Genix: The god of mischief & The Sacrifice | By : Solaris & Manta Category: +M through R > Mighty Ducks Cartoon Views: 1298 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own the Mighty Ducks, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Title: Genix: The god of mischief & The Sacrifice
Author: Kaladan Flashblade
Rating: Mature Audiences.
Summary: Boredom is one’s worst enemy, it’s a good thing existence is full of surprises.
Disclaimer: No copyright are harmed in any ways in the writing of this story. I do not own any of the Mighty Ducks, nor do I make any money off of this story, only my original characters are mine.
Feedback: Constructive reviews would be nice; flamers can keep their fingers quiet.
Author's note: I hope you enjoy this story. Now onto the story. Please review. Thanks.
Loki stared out the large window from the top floor of his metropolitan skyscraper. The moon was full but he had long since grown bored of it. The city prospered, humans went about their meaningless lives and the non humans obeyed his rules. It was boring and it was starting to get to him, the madness of wanting to get away, desiring something new.
“I know that look Loki, I’ve known you long enough to tell that your not pleased with how things are, you shouldn’t complain many of our clan would kill to have their domain like yours.”
Loki sighed and turned to the woman sitting in the chair across from his desk. “You should know by now that I’m the restless sort, while most find that the place they were embraced is where they belong, bound to the soil. I have no such bond to any one land, it remains completely out of reach, a vampire can’t go there no can it’s soil come to here.”
“I know Loki, but you still must persevere, I haven’t studied kuldun all my unlife just for you to give up, a thousand years is proof enough you can keep going, even if you have to give into your madness again.”
Loki sat down into his chair and looked to the ceiling while considering his argument. “I wish it were that simple Archades, but if I loose it again I don’t think I will return to my senses and I will face the sun before it happens completely.”
“How long do you figure you have before it gets to that point?”
“A few months, I wish I could push it aside longer but it’s already become difficult.”
Archades half smiled. “Then I have that long to find a solution, if I can.”
The young form went rushing up the stairs as a bellowing man with a sword came chasing after her. Her mind was racing, he was going to go through with it and if she didn’t escape then she’d be sacrificed. She darted down the hall and spotted the pull down stairs to the attic, if she went up and took the string up with her, he wouldn’t be able to follow for the time being. Without further though she went up into the attic and made sure he couldn’t pursue her.
She sighed in slight relief, for now she’d gained a couple extra hours of life but he’d find a way if she couldn’t find a safe place. Tears rolled down her cheeks why did she have to have the cursed magic, why couldn’t she be normal like other hunter children? She’d give anything, sacrifice everything just for a chance to live and be safe.
‘You have our power but are not part of our realm; did you really mean what you wished for?’
Kalashira looked around in panic for where the voice came from but didn’t see anything or any one. “Whose there? What do you want?” She yelled.
‘Did you really mean it? Will you give up everything for a chance at your desire?’
“A chance? Give up everything without a guarantee?”
‘Would you rather loose everything including your life with the certainty of death?’
“NO! I WANT TO LIVE!” she started to sob again. “Despite that I have the cursed magic, despite being an abomination who can only be saved by being sacrificed, I should be happy that they are going to do it…. But… but I want to live, even if I have no right to, I still desire life.”
The pounding on the attic door brought her to her senses as she wiped away her tears.
“Alright, who ever you are, what ever you are, I’ll take that chance, its better then this certainty.”
A purple and pink vortex appeared in front of her, she leapt into the vortex just as the man burst through the attic door screaming death threats.
Loki sighed contently as he flopped down on his couch after he had just finished his shower. It still amazed him how alive his dark brown skin looked and how soft his white hair was. Nightly hot showers had become an obsession since it had been invented. He had just turned on the TV in hopes of the news being interesting for the night when the room went dark but for a purple and pink vortex that appeared over the couch and a dark form fell through and landed hard on the couch.
He stood up and saw the nonhuman like form out cold on the couch. He looked at the form as his upper lip went up in a snarl when he noticed the pair of swords on the back of the form. He ought to kill the avian beast for trespassing and being armed in his own dwelling. As he went to remove its head with his own hands he stopped. She didn’t feel like one of the avian were creatures, there was something else, some thing he had thought out of reach. He spotted the hunter mark on her dagger, if necessary he’d cage her as a pet since for now he needed her alive.
The girl started to wake up and gazed towards this dark form, she screamed in fright and leapt over the couch to be firmly pressed against the wall looking very scared at the black human male with long snow white hair looking at her with either curiosity or anger. The young duck didn't know but she was scared of this being.
