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Reviews for Dark Dreams, Forbidden Fantasies

By : GeorgeGlass
  • From Yahegai on June 10, 2023

    With the amount of times his inventions have caused people to have sex in your very lovely stories, Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz should just become a well hung fairy that fulfills people's deepest sex desires

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  • From ANON - Codename Greengras on January 14, 2017

    Good evening Sir,


    I must admit that I love your story. Bounded in the "real world" by moral standarts and society... the protagonists not only overcome this burden through a shared dream... they fullfill their deepest fantasies with each other. Only to have a bittersweet end... You wrote a fine piece of art...

    The loveliest part was indeed capter three where Phineas and Candace discover and explore their mutual affection for each other. What started as a slight "Oops" moment in chapter one paired with our beloved villain and his machine has gone much deeper for the sibling...

    It was a near perfect start for their adventure... the only thing I could mourn about is that the complete scenery was about the raw lust which both shared. I really like it (not to misunderstand me) but I missed/whished to read more about the feeling (which a part of them shared)... not only raw "fucking", more about real making love. Expressing the feelings, gentle exploring the bodys and passionate making love.

    Even if I didn't read about that in chapter three... it bounced back with the bittersweet end in chapter eight.

    You are little malecious, you know (don't get me wrong). First you eradicated my hope because the protagonists came at the end of the dream to the conclusion that there is no possibility for their adventure in the real world. But not only that... Than Linda and Ferb can't remember a thing... only their subconscious seems to remember what happened..

    But then... but then you wrote to sentences:  

    "... They raised their heads, and through their bleary eyes, he looked at her, and she looked at him.
    And they knew...."  Only to two sentences... but they are so strong filled with emotion. (that saved it for me)...Phineas and Candace remember what they've done in the dream. Now it's in their hand to seize this opportunity or let it slip away. What will they do?


    Nevertheless, you've done great job, my dear. Even if you don't plan to write a sequel about that joyful ride... I hope I will find it in the near unknown future. (and hopefully the boundaries will cast away and both join... and enjoy the compannionship in real life.


    My sincerest thanks,



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  • From ANON - PhineasandFerbfan on December 03, 2016

    Your final chapter, and ergo my final review. It's been a while, but it was worth the wait.

    First of all, may I ask why AYA depressed you? I mean, from some of the other fanfics you’ve written and the fact that you inserted that reference to Isabella in the fic I get the sense that you do ship them to some degree, and I think if I watched an episode in which a pairing I shipped became canon I’d overlook the issues with the episode itself (Phineas and Ferb not inventing and living different lives, Phineas supposedly having a crush on Isabella for years which no one picked up on or told him was reciprocated until all of a sudden everybody does, only one mention of Candace, and a whole load of other things) as long as it gave me the canonicity I wanted. (By contrast, I was depressed by AYA as well, but that’s just because I despise Phinbella.)

    I can understand the impregnation fetish thing – getting them a baby is the most definite thing you can write to underline that any relationship is a big deal. Or at least, that’s how I would rationalize it. And no, you were right that I’ve never been married – maybe that question was indeed a little bit naïve. I’ll defer to your knowledge on that one.

    Phineas being in denial about Candace yelling at him is certainly the most likely explanation for his love for her throughout all her mood swings. Personally, I think he's genuinely oblivious to what 'busting' really entails, believing it's just that Candace wants to show their mother the great things they do so badly because since he is convinced what he's doing is all just fun and Candace loves him, the thought of any of it warranting punishment or Candace wanting that is alien to his mind. The yelling, on the other hand, is something he would just overlook not because he doesn't notice it, but because he can see the big picture and knows Candace loves him, so although the things she yells sometimes still sting none of it actually means anything in the long run. And all of them being in denial about something is a very accurate observation.

    I'm glad to see Phineas wanted to do this again sometimes, but of course Candace would fancy herself responsible enough to shut it off. (I'd imagine part of that is genuine moral/practical concerns, while the other part is that she knows she couldn't date Jeremy if part of her wanted to have sex/romance with her brother again.) And it's nice to see Candace admit that yes, the sheer amount of obsession she has with (busting) her brother is definitely a little... odd, from a shipping point of view. They'll always have the memories, though. Now I do wonder whether, if this Phineas ever ends up with Isabella, he'll have wistful flashbacks to this moment with Candace during or after their first time.

