colonel Sharpe. It appears that we have some children of various foreign dignitaries. Your government, not wanting to have an international crisis on their hands scrubbed the Sky Striker attack,” Destro laughed.
“Chrome-Dome is lying!” Cover Girl snarled.
“Hardly. You haven’t heard any explosions have you?” Destro inquired as he saw all three women end their struggles as they strained their ears in hopes of hearing an explosion or two.
Cobra Commander smiled to behind his mask as he saw the distress in each women’s eyes. The evil man stood from his chair and walked toward Scarlett, carrying a set of bluetooth earphones with a wire connected to the console. “This will help you turn that frown upside down,” Cobra Commander laughed as he jammed the earphones deep into the woman’s ears. Scarlett tried to struggle, but it was too late as Cobra Commander’s hands had covered her ears. With the earphones in place, Cobra Commander took a few steps back and laughed in triumphant.
“We're cold slither. You'll be joining us soon. A band of vipers playing our tune,” the song blared through the earphones and into Scarlett’s brain and subconscious. The redhead continued to struggle hoping to knock the earphones off, but she was having zero success. “Don't tell us what's right. Don't tell us what's wrong. Too late to resist, Cause Cobra is strong!” the lyrics continued to blare into her mind while the woman screamed in agony.
“Fight it, Scarlett! Fight it!” Cover Girl and Lady Jaye exclaimed.
Scarlett couldn’t hear her teammates as her eyes slammed shut. Sweat dripped from her forehead as she continued to struggle. But slowly, the fiery redhead was struggling less and less. “When the venom stings. A new order brings our control,” the lyrics continued as Scarlett began to mouth the lyrics while she slowly shook her head.
Cobra Commander continued to chuckle as he took the two straps of Scarlett’s dress and moved them past her shoulders. The BAT on the right released Scarlett’s arm, allowing Cobra Commander to move the strap off her arm. The BAT then seized the arm again as the other one released the other arm, allowing Cobra Commander to repeat the process. During the whole time, Scarlett’s arms did not move until Cobra Commander moved them. With both straps off, Cobra Commander pulled Scarlett’s black dress down to her waist, exposing her perfect breasts. The man cupped them with his gloved hands as they woman failed to resist. Instead, she opened her glassy eyes. “Almost there,” Cobra Commander laughed gleefully as his helmet found the frequency for the earphones.
A few second passed, Scarlett began to actively sing the song in a monotone voice. “With an iron fist and a reptile hiss, we shall rule,” she sang a Cobra Commander removed the earphone from the left ear and signaled the BATS to free her arms, which they did.
“On your knees, Scarlett. Now, undo my pants and pull out my dick. Don’t bite or scratch. Instead, learn to worship it,” Cobra Commander ordered as he removed his gloves while Scarlett complied with his orders. Within seconds, Scarlett had Cobra Commander’s dick just inches from her face. Without saying another word, he rammed his dick past her lips and began to maul her tits with his hands. Scarlett felt the man’s member go deeper and deeper. Although she was falling under the spell of hypnotic tune, tears still streamed down her humiliated face. Scarlett had never sucked off Duke, but she adapted quickly to the situation. The woman wanted to gag, but suppressed it even though she was sliding back and forth on his member, her nose often touching him before she pulled back. Slobber began to drip from the woman’s chin as the other women watched in shock.
“Time for you to join her fate,” Destro spoke as he rammed a set of bluetooth earphones into Cover Girl’s ears.
“We have plans for you, Lady Jaye,” Baroness grinned as she pushed a bluetouth earphones into the brunette’s ears.
Cobra Commander groaned loudly as his member began to jerk and pulsate. Within seconds, a flood of hot sticky sperm shot into Scarlett’s mouth. “Drink it all,” Cobra Commander ordered. The redhead obeyed with gusto as she sucked hard, making sure that she didn’t miss a drop. Her stomach began to grumble as the foreign substance entered her body. And while Scarlett’s body obeyed, her mind was reeling. She couldn’t believe what she was doing even as the lyrics and the sight of Cobra Commander’s dick filled her brain.