"Be not afraid of me, young lady. I will not harm you." said the black human, looking at her gently.
"Who are you and where am I?" asked the black feathered duck, looking around the room frantically.
Loki didn't understand the clicks but he figured she asked about where she was at. He knew she needed to know his tongue so they could speak. He entered her mind quickly and gave her a lesson in his tongue. Once, he pulled out of her mind, he asked. "You are in my home, young one, is someone after you are they not?"
"Yes! My parents! They want to kill me!" cried the young duck, looking at him still scared of him, even though she heard him in her mind comfortingly teaching her his tongue that he spoke.
Loki approached her mesmerizing her till he could take her into his arms and comfort the scared creature she was so unhuman that he could not phantom killing her. Loki took the child back to the chair and sat her down asking, in a gentle tone. "What is your name, young one?"
"Kalashira. But everyone calls me Kala. What's your's?" asked Kala, looking at his skin with a strange fascination.
"Loki, small one, after a deity of mischief.”
Kala ran her hand over his smooth skin when the rumble of her stomach was heard. She bowed her head. "Sorry, I haven't had any food in several days, Loki."
Loki nodded and smiled, "There is nothing in my home you could eat, but I know a place that has good meals...or so I hear."
Kala smiled as she looked at him. Loki held his hand up in a stop command as he stood up and headed for a closet and pulled out two cloaks one for him and one for her as her form would probably scare a lot of people but he knew she needed to eat soon. Loki held the cloak to her and watched her pull it on, he motioned to the hood as she nodded and reached back lifting the hood over her blue hair and hide her strange face from view. He picked up a phone and dialed a number and spoke within it. She watched him speak into it with curiousity.
Loki then led the young girl out of the house and into the car that waited for them. Loki had to encourage her to come into the car before they drove away to the club he knew would serve food for humans or such a strange creature like Kala. But as soon as he and she entered the club, he lead her up the stairs and out of sight of everyone else and ordered her some food from the girl who followed them up.
Two figures entered the room looking at the strange creature sitting next to Loki.
Loki smiled to them, "Dari, Azil, this is Kalashira, she had just dropped in.”
Dari replied, "I hope you don't mean that literally."
Azil said, "When isn't he literal?"
Kalashira looked at the other two with a bill full of food and didn't even say a word as she turned back to the food and pushed more into her mouth like she was a starved nonhuman.
"Hungry little nonhuman she is." said Azil.
"Yes, she is. From what she told me, she hasn't eaten in several days. Dari, I want you to go shopping for some human food, cereal, milk and other types of food that she would like to eat. She'll be staying with us for some time." spoke Loki, looking at Dari calmly.
It was a few weeks after Kalashira's arrival. It was a very dark and stormy night, Loki had been watching over the young 16 year old gaze out the rain soaked window, she was much like the others of Genix, an outcast, even where she was from. The young duck ran her hand over her cobalt blue hair as she looked at the flash of lightning in the sky. She wanted nothing more than to stand out in the rain and get soaked down to her jet black feathers but Loki refused to allow her out.
Loki grinned, as a vampire he could read the minds of mortals, no wonder the prairie team didn't want him, Dari, or Azil. "Kala, Dari would kill me if I let you out, Vancouver may be a warm city but the rain can wreak havoc on you."
"Oh please, Loki! Please let me go out into the rain? Please?" begged Kala, looking at him pleadingly.
"No," he sighed as he smiled to her. "I have to go out and get dinner, if you really want to go out you can walk with me as long as you wear a rain jacket."
"Thank you!" she raced off to get her jacket and pulled it on as Loki held the door open for her. Kalashira saw the rain puddle and ran for it and jumped towards it.
Loki caught her in mid air, he didn't seem as relaxed as usual. "Behave Kala, you're here because we are in need of someone living, you can call this your initiation if you will." puts her down away from the puddle and tied back his white hair which contrast with his dark skin.
"Drat! I love puddles, Loki! Couldn't I just splash around on that one?" asked Kala, as they walked further and further away from the puddle.
Loki half smiled, the happier she was the stronger she resonated, she was his and despite the reactions of others as long as she didn’t pose a direct threat to him or those under him she had carte blanche, his existence depended on hers and he didn’t want her to have a reason to run from him.
"No. We have more important matters to tend to, tell me how did you come to be here? All we know is that you came from a vortex because you were in fear of your life, tell me your past and dreams for the future, this is so I may determine if you are really one like us."
