Celebrations. | By : Solaris & Manta Category: +M through R > Mighty Ducks Cartoon Views: 1313 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own the Mighty Ducks, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Title: Celebrations.
Author: Kaladan Flashblade
Rating: NC17
Summary: Bishop celebrates his marriage to Anna with his friends and gains a mistress.
Disclaimer: No copyright are harmed in any ways in the writing of this story. I do not own any of the Mighty Ducks, nor do I make any money off of this story, only my original characters are mine.
Feedback: Constructive reviews would be nice; flamers can keep their fingers quiet.
Author's note: I hope you enjoy this story. Now onto the story. Please review. Thanks.
Lolita had insisted that Bishop and Anna's wedding celebration be held at McDove castle. Bishop didn't argue, the reception hall was rather spacious, though he did insist on being able to invite the other JAGs and Tempest, simply because they were close friends. Lolita agreed, and also told him that council members will be there as well.
The night of the party came; the JAGs didn't know what and like Tempest bewildered. A half hour later the doors flew open, and a golden haired white feathered white winged drake entered in gold and white robes.
Bishop grinned. "About time you showed up, nice dress what bet did you loose old friend?"
“I didn’t loose a bet, Bishop, this is what I would wear in Heaven,” spoke Cobra, looking at him, not really minding the look of shock that the JAGs or Tempest gave to him as he walked past them.
“Lord Morningstar, in the name of all Doves, I greet thee, I am Lolita, the Black Dove.” Lolita spoke, as she bowed her head to him.
Cobra simply smiled. "I'm pleased to meet you." he said as he held out his hand to shake hers.
Lolita shook his hand. “I do not know if you were properly introduced to Lord Stormdoves, yet.”
Cobra raised a brow. “Lord Stormdoves?”
“Yes, Lord Morningstar, meet Lord Bishop Stormdoves,” spoke Lolita, as she turned to look at Bishop and then behind him. “And his wife, the Anna Stormdoves,”
Cobra shook his head. "After all these years, well at least your not on 'HER' side."
Bishop shrugged. "Give 'HER' enough time and she will hang herself,"
Anna whispered. “More like rope and she will,”
Bishop chuckled. "Rope as well."
Cobra smirked. "Time will hang herself in due time whether she knows it or not."
Tempest was nudged by the other JAGs to find out who the winged drake was. But as soon as he neared the winged drake, he knew who he was. “Cobra?”
"Who did you think it was? The tooth fairy?"
“But you usually show black feathers, black hair and black wings with red robes around your waist, this is different,” Tempest said. The JAGs learned about his Fallen form but they never saw him in his Angelic form before.
"It’s a special occasion; I thought I’d try not to scare anyone."
“Special occasions my ass! Don’t you know – winged drakes are fucking rare and genetically impossible to boot!” snapped Tempest.
"Whoever said I was a common drake, Tempest?"
“But aren’t you a common drake of old Puckworld?” asked Hawk.
"Far from it, I was around long before Puckworld was created."
"There is no way you could have been around before Puckworld," Tempest insisted.
"Don't be so closed minded Tempest, like Lukara…Cobra is a force unto himself, and he'd older then her." Bishop stated.
“And if they ever get into a fight watch out, Cobra will probably kill her in a matter of moments,” Anna said, as she went to Bishop’s side.
"I thank you for the vote of confidence, as that is one thing I plan to do."
Lolita walked over and whispered, “Bishop, perhaps a dance is in order,”
Bishop nodded. “Anna, would you care to dance?”
“I would be honored, my love. Besides, I want to make love to you right here and right now,” Anna whispered.
Bishop’s eyes grew wide. “How can we in front of all these people?”
“Just dance us out to the patio and there we’ll make out, we don’t even have to get rid of our clothes,” Anna whispered, as he led her to the dance floor.
“I love the way you think, love,” Bishop cooed, as they danced for several minutes before drifting out of the ballroom.
“Anna sure did corrupt our priest fast,” Hawk said as they looked towards the patio where they noticed how they were now moving against the railing of the patio.
Trima chuckled. "True, but I think he wanted to be corrupted, but I bet he is still unable to lie."
Hawk said, pulling out his money pouch. “I bet ten coins that he will lie to us about how she got him dressed up in that gothic outfit before she screwed him senseless.”
"You’re on. Bishop never lies,"
“We will wait till the lovebirds finish their quickie and ask Bishop that question,” Hawk said.
The JAGs stood there watching even though they looked like they were talking to Cobra. Cobra was smirking. “You know all of you are being voyeurs watching them have a quickie.”
"Point being? You’re just as curious as the rest of us."
"At least I don't have to watch to know what they are up to."
“Oh please, you must be using one of your powers to see what they are doing,” spoke Hawk, as he glanced behind Cobra’s wings to see Bishop setting Anna on the ground as they hurried straightened their clothes before they headed towards the door. “They’re done with their quickie.”