“We're cold slither. You'll be joining us soon. A band of vipers playing our tune,” the lyrics blasted into Lady Jaye’s mind again and again. Much like Scarlett, the woman could only groan in misery as her mind was being rewritten to serve Cobra’s needs. The brunette could feel the Baroness undoing her top and exposing her breasts. Powerless to stop the Baroness, Lady Jaye could only stare at the woman’s eyes showing evil intent. Worse yet, she could feel her pussy getting wet with anticipation. She wasn’t sure why, but she wanted to be used by the Baroness.
Next to Lady Jaye, knelt Cover Girl. Much like Scarlett, Cover Girl’s purple dress was bunched around her stomach. She was still wearing her purple opera gloves as the song was blasted into her brain by the earphones. Destro had tweaked the subliminal messages, making it far more effective than what Cobra Commander was using on Scarlett. In fact, Cover Girl was already on her knees, adoringly sucking on Destro’s member.
“Cold slither,” Scarlett panted as Cobra Commander eventually pulled his dick out of her mouth. The man patted her on the head before he turned it to her left. Scarlett then saw Cover Girl busily sucking on Destro’s dick while the Baroness was being serviced by Lady Jaye, who had her face buried between the woman’s legs.
“You and your fiends belong to Cobra now,” Cobra Commander spoke as he twisted Scarlett’s nipples causing the woman to cry out in pain.
“We're cold slither. You'll be joining us soon. A band of vipers playing our tune. Don't tell us what's right. Don't tell us what's wrong. Too late to resist, Cause Cobra is strong!” Zartan and the Dreaknoks sung with gusto back on stage. Buzzer was on drums, Ripper was on the keyboards, Torch on a guitar, and Zartan on a guitar. Each one of them were all smiles as they played their parts almost as if they knew something big was going to happen.
Eventually the song ended and Zartan handed his guitar to Torch. The master of disguise then grabbed the microphone and addressed the crowd, “Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for Cobra Commander!”
The Hooded Cobra Commander stepped onto the stage as the mesmerized crowd clapped. The man raised and then lowered his hands to silence the crowd. “Greetings citizens. Do you know where your children are? They’re with me. Earlier I demanded $100 billion. But I am willing to back off from that demand. I’ve noticed that I do have some kids from various congressional leaders as well as foreign dignitaries. I have contact those people privately. As for the rest of you watching this, do not underestimate the mercy of Cobra. I realized that most of you are not able to save your children even though you want your government to do so. Therefore, I am dropping my demands to $10 million from the United States government. This is a drop in the bucket; chump change to them. Once I receive that money, I will release my hostages,” Cobra Commander spoke.
“All hail Cobra Commander,” the crowd spoke in a monotone voice again and again until the man raised and lowered his hands.
“I also want to address the United States government. I don’t know what you were thinking, but your rescue attempt has failed. Just as these three,” Cobra Commander spoke as the three G.I. Joe women, dressed in their groupie outfits, appeared on the stage.
Scarlett was handed a microphone and the woman spoke, “Ladies and gentlemen, my codename is Scarlett and I am part of the G.I. Joe Team. I was sent to infiltrate this stadium so I could save the children of congressional leaders only. I had begged my commanding officers to allow me to rescue the other hostage, but they flatly refused. Therefore, I have voluntarily surrendered to Cobra and offered myself as a hostage in exchange for the release of some hostages. Cobra Commander has released one hundred hostages and they should be safe in their homes in a matter of hours. I want to implore my fellow teammates not to attack the stadium. Thank you.”
The redhead then handed to microphone to Lady Jaye. “Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Lady Jaye. I too am part of the G.I. Joe team. I have voluntarily surrendered to Cobra in exchange for the release of one hundred hostages. Cobra Commander has graciously released one hundred and all elderly hostages as a bonus. I want to state that the original plan was to bomb this stadium in order to eliminate the threat of Cobra with the hostages being acceptable collateral damage. I too could not allow that to happen,” Lady Jaye spoke as she passed the microphone to Cover Girl.