"Will you tell the others about what I tell you, Loki?" asked Kala, looking up at him with her ice blue eyes.
"I can't promise anything, we've respected your privacy by not probing your mind for answer, and we hold no secrets among our group."
"I don't want to remember much about my folks. They didn't do anything good to me beyond them beating me up on a daily basis. They called me a weakling and threatened to kill me on more than one occasion. The only things I got from them were my feathers, hair and eye color and my magic but not their temper." spoke Kala, looking away from Loki to the ground. "I heard them coming towards my room and they were threatening me...if I didn't get out of my room to receive punishment...I was a dead duck."
Loki smiles to her. "So you made the vortex to escape?"
"No, I didn't know what to do. I just wished to find a safe place to live and take me there and the next thing I know, I'm on your couch and you staring at me like who the heck are you kid and how did you get into my house. I was scared even of you, till you asked me to relax that I was safe from whoever I was running from." smirked Kala.
Loki's laughter rings though the night's rain. "True enough, now let me let you in on something, me and the others of Genix are outcasts of our of the human race, we are not good nor evil, we are anti heroes."
"Anti heroes?" asked Kala, looking up at him. Then, suddenly, Kala started to shake her head and her voice went to a whimper before she dropped to her knees.
Loki knew what the sign of her gift was after witnessing one of them before. "Shit, you're like Maza, ahh well, what did you see, anything gruesome?"
Kala shook her head. "I saw fear in the group, but that's all I saw."
"Fear, we don't really fear anything except maybe a stake or a large bit of fire." Loki grabs a young street girl and in front of Kala's eyes drink the girl's blood without regret.
"I wished I had seen more of it. Maza said that I would grow into my talent. But I think this has to be listened to or at least discussed, Loki. I never felt this scared about this vision than I do right now." spoke Kala. She was shaking with fear as she looked at Loki.
He turned to look at her and in her eyes shown fear. Loki smiles to her and shakes his head, "Visions varies Kala, depending on what happens next, fair warning changes the whole time path."
Kala looked around as Loki walked towards her and took her hand. "Are we returning home?"
Loki shook his head, "No, the street child was not much of a meal."
They walked on in the rain. They came upon a street hooker who was a quick meal for Loki, but not really filling. Kala wasn't liking the feeling she was getting. She shoved Loki into an alley and bore her neck to him. "Drink some of my blood!! We need to get home."
Loki didn't want to drink her blood at all. "You are a batty child, but at least you do not fear what I am, Dari and Archades are fine, they already know of your vision."
"Loki, we need to get home NOW!!" Kala screamed, grabbing his arms and then suddenly she was right against Loki's body in a severe weakened state as she did a teleport without even thinking.
Loki looked around and saw that she ported them home. He glared at her. Dari looked up at them from her book. "I must say, the little duck had given us fair warning during our hunt, we encountered one of those ever so annoying hunters, had us scared for a while but the old tricks are still new for every generation of vampire hunter."
"Good," moaned Kala, as she slipped into unconsciousness. Loki grabbed her before she fell from his grasp and lifted her up into his arms as he looked at her.
Later that evening, Kala woke to see Loki watching over her. "You should listen to me, and get some more control."
"I know, but I'm still young. What happened after I bore my neck to you? I don't remember much after that. You didn't drink my blood did you?" asked Kala, as she ran her hand to her neck.
"No, it's a group rule that we do not drink from our companions."
"What happened after the teleport? I know I teleported. I wouldn't feel this weakened if I didn't." spoke Kala, as Loki handed her a cup of water to drink.
"You fell unconscious after Dari thanked you."
"Thanked me? For what?" asked Kala, holding the cup up as he poured more water into the cup.
"For warning her of a hunter,"
"I guess this time the warning became clear to them, even if it wasn't clear to me." spoke Kala.
"Kala, when you mention fear the first thing that comes to mind is vampire hunter, and it usually is a vampire hunter, fire can be avoided, hunters can't be."
Kala smiled as Loki took the cup from her and placed it on the table. The flash of lightning was seen in the room as Dari crept into the room.
"Loki, how is she?" asked Dari, looking at Kala who had fallen asleep once again.
"She's fine Dari; I believe she is truly one of us, outcast and no concept of right or wrong."
"Her background is the same she told us before? The abuse?" asked Dari.
Loki nodded. "Yes, I checked her mind this time; she saw me hunt and did not flinch."
