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Reviews for Dark Dreams, Forbidden Fantasies

By : GeorgeGlass
  • From MajorWRLL on August 19, 2016

    I hope if there is a sequel that we escape from the dream and they act on their desires in real life.  I would love for Vanessa to love her father and not her mother.

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  • From FairySlayer on August 15, 2016

    Chapter 3 was a lot of fun, getting to see Linda and Ferb's separate normal fantasies as they were slowly "corrupted" and the two came to meet. It was interesting that Ferb was able to realize it was a dream so easily early on, and more so that he figured out that somehow the real Linda's personalities and experiences were mixed in. Then Linda eventually coming to the same conclusion once their dreams merged was actually rather sweet, giving her a chance for some intimacy with her adopted son even if quite a bit different than nursing Candace and Phineas. ;) I almost laughed out loud when the size of his desire translated to the size of his cock, and lucky that Linda was so understanding of that – and of dream physics making it possible to deal with it. Nice job of using his expressions to carry most of his communication, and it was very sweet when he answered in words when it was most-important for Linda to hear.

    (The only big problem with the chapter is that _smaller_ black holes radiate away more quickly than large ones. It does feel counterintuitive to me, too, but perhaps the Hawking radiation from larger black holes is more likely to soon fall into the event horizon, or that both particles of the virtual pair are more likely to fall in together.)

    Chapter 4 was just downright awesome: Candace and Phineas realizing it was a dream too and then deciding the only way to make it over was to *really* go for it and dig for the deepest, darkest fantasy. Phineas' desires were actually rather tame, and Candace's dream logic about being able to make it feel good even if it doesn't was hilarious but also genius. After that it was terrific hardcore fun for both, and now I can hardly wait to see what Candace will say now that it's her turn to admit to her perfect incest scenario.

    For both chapters I loved the perfectly-timed cutaways to Stacy & Ginger and Suzy & Jeremy (especially!), respectively. Also, now that all of the Flynn-Fletchers in the merged dreams realize that they're actually sharing the experiences it was cute how the women made sure to swear the boys to secrecy before really letting loose. The only question is this: Where has Lawrence's dream-merge led him to? (Hopefully not someplace with bats or badgers or other dangerous creatures that begin with B.)

    Thanks for all the fun. :)

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  • From ANON - PhineasandFerbfan on August 15, 2016

    Well, you certainly updated much faster than I had expected you to, but I'm glad to see the update. In response to your review reply, I am impressed by the thought you put into this concept and the different way it plays out between Phineas and Candace on the one hand, and Ferb and Linda on the other, what with the latter two being more mature and in comparison to Candace specifically also more laid back about the whole thing.

    In my own story, I tried to handle the Jeremy issue by taking the scenario which canonically is most likely to cause a rift between Candace and Jeremy - Jeremy being one year older than Candace and thus heading to college earlier leaving Candace worried what he'll get up to there, as evidenced from Across the Second Dimension - and then pretty much amplify every flaw in their relationship until Jeremy breaks (Candace's obsession over the fact that he's not with her, her jealousy of other girls, putting her obsession with busting her brothers before hanging out with him) and acknowledges that their long-term relationship isn't going to work. I want to send you a link but I'm not sure if this site is as strict with censoring out links as its sister site is - anyway, it's on the non-adult counterpart to this website, followed by the code /s/11719508/1/. I hope that works.

    With regards to your actual update, I'm surprised that Phineas actually does have dreams like this, even if he knowledges there aren't a lot. And I like the fact that he instantly manages to come up with the theory that they're meant to do more and live out their fantasies in order for the dream to finish.

    Although rewatching the Skiddley Whiffers episode I didn't notice anything peculiar in that scene, I can certainly buy Phineas having an odd fascination with Candace's butt because of another episode, the Father's Day one. There's a scene near the end where the whole family is hugging Lawrence, except Phineas who puts his hands on her butt and lays his head against her back with a broad smile on his face. It hardly makes sense for him to do it in context and it really is a 'what' moment, but it does make sense that if Phineas had a subconscious thing for Candace's butt he would take the chance to snuggle up to it. And you made Candace have good reasons for agreeing to it, even if the shipper in me would have wanted to see Phineas slightly envious at the fact that Candace mentioned Jeremy and so clearly distinguishes between this one-time dream thing with Phineas and her real world relationship with Jeremy. But I know it would take a lot for Phineas to get jealous.

    I guess it says something about me and my usual reluctant approach to sex scenes that although of course I wanted to read about Phineas and Candace having sex, I liked the fact that Phineas is turned on so much by the fact that Candace actually wants him to do this the most. They're experiencing, enjoying, and loving each other in a way they've never done before and although Phineas is always good-humored and undeterred by Candace's treatment of him, not even realizing her aggressive approach to busting them means she wants them to get in trouble rather than just telling their mother about the fun things they do, it must feel so good to have his sister act sweet and affectionate and welcoming to him for once.