“My codename is Cover Girl. I am part of the G.I. Joe Team. I was told to cut the radios of Lady Jaye and Scarlett once we had secured the hostages related to the congressional representatives. I could not follow that order and voluntarily surrendered to Cobra. I implore everyone to contact the government and beg them to back off from destroying this stadium. There are just too many innocent people here,” Cover Girl spoke.
“What! Your government wanted to kill these people? Not even Cobra would do that. We only wanted money. What kind of a sick bastard would kill innocent people?” Cobra Commander spoke in surprise.
“I . . . I . . . don’t know . . .” Cover Girl spoke softly as her mouth remained open in shock.
“Just so everyone knows that if anyone decides to bomb this stadium, Cobra’s personnel will be evacuated without any problems. These hostages . . . well . . . I’ll try to save as many as possible,” Cobra Commander spoke.
“Wait!” Scarlett yelled as she pulled the microphone from Cover Girl’s hand. “There is also no need to rescue me. I will stay with Cobra Commander as a human shield so he can leave. I do not want to watch these innocent people die!”
“Me neither!” Lady Jaye shouted as she joined Scarlett. “Cobra Commander, will you allow me to join Cold Slither as backup singer?”
“I don’t see a reason why not.”
“I want to be one too,” Cover Girl spoke.
“Me too!” Scarlett added as the Baroness walked onto stage and handed them a pin with a Cobra insignia on it. The women quickly pinned them to their outfits, making them clearly visible to the crowd.
Within minutes, the women stood side by side on stage and began to sing the lyrics to the song as the band played. Off stage, Cobra Commander rubbed his hands in glee. Back at G.I. Joe headquarters, a bunch of confused Joes watched the screen with stunned silence. While all across the country, numerous confused and angry citizens did the same.
One Year Later
“You okay Duke?” Alpine asked as he entered the dark office after being buzzed in.
“I’m fine, Alpine.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure.”
“Bazooka and I are going to a baseball game. You want to go?”
“No thanks.”
“Come on Duke, it’ll be fun.”
“No thanks. Check with Flint.”
“Flint gave us the same reply.”
“You two go enjoy yourselves then. That’s an order.”
“Okay,” Alpine spoke as he closed the door behind him.
Duke waited several minutes after the footsteps had long disappeared. Then he turned the TV back on. The room was filled with sound and the man was glad that his office was soundproof and people could only enter if he allowed them. “Fuck me! Fuck me like the slut that I am!” the woman on the TV shouted as Duke couldn’t take his eyes off of her. The woman had fiery bright neon red hair, which appeared that it would glow in the dark, was obvious a dye job and stretched from her head to her buttocks. One of her obviously fake breasts had popped out of her tight neon red tube top and was jiggling wildy as she was taken from behind. Both the woman’s nipple and aureole had been dyed red to match her hair. The woman was wearing a pair of thigh-high red fishnets that matched the color of her hair. She also wore a pair of red stiletto heels and a large pair of golden-hooped earrings. Her four inched talons were painted in bright red just like
her lips. The woman’s eyes were decorated with bright red eyeliner and eyeshadow while her face was caked in cheap red mascara. Her sex was completely shaved barren and her pussy lips were dyed bright red to make sure that they stuck out. Of course, parts of her ass where as red as the rough looking man behind her, fucked and spanked her.
“You like it hard, don’t you? You’re a dirty whore who loves cock! You don’t care if it’s in your mouth, your ass, your cunt, or between your tits!” the man grunted.
“Oh yea! I’m a dirty whore!” the woman moaned as she licked her lips. “Fill me! Fill my cunt! Fill me with your spunk!”