"Then, we should take her into the group formally." said Dari. "I was also thinking about having her cross the barrier to become one of us."
Loki rammed her against the wall and growled. "Not a chance Dari. She's too young and off limits."
"Alright, we won't have her cross the barrier, but she'll be part of the group." spoke Dari, looking at him. "You like her don't you?"
"She's like us, but too young to crossover." said Loki, turned to look at her sleeping in her bed.
"We need her to be what she is to make this house more real to others and to the hunters. If they found our home, I hate to think what would happen then, Loki." whispered Dari.
Loki grins. "I concur Dari and besides you're too weak to make her crossover."
Dari looked at him. "But you aren't, Loki. You are one of the older ones in this group. Beyond the leader of this group." Loki snorted as he turned back to Kala and pulled the covers up closer to her neck.
"You want to Loki, I know you do."
"No, I won't do it, like Archades I'll wait till the time is right if it ever is right."
"What if she asks you to allow her to cross over the barrier, would you do it?" asked Dari, as she slipped towards the door and then crossed it leaving him with the question.
Loki looks down at Kala and shakes his head. "I will never even if she asks."
Kala cried out in pain as she started to toss and turn in her bed.
Loki stroked her cheek whispering, "Kala, it's okay. You're safe. You're safe, with us."
Kala woke bolting upright in her bed, breathing hard, looking around in fright.
"It's alright, you had a bad dream."
"I dreamt that my folks found where I am now and came after me, killing all three of you and then killed me." cried Kala, as she wrapped her arms around his waist.
"It's ok, they can't hurt us."
"They can!! They're them!" cried Kala.
"They can't hurt us, not with Archades, Azil and Dari."
"They are hunters, Loki! Vampire hunters." cried Kala, burying her face in his hair again.
"We can handle then, trust me." whispered Loki. "Now sleep, and be not afraid, they can not harm us."
Kala got under the covers again and fell asleep. Loki waited till she was sound asleep before he headed to the living room where Dari sat.
"What happened in there?" asked Dari.
"She had a nightmare." said Loki. "Also revealed something else about herself."
"Her parents are hunters so be prepared."
"Shit! I think we should have killed those hunters that we met, Dari." spoke Azil.
"No. Loki, do you know anything else like their color of feathers? If they come here, which I doubt but we must be ready, if it does happen." asked Dari.
"I'll find out what I can later..."
"Think we should hide?" asked Azil, looking at Loki and Dari.
"No, we never did before, why now?"
Azil just shrugged. "Might be wise with Kala's feather colors, if she's seen and if her folks are here looking for her, she'll bring them right to us."
"True and we'll be ready."
"Then, we'll hide her, keep her away from the windows, let her know that there is a possibility that her folks are here in town." spoke Dari.
"That's foolish, let them think we don't see them coming. They'll be in for a big shock." snickered Loki. The look on his face was pure frightening.
"Don't let Kala see that face, Loki. You'll scare her even more than her folks ever did." giggled Azil.
"She's not scared of me." Loki said, as he smiled.
"Yeah but with that face, who knows." said Dari. "But enough, we must figure out what her folks look like so we can be on guard."
Loki nods. "Indeed, Dari probe her mind in the morning, Azil it's your turn to cook."
"But why must I cook!! I do horribly!" moaned Azil, looking at Loki.
"You want to eat bugs again, Azil!" asked Dari. "Cook dinner."
Azil walked towards the kitchen mumbling a few swear words. Loki laughs. "Keep forgetting we don't eat normal food."
Azil opened up the fridge, to reveal human food that Kala ate and their own supply of food. "Okay, who wants Type O blood tonight? Who wants Type B? I'm getting Type A."
Loki laughed. "I'll have ab positive please."
"It'll be a moment got to warm the blood up. We can't be eating cold blood." spoke Azil, as he put the ab positive and type B and A into the water as it slowly got up to body temp. He pulled them out and walked into the living room and handed them their drinks. "Bottoms up,"
They gulped it back and grinned. "Next time I have mine with rye." Loki stated mischievously.
"What do you mean rye?, as in bread or the liquid type, Loki?" asked Azil, as he collected the empty blood containers and threw them into the trash which was for the containers.
"Silly youths, rye as in alcohol, and it's quite good with O negative."
"But Loki, we're not allowed to drink any alcohol." spoke Dari.
"Doesn't matter to me, the hangover is the fun part."