Cobra rolled his eyes. "Hawk, you need a girl."
“Hey Bishop, we have a question for you,” Hawk said.
Bishop walked over. “Alright, what is the question?”
“Tell us the truth about Anna, did she get you dressed up in that gothic outfit before she screwed you senseless?” asked Hawk.
Bishop laughed. "The clothes were something I did on my own accord, before I met Anna,"
Tempest pushed his hand in front of Hawk. “Okay Hawk pay up! You lose the bet!”
“Ah, puck!” moaned Hawk, as he placed ten coins in Tempest’s hand and then went to each JAGs who he wagered against, till his money pouch was empty and he pouting.
Bishop sighed, the JAGs were treating his lifestyle change as a game, but then again, he couldn’t lecture then on how evil gambling is, after all it was in fun.
“What’s wrong, Bishop?” asked Cobra, looking at him.
"Nothing, they just don't seem to take it seriously,"
"Give them time; I doubt the full meaning to this hasn't quite sunk in yet."
“I may not even be returning to Keltor except on visits, Cobra,” Bishop said softly. “I’ll be helping Anna move her stuff to our home here in Dublin Prime.”
“I’m sure that the others will love to help you with packing your wife’s home.” Cobra said, as he placed his hand on Bishop’s arm.
"Maybe, I'm just hoping you know who doesn't try anything,"
"She won't, I'll personally see to that."
"What's changed from last time?"
"I've found an access point, just large enough to slip though and make my presence known."
“Like how?” asked Bishop, his voice no more than a mere whisper.
"Simple," he replied as he showed Bishop the letter he was going to send her telling her to stay out of his affairs and not to harm those that are under him or face his wrath. "It should get her attention."
“I think it will and piss her off at the same time. She will harm someone,” Bishop stated, as he handed him the letter back.
"She’ll have enough to worry about with Death panicking; Charlotte’s soul is still unaccounted for."
“Do you know where her soul is, Cobra?” asked Bishop.
Cobra smiled slightly. “I am aware of where her soul is but exactly where it is, is unknown at this time.”
"Too bad, a soul shouldn't restlessly wander."
"In this case it's a good thing; I'm hoping Charlotte will one day take out Death."
“Which will mean for the Doves…I remember hearing something from Dive about that the head Dove forfeits everything for leadership including their immortal soul?” asked Bishop, as he turned to look at Lolita who was talking with his wife Anna.
"That is true, the Dove leaders have no afterlife to look forward to, only oblivion."
“That means that Lolita will not have a chance at second life?” asked Bishop.
"None, but that sacrifice is what keeps you and the other Doves safe, as well as your wife Anna,"
Bishop sighed. "She must be very brave to lead with such consequences."
"Her family has lead from the start, it's her duty."
"You mean she had no choice in the matter? That’s not fair."
"How do you expect to make it fair? Take her soul before Death does?"
"I just might old friend; I refuse to let Lukara or any one under her banner to hold any power over any of the Doves, including the leaders."
Cobra smiled. "Defy Death then, save the souls of the Black Doves, just watch your back."
"I will, now enough of this seriousness, this is meant to be a celebration, and for one I plan on having at least a couple dances with my wife."
Cobra watched as Bishop walked over to Lolita and Anna. A few seconds later, Bishop and Anna are on the dance floor doing a slow dance to the music that is being played.
He smiled, it would take the others a while to get use to Bishop like this, but in the long run, everything will be fine. He walked behind them as they chatted about the new Bishop.
“I think he looks even sexier than he did before. I wish I had him first,” Myst said.
Tempest raised a brow. "You actually were attracted to him as a priest?"
Myst shrugged. “Point being, it was a look but no touch back then, now I really wish I could touch but Anna probably wouldn't let me."
Cobra smirked as he bent close to Myst. “You could always ask her if she’s into a threesome,”
Myst turned to look at Cobra. “Are you sure I won’t get my head chopped off for this?”
“What’s to lose, Myst? You could ask her privately if you could have sex with her husband and see what she says,” Cobra whispered.
"I will, later, tonight I'll let them enjoy each other.” Myst said.
“Oh come now, Myst. Surely you could ask her. Just wait till she goes to the punch bowl and ask her.” Cobra said, before he walked away from her.
Myst sighed; it was going to be a long night of watching Bishop dancing with his wife. She decided to head for the punch bowl and get something to drink, maybe a bite to eat. Maybe one of the other Dove males would interest her in a romp in bed if they do one night stands.
No Raptrin males even asked her if she would like to dance or even said no more than a few words to her as she picked up the glass and her plate and went outside to mope and to get some fresh air. She placed her glass on the railing when she heard a male sounding voice coming from below. Myst looked down to see a purple haired, brown feathered Raptrin male standing there. "Sorry, I didn't know this was occupied." Myst grabbed her glass and started to head back into the hall again.