    I liked the Heinz-Vanessa non-scene. Looks like Doofy's night wasn't quite as disappointing as he'd imagined it to be - though more disappointing than he would have hoped for. Yes, it's probably for the best that you didn't go there. Considering how much Heinz sees Vanessa as a little girl and how much of an overprotective Dad he is, and how frustrated Vanessa can be with him sometimes (and how different he is from her dream guy) writing a sex scene between those two in a plausible manner would require a lot more story investment than befits a casual scene like that.

    That dream certainly exhausted them, didn't it? (Although I have a hard time imagining chipper Phineas saying anything in a "please kill me now" voice, even under these circumstances.) And Vanessa even got exhausted despite nothing really happening with her... even though she did have to walk around the castle all night, so I guess that would have been tiring enough.

    I definitely liked the fact that you ended the story on a Phineas/Candace note rather than on a Ferb/Linda note (heck, you didn't even mention explicitly whether Ferb and Linda would ever remember) because even taking into account my bias to that part of the story it definitely felt more like a Phineas/Candace story than a Ferb/Linda one to me. And the way you put that, that "his sister's touch somehow kindled a warm sensation inside him" definitely shows there was more to these two characters' coupling than just physical relations. I would definitely imagine this to have an effect on their relationship from here on out.

    Let me finish my review by commending you on your work, and seconding the request for a sequel - even if I'm not sure what that sequel could be about without it being a rehash of this story. I'm sure it'd still be a good tale, though. Anyway, well done!


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  • From FairySlayer on December 01, 2016

    Chapter seven was quite touching actually, with such a sweet and complete fantasy of the strongest love. My only concern about having a dream baby together is the heartbreak of realizing she never really existed, but for the story it really was something poignant. Of course how he got her pregnant was pretty intense and sounds like it'd be really painful in real life, but their dream is a very safe place. Also, it's nice to know that Linda doesn't begrudge Lawrence his fantasies either. One noticeable typo: "the tight channel of her vulva" (I know that you know the proper anatomy cold.)

    The final chapter was a nice way to cool down and end on a high note. Their dream conversations were nice bittersweet "goodbyes" to the exceptional intimacy that the characters had just experienced and tied up the loose end of "What do we do after we wake up?" quite well. I was afraid I'd feel disappointed if they didn't resume their sensual, lustful, incestuous ways in real life, but they women talked it down nicely. So in total I'm only about as bummed as Phineas was, but that means being cool with it too.

    Seeing everyone exhausted in the morning was a nice return to reality and a little fun. It's better that they can't remember their dreams, though the hints of residual emotions was very sweet, especially the warmth Phineas and Candace felt when their hands touched. Maybe things will improve between them even without the need for sexual intimacy. Also, I'm glad Ferb realized the mistake in what he could remember of his dreams. :)

    As for a surprising lack of disappointment, it was great that Doof got off scott-free on the effects, thanks to his daughter's rational propriety. I can totally understand why she was exhausted anyway, as the thought of exploring some gorgeous old Gothic mansion had my imagination running away with me just from the briefest description. (Why couldn't she have found my room instead?)

    Thanks for creating and sharing such a terrific, passionate, and very loving story.

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  • From ANON - renatamer on November 29, 2016

    we need a followup to this hot little story... either one where they wake up in each other's arms after another night of sex-dreaming, and/or finally give in to their needs in the waking world...

    and Lin dose get pregnat

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  • From ANON - PhineasandFerbfan on November 26, 2016

    I agree affection between family members is something the show could have had more of, even if it is never entirely absent - Phineas and Candace hug a couple of times, after all, and she affectionately rubs his head during the finale. Ferb and Candace's relationship is clearly a lot less close than Phineas and Candace's is, in part because she probably finds it difficult to communicate with him and he came into their lives later, while Phineas and Candace have always had a bond no matter how strained it gets sometimes during the show. And I imagine the affection they show for each other over the course of this dream would make it stronger than it had been before, particularly from Candace's side as Phineas is now someone whom she knows more than ever she can trust. But of course that depends on how exactly the dream ends.

    I think my strong reaction to that reference to Isabella was because I've long since de-canonized Act Your Age in my mind and view the rest of the show as entirely separate from that, so any fanfic which takes place during the show and tries to link it to Act Your Age instantly takes away my enjoyment of the story. I can't imagine Phineas getting Isabella, of all people, on his mind while he's making love to Candace - I could imagine him getting Candace on his mind while he's making love to Isabella, but that's a different story. (Speaking of making love, I did a word search of the fic and I found out that although there is a kiss or two between Ferb and Linda, the word kiss is never mentioned for Phineas and Candace. I suppose it's implicit that two people who are having sex would also kiss from time to time, but it's just a bit odd that it was never stated outright.)