"Oh, really? You probably get laid by some girl you just met." giggled Azil.
"You’re actually right Azil and it's a blast."
"What!?! You bloody shit!" snapped Azil.
Loki laughs. "You two are still young; there are finer points to undeath you will learn."
"Oh come on, Loki. You're lying. You are a virgin like us, aren't you?" asked Azil, looking at him.
Loki grins, "No I'm not, when I was made I was...but not now."
"Ah man, this sucks. We never did it before we crossed over." moaned Azil, as he walked back to the living room and turned on the TV. "Um, guys, better look at this."
On the screen, two men and a woman but they were ducks like Kala was. "Have you seen someone come out only at night and never during the day?" spoke the male on the left of the female.
"Told you never to come by during the day?" spoke the woman.
"Told you lies about their skin color?" asked the man.
"Then you need us, The Hunters. We are the Vampire Hunters." said all three hunters, at once.
Loki laughs at it. "Bite me, haven't met a hunter I couldn't dine on. Though that action unto itself they’ve gotten themselves marked for death.”
"Oh no!!" came the voice from behind them.
Loki looked over his shoulder and smiled to Kala. "What's wrong, little lady?"
"That's my dad, mom and my older brother!! They're here!!" cried Kalashira, as she rushed to Loki's side and wrapped her arms around him.
Loki holds her. "It's alright, haven't met a hunter I couldn't make a meal of."
"But they're vicious!" cried Kalashira.
"We can be too, Kalashira. They will not harm you or us." hissed Azil.
"Remember Kalashira, we are the night time powers of this city, to betray us is to betray all Kindred in this city."
"But what if they come after me and take me back with them?!" Kala looked up at Loki, with the same look of fear in her eyes that she shown earlier.
"It's ok....promise."
"You promise?" asked Kala, looking at Loki and then to Azil and Dari.
"Promise." Dari told her with a grin, Azil gave her a thumbs up.
Kala looked up to Loki and saw him flash a smile at her as he led her back to her room. "It's going to be okay. They will not take you away from us. Now, off to bed you go."
"Okay. Night." Kala turned away and went into her bed and soon fell asleep in her bed.
Loki stood at the doorway watching her till her breathing got steadily shallow. Loki turned away to look to the other two. "Stay here. I'm going to deal with them."
"Loki, no! Take Azil with you. Two upon three will even it up a little." spoke Dari.
"No, stay here both of you. I'm the crazy one, I can nail them before they know what has happened to them." said Loki, as he walked out of the room.
"I hope he'll kill them." whispered Dari.
It took Loki a few hours to find the hunters and was watching them out of their sight.
"Wherever that little bloody fucking brat went to, I want her located now! Kalashira must die for her betrayal!" spoke Kalashira's father.
"But father! She did what she thought was for her own good. To teleport away from us!" snapped the other hunter.
"She was to die that night, as a sacrifice to the grand hunter of them all." hissed the male hunter who stood up and walked a ways off. "I'm going to do a little more searching for that brat. We spent three years hunting her down only to find her on this planet with a black vampire with the white hair before she decides to vanish on us again with another portal."
Loki knew Kalashira had not revealed that this was not her first place she came to, he knew he would ask her about it later, but now he wanted to deal with her family first. He stepped out of the shadows. "I know where she is but I'm not giving the girl back, she's part of Genix, you have to take us all on to get her."
"Give us our daughter back now!!" snarled her father, as a sword appeared from behind his back. His son stood up and pulled out another sword. The woman pulled out an ax.
Loki whispered three words in Latin and the weapons are dust. "You're up against more than you can chew. Go away."
"Never! Not till we get our daughter!" snapped the father, charging at Loki.
Loki grinned; it had been ages since he had had a good brawl. He caught the older drake by the arm and broke it before tossing him aside to block his son’s attack. A quick knee to the stomach made the boy fall to the ground in pain. The female had hidden a dagger between her breasts and nary managed to cut his as he dogged her. He restrained her as quickly as he could and bit her dinking till she fell unconscious. The father had gotten back up but Loki dealt with him and the young boy the same way.
It was three hours before dawn, when Loki set the three hunters down in the living room all tied up in metallic ropes.
"Got them, get Kalashira; she'll be judge and jury this time."
Dari went into Kalashira's room and woke her telling her that her family was there. Dari noticed something long in both her hands as she moved towards the doorway. Kala had a look that said nothing or revealed anything.
Loki used a spell to wake the three hunters. "Kala, it's up to you what we do with them."