Duke continued to watch the scene for a good thirty minutes before the woman exploded in a huge orgasm as the man pulled out of her ass and shot his load all over it. It took the woman several long minutes of wiggling on the floor before she put her hair in a ponytail as more men, the same size and build as the first appeared on the scene. The woman was soon on all fours, riding a man, while another fucked her ass, and one fucked her mouth. Scores of men fucked her and by the time the video reached the three hour mark, the men had her lie on her back so they could jack-off all over her since her top had long been torn off. Once they were done, the woman ran her hands all over her body, making sure that she was covered in sperm. Her tits didn’t shift or sag. Instead, they stayed high up on her chest, proving that they were definitely fake. She also licked her fingers clean and cooing in pleasure, staring at the camera the whole time. “I
thought you would like to see the latest in my Scarlett Slut Sex DVD series, Duke. Gotta run. I have more dicks to fuck and suck. Long live Cobra,” Scarlett purred as she blew a kiss before the scene faded to black. Duke said nothing as he continued to stroke his dick through his sperm covered pants.
Jim Baines sat in a chair, staring back at twin desks with identical chairs and set-up. The only difference was the person, who sat behind each desk. They were twins, but one had a scar. The man simply knew that they were Tomax and Xamot, the owners of Extensive Enterprises. Jim Baines said nothing as he continued to hear the twins’ pitch.
“Well Mr. Baines, what do you think?” Tomax asked.
“The record business is complicated. I know you two made a ton of money off one of your investments. But let me tell you, islands are nothing like records,” Jim Baines spoke.
“We’re not interested in buying one island. We want to buy several,” Xamot added.
“And we have already picked them out,” Tomax added.
“Best yet, we will pay in cash!” the twins spoke in unison.
“That’s great, but the owners will now part . . .”
“The owners are more than happy to sell to the price already offered,” Xamot smiled.
“But it’s you, who wants to make,” Tomax spoke.
“A tidy profit,” they both spoke in unison again.
“I . . .” the man stammered, unable to get use to the way the twins were talking.
“We can’t give you that much money, but we can give you something else,” the twins spoke and snapped their fingers once they were done. That’s when the new and improved Cover Girl entered the room. The woman’s hair was now dyed a bright neon red and was much longer, so long that it cascaded past her shoulders. Her lips were shot full of collagen and basically told the world that her lips were made to wrap themselves around a man’s dick. She had long black eyelashes and a whorish face thanks to the cheap makeup, but her large tits rivaled the ones that Scarlett now possessed. This was also magnified by the fact that she wore a black mini-tube dress that was two sizes too small and was cut at her waist on each side. If the woman moved her body even slightly the wrong way, her tits would pop out of her dress, revealing her two thick nipple rings. In addition, the hem of the dress was so short that it barely covered the bottom portion of
her pussy at the front and the bottom of her ass in the back. There was even a zipper that rested squarely on the crack of her ass, allowing whomever easy access. Much like her dress, if she made the wrong move, she would reveal her pussy and ass to the world. Since the woman didn’t wear any underwear at all, it always caused a stir especially since the four rings on her pussy lips and the lone clit ring were perfectly visible. Finishing Cover Girl’s outfit was a pair of clear stiletto heels.
“She looks like that slut, Scarlett.”
“We made her into Scarlett’s twin,” the twins spoke together.
“Hiya,” the woman giggled as she dropped to her knees between the man’s legs. She ran her hands up and down his thighs before gliding over to the cloth over his dick. The woman slid her hands back and forth, tracing the zipper with her long nails. She even traced the outline of his dick with her nails against the cloth of his pants. It didn’t take long for the woman to see a huge bulge in the man’s pants. She could hear the man pant as she slowly undid his zipper. Cover Girl also saw that the chair was moving thanks to the fact that the man’s hands were clutching the arms of the chair tightly. She ran her hands into his underwear and pulled his throbbing dick out. Cover Girl then traced her long nails up and down the length of his shaft before licking it with her tongue. Eventually, Cover Girl took the man into her mouth, where she wrapped her lips tightly around his member. She bobbed her head back and forth as the man moaned in
pleasure. While she bobbed, she skillfully used her tongue and brought him close to edge of an orgasm, but then slowed down, allowing him to cool off. The woman had sucked enough dicks to know the exact signs of an orgasm. Cover Girl prolonged the experience to a good half an hour.