"You don't have to leave if you don't want to," he called to her.
“I don’t want to intrude,” Myst said.
“Is something wrong?” he asked, as he climbed the steps to come more into the light of the hall. It was Rowain Ringdove, who was standing there.
"It’s nothing, just a small female problem."
Rowain smirked. "There's a male in there you’re interested in, but he'd taken, and you haven't had any in a very long time."
"How'd you know?"
"Your body language says it all."
“Am I that obvious?” asked Myst, embarrassed that her body had betrayed her in such a way.
"To the trained eye, yes, I doubt a common person would even have a clue."
Myst looked down at her plate and looked at Rowain. “I tried to hide my feelings for him.”
"And now it's too late?"
She nodded. "Wish I could get close but I doubt his new wife would agree."
Rowain raised a brow. "So the one you desired is Stormdoves, I don't think you have much to worry about from Anna, she's a common outsider, and I seriously doubt she could argue with you being his mistress."
“You mean he can take a mistress but wouldn’t that go against his vows to his wife?” asked Myst.
Rowain chuckled. "It's allowed under the white band, or if the marriage contract allows it."
Myst looked puzzled. “I am not sure what Bishop had placed within his contract to Anna, Rowain.”
Rowain smiled. “Then, let us find out by going to my cousin. She should know. Follow me,” Rowain walked in to the hall and headed towards Lolita. They both whispered for several moments. Rowain noticed that Myst remained at the door watching them. He smiled towards her and then turned to look at Lolita. Rowain walked back towards Myst.
“He can have mistresses five of them actually. Lolita must really want the Stormdoves to be back to enough numbers to survive for a long time to come,” Rowain stated in a low whisper.
"Does Anna know about that?"
"It's under the white band clause of the marriage contract."
“But what would happen if she refuses to accept her husband’s mistresses?” asked Myst.
“She will be slain by the Shadow, and her husband is given a set time to mourn her loss and then is told to find a new wife,” Rowain stated.
“Are you a Shadow?” asked Myst.
"No, Kester Flashblade is, I'm simply a council member."
“If Anna refuses to accept Bishop’s mistresses she can be killed right?” asked Myst. “I’m just curious about Dove society that’s all.”
"Right, almost every Dove is trained in combat, depending on rank will depend on how refined their skills are."
Myst looked over towards the dancers to find Bishop and Anna no longer there. She missed the chance to get laid by him. “Great, just great, he’s gone. Are you married by chance?”
"Yes, my wife is an assassin, why do you ask?"
“And by what I do not see on you, means you probably can’t take mistresses either. I am so out of luck tonight,” Myst moaned, as she headed towards the stairs.
"I can do as I please, and have whom ever I wish, it was something both me and my wife agreed upon in our marriage contract."
"Why would she agree to that?"
"It was an arranged marriage; Lolita insisted that there be another with McDove blood in case something bad happened to Charlotte. Good thing too considering Charlotte is dead and Lolita is incapable of bearing children."
“You mean she’s barren? She must feel very incomplete…,” said Myst.
“Like you feel because you haven’t had any in how many years have you been celibate, Myst?” asked Rowain. He found her to be quite thrilling.
"Chronologically or on my own personal calendar,"
"Chronologically, since I became a Jeditor before the vendetta, which is by my own calendar, about 20 years."
Rowain was shocked. Here stood a female duck, who had never taken a mate in her entire life. He needed to find Bishop and get them together. Rowain spoke, “There is a room that we use for our guests, go there and wait for me. I will not be long.” And then he was off.
Myst was wondering if he was running off to get himself ready to mate her or what. Rowain did have a sexy body and he did look really hot. She did wonder what his package looked like but then the image of Bishop’s package came into mind and she was back to thinking about Bishop. She did go to the room and sat on the bed wondering who would be walking into the room – Bishop or Rowain. Both would be cool but she knew only one would walk in.
Rowain found Bishop at the punch bowl and he asked, “Did you know that Myst is a virgin, Bishop?”
“I didn’t know that. I always assumed she was seeing others.” Bishop stated.
“Know what her deepest desire is?”
“It’s to lose her virginity to you. She loves you, Bishop and you can have five mistresses beyond your wife. Any children born to your wife and to your mistresses are Stormdoves by blood. Myst awaits you in the guest room. Go to her or I shall and mate her in your place,” Rowain stated calmly.
"What! How can you make something like that so simple?"
Rowain raised a brow. "Easy, do you wish her to be by your side or mine?"
"I don't know, Myst has always been a warrior, and an enforcer of laws and tradition, I haven't the slightest idea on how to approach a woman like that."