Her family glared at her as she asked them why the abuse. They told her it was for her own good that none of the Hunters in their line ever had magic in them and it was to be beaten out of them or the child killed in honor of the Great Hunter himself.
"So be it. You three have chosen your path and it will now be over. You're dead, all three of you." spoke Kala, as she stabbed her father in the chest with her sword without remorse.
Loki grinned. "Leave your brother alive, he has power and reason," he said as he looked to the young boy. "You have magic I see it in you, you hide unlike your sister."
"I have no magic in me!!! I'm a vampire hunter and I'll kill you all, and you too little sis!!" snapped her brother.
Loki smiles gently. "You defended your sister back at your hideout, I’m giving you a chance to live and hunt rogue vampires, take this offer of peace your parents will betray you one day to save their hides, I offer you trust and guidance."
He looked at his parents already dying or dead. He turned to look at Loki. "Done,"
Loki freed and gestured to finish what his sister started as he plunged his own dagger into his mother.
"I should warn you, we are not like the vampires you fight where you are from, we're more potent in our work."
He looked at his sis. "Can she come with me?"
Loki turned to look at her. "Only if she wants to go with you,”
"No! I will not go with you brother! My life is here with them. Your life is out there. Now go! Leave us be." spoke Kala, looking at him and pointed towards the door with her sword.
Loki smiled contently, he was glad he wouldn’t have to force her to stay when being given the option to leave - she refused to leave. "Kala calm down, he can stay for now, young hunter, we are always in need of the living."
Kala's brother gulped and wrapped his hand around his throat. "We always in the need of the living? What do you mean by that?"
Loki spoke, "People to lend a hand and so forth."
"Oh. To make this place look like it's occupied with people or in our case Ducks." spoke Kala's brother.
Loki nodded, "Yes."
"Well, okay, I'll stay for a few days, but then I'm gone." said Kala's brother.
Kala snorted loudly as she turned and headed into her room and slammed the door behind her.
"Little bitch always hated when I was around." smirked Kala's brother.
Dari smiles. "We're looking for some people to help the east coast section."
"That sounds great to me. The further away from her the better." he said.
"Good!" screamed Kala, from the doorway. "Why don't you go on and get out of here before I end your miserable life right now!?"
Loki glared at Kala. "Please be a bit more reasonable." Kala simply continued to growl. "You're free to go to the eastern coast team; I'll have a ticket and a notice ready in the early morning before I rest."
"Done." spoke Kala's brother, he wasn’t sure why the vampire was being accommodating, but unlike his little sister he could feel that there was more to it then just kindness.
Dari gave him a smack on the tail feathers. "What do you have planned for tonight?"
"Well, what do you have in mind, pretty lady?" whispered Kala's brother Adaly, as he ran his finger up and down her arm. He figured that if they weren’t going to kill him then he’d best enjoy himself, and he had always wondered what it would be like to do it with a vampire.
Dari grinned. "Beating Loki at his own game." She said as she moved her hand down to stroke his penis till it was hard.
Adaly moaned in pleasure as Dari knelt down opened up his pants and sucked on it till he came, his cum in her mouth and on her face. Kala watched with her eyes wide as Dari led him off to her room, she had never seen any one do that publicly before.
Loki shook his head, "I still say it's more fun when drunk."
"What is?" asked Kala, looking at him.
Loki grins. "I'll tell you when your thirty."
"Figures and it usually is about sex too. I know what it all is and was just a little surprised by Dari’s display. My brother Adaly probably got it hard again right now." smirked Kala, as she turned away from Loki and entered her room.
Loki laughed, "Very perceptive, Kala."
"Yeah, unlike my brother who doesn't really care who he does it with, I do and I want it done right with the right drake only when I'm of age to have sexually contact with a drake." said Kala, as she started to close her door.
Loki turned to look at her. "When you are my age it doesn't matter any more Kala, besides that kind of thoughts are for good guys, and I'll set you straight one way or another."
Kala gave a smirk on her face, as Loki got a flash of a message from her as she grabbed his arm and tried to yank him into her room. He pulled his arm away from her. "Kala, are you enticing me to have relation with you?" Loki asked, looking at her. His eyes flashed their interest as he realized what Kala was wearing under her robe - - absolutely nothing. He smiled, there wasn’t anything to loose by it, if nothing else it only would bind her closer and if he was to survive he could never let her go.
"What do you think I'm doing?" whispered Kala, as she tried to pull him into her room and closed the door behind her.