At first Tomax and Xamot watched without saying a word, but around the tail end of the blow-job, they began to speak. “So Mr. Baines, do we have a deal?” they both asked in unison.
The man was about to explode as he felt his dick throb with need. He felt like shitting his pants as dick cried out for release. That’s when his brain was completely overloaded. The man simply couldn’t take anymore and he knew that she wasn’t going to let him blow his load until he agreed. “DEAL!” he blurted out.
The twins stood up and handed the man a contract and pen. Jim Baines signed it as the twin patted Cover Girl on the head. Cover Girl quickly intensified her movements and within a few seconds, the man blew his load into Cover Girl’s mouth. The woman drank every drop before standing up. She smirked as she saw the man slumped his seat, desperately trying to compose himself. Cover Girl was use to this as she had numerous deals for the twins in the same manner.
Loch Lomand in Northern Scotland
Destro and Baroness sat at the head of a long table. Seated at the table were various sheiks, dictators, and other arms dealers. Each of them argued with each other before some angrily stood up. None of them drew their guns as the room was full of Iron Grenadiers and their newest commander, Dutchess. The guests didn’t know much about the woman, who was dressed the same way as the Iron Grenadiers with one major difference. She didn’t wear a helmet and mask like the others. Instead, she wore a silver mask over the front of her face, which allowed her black hair with dyed red streaks to match the color coordination of Destro’s army. Her boots were black, but the front had silver plates that matched her face mask. The front of her top was unzipped all the way to her belt, which allowed people to see a good amount of her ample bosom. Yet, none of the men dared to stare too long as several tales had circulated over the months. Dutchess had
easily and sadistically eliminated anyone that looked too long and none of them wanted to be added to that ever-growing list.
“Screw this! I agree to the twenty million dollar price tag!” one of the men shouted as he placed a suitcase full of money onto the table. Dutchess then motioned to an Iron Grenadier, who quickly collected the suitcase while another one led the man out of the room.
“Wait! He can’t arm his buyers with rocket launchers while my clients have nothing but guns! I’ll pay the twenty million as well!” another man shouted.
“Sorry. But the deal is now twenty-five million,” Destro replied.
“WHAT!? YOU WO . . .” the man snarled, but stopped dead in his tracks as he saw Dutchess take a step toward the table. “Twenty five million it is, but I only have twenty here. The rest is still on the boat,” the man quickly spoke in a more conciliatory voice.
“Very well. I’ll take the suitcase as payment for now. If I don’t get the rest within two hours, I the deal is off, but I will keep the twenty million,” Destro sighed.
“No problem,” the man spoke as an Iron Grenadier led him out the room. Eventually, the rest of the gathered guests all purchased the weapons that they needed and left the room, leaving Destro, Baroness, and Dutchess behind.
“Destro darling, we’re rich,” the Baroness laughed as she saw all the opened suitcases full of money on the table.
“We’ve always been rich, my dear Baroness. However, we do have over a billion dollars here!” Destro chuckled.
“My laird Destro, some of those men cannot be trusted,” Dutchess spoke.
“No need to worry. Some of them are good customers and will continue to do business the right, prolonging war, but never providing a victor. Some of the others will topple governments making the country better. Yet, a few of them will ruin the country that they help. For those, I expect you to eliminate before they leave this temple,” Destro replied.
“My pleasure,” Dutchess replied as she drew her gun from the holster and left the room.
“She’s quite the killer,” Baroness spoke.
“Yes she is. You’ve trained her well.”
“I didn’t have to do much.”
“Don’t be so modest, Baroness,” Destro spoke as he cupped her chin and gave her a kiss. “You instilled the killer instinct in her. There’s no doubt that Lady Jaye would have never become some a cold hearted and efficient killer without you.”
“Thank you for giving her to me as a toy to mold.”
“That’s not a problem since I am related to her. However, I see no problems in her servicing you.”
“As long as you don’t stop,” the Baroness purred as the two locked into a passionate kiss while somewhere on the grounds, Dutchess, the woman formerly known as Lady Jaye, was systematically hunting down and killing some of the most ruthless arms dealers in the world.
The End
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