    With regards to the actual chapter you posted... well, I can't really say whether Ferb wanting to make Linda pregnant is a likely or an unlikely fantasy for him. It's certainly something in line with his mature tendencies, and he does have a quirky side, so I guess it is feasible. I had been wondering what that 'Preg' tag was all about, considering that it's highly unlikely that anything that happens in the dream world would carry on into the real world. 

    I liked the flash-forward. It seems like a nice compromise between actually fulfilling the pregnancy fantasy and the reality that it's only one night.

    Also, Lawrence and Vivian? I didn't really expect that one, but now that I think about it it seems logical. Although there is one thing - Linda and Ferb are in each other's dreams because they were thinking about each other before they fell asleep, and the reason for that is the mildly sexually charged encounter that they had the day before. Same with Candace and Phineas. But assuming that not everyone in Danville happened to have a semi-sexual experience with someone else during that exact day, for what reason would Lawrence Fletcher have been thinking about a woman he isn't married to?

    I will continue to follow this story with great interest as both couples have each had their sexual fantasy, and we're in wholly new territory for what happens next.

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  • From ANON - PhineasandFerbfan on November 19, 2016

    Well, you said the next Phindace chapter would get very psychological, and it definitely did. I was a little startled by Candace's fantasy of being younger (which at first sounded a lot more innocent to me than her mother's fantasy with Ferb) but like Phineas favoring Candace's butt, that's something that makes sense on some level - Candace is always trying to be mature, but that's for a lot of reasons, and it's very psychological to think that deep down she might want the opposite or at least yearns to be free from that desire for maturity. It's also interesting because both in the episode of the story I wrote that I mentioned earlier, and in its prequel story, I toyed with devices that could change ages. The fact that Candace is usually so much older than Phineas but in many ways less mature makes age a factor/kink that is a lot of fun to play with.

    The little Gretchen/Buford interlude is a natural extension (albeit a very, very far extension) of their dynamic in that one scene from the Halloween zombie special in which she's so assertive and Buford expresses that he's so in love with her. I don't think anyone shipped Gretchen/Buford until then - I think most people saw Adyson as being the most assertive of the Fireside Girls and therefore the natural shipping choice for Buford, with Gretchen appearing to be much calmer and meeker. But as this story shows, everyone has a side of themselves that's very different from what anyone might expect.

    Phineas holding Candace's hand to reassure her that she can tell him her fantasy is so sweet.

    I have to admit that I would probably have preferred it for Phineas to stay about eleven because sixteen and six/seven is a rather big gap. The fantasy is certainly more... well, unusual than I thought at first. And the fact that Phineas knows exactly what to say once he's gotten the baseline down to comfort his sister that he's the bad one and she's innocent surprised me a little too, but I suppose their minds are at least a little affected by the physical change, making them act more mature/childlike respectively. Guilt is definitely something Candace would regularly grapple with, so to be in a situation without that... well, I can see how that would appeal to her.

    I understood the situation a little better once you clarified that Phineas knows this is what Candace needs to hear - he has to be the bad one, because if he's good in any way then she would start carrying some of the responsibility and this fantasy is about her not having that. It makes him uncomfortable (even terrified once) but he's doing it because he loves her so, so much. (I think I'm beginning to repeat myself here.)

    (As you probably noticed, I tend to write my review as I read the chapter in order to be able to give my full reaction to the story rather than miss something out, and I tend to have issues with the start of your chapters that you assuage fully as they progress.)

    I liked the ending, which was sweet, particularly the "but they never let go of each other". There's so much love there - from Phineas' side especially, but to some degree also from Candace.

    There was all in all only one part of this chapter that I really disliked - the reference to Phineas possibly subconsciously being attracted to Isabella. Not only because I think it doesn't make much sense given Phineas' character (and even if you do take AYA into account, this happens way before Phineas would have developed feelings for her) and that he doesn't express any such emotions in the show, it is also a Phindace story (well, Phindace and Ferlinda) and having Phineas be attracted to another girl really distracts from the reading experience, in my opinion at least. They're experiencing such a loving, intimate moment - let's not spoil it by bringing in Isabella.

