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Reviews for Bitter Alliance

By : Looneyluna
  • From ANON - Emily (SxK_YGOfan) on December 14, 2006
    Interesting. I am really curious to see where you're going with this. I hope everything turns out happy and ok though! = S
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  • From ANON - J on December 14, 2006
    as always i loved it! put me on your update list you can! Love your stories!!
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  • From ANON - Spleef on December 12, 2006
    ... Whoo. That was worth the wait, and a AWESOME read.
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  • From ANON - chris on December 10, 2006
    BRAVO!!! I just found this for some reason.. Oh I think I read the first part of the first chapter way back when and decided that Zuko was mean and didn't continue! *doh*

    Very well done! (as usual) I am so glad I found this! I hope you are feeling better.

    Updates on both stories are anticipated eagerly!

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  • From ANON - Scorpinac on December 10, 2006
    Glad to hear it all worked out okay. Can't say this where I thought this story was going to head, though it was nice to hear about Azula - let me guess, Ozai figured he didn't really nead a female heir anymore, or she tried to oust him herself unsuccessfully, and that was all she wrote? Hehhehheh. But what of Mai and Ty Lee? They still around by any chance? Well, can't wait for the next chapter. Laters!
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  • From ANON - killertrees on December 10, 2006
    Hey! I put my email address in, so I hope you can see it. You mentioned that you would be willing to send out updates on the story or whatnot, and it'd be really nice if you would add me to that list! This story is amazing! I can't get enough! You so win at life!
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  • From ANON - Emily (a.k.a. SxK_YGOfan) on December 09, 2006
    Hey! So glad to see an update! Can't wait for more! I am so glad you're recovered and feeling better! That's what's important! = 3 My very best wishes to you in the coming weeks. I hope things go great for ya! Happy Holidays to you, and great job with the story too! Can't wait for the next chapter! = 3
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  • From ANON - Scarylady on December 09, 2006
    EEEEEE!!! More twists and turns and crazy plot goodness! :3 I am seriously looking forward to seeing how this will play out.
    Excellent job! :)

    Also, I'm glad your hands are better :)
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  • From ANON - k15 on December 08, 2006
    for a moment there I thought Zuko was dead.
    Zuko: Please no author can kill me off. I'm too good.
    Me; Actually...
    Zuko: Don't say itKayko.
    Me: Sorry, anyway, great chapter. I'm enjoying this. I can't wait to see what happens soon. So whenever you want to update again please do. Later. K15
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  • From ANON - J on December 08, 2006
    I have no words--that was amazing! update as soon as you can!
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  • From ANON - k15 on December 07, 2006
    What! The end of the fic!
    Zuko: Weren't you listening?
    Me: I was, but right now there is no more. I wanna know what happens. I'm so into this.
    Zuko: *shrugs* Makes sense
    Me: true true. Anyway, keep up the good work. Until next time. Later. K15
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  • From ANON - Minniemayh2o on November 27, 2006
    I was absorbed into your world. This is a fantastic peice and I hope your surgery goes well...or you get someone to type for you *wink* I've always been a fan of Katara/Zuko pairings and this just juststifies how perfect they are for each other. They both drive each other a little insain but they also keep eachother sane, contratictory sure but wow what a combo! I found myself wanting to comfort Katara and standing beside Zuko in battle. This was to say the least, awesome
    Good luck with your surgery

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  • From Carelessl on October 26, 2006
    I think this story is marvelous and I hope you have a speedy recovery
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  • From ANON - Scorpinac on October 26, 2006
    Hmm, very nice, and either this will turn out to be a dream of Zuko's, or Ozai probably isn't quite dead yet either. Oh, well. Either way, good luck with that surgery, hope it works out okay. I will await patiently. And I think you meant "Pun is intended", not "Pun in intended". Just saying. Laters.
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  • From ANON - Review-Dee on October 26, 2006
    Wonderful story, beautiful. :)
    The first chapter especially was amazing, you could feel everything- and the mood was perfect. Morbid and yet allring with tiny sparks of hope. Chapter two, however, though still wonderful, a bit dull. It seems as though a lot of the times, chapters were repeated with little change in storyline besides the fact that time has passed. I'm glad things are picking up a bit with the new update.

    Another thing that I have to add, is I think that this story sticks out a lot from the others. There is a good healthy amount of smut, and yet that's not all too it. It carries along with it romance and a very amazing storyline.

    Oh, and I hope surgery goes okay. :D I have mild carpal tunnel, I can only immagine how horrible it would be sevre.
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