Loki entered her room and closed the doors behind him, as he undid her robe to leave her bare before him, she was still developing but it was clear she’d be quite stunning when older, for now he would slowly take away her innocence. He pulled her close and played with her body till she was in tears begging him to take her as he kissed her bill. “Will you give yourself completely to me?”
“Yes, I’m yours, body mind and soul.”
Loki grinned and removed his own clothes, he had already become hard but he wanted to her those words first. He helped Kala position herself on the bed and then plunged himself into her. Kala’s cries echoed though the room.
Azil chuckled as he went about removing her folks' dead bodies from their home. "It’s been so long since it’s felt this alive."
Archades smiled from the shadows and made the bodies disappear. "That'll be all Azil. Go rest, tonight begins a new chapter."
“What do you mean? Has Loki lost it?”
“Quite the opposite, right now I think he’s as close to at peace as he was when he was living.”
“So will he just use her?”
“I don’t know, but I do know that her existence buys me some time before he falls back towards madness.”
Azil nodded as he headed off to his room, He couldn’t imagine unlife without Loki around.
Loki laid in Kala's bed with her sleeping bare feathered on his chest, he was amused by how good and so very tight this vixen duck was. She pleasured him like none other even her first time was special as he was the one who pierced her womb with his penis. He knew the team leader was there but he didn't care as he was too interested with Kala to mind seeing her.
He remembered after the first time that he entered her, he withdrew and started to taste her as she laid on their bed. He kissed her bill as his hands ran her sides, he let a light purr come out as he started to suckle her young tender breasts which became alive as the nipples grew hard and pointy.
Loki ran his hands up her body as he lifted her up and further onto him as he leaned against her as he suckled her breasts and his left hand roaming up and down her belly before reaching her inner folds and running his hand over it before he spread her legs apart and ran his hand down her thigh and then went to probe her vagina with his fingers.
Loki heard her faint cry when he pushed his finger deep within her vagina as he pulled away from her breasts to kiss his way down to her vagina. He probed her vagina with his tongue tasting her, she tasted different then human females, he rather liked her taste very much.
He felt her buck against him when he first started to probe her with his tongue as he heard her cry out his name. She bucked against him several times as he suckled and probed her vagina.
"What do you want, Kala? Do you want me in you again?" purred Loki, as he paused between his suckling of her vagina to ask her a question. His hand was already deep within her vagina rubbing her most sensitive spot to orgasm.
She could barely say the words as she was in so much lustful delight, all she could do was pant as she gazed up at him, then finally the words came out. "Yes, I want you to fuck me!"
Loki grinned as he took his long hardened organ in his hand and with one complete thrust, he pierced her young womb with it again as he filled her with his harden organ.
Kala felt him at her entrance of her womb and then bang!, she felt him shove himself within her as Loki kissed her bill keeping the scream that he thought would come from that entrance from being heard, all Kala did was whimpered as Loki sexually entered her body fully with his organ. They mated very hard and she loved it even though it was only her second time at having sex.
Kala was watching him as he thrust his cock into her over and over again as his hands were tight around her hands as they mated. She thrust herself against him when he pushed himself into her over and over again. Then, she felt herself squeezing her legs together which actually squeezed his organ in her womb and the feelings got stronger after that and then it was no more than a few minutes later he and she had their orgasm. Loki collapsed on top of her breathing hard before he pulled away from her after he finished releasing himself within her.
"That was like nothing I ever did before."
"I guess you really never did it with a duck before." whispered Kala, as she gazed up at him.
"No, you were my first Duck and I was your first human male who was your first sexual partner, Kalashira." whispered Loki, as he ran his hand over her sweaty feathers. He had a sly smile on his face as he gazed at her.
"Yes, um, Loki, what if I get pregnant? Mother told me before they started to really attack me all the time that my first time that I have sex with a drake...will be when I get pregnant? Please tell me your sterile?" asked Kala, looking at him, hoping that he was sterile.
"I am sterile, Kala. I can't have kids. Once you're turned to be a vampire, you turn sterile. I tried to get a female pregnant once but it never happened but a real nice long month of sex. But who knows about a female duck." whispered Loki.
They laid there together not moving or talking. They could hear the sounds of the bed creaking and the cries coming from Dari and Adaly. Loki chuckled, Dari had just sent him a mental picture of her and Adaly mating. Loki sent one of his own to Dari hoping to get her even more teed off.