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  • From FairySlayer on November 18, 2016

    That was pretty deep, actually: Candace didn't just want to have Phineas take charge but she was even more keen for some way that she could let it happen without being blamed for any of it at all. The age switch was quite thrilling, especially for a chance to see Candace not only as a tiny girl but also for her to be so retreating and demure. Teen Phineas certainly drove home the point that she was helpless to stop him – so much that I actually thought she'd ask him to ease up a little. (How many times can someone tell you something is not your fault before you become absolutely convinced that it is? Or is it just me? ;))

    In any case, the "abuse" was actually a lovely and tender lovemaking, though with an eagerness and energy to make it as satisfying to read as it was for loli Candace to experience. It's also quite a milestone in their relationship that she could trust her little brother to know that she has these feelings and especially the fears that go along with it. Again, what's the waking world going to be like once the -inator's effect has run its course? Thanks for another lovely and titillating chapter.

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  • From SWK on October 05, 2016

    And nailed it. I love it when you keep your own continuity in your stories. Linda like's it rough. And this was more about her despite how submissive she was being. Liked it a lot, as it forces Ferb out of his comfort zone, he adapted quickly, that he did. But it's part of who he is, and he did it only because Linda not only asked it, but was enjoying it greatly.

    The ending though, it killed me. Nearly lost it there, so... Irving was expecting some action, (though, I've been thinking that maybe he's gay, and had a hard on for Phineas and Ferb, especially Phineas, and might see Isabella as competition... but the, he was a character created to despict how the fans were acting). Now he's going to get some action, but not the one he was expecting for.

    Thanks for the update, I think I'm going to give Whoop's a chance, I'ven't seen The Loud House yet, but I've been watching lot of fanarts of the series, so I kind of recognize who's who. And if you're doing them, then they're probably quite close to canon as they can be.

    About the SvsFOE story, I'll give it a pass and wait till you reach the end. I'm a fervent Starco supporter, they're my OTP in that Fandom, and I really don't like to read about them being with anyone else in such a fashion. Shallow, I know, but, everyone haves their quirks...

    I'll leave you some reviews on Whoop's if I like it, soon if I can. If not, then in a few days.

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  • From SWK on October 05, 2016

    Well, I guess they're still going to go at it for a while. I mean, this was based on Phineas desires, but then, Candance is pretty much also desiring it, so this also for her. She wants to know, and Phineas might be truly the first one to approach her in such a fashion.

    I must admit that I'm reading this because for some reason, I've grown to like the idea of Candance/Phineas/Isabella. Don't know why, or how this come to be, I just knew that it had become my interest nowadays.

    I wonder, will Candance in the next installment -if there's one-, going to talk with him about how he's ignoring Isabella? I mean, Candance as submisive is a good idea, but I don't think that she's entirely completely sub, those two are a good mix I guess, sooner or later she needs to approach the deal with her taking charge and commanding him. Maybe even approach one of Suzie's methods to control her brother, (just to enjoy it, not to control it).

    I almost forgot in the last review, I love those little snippets about others, that come out when one of the main characters says something in particular.

    Thanks for the update, as always you're the best author in this entire fandom. Your take and control of the characters is topnotch, and so, so good that it often feels like a real episode. I've attempted to do my own fic, but my muse completely refuses to cooperate.

    Still thanks for the update, there's a lot to read in.

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  • From SWK on October 05, 2016

    I've to say, that this is exactly why I don't like Ferb on a sexual basis. He's a contradiction. I'm not sure if I can explain it. He's certainly, far more adult than Phineas, to a point that I feel that sometimes he must feel kind of tired of hanging out with him, but not much. He certainly loves his brother and family. But while Phineas can also be a contradiction, he's also quite naive and inexperienced in other areas that Ferb apparently isn't.

    But you've managed to capture how complex he is and not make it feel like a robot. Or a boy trying too hard to be an adult and failing and being textbook like.

    I love the fact that it's his mother who's approaching this whole thing on a more adult point of view. In fact, he still keeps that feeling of "being more experienced" due to how studious he might be, but that in the end, it's his boyish enthusiasm and his mother soft but firm hand what's guiding him into a more relaxed and natural way for him to approach it.

    The whole envyronment is fun, almost like a cheesy novel. Which I mean, she probably loved. It's not something that's going to happen in real life, so she's enjoying it much better... and for what it's.