    Nice work!

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  • From ANON - PhineasandFerbfan on August 12, 2016

    Hello, this is the same Phineas and Ferb fan who reviewed the earlier chapter(s). Like most of the other reviewers, I’m not nearly as invested in Ferb/Linda as I am in Phineas/Candace, if only for the age gap, the fact that Linda is married and the fact that it’s hard to see them as a serious ship where it’s just about possible to imagine Phineas and Candace actually getting together. But since this story as a whole interests me, I’m happy to see you’ve updated at last and I’m kind of curious how you’ll approach it, I’ll try to give it an in-depth review anyway.

    I see you’ve taken the same approach as with Phineas and Candace – splitting up the dreams and having the more eager part of one seduce the less eager part of the other for maximum effect – but you’ve located the dreams to a lab and a cruise ship, rather than just Ferb and Linda’s bedrooms (well, picking Linda’s bedroom would be awkward because Lawrence would usually be present, so I see why you did that – even if Ferb would of course normally be in Phineas’ room, and there was no trace of him there last chapter. Oh, well.)

    The fact that Linda justifies everything by acknowledging it was a dream, while Phineas and Candace took the whole ordeal a lot more seriously from the start, is interesting… and then that brief Stacinger interlude to prove other people do indeed have incest dreams caught me off-guard. I don’t think anyone has ever shipped that ship before.

    And then Ferb believes it’s a dream too – until Linda makes that one mistake. That’s a nice twist, especially because he’s so curious and sciencey (and probably other reasons he doesn’t want to acknowledge) that he goes ahead with printing her anyway.

    Part of me feels this dream is a bit less realistic than the experience shared between Phineas and Candace, because of the overemphasis on the fact that it is a dream and the fact that Linda and Ferb don’t really try to resist unlike Phinny and Candy did. I can’t imagine real-life Ferb and Linda starting a relationship sooner than Phineas and Candace would. The whole situation seems a lot more dreamlike and without repercussions on the real world than the last chapter.

    In response to your review reply, I wanted to thank you for writing that and saying that upon some reflection I agree with you on the whole feelings-vs-hormones thing, that Phineas might feel closer affection for his sister but it’s Candace who would be grappling with teenaged hormones and physical desire towards her brother. It’s a bit of a paradox – on one hand, Phineas is the more reactive of the two and the one who is least interested in romance and sex in general, but I can’t see Candace ever seriously going for her brother without Phineas making the first move. I’ve written a lengthy Phindace story myself (which didn’t include sex, which made it slightly less complicated overall) in which I had to juggle Phineas being the one having a relatively innocent crush on his sister and him wanting to make a move but still being inexperienced in those matters, while Candace is the one who knows all about those things and urges but tries to resist them because this is Phineas, after all.

    It is all in all a very interesting scenario, but now you’ve made me all the more interested for what happens next on the Phindace front. (Like, for instance, the question of how long the conversation between the 'What in the world did we just do' moment and the 'So, wanna try that again?' moment lasts.) Here’s hoping we readers won’t have to wait too long!

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  • From SWK on May 27, 2016
    As promised, there's my other review. I loved the fact that you approached Candace/Phineas first, as I must admit I was more invested upon them than Linda/Ferb. I mean, L/F could be set in another way, Ferb probably doesn't have memories of his biological mother, and the fact that he had touched her tit could put another road in their dream, one that has him reaching up to her with the angle of "breast feeding", which Linda could or not enjoy, and end up being the instigator for something far more intimate. (I just hope she downright dominates the whole thing, as it's quite obvious that she might or not be a quite powerful woman in bed...)

    But going back to C/P... it was interesting to see that Candace dream version was actually far more aggresive than Phineas version, which is actually closer to canon. Phineas is a quite recesive or reactive boy, while Candace has been obsessing on trapping him, on getting him, on winning... there must be quite a lot of frustration that she had obviously released there, which could do her a lot of good, or a lot of bad. She sadly tend's to repress many things... But here she was forced to let it go, to stop repressing her feelings all over, which ended up with her busting her brother, but not exactly as she had thought she would.

    I simply adored the final dialogue, the "Wow" and "Yes" felt so Candace that I couldn't prevent the smile on my lips.

    Thank you for writing, as always.
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  • From SWK on May 27, 2016

    I've been gone for quite too much, and there's a lot of new stories here to read,even better there are a lot of new stories from *you* to read, and that's quite good in my book. I must admit that I'm quite surprised by the premise on this fic, as it's obvious that you're expanding on the fandom, quite curious indeed, for I've been thinking among the same lines regarding Candace and Phineas... (More about the fact that Candace seems far more attached to Phineas than anyone else, even Ferb or her parents...)