"Hey Dari, you can't mate him all night long like I can his sister. You got to let him get to sleep?"
"He'll sleep on the plane. I'm gonna do him all night long." chuckled Dari.
Loki turned his connection off to her, as he ran his hand over Kala's back. Kala started to kiss her way down his chest and soon they were mating again. This time Kala was doing everything. Suckling, and then placing his cock at the entrance of her vagina and speared herself on his hardened cock as he rubbed his hands over her breasts and soon he came within her. She was experimenting how to make love with him and he rather enjoyed it.
It was two hours before sunrise, when Loki pulled himself from Kala's sexual embrace as she slept on his chest free from his cock. He had to get Adaly to the airport and get him out of the city. He dressed and headed to find Adaly ready to leave.
"Had a good night of fucking with my sister, Loki?" hissed Adaly.
"Yes, I did. She was tight and really good. What about you?" smiled Loki.
"Dari was great for a human." chuckled Adaly. "So lets go before I fucking decide to stay here and keep Dari stuck to my cock like I bet you will be wanting to return to my sister and thrust her on your cock again."
"No, I'll will not let myself do this again for at least a few days. Need to let her inner wounds heal first." said Loki, as he pulled on his black cloak as they walked out of the house towards the car.
"What inner wounds? You didn't bite her down there, did you?" Adaly asked.
"No, just a male vampire's penis is rock hard when erect and I did thrust into her without giving her warmth a chance to lube up so her vagina is sore even though we fucked another four times after that, she needs to heal before I put myself within her again." Loki stated, as he looked at the door leading to their room.
"You really care about her don't you? That's why you allowed her to see us and do what she did to our folks?" Adaly stated.
"She is special to me, that is all I will say." Loki replied. "Now, we need to go to the airport and send you on your way to the East Coast. They will be expecting you so look for the sign that says your name."
"Okay," Adaly said, as they got into the car.
As they drove to the airport, Adaly looked to Loki. “Is there something I’m missing about earth vampires? You’ve been overly accommodating to me and my sister despite being hunters.”
“Don’t think about it too hard, you live because you have something I want that is only obtainable while you are alive.”
“And what’s that?”
“Your blood and resonance, if I were to kill you or make a meal from you Adaly I’d loose it and for now I have no fancy of taking it from your sister.”
“So that was the catch? Those east coast people already know your conditions?”
“They do, and I don’t think you’d object, all I want from you is a pint of your blood every three months till you die naturally.”
“What are you going to do with it? Drink it?”
“No, drinking it wouldn’t be of use, I’m going to mix it with soil and create a garden with its resonance.”
Adaly gave him an odd look, “You want my blood for gardening?”
“Yes, your magic will become part of the plants and resonate for an eternity.”
“You are an odd vampire Loki but your right, I’ll do it. It really is a small price to pay for my life and it’s not like it’ll do me any harm.”
They parked at the airport and Loki saw him off on to the plane that left Vancouver for the east coast.
Loki returned to the condo and went back to Kala's bed hoping that she was still asleep but to find that she's awake.
"He's gone, right Loki?" asked Kala, in a low voice.
"Yes, Kala." Loki replied softly, as he pulled off his clothes till he was completely naked standing before Kalashira. "Why are you so angry at your brother?"
"Adaly and I never got along. I was more talented in wielding a sword than he was." said Kala, looking at him.
"He wields it good now."
"He does a great job of faking it. Maybe he'll die in the East Coast of Canada." suggested Kala.
"Kala, you are so wrong about that! Adaly does wield his swords very very well. I have rarely seen anyone beyond me wield a sword like his with such ease." whispered Loki, climbing into bed with her and wrapped his arm around her waist. "Please don't wish for his death. He's your only living family member here."
"I know. I think you should get some sleep, Loki, the sun is starting to rise." whispered Kala, as Loki drifted off to sleep next to her. For the first time in over a millennium he slept as soundly as he did when he was alive and dreamt of his home that he so longed to return to.
It was mid afternoon when Kala got out of bed and went to make herself something to eat.
‘You’ve made the best of the chance given.’
“So that that I have what I want, what is the price? I know there is one, nothing comes without one.”
‘Never raise your hand against my Loki, He was born to a realm of magic but a millennium ago it was all taken away and he was trapped in this human world.’
Kala smiled. “Alright, I get it and thank you, I’ll stay by him as long as I live.” She replied.
Though she didn’t completely understand it, it seemed that her wish may have answered another’s.
This story is now done.
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