    I guess the next batch of their dreams would be one with a more adult and experienced point of view. This dream was more about pleasing Ferb, and Linda guiding him thorough the whole thing, I guess there's one were things are going to get a little wilder, as you've implied in other stories that she might like it rough at some times.

    Sorry for taking so long to leave reviews, I've been busy, and living in the hell hole of a country hasn't helped me either.


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  • From ANON - PhineasandFerbfan on August 30, 2016

    I'm glad to see you writing more of this story (and I'm just as glad to hear you're considering reading mine as well). Like the last times, I'll start this review by responding to your review reply by saying that you're right about Phineas and Ferb being about eleven - in the episode Phineas and Ferb Quantum Boogaloo I think Linda says at some point that future PnF are thirty years old and they're twenty years into the future, and that episode takes place before Phineas' birthday, so ten or eleven is about right. Of course Act Your Age puts the date of the boys heading off for college about ten years in the future, but that's only the tip of the iceberg of things that are wrong about that particular episode.

    Your review replies consistently show a good grasp of characterization, and I certainly hope we'll be seeing more of Phineas' and Candace's thoughts on this later on. It's very interesting to explore how characters can want things on some level they don't even know they want, and especially with a young, oblivious character like Phineas who hardly ever expresses views on romance in the show and certainly shows no interest in it, it's a challenge to write him convincingly. And of course Candace is a different story of her own. All in all, I think you're doing well with them.

    With regards to the actual chapter, it's interesting that Ferb is both more sensual and more invested in the scientific aspects of the ordeal than Phineas. I think that captures both aspects of his character really well, how he's more introverted and analytical but at the same time he displays a greater interest in and knowledge about girls and society as a whole.

    The multiple Ferb/Linda scene was strange, even though of course Ferb would take full advantage of the scenario to multiply himself if that was what Linda wanted, while I liked your emphasis that Ferb was deliberately going out of his comfort zone to talk more in order to make the fantasy work. It's an unusual (although I suppose not uncommon) fantasy and enacting it in a dream-environment with someone(s) she trusts was probably the best circumstances under which it could be realized for her.

    Baljeet's interim scene was surprising because I don't think we've ever seen him interact with Stacy's mother before. Isabella's Fireside Girl scene was great in terms of humor because since Isabella isn't able to live out her fantasies about her crush in this scenario it's natural that she'd be with the Fireside Girls, considering her scouting activities are her other main interest, and thus within the context of the story an orgy almost seems logical, and then you pull the scenario back 'down to earth' as it were by acknowledging that even in dreams, earning a Lesbian Orgy Patch is a step too far into the bizarre for the Fireside Girls. Nicely done.

    I'm interested to see what Candace's fantasy will be. It probably won't be as extreme as Linda's, although it probably would be something Phineas would never conceive of and which might make him uncomfortable under normal circumstances - but given that it is a dream and how much he loves his sister, he would most likely go along with it anyway. Phineas is devoted to Candace, which is one of the reasons why I ship them so much.

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  • From FairySlayer on August 28, 2016

    Chapter five was an interesting bit of roughhousing. To me it didn't quite reach the level of "rape play" but it's definitely safer to have the warning when something smells like non-con. It was a neat bit of development for Linda to have the truck-stop fantasy in the first place, and so much sweeter that she could play it out with someone as safe and loving as Ferb (and Ferb and Ferb…). Good thing it seems to have been as satisfying for her to experience as it was for me to read. The goopiness and her "bath" aren't quite my thing but I do understand it; plus it was a great opportunity for the loving touch of Ferb gently washing her afterwards – another kind of role-reversal I was happy to see play out.

    The cutaways were good: I'm glad Baljeet landed himself a horny doctor in the dream lottery, plus it's always nice to see him being assertive. Isabella's proclamation was funny and the follow-up by the other girls then herself definitely dissipated any WTFness due to canon. (Wish I could say the same for one of my more-complex PaF stories…) I really like the idea of Irving getting some well-earned loving, though I'm a bit sorry we didn't get to see it. Guess I'll just have to imagine it for myself… :)


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  • From TheallmightyUltimix on August 27, 2016

    Aw, I was hoping to see a scene with Isabella and her mom. Oh well, not my fic so not my place.

    But seriously, Irving? That guy couldn't get any pussy even in his dreams.

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  • From Orso on August 23, 2016

    Great story i hope you aren`t done yet with it like to see what candace comes up with

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