"She sounds more Dove then Anna will ever be."
Bishop sighed. "I'll go to her, but don't tell Anna, not yet at least."
“Anna will not even have a clue,” Rowain said, as he watched as Bishop as he strolled out of the hall and towards the room which held Myst in. He felt a hand on his shoulder.
“Mission accomplished?” asked the male voice.
“Yes, Myst will be making love tonight to Bishop, Morningstar.”
Bishop entered the room to see Myst sitting there, mumbling something to herself. He knew she was trying to convince herself that he wouldn’t come to her side for a mere dalliance. He has so much love in his heart, she doubted that he would include her in his heart.
He snuck up behind her and put his arms around her and nuzzled her cheek. "Why did you never tell me?" he whispered.
“That I loved you or that I was a virgin, Bishop?” asked Myst, as she kissed him passionately.
“Both, Myst,” Bishop stated, as he kissed her bill passionately and then started to remove her shirt as he kissed her neck.
“I’m not sure, maybe I was embarrassed for my feelings of love was to a priest and someone who I could not touch in this manner,” spoke Myst, as she felt his hands pulling her shirt off of her body and removing her bra. “Oh that feels good.”
"I'm not a priest no more, Myst." Bishop said as he gently nudged her to lie flat on the bed as he kissed his way from her neck to her breasts. He smiled as his left hand went underneath his pants as he stroked his shaft erect.
Myst blushed. "I didn't know that till after your marriage."
Bishop kissed her again. "Are you sure you want this?"
Myst smiled. “Yes, I’m sure. I want you buried deep within me, Bishop.”
Bishop smiled before he removed her pants and undergarments. He kissed his way from her breasts to her clit where he probed her warmth with his fingers and his tongue. He felt her buck against him as he probed her warmth with expertise fingers and tongue.
“Oh Bishop! Take me please!” Myst cried out as she pushed her hips against him as he mimicked the motions of intercourse with his fingers.
“Not yet. Come, I want you to meet him,” Bishop said, as he brought her to a sitting position and held her hand next to his rod. “Go a head and touch him.”
Myst’s hand gently touched his rod to find it silky and soft. She was at awe for she never knew that his penis would feel this soft. She stroked it with her hand before she got bold and claimed his rod with her mouth.
“Oh Myst, yes, that’s right, sweetheart. Oh that feels good. Keep sucking,” moaned Bishop, as he pushed his hip towards Myst, making her take him deeper. It was no more than a few minutes later; he spilled his seeds into her mouth. Myst swallowed the offered seeds.
Myst looked up at him and whispered, “Take me now, Bishop, I want you.”
Bishop smiled as he leaned her against the bed as he stroked himself hard again and then with the tip of his penis toyed with her clit until it was well lubricated, Myst was close to climax when he entered her warmth. Bishop paused when he reached her barrier. Bishop wrapped her legs around his waist as he gazed at her. He whispered, “Myst, I’m at your barrier, when I count to three, I will penetrate your warmth fully with my rod. It will hurt for a few seconds before it fades.”
“I understand about the pain. Please enter me fully.” Myst whispered, as she was growing really hungry for his rod to be placed fully within her. She wasn’t even really surprised by the width and length of his rod.
“One…two…” spoke Bishop, as he slammed his rod through her barrier and into her warmth completely.
“Three!” cried Myst, as she squeezed her eyes shut as he was right. The breaking of her barrier was painful more than she had really realized.
Bishop stayed still for a few minutes as the pain was fading from her body. Once, the pain left, he started a rhythmic thrust in her body which was nice and slow before it started to go really hard and deep. It was no more than fifty deep thrusts into her warmth before he emptied his load into her warmth.
Bishop collapsed against her as he felt his rod jerk couple more times as his seeds flew into her. “Myst, I would like to ask you something?”
“Ask me what?” whispered Myst, as she ran her hand over his back.
"Would you be a mistress to me?"
“Yes, I would love to be your mistress if I have first right to become your wife, if your wife dies in child birth or is slain for attacking me or your other mistresses that you may take,” Myst said, as she kissed his bill.
He smiled. "Agreed," he replied as her pulled her close to him.
Rowain watched them from the window of the court yard. "Morningstar, why are you pulling these strings?"
"Because you need him, he has a lot of power and it will flow though his children."
“I think it is because you need us, you returned the last of the Stormdoves to us and then give him several ways to have more children. You want us for allies for a war that is not yet here, right?” Rowain said.
“You are perspective, Ringdove. But to answer your question, I want him happy and deeply in love and if it means returning what you thought was lost so be it.” Morningstar said, as he gazed at the two lovebirds starting another round of sex in the bed.
Rowain sighed. "Well if the time ever comes that you need us, we'll be there."
"I'll remember that," Morningstar said as he vanished.
This story is now done
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