    As always, the way you make the characters look so close alike to their canon counterparts is admirable, you're on point and how you slowly build up things are to say the least, engaging and damn rigth addicting...

    I'm dying to see what's going on, how is going to happen and the consequences, and while the Ferb/Linda is an interesting premise, I'm far more interested in Phineas/Candace. (Ferb is a good character, but he's simply... a blank state at some points... almost made to be perfect in every sense... while Phineas at least lost some of his perfection as the series advanced...)

    Thank you for writing, and sorry for taking so long to read you.
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  • From FairySlayer on May 20, 2016
    It was pleasant enough to read about a beautiful day at the beach, but then the happy accidents happened and it was clear that no one would just forget about it. You did a wonderful job setting up how each of the characters, once alone with their thoughts in the dark, dwelled on their innocent encounters to the point where they weren't so innocent anymore.

    The dual seduction of calm partial-Phineas and somewhat more urgent partial-Candace was very well played, especially since their seductive dream counterparts had those properties – a complimentary flavor to their real-live selves perhaps? Once their dreams merged and they got down to some sweet passionate lovemaking it was quite enjoyable: the pace was good, and their climaxes were quite satisfying even as a reader. I'm not a total incest fiend, but for some reason it just felt "right" that they should finally enjoy intimacy instead of that weird level of background enmity (which is mostly Candace, yes, but it's not like Phineas ever tries to tell Linda that his big sister isn't a nutjob).

    The fact that they ended up in Candace's bed (though in a shared dream, I'm assuming) suggests that her desire was stronger than his; maybe that explains why the Phineas "dream tempter" was so much more calm than temptress Candace. (Or maybe I'm just reading way too much into it. :) )

    So awesome job so far. I look forward to chapter 3 and beyond. Thanks.
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  • From Jomahawk2694 on May 20, 2016
    Well,that was certainly one of the more intense things you have written. I really liked it though, and I cant wait for the next chapter :-)
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  • From ANON - PhineasandFerbfan on May 16, 2016
    This has got to be the best PhineasxCandace story with sex scenes in it that I've ever read - not that that's up against such stiff competition, admittedly. But it's still unusual for a pornographic story to include a Perry-and-Doof scene that, although clearly meant to move the plot along, is plausible given what usually happens in those scenes, and even the whole contrived coincidence thing - Phineas, Ferb, Candace and Linda experiencing something sexual on the day Doof launches that specific inator - is plausible in PnF context. And I suppose it's not unreasonable for that kind of inator to connect people who were thinking about each other as they fell asleep.

    The characterization is sufficiently good as well, especially considering the whole dream nature of the story making stuff possible that wouldn't have been otherwise. I like the little details such as Doof's fears being public humiliation and giant bats, and Candace arranging her plush toys to make it look like she's not big on them anymore, because they make the fic feel grounded in the show.

    It's a bit odd how there are only short scenes before you switch from one POV to the other. I'm glad you didn't intersplice the Phindace stuff in Ch. 2 with Ferb and Linda too, because that might have made it far too complicated. I think I might have preferred it if you had just one Phineas and Candace sharing a dream from the start, but this does make the concept more original and the wish-fullfilment (relating to the sex scene) more realistic. But I suppose there might be more of that in one of the next chapters, right? The fact that the actual sex scene was so short made it feel a bit off, but I guess that was because they were in pretty deep (figuratively) at that stage. And you got me intrigued with the idea of 'accumulated desires of a lifetime together'. I hope you'll expand a little on that in a later chapter.

    The way Phineas and Candace giving in to their respective fantasies unites them in one dream is also good. It's interesting that Candace giving in to Phineas is happening at the same pace as Phineas giving into Candace. I would have imagined Phineas to be the less resistant one, given he canonically often acts more fond of Candace than she does of him. (Not that canonCandace doesn't love her brother, but the strength of Phineas' feelings towards her is pretty remarkable sometimes.)

    Now I'm kinda curious what the FerbxLinda scene will be like, but I'm even more curious to see the aftermath of the whole story. That'll probably be... awkward. But what happens next is hard to say at this point, so I'll wait and see.
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  • From TheallmightyUltimix on May 10, 2016
    Well, this is certainly different from your usual. Glad to see another P&F story from you, I'm looking forward to the next chaper.
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  • From Jomahawk2694 on May 09, 2016
    Glad to see this one finally getting the limelight (or whatever you would call it in a dream)
    Greatly written, the characters are on point, and the inator was a great idea :-)
    Can't wait for the next chapter!
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