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Reviews for Candace's Perfect Body

By : GeorgeGlass
  • From Yahegai on June 08, 2023

    "I just don't get it, Stacy. We're fifteen years old--fifteen!--and not one curve. Most girls our age are on the express train to Boobtropolis with continuing service to Gazongaville, while we're stuck in Flatsylvania Station without a ticket!"

    This, I love this, this is one of the many many masterful wordplays you have made

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  • From Yahegai on June 08, 2023

    Sweet story, greatly erotic with a nice tasteful ending to top it off

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  • From Jomahawk2694 on November 24, 2013
    While this ending wasn't as hot or erotic as your other tales, that doesn't detract from this story at all. Its a very sweet tale, with a very clear message that looks arent everything, and that when you find the right person, they will love you for you and not what cup size you wear. Like I said before, I do hope for another Candace centered story sometime in the future, but thats just me. You know that whatever you write, I will be there to read it.
    Keep up the good work!
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  • From Jomahawk2694 on November 24, 2013
    As strange as this is going to sound, I was actually hoping for a bit more Candace x Linda. Just something to maybe consider for a future story. However, the mental image you painted of Candace more than made up for it, and Stacy is very hot in her own right, so in the end this chapter was still a solid 8/10
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  • From Jomahawk2694 on November 24, 2013
    Ok. So this first chapter does a very good job of setting up what is to come. I know im a bit late reviewing this, but it's still a good read. I hope you do another Candace centered story some time in the future
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  • From FairySlayer on August 23, 2013
    It's a fun and sexy little tale with adventure plenty even if it stays in one room. A light setup made for a fun intro that got out of the way quickly. Then your description of future Candace put an image in my mind that rivals pretty much ever piece of fanart I've ever seen of her. No wonder Linda was so drawn to her and was tempted to do very naughty things with her little girl. For a moment I wondered if she'd had any desire for women at all until Stacy came in and proved it wonderfully. Nice explanation of how keeping her head turned away from Candace let her get out from under the spell, and thankfully (for their friendship's sake) left the memories of the encounter behind.

    The visit from Jeremy was terrific, especially as Candace decided to go ahead. I can understand her getting caught up in the heat of the moment and then realizing the consequences afterwards. What's sweet and scary was her thinking about how she'd used him, even if not intentionally, to fulfill her fantasies, and then the pregnancy fear was another way to raise tension. Thank goodness there was an off switch to the effects and Jeremy won't remember. Now I have to wonder what would happen when they finally got to that point of their relationship. Something fun to muse over. :)

    One thing about the inator though: Heinz should build and sell a handful of them because I'd pay just about any price and I'm sure he'd make a fortune. Charlene would be happy too if he didn't need alimony anymore and could pay for all his building repairs himself.


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  • From andrewmyles on July 19, 2013
    A very good story! It is one of these rare stories which actually seems to fit into the general likeness of the show! The premise is EXCELLENT and completely plausible for this universe, the jokes are funny, very funny, I believe the "common sense" hasn't been used in the show, and the ending is actually educational.... sort of. The middle part, i.e. that-part-of-fanfiction-when-they-fuck is somewhat short and it feels rushed. that happens until Jeremy comes in, though his initial reaction is slightly off charact-

    [[ You DO realize that this is just to fap, right? ]]

    Yeah, whatever, it's a great fic.

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  • From ANON - Anon on July 14, 2013
    this is a good story
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  • From ANON - Anon on July 13, 2013
    will you be putting up more stories of phineas and isabella
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  • From ANON - Wheatherman on July 12, 2013
    I really like this story, well written for the most part, not grammar errors that I, someone who sucks at grammar, would notice. And most importantly it does feel like an adult version of the show, which most fics on this sight seem to forget to do.

    However Candace talking to her common sense is getting a little annoying, and makes Candace seem crazy and not in the way she actually is.
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  • From Aysha on July 12, 2013
    Wow that was fucking awesome! Your story is funny, sexy, and shockingly well written. You only made a few modern mistakes, like leaving the ly off of certain words. Though perhaps you did that because that was what Candice would have done.

    When I saw that you used the wording (in which) to avoid the end of sentence preposition; I was floored. Even I rarely do that myself because so few people who read fan-fiction even know what a preposition is, let alone the fact that you're not supposed to end a sentence with one. So to you I say, kudos, and I am looking forward to your next chapter.

     Sincerely Aysha.
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  • From coldfang66 on July 11, 2013
    You've got an amazing grasp on these characters! Your other stories were awesome, and this one looks like it'll be just as good. I've said this before, that the thing that seems to trip up aspiring authors the most is dialogue, but yours is just as high quality as the shows. Looking forward to the next chapter :)
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