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Reviews for That Gleam in Her Eye

By : GeorgeGlass
  • From NaokoSword on March 30, 2024

    Do you think you'll do a new story for Inside Out 2?

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  • From Yahegai on June 10, 2023

    Sad that Joy got couped at the end but the story is greatly sexy

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  • From Nytefyre on March 04, 2019

    Fun to see the other emotions take over in the end.  Them having to cooperate - and lust being a part of joy was truly inspired.  

    Thanks for writing and sharing.

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  • From ANON - Titus on June 23, 2016
    Thank you for this well crafted, funny, and genuinely charming treatment of InsideOut. One of my dearest companions is Pixar family and worked on every film since Cars; she is going to love this!
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  • From kingofbeast2000 on December 11, 2015
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  • From kingofbeast2000 on December 11, 2015
    that was a awesome story but I did'nt like the end.
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  • From MickGesitt on August 24, 2015
    I followed the link in chapter 3 and saw your response to me review. Thanks!

    But I also saw your response to the other review were you said "the rest of the story is now posted".

    Does that mean this is the whole story? Please tell me that's not true! There's gotta be more!

    What you have no is so much fun. The emotions are well written and in character. The flavor thing was a fun bonus. And the Triple Dent gum gag was brilliant.

    So I'm really, really, really hoping that you continue this story with that day where Riley's in that situation where she can no longer contain her joy.

    #FREEJOY! (I'm totally taking credit for starting that trend)
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  • From Jomahawk2694 on August 23, 2015
    Aaaaaaaand now joy is in a cage, and if she stays in there for long, I'm going to boycot this story. Riley already went through the apathetic feelings that come with having everything you know and love stripped from you. She is NOT an emo "my life fucking sucks!" Type person.
    PLEASE don't leave Joy locked up for long. I'm with the other reviewer. I'm on this site for the smut, and yours is the top shelf, 300 dollar a bottle cognac compared to the 2 buck piss warm beer that makes up 90 percent of this site. Still, nice to see Joy trying to fight back
    Keep up the good work, and #FREEJOY!
    P.S. Please make a running joke out of the Triple Dent Gum like they did in the movie XD
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  • From Jomahawk2694 on August 23, 2015
    Finally! A high quality, no bullshit Inside Out story! I LOVE the emotion sex, and Riley responding as such was amazing! My only thought is "why was joy so reluctant to have the others pleasure her?"
    Anyway, keep up the great work;-)
    Oh, and the inclusion of the triple dent gum memory made me laugh till I couldn't breathe XD
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  • From MickGesitt on August 20, 2015
    So since everyone else tastes like some kind of fruit, I'm guessing that Anger tastes like cherry.

    I enjoyed the first two chapters of the story. But the third chapter shows why Sadness shouldn't be in charge. Five minutes in the driver's seat and she[s turned Riley into one of those annoying Emo-Kids.

    Here's hoping Joy escapes her prison soon. I'm not on this site to read about angst and poetry. I'm here for the smut.

    She will not be contained forever! FREE JOY!
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  • From lb54 on August 17, 2015
    I can't lie, I am intrigued as to where you're gonna go